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PHYSICS - Ch-3 Current Electricity
Ch-4 Moving Charges and Magnetism


Chemistry – Ch-2 Electrochemistry and d & f Block elements (Inorganic Chemistry)


Biology – Ch-4 Principle of Inheritance and Variation

Ch-5 Molecular basis of Inheritance


Computer Science –File handling in Python and MYSQL


English – Flamingo (Prose) – Ch-2 Lost Spring, Ch-3 Deep Water

Flamingo (Poetry) – Ch-2 Keeping Quiet


Fine Art – The Modern Trends in Indian Art

Practical – Painting Composition


Political Science – Era of One – Party Dominance, Political in Planned Development

The End of Bipolarity, Contemprory Centres of Power


History – Ch-2 “Kings, Farmers and Towns”

Ch-3 Kinship, Caste and Class


Economics – Ch-2 Some Basic Concept of Macro Economics

Ch-3 National income and Related Aggregates

Ch-4 Measurement of National Income


Business Studies – Business Environment, Planning, Organising


Accountancy – Ch-3 Admission of a Partner

Ch-4 Retirement or Death of a Partner

Information Practice – Python Pandas (Series) + MYSQL


Maths – Differentiation, Higher Order, Rate of measurement, Increasing and decreasing


Applied Maths –Matrices, Determinants, Differentiation, Linear Programming


Physical Education – Ch-2 Childrens & Women’s in sports

Ch-3 Yoga as Preventive measure for Life-Style Disease

Ch-4 Physical Education and Sports for CWSN(Children with special


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