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1 Vincent’s angina. 2023
2 Complications of Mumps. 2023 , 2018 , 2016 , 2014 ,
2014 , 2012
3 Myxoedema. 2023
4 Oral manifestations of HIV. 2023 , 2022 , 2021 , 2020 ,

Universal precaution and post exposure prophylaxis of HIV infection.

HIV transmission.
5 Aspiration Pneumonia. 2023
6 Diabetic ketoacidosis. 2023 , 2020

7 Treatment of Pulmonary TB. 2023 , 2022 , 2020

Anti-Tuberculosis Treatment.

Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program (RNTCP).

8 Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivostomatitis. 2023
9 Dengue fever management. 2023 , 2022

Dengue - Management.
10 Status Epilepticus. 2023 , 2023
11 Hemolytic Anemia 2023
12 Mucormycosis. 2023
13 Bacterial Meningitis. 2023 , 2013
14 Patent Ductus Arteriosus. 2023
15 Addison’s disease. 2023
16 Protein energy malnutrition. 2023
17 Atrial Fibrillation. 2023 , 2022 , 2012
18 Ludwig’s angina. 2023 , 2021
19 Complications of Malaria. 2023 , 2020

Treatment of Malaria.
20 Clinical signs of Aortic Regurgitation. 2022 , 2015
21 Bell’s palsy. 2022 , 2018 , 2015 , 2014 ,
22 Treatment of Cardiac Failure. 2022
23 Modifiable Risk Factors for Stroke. 2022 , 2016

Stroke – risk factors

24 Fallot’s Tetralogy. 2022 , 2022

Tetralogy of Fallot.
25 Rheumatic fever - Management. 2022 , 2020 , 2018 , 2012

Duckett-Jones Criteria for Diagnosing Rheumatic Fever.

Duckett – Jones Criteria.

Acute Rheumatic Fever

26 Scurvy. 2022 , 2018 , 2013
27 Nephrotic Syndrome. 2022 , 2021 , 2017 , 2013
28 Complications of Pneumonia. 2022 , 2013

Clinical features & treatment of pneumonia

29 Trigeminal Neuralgia. 2022 , 2019 , 2012

Clinical features and treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia.

30 Balanced Diet. 2022 , 2014
31 Kwashiorkor. 2022
32 Acromegaly. 2022 , 2018 , 2018 , 2013
33 Haemophilia. 2022 , 2012

Haemophilia A
34 Ascites. 2022 , 2020 , 2014 , 2011

Ascites Management.
35 Metronidazole. 2021
36 Coarctation of the Aorta. 2021
37 Hypertensive Emergencies. 2021 , 2021 , 2019 , 2014

Antihypertensive Drugs.

Causes of Secondary Hypertension.

Anti Hypertensives
38 Beri Beri. 2021 , 2020
39 Fraser Syndrome. 2021 , 2020
40 Hemolytic Jaundice. 2021 , 2016 , 2015 , 2013 ,
Obstructive jaundice
41 Analgesic Nephropathy. 2021
42 Hazards of Smoking. 2021 , 2020
43 Thrombocytopenia. 2021 , 2017 , 2017
44 Migraine. 2021 , 2016 , 2014 , 2011
45 Rickets. 2021 , 2015 , 2014
46 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). 2021 , 2016 , 2013

Adult Respiratory distress syndrome.

47 Complications of Portal Hypertension and its treatment. 2021 , 2017

Portal Hypertension
48 Investigations and Treatment of Thyrotoxicosis. 2021 , 2016 , 2012


Thyrotoxicosis-Clinical feature and management

49 Atrial Septal Defect. 2021 , 2017
50 Anticoagulants. 2021
51 Bronchiectasis 2020 , 2015
52 Iron Deficiency Anemia. 2020 , 2018 , 2013 , 2012

Causes of Iron deficiency Anaemia.

