Rubric for Psychological Evaluation

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Grading Rubric for Psychological Evaluation

Below Standard Developing Meets Standard Exceeds

Identifying Information is not Information is Information is Information is
information, complete. partially complete. mostly complete complete and
assessments and clearly clearly
administered, and communicated. communicated.
reason(s) for
(20 pts)
Background Information is not Information is Information is Information is
Information complete. partially complete. mostly complete complete and
(20 pts) and clearly clearly
communicated. communicated.
Behavioral Information on Partial information Information on Information on
Observation behavioral on behavioral behavioral behavioral
(10 pts) observation is not observation is observation is observation and its
included. included. included. impact on
validity is clearly
Assessment Information is Information is Information is Information is
Results and incomplete and partially complete, complete and complete and
Interpretation interpretations are and interpretations interpretations are interpretation is
(35 pts) not clearly are not clearly mostly reported with
communicated. communicated. communicated clarity and insight.
with clarity and
Summary Synthesis of Synthesis of Synthesis of Synthesis of
(35 pts) information is information is information is information is
incomplete and is partially complete complete and complete and
not clearly and clearly clearly clearly
communicated. communicated. communicated. communicated
with depth and
Communication of Student does not Student does not Student Student clearly and
Assessment demonstrate an consistently demonstrates an consistently
Results (25) understanding of demonstrate an understanding of demonstrates an
appropriate understanding of appropriate understanding of
communication of appropriate communication of appropriate
assessment results. communication of assessment results. communication of
assessment results. assessment results.
Recommendations Student does not Student does not Student Student clearly and
and Application demonstrate consistently demonstrates consistently
(25 pts) insight, depth, or demonstrate logical thought demonstrates
logical thought insight, depth and processes in insight, depth, and
processes in the logical thought formulation and logical thought
formulation and processes in the application of processes in the
application of formulation and assessment formulation and
assessment application of recommendations. application of
recommendations. assessment assessment
recommendations. recommendations
Mechanics and Use of incorrect Some incorrect use Mostly consistent Consistent and
Formatting grammar, spelling of grammar, and correct usage correct usage of
(20 pts) and sentence spelling and of grammar, grammar, spelling,
structure. sentence structure spelling, and and sentence
sentence structure. structure.
Signature (10 pts)

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