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Void of -H e isRavo id of co m m on se ns e.

• - m . wa nt in
h 1s . g in co mm o
63• •
1 an t0 1g m es n se ns e.
64 " of yo ur id le ta lk .
l • WarY of -I am wa ry ai se .
he r is re al ly wo rth y of pr
1: · \VorthY of -O ur te ac ar e ze al ou s fo r fre ed om
r- O ur co un try m en
1 • Zealous fo
al ou s in hi s wo rk .
167• Ze al ou s in -H e is_ ze
168• _

'lt suitableafpr..ep.....os...itianoneas:r.
~71.. HeHe lois ngdes .......... rest now.
. 2 ur wo rk .
s. 1 am sa tis fie d .. .. .... .. yo
ar ni ng .
. He ta ke s pr id e .......... hi s le
4 .... ric h pa re nt s.
6. Pt Ne hr u wa s bo rn......
fa nc y goods.
6. His fa th er de al s ..........
.......... m y pe n.
7. Sham ha s de pr iv ed m e
s. We should ha ve pa tie nc e .......... ch ild re n.
• . ng _th.i?
. .. ... . d0_1 s.
9. Why do yo u ~ rs ~ t ...
JO. I have al l th e qu al ifi
ca tio ns .......... th is jo b.
ce pt ab le . .... .. ... us .
JI. These te rm s ar e no t ac
d ... .... ... yo ur vi sit .
12. We ar e looking fo rw ar
ok .... .... .. th e m at te r.
13. The police will so on lo
·b ad ha bi ts .
14. We are sic k ....: ..... yo ur
... hi s ill ne ss .
11. He ha s re co ve re d ... .. ..

luert ·ta bl e pr ep os iti on s: 2. H e ca lle d m e .. .. .... .. na m

1. Ile died ..... .. a fall. 4. Sh e ha s no lik in g ..........
a. Horses feed .......... gr as s. 6. Lo ok . .. ... . ... th e blackboa
I. 1 am sorry .......... th e dela 8. H e does no t believe .......
... God.
7• 8he isc ar eIess .......... h er h ealh
t . e ne ck :
d •
8• I warned bi m .......... t h e an ge r. 10. I ca ug ht hi m .......... th
.......... prison.
11 e abstains .......... m eat and dr in k. 12 . Th e pr is on er es ca pe d

l'lu fa
th the ng . ns :
. 1o
• ht pr ep os 1t
the blanks ~ '"•
L Be was born 2. Sh e fell .......... th e riv er .
I. She aat •••••••••• 19 10 .
ou nd . 4 • Com e and s1•t ••• ••• ••• • m e.
• th e gr k.
I. lie 11 •• ••
. not fit ••••• .
6. I ha ve no t m et hi m ..... ..... la st w ee
t. lie baa •••••••••• th is workK. ol k ad di ct ed ... ... ... .
ga m in g.
his life ••••······ 8. H e is
,a._8 baasp
I• "'11 et at a.
• 10 • no t m
She 1s • te re st ed .......... ga m es .
n wor.king ••• •··.. m or m ng . . •
l. n.._
v\11' Path .
• de pa rte d ... ... ... . D el hi in h igh sp in ts .
ul e
I Il l ebU,ec1be •••••••••• diftic tie s.
18 aet 12 . H s
14 . I co ng ra tu la te d hi m .......... hi s su cc es
yo ur
~ - ........... you •········· ~ in th e ex am in at io n.
- - - - - - . . . _ -
1:.! I. <>hlig,•d to (~01nt •ont~) for (rion 1cthi ng}-l oblig ed to you
I:.!:!. ()bt,c lit•nt to-H nvi is obedi ent tu his purun
nm for this ki d
ts. n ncss.
123. ()ccu picd in-ll nri is <>ccupi~d in writi ng a novel
Occu pied witb -1'hc tcnchc-r is occup ied with his boys.
Offe nded with -The office r was offen ded with me.
Over com e with -On heari ng the news of his death ,
I was overcome with .
Over whel med with -The old n1an was overw helm ed
only son. with grief t th d gnef.
a e eath of ha
128. Part ial to-T he teach er was parti al to him.