Haemolytic Anaemia
53 Clubbing. 2020
54 Myxedema. 2020 , 2017

Myxoedema Coma.
55 Gingival Hyperplasia. 2020 , 2018 , 2017 , 2012
56 Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation. 2020
57 Furosemide. 2020
58 Tetanus. 2020 , 2016 , 2013 , 2011


Hypocalcemia- Tetany
59 Chronic Diarrhoea. 2020
60 Dysphagia 2020 , 2012
61 Narcotic analgesics 2020
62 Central cyanosis. 2019 , 2017
63 Non-pharmacological management of Non-communicable disease. 2019
64 Color changes in oral mucosa and tongue with reference to systemic diseases. 2019
65 Bronchodilators 2019
66 Steroid Abuse. 2019
67 Hypothyroidism in children. 2019 , 2014 , 2012 , 2011
68 CML 2019 , 2015 , 2014

Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

69 Megaloblastic Anemia. 2019 , 2016
70 Status Asthmatics 2019 , 2016

Status Asthmaticus.
71 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 2019
72 GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease). 2019
73 Treatment of Acute Severe Asthma. 2019 , 2015

Acute severe Asthma

74 Calcium channel blockers. 2019
75 Clinical features of Hypocalcemia. 2019
76 Management of cholera 2019
77 Anaphylaxis 2019
78 Causes of Hemoptysis. 2019
79 Causes of Renal failure. 2019
80 Clinical features of Infective Endocarditis. 2018 , 2016 , 2014 , 2013

Prophylaxis of Infective Endocarditis

Infective Endocarditis

Prophylaxis of infective endocarditis in dental practice.

81 Treatment of Acid Peptic disease. 2018
82 Risk factors for Myocardial Infarction. 2018 , 2015

Complications of Myocardial infarction.

83 Oral hypoglycaemic agents. 2018
84 Acute glomerulo nephritis. 2018 , 2013 , 2012
85 Tropical Eosinophilia 2018
86 Glossitis. 2018
87 Lumbar Puncture. 2018
88 Penicillin Prophylaxis. 2018
89 Chicken pox. 2018
90 Ventricular Septal Defect. 2018 , 2014 , 2013
91 Pernicious Anaemia. 2017
92 Shock. 2017 , 2013 , 2013 , 2012 ,
Anaphylactic Shock

Shock-Pathophysiology and Management

93 Herpes zoster. 2017 , 2012
94 Mode of transmission and prophylaxis of Hepatitis B virus. 2017
95 Chronic bronchitis 2017
96 Diphtheria. 2017 , 2016 , 2013 , 2011

97 Splenomegaly. 2017
98 Oral Manifestations of Herpes simplex 2017
99 Jugular venous pulse. 2017
100 Complications of Diabetes Mellitus 2017
101 Tuberculous Meningitis. 2017
102 Beta Blockers. 2017
103 Acute Glomerulonephritis 2016 , 2012 , 2011

Clinical features of acute glomerulonephritis

104 Primary complex. 2016
105 Pellagra 2016
106 Gastritis 2016
107 Acute left ventricular failure. 2016 , 2014
108 Amoebiasis 2016
109 Syncope. 2016
110 Grand Mal Epilepsy. 2016 , 2014

111 Measles 2016
112 Emphysema. 2015
113 Cushings Syrdrome. 2015 , 2011
114 Metformin 2015 , 2015 , 2012


Metformin- Role in diabetes mellitus

115 Pneumothorax. 2015
116 Head ache 2015
117 Malabsorption Syndrome 2015
118 Sulphonylurea 2015
119 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. 2015
120 Miliary tuberculosis 2015
121 Cretinism 2015 , 2014
122 Typhoid fever 2015
123 Congenital Heart diseases 2014
124 Enteric fever 2014
125 Clinical features of Cirrhosis of liver 2014
126 Oral Manifestations of systemic disease 2014
127 Hemophilia 2014
128 Lobar Pneumonia 2013
129 Angina Pectoris 2013
130 Amoebic Dysentery 2013
131 Human Insulin 2013
132 Digitalis. 2013
133 Tension Pneumo thorax 2012
134 ACE inhibitors and ARBs 2012
135 Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). 2012
136 Local Anaesthesia and Reactions 2012
137 Echo Cardio Graphy 2012
138 Aphthous Ulcer 2012
139 Facial pain 2011

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