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TABLE 2, TRATT PATTERNS Trait Pattern Profile Configuration ‘Anxiety High Nervous/Composed Score High Depressive/Light-Hearted Score High Subjective/Objective Score Withdrawal Low Active-Social/ Quiet Score Low Expressive-Responsive /Inhibited Score Low Dominant/Submissive Score Emotionally Inhibited _ Low Expressive-Responsive /Inhibited Score High Sympathetic/Indifferent Score Emotionally Repressed Low Expressive-Responsive /Inhibited Score Low Sympathetic/Indifferent Score Dominant-Hostile High Dominant/Submissive Score High Hostile/Tolerant Score Socially Effective High Active-Social /Quiet Score High Expressive-Responsive Inhibited Score High Sympathetic/Indifferent Score Low Hostile/Tolerant Score ee eee ce eee eee eee eee Item Responses The item response page, which is standard for mail-in processing and optional for on-site processing, lists all of the individual's item responses (1 = Yes, 2= Mid, 3 = No, / = omitted). This information is provided for archiving purposes and for verifying that the responses were entered correctly (either manually or by scanning). Client Summary Figure 4 shows a sample Client Summary. This summary, which is standard for mail-in processing and optional for on-site processing, is-designed to be shared with the respondent. It presents the individual's scores in graphic form and lists descriptors for each of the nine personality traits. A narrative summary diplomatically describes the client's relative strengths and weak- nesses. Further emphasis on problem areas is then the responsibility of the counselor, should he or she feel that it is appropriate. Profle and Intepactioe Repost 19 Ficure 6. Courte’s SUMMARY Expressive- ae Depressive Response subgctvo Hosta a Me nantys I Actve Sasa | inaio | oomnant | setciecigtnod yy 0 —} { » Excolont © ° ° o ‘Acceptable « |—+ : » . «_ Improverient Needed Compose | Guise | __thalforont | Sibriseie | _Inpulshve gee, Indes onjctve “Tolerant Chuck OPPOSITES eee ‘Composed - Calm, relaxed, enauit Lght-Heared - Hapry, cheer optimistic ‘Quiet - Socslyinacivs, etharge, wicrawn Expressive-Responsive - Spontaneous, affectionate, demonstrative Inhibited - Restrained, unresponsive, pressed ‘Sympathetic Kind, understanding, compassionate Indifferent- Unoympathot, insensitive, unfeeing ‘Subjective - Emotion, logical, sitansorbed Objective -Fairminced, reasonable, logical Dominant Confident assertve, competiive Submissive - Passive, complan, dependent Hostlle- Cetea, argumentative, aunitve ‘Tolerant -Accopling, patent, humane Selt-Disciplined -Controled, mathosiea, persevering Impulsive - Unconrcie¢, dscrganzed, changeable Potions of thie profits reproduced by pertission fom the T~JTA Shaded Pree ‘Copyright 1967, 1984 Payerological Publeatons, Inc. and Robert M. Taylor. Chuck's Self-Report Your scores on the Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis are plotted on the Couple's Summary profile. Three of your scores are in the "Excellent" range. These scores suggest that your energy, outgoing and affectionate nature, sympathy, and compassion for others are real strengths that will help you in your telationships and interactions with other people. In addition, three of your scores are in the "Acceptable" range. These scores suggest that your calm manner, confidence, and self-discipline are additional strengths that will serve you well in many situations. All of these traits indicate good personal adjustment. Three of your scores are in the "Improvement Desirable" range (Depressive/l ight-Hearted, Subjective/Objective, and Hostile/Tolerant). You may want to discuss these scores with your counselor. 2 Uaens Guide ee ee

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