129. Pecu liar to-T hese custo ms are pecu liar to this
130. Poli te to-B e polit e to your teach ers.
131. Pref erab le to-F reed om is preferable to slavery.
132. Popu lar with -Mr Sahn i is very popu lar with the stude
133. Popu lar for- He is popu lar for his polite behaviour.
134. Prom pt in-T his firm is prom pt in maki ng payment.
135. Quic k at-H e is quick at his work.
136. Qua lifie d for- I am quali fied for this job.
137. Quic k of-S he is quick of unde rstan ding.
138. Rega rd for- I have a great~ regar d for you.
139. Rega rdle ss of-H e has been work ing regardless of his
healt h.
140. Rela ted to-I am relat ed to him by birth .
141. Rele vant to-Y our rema rks are relev ant to the case.
142. Resp ectfu l to-B e respe ctful to your paren ts.
143. Resp onsi ble to (someone) for (som ethin g}-H e is
responsible to his officer for this
actio n.
144. Rich in-I ndia is rich in coal.
145. Sacr ed to-T he Gold en Temp le is sacre d to the Sikh
146. Sati sfied with -I am not satis fied with his progr ess.
147. Sens itive to-H e is sensi tive to cold.
148. Shoc ked at-I was shoc ked at my frien d's death .
149. Shor t of-H e ran shor t of mone y.
150. Sick of-I am sick of this dull life.
151. Sim ilar to-M y cap is simil ar to yours.
152. Sure of-A re you sure of success in this examination?
153. Sorr y for (som eone )-! am sorry for Mrs Gupta.
154. Sorr y abou t (som eone )-He felt sorry abou t the incident.
. . al . h
155. Sym path etic with -Ou r Princ 1p 1s symp at et • w,•th the poor students.
156. Tha nkfu l to-I am very than kful to you for your help.
~ T i r e d of-T he sick man is tired of life.
_ Tru e to-H e is true to his promise.
_ Usef ul for- Milk is useful fo: health.
_ Unf it for- He is un~t for this post.
Vain of-U sha is vain o(he rd~u ty.k i •
: Vened j n - S h e i s w e l
l verse in c o o
n g .

1 6 2

, -A e I/sh G,ammar and Composition

2'78 I App/RN ,_ng 1
to -D is h o n es ty is fore. ign to hi .
• ,m . . e.
fo re J ,., a tu 1s gi ft ed w it h a sw ee t voic
71. ·fted w it h -L
in g.
is gi l'e n to ga m bl
1B, G~ e•• to-11<.\ s.
d a t- I am g la d a t yo ur 8Ucces
od fur no th in g.
80· GIil d fo r- H e is go a t needle-work.
81• a;;d a t- S h e is go od
w ays be go od to ot
he rs .
82 • G d to -A l .
Goo 1s gr ee dy o
f mo~cy. r your help
gr at ef ul to you fo
83· Gre ed y o f- Il e
th m g )- 1 am •
pe rs on ) fo r (a
~- Qr11teful to (a il ty o f th ef t.
8[J. G jJty o f-
ll c w as found gu
rm fu l to he al th .
86•a: ri n fu l to -S m o k in g is h a
81•1Iealed o f- H e w as he al ed o f w ad vice of hi s elders
he ed fu l o f th e ers.
:· ge ed fu l o f- H
e is al w ay s
ns . li e w as he edless o f the dang
em y gu
• J{ecdless o f- li
e at ta ck ed th e en
di a.
90 Hostile to -P ak is ta n is hostile to In
• ccess.
91. ef ul o f- I am ho pe (u l o f m y su m ur de r of Mrs In di ra
.H op rr if ie d at th e
92 h e world w as ho
. Horrified a t- T in wor an d deed
d .
93 -H e is ho ne st
onest in
94. H e is ig no ra nt o f
th e tr ut h.
5. Ignorant o f- S h
9 il l w it h fever.
96. JU w it h -H e is } -H e is in cl in ed to
help you.
ed to (t en d to lp.
97. Inclin
am in de bt ed to you for yo ur he
98. Indebted to -I us e is in fe st ed w it h ra
ts .
h -Y o u r ho
99. Infested w it y ar ri va l.
fo rm ed o f- I in fo rm ed hi m o f m
100. In nt o f evil.
1. In no ce nt o f- A child is innoce cident.
in -H e w as in vo lv ed in a ca r ac he al th .
102. Involved
ar m fu J) -S m ok in g is in ju ri ou s to
103. Injurious to (h th at .
fe ri or to -T h is pe n is inferior to th .
104. In
to -H e is in di ff er en t to hi s he al
105. Indifferent in ti m at e w it h hi s of
w it h -H e is
106. Intimate ou s o f m y progre
s o f- H e is je al s.
107. Jealou
es h is ju ni or to me by two ye ar
l08. Junior to -R am
-H e is la m e in th e le ft leg.
l09. L am e ~ mistake.
-A ll of fS ar e liable to m ak e a
llO. Liable to al l se ns e of sh am
-H e is lo st to
lll. Lost to country.
to -O n e sh ou ld be lo ya l to one's
: : Loyal with anger.
4 M ad ~ th -H e was m amdar ri ed to Ram.
11 a was
Married to -S it brother.
1~ • w as m is ta ke n for m y ggar.
• .lfiata ke n fo r -I
to te ar s at th e si gh t o f th e old be
116 ov ed
v ed to -I was m .
117•;o -S el fi sh ne ss is na tu ra l to m an
118• N•t ur aJ to for health.
.ry fo r- G am es ar e necessary
119• N8Cea aa
torious for teilin
g lies.
fo r- S h e is no
iao: Notorfoua -1 am never negligent ;, i my duty.
er lf 1e nt fn Prspositions I 277
33. Born in-He was born in a rich family.
34. Born to-A son was born to her.
~ u n d for-This ship is bound for America.
36. Busy \\rith-1 am busy with my work.
37. Capable of-You are capable of doing great deeds.
38. Careful about-Be careful about your wealth.
39. Careful with-He is careful with his work.
40. Careful of-She is careful of her figure.
41. Certain of-He is certain (sure) of success.
42. Comparable to-The mud houses are not co,nparable to the buildings in your city.
43. Common to-The weakness for money is common to everyone.
44. Confident of-She is confident of her success.
45. Conscious of-I am conscious of my duties.
46. Contented \\"ith-1 an1 contented with what I get.
47. Contrary to-Her views are contrnry to mine.
48. Competent for-You are competent for this job.
49. Concerned at (about)-Everybody felt concerned at (about) the accident.
50. Concerned w· I am not C61UU!Tned with this business. -
. Concerned for-I felt concerned for your safety.
52. Conducive to-The climate of Shimla is conducive to health.
53. Congenial to-Physics is congenial to my taste.
54. Convicted of-He was convicted of murder.
55. Convinced of-I was convinced of his innocence.
56. Deaf to-He was deaf to my advice.
57. Deficient in Oacking)-She is deficient in English.
58. Devoid of-His stories are devoid of humour.
59. De~tined to-She was destined to be a queen.
60. Diligent in (hardworking)-Poor students are often diligent in studies.
61. Disgusted with-I am disgusted with your behaviour.
62. Doubtful of-I am doubtful of her success in the examination.
63. Engaged in (business)-We were engaged in an important discussion.
64. Engaged to (a person)-She was engaged to a prince.
65. Eligible for-You are eligible for this post.
66. Entitled to-I am entitled to this concession.
67. Endowed with (blessed with)-He is endowed with many talents.
68. Envious of-:-1 am not envious of your success.
~9. Exhausted with-I feel exhausted with work.
70. Faithful to-My servant is faithful to me.
71. Familiar to-Your face is familiar to me. • -

