ch- the end of biopolarity

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lowing in chronological order \sion of Afghanistan Berlin Wall fon of the Soviet Union volution ‘olution (1917) sion of Afghanistan (1979-1989) in Wall (1989) ‘on of the Soviet Union (1991) the following is not an outcome of ion of the USSR? ideological war between the US and the balance of power in the world ¢ Middle East Middle East wing Jorbachev | (i) Successor of USSR PY (ii) Military Pact (iii) Introduced reforms (sin (iv) Economic model (v)_ President of Russia y (dy; (iii) > (a)s (iv) > ss. political system was based on the military alliance started by the ‘ty dominated the Soviet Union's em. 6. Mention any thrce features that distinguished the Soviet economy from tha capitalist country like the US: Ans-me three features that distinguished the Sovi Ae country like the US Were 9: from that of a capil follows li) The Soviet Union was a jor means of production a a property were owned maj Tritte state while in capitalise countries like US Pyovery can be private and business can be {ndividual, ity of wealth umy focused upon ea! iisteibution among the people ao aes the capitalise economy of US doesn't Henrer about equitable distribution of resources acer aigers inequality as a major driving force for people to do better ies like that of the Soviet Uni the peopl Tike the economy of (Gi) The Soviet econor and its balanced (iii) Eeonomi jon created dnd ensured employment for e. On the Contrary capitalist economies Cie were not responsible for unemployment people and did not guarantee employment e the factors that forced Gorbachev to T.wpatwe \ OU titiate the reforms in the USSR? CBSE 2012 “or Explain any six factors that forced Gorbachey 10 CBSE 2010 initiate reforms in the Soviet Union. Ans.The factors that forc in the USSR are = To keep the USSR abreas technological revolutions while sed Gorbachev to initiate the reforms st of the information and taking place in West. «To normalise the relationships with that of the West + To democratise and reform the Soviet Union. © To loosen the administrative system by which the ‘ordinary people were exempted from the privileges « Rusia dominated everything and people from other region felt neglected. « The Soviet economy became stagnant bec productivity and shortages of all consumer goods use of low i aus comprising Takia (toy Genural Ase a,Arenla and Kazakh Sn Serre agrees 12 be conclvded Jen open fo Prmeral and energy resources forte Agradaton of tt economy ' Many Ea Erne iberablised and most of them pane part of the West and NATO. (vt) Many new counteies emerged with th Wd choices. The idea of liberal faced as a way 1 organise political 1c independent aspirations an democracy su ie yest way 10 9/Awhat was shock therapy? Was this the be make a transition from communism to capita ‘ins. shock therapy was the process of transition from an uthorilarian socialist system toa democratic capitalist System, that was influenced by the World Bank and the IME ‘Shock therapy is not considered as the best way to makea transition from communism to capitalisin because + The economies were ruined and there was disaster upon the people of the entire region +The large state controlled industrial complex almost Collapsed in Russia. The valueable industries were Undervalued and sold at throw away prices + The value of the Russian currency ‘Ruble’ declined + Due to high rate of inflation people lost their all savings. ne PolItlcal Scien, aulino nwith proposition. Fuld change its fore Ee ei friendship th the 7 focus méjtional frien eine seu es deci bilateral agreements ave bee 0 sen india and Russia 25 a pay, Aiperienced betw fhe indo-Russia 5! (iui) India has been be Hike Kashmir, enc'g) rategic Agreement 0 Fitted from its relationhi y supplies, shar the issues the is0tjom on international terorist, access inform sia and balancing its relation with china \ia’s nuclear plane also important for In ain India’s space industry by giving and ass to nda whenever nec omen with Russia and it republic (+) Gocperaion Furkmeniatan in the form of Kanaan investment in Ls as als Peneired India a) Renta also benefited from Indla on found o uss ngen arms market for Russa, Ine a co taont of its hardware from Russi oy Russa ad nda have collaboration on various Scientific projects aso (iv) Rassias and assi ke 2. what d 3. The wall belongs t ib) USA to the Ans. (a) Germany 4. What is the motive of the people regarding the wall as shown in the image given above? (a) To build the wall (b) To break the wall {¢) Beautification of the wall (4) Declaring the wall asthe symbol of war Ans. (b) To break the wall sinc. Very Short Answer Type Questions ee 1, He Soviet economy was more developed Ae world except for the US after the end of the Second World War Substantiate the statement with any one fas example. CBSE 2019 'Ans. After the end of the Second World War, the Soviet ‘economy had developed a complex communication ‘etwork and vast energy resources including oil, iron and Steel. It had a domestic consumer industry that produced everything from pins to cars, So, it is true that Soviet economy was more developed than the rest of the world after the end of the Second World War. (wo ferences bees NE hate or der buet any eet alo she coca sept ams a us benefited by he ya ofr once restuct OE ove asintextatk case 2015 rit estes simtgration 08 ME fast Us was bent he US rsa ont ofthe USSR seam Union wed much ofS Th Sve an mama iy ae sates Bate OPS and ‘pin the Soe 59 faigign anyone maj dsinton Gg et economy apd the cass case 2015 economy. |e covet ystem was based onthe PS Sra and planned economy cored BY 18° rereas in capitalist economy, private ownershit aera el and productive assets ar owned and Controlled by the capitalist. am become SOE ae me yy sagoantes nes so weak and ns ng FeBSOS the soviet polit a filed (0 esponsibl eeople were # many years 1 jonable as of 5 THUS ie "and military arse nies in Baste fea thew Soviet Syste The use of lat Tstaining lest maelapment of ts 53 writin te Sov Sater and stagnauins @ Nee same time, the onaioaal ard At the ge of rapid advancement wows wh the sytem of the discal and psychotosical shock. 2.Explain any four issues of tension + the former Soviet Republics _Ans.Four issues that made the former Sov! To tension and confict were as follow ing over river waters. This led (0 Instability mid made life difficult for dhe ondinaey peopl ffferentiate between the capitalist and the socialist ‘modiels of development ‘case 2014 (as.pitference between the capitalist and the socialist models of development are Socialist Model In this model, means of The socialist model production can be owned favours state ownership bythe individual which of means of production State ownership is and individual ownership here. is prohibited. model isto extract model is the social maximum profit from the welfare of the masses. mark i doesn’t recognise the It upholds and recognises principle of equality and the principle of equ ‘widens the gap between and secks to create rich and poor. egalitarian society. Production is carried out ‘The socialist model is on demand and supply based on mass production basis. swith no profit motive. 4. What do you mean by Arab Spring? Mention any four causes of Arab Spring. “Ans-the Arab Spring was a series of pro-democracy uprisings that developed largely in the Muslim countries, including Tunisia, Morocco, Syria, Libya, Egypt and Baharain. The event in these nations generally began in the spring of 2011, which led to the name Arab Spring. ‘The various causes of Arab Spring are as follows « The rise in the global crisis, such as the downfall in the oil prices during 2008-09. « ‘The rise in the price of food leading to food crisis gave rise to the political unrest especially in poor countries, «+ Increase in unemployment especially among the youths and females were one of the most important causes behind Arab Spring. Spread across the Ans.the examples that sup 4) Russia and India share a vi rnternationally {ivy india has been benefitted from tha osue hike Kashmir, energy s al Asia and balancing its inform centeeral China. (v) Co-operation Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan in tt dnd investment in oil fields har with Russia and ity (vi) Russia and India have collabor scientific projects also. G.what is the relationship betwee Russia? Ans.ndia has maintained good relatior ‘Communist conutries, but the stra Still these between Russia and Ind (i) Indo-Russia an relations are India foreign policy (i) In addition, the influence of visible in Yemen, Babrain, 1 similar protests by the peop awakening throughout the played an important role it spring. Such as the downf during 2008-09. The rise it youth bulge, education an people and democracy ga Self immolation of Mohai hawker of Tunisia gave a Spring, 8 westions Long Answer Type 2 Sa ger the heading te ie ‘istics of the Soviet ‘system ee as snaracteristics in the time period of ome federation on paper. 1 ee at ember eae Pell the wer union (CPSU) tated the ved the meant ee party nt Party of the Soviet ment and demi eitical decision-making. It strengthens Pethcple of democratic centralism whic Pep ePeissent on the decisions of the Upper Pa otis, Ts single party system was the norm (in) The most coloured feature ofthe Soviet System Was ihe propagation of socialism to oppose the effects ceatatiem, though later an, It was abandoned (stock therapy) 7 (iv) The Soviet economy was state owned and state ‘lanned sere state was the owner of the means Ef production thus, there was absence of private propery. {v) The Soviet System was characterised by a complex. communication network with vast energy resources like oil iron and steel, The state had a vast network of transportation to manufacture or transport goods to remotest areas. (vi) The Soviet System was based on state welfarism where the state was engaged in mass production t0 ‘meet the needs of the people. 4,/siighlight any three positive and three negative features each of the Soviet system in the Soviet Union case 2016 Ans. The three positive features ofthe Soviet system were (i) The Soviet economy was more developed than the resto the world except the US, Thad a complex Communicaton network, vast energy resoures, machinery production and ans connected its remotest areas. ae aid the count! B Au 5 ywerful Fisintegrate? cor Explain any 37° disintegrati cor Explain any fou disintegration | “Ans. Reasons for the * For answer refer Disintegratio f mat was the As. The Soviet syste a capitalism whic Jeads never end the masses. Its itself with mas needs. The Soviet syst social policies | system was <¢ 1917, based on Four features) (i) In Soviet role. Sta) (ii) The Sovie doctrine (ii) The Sov controlle enterprit (iv) The Sovi Commu Politics. 2008 wd of ex 110 016 1 nl Se ape r one soviet wi sen ve unin, the cond most 5 pee wry in the world, suddenly my any SEASONS CBRE, ge reagons responsible for the bees cia Cte ox epain any four facto EE were responsible for the Eee egraion of tie USS. cesta forthe st tegration of the USSR vege ‘under the heading, ‘Reasons bisimteerate ‘or Explain any 5 ‘Ans, Reasons For answer rele Disintegration’ res of the Soviet system fon the criticism of a a ae emvelnsy repr none i ihe ge enemas ee System was consti Py based on equality and planned economy. out features of the Soviet system are {i) In Soviet system, state was accorded an important ole, State was the saviour of the masses. (uy The Soviet system was an outcome of the socialist doctrine which secks to create an egalitarian society. (ii) The Soviet system's economy was planned and ‘controlled by the state. There were no private ‘enterprises or industries iv) The Soviet politcal system gave primacy to the ‘Communist Party with no scope for opposition in politics, It was a sign of authoritarianism. sat urned Inova gap BAS ed Questic ‘sr. No. 0 w wi) w) (iy Acot (i) Mai ity Act Gy AS aa. —

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