72. Familiar with-I am not familiar with the facts of this case.
73. Famous for-Delhi is famous for Red Fort.
74. Fatal to-Drinking proved fatal to him.
1r,. Favourable to-Circumstances are favourable to me now.
iO. Pond of-Ile is fond of music.

276 I Appliod English Grammar and Composition

av e to ba d ha bi ts .
,v e to -D o no t be a sl i.
1 a st ra ng er to Ch en na
76, 6tta 1l ge r to -I am success.
at -E ve ry on e ex pr es se d surprise at hi s
tfl· 6ut'Prise e poor.
fo r- H e ha s no sy m pa th y for th
18, 6 pa tb Y
te fo r- Sh e ha s a good ta st e fo r music.
19. 6: owledge.
sO· 'f . t fo r- H e ha
s a gr ea t th ir st for kn
ct im to hi s oi ly tongue.
51. ~i Jl l. to -I febll a vi • . { . st an ce s.
Viettio l of -H e ec am e a vi ct im o ci rc um
sz. , m us t ha ve vi ct or y ov er evil in th e long ru n.
es s
S3, ":;tol'Y ov er -G oo dn al fo r sp or ts .
&I· fo r- H e sh ow ed a ze
ep os it io ns :
85• t' es /P ar tic ip le s fo llo w ed by pr
jdjeC JV is pool is ab ou nd in g
wi th fish.
/w it h (fu ll of J- Th
t AJ>OuDding in ed in hi s st ud ie s.
1•Absorbed in (b us y) -H e is ab so rb
ceptable to us.
2•Acceptable to -Y ou r te rm s ar e no t ac e cl er k is accountable to th e of
ficer fo r
et hi ng )- Th
3•A co un ta bl e to (someone) fo r (s om tie s.
hi s du
4. c t.
(c ha rg ed w it h) -H e w as ac cu se d of th ef
Accused of ha rd work.
5 ed to (h ab it ua l) -! am ac cu st o~ ed to .
: Accusto m
no w n to )- I am no t acq~_ainted wi th him
. Acquainted w it h (k as ac qu it~ed of al l th e charge
1 fr om )- H e w
B. Acquitted of (free in gs )- H e is ad di ct ed to
ab itu al to ba d th
9. Addicted to (h th is law.
al l no t be affected by disease.
10. Affected by -W e sh )- H e is af fii ct ed w ith a se rio us
rin g fr om
11. Afflicted w it h (s uf fe n.
n fo r- Sh e ha s no affection for he r st ep so
12. Affec tio news.
Al ar m ed at -W e w er e al ar m ed at th e ba d
14. Alive to -I am al iv
e to m y w ea kn es s. en.
it h- T he ha ll w as al iv e w ith m en an d wom
15. Alive w s.
w it h- W e w er e am us ed w ith hi s jo ke r.
hi s st ra ng e behaviou
16. Am us ed
ed at ness.
17. Amazed at -W e w er e am az
)- M y fa th er w as an gr y wi th m e at m y rude
) at (s om et hi ng
l8. Angry w ith (a pe rs on y re m ar ks .
19• Annoyed at -H e w as an no ye d at m ar e an swerable to God for ou
r actions.
et hi ng )- W e
~- Answerable to (som
eone) fo r (s om
su lt.
is an xi ou s ab ou t hi s re
~- Anxi?us ab ou t- H e tizens.
ab le to -T hi s ru le is applicable to al l ci
!: "l ic
sh ou ld be as ha m ed of yo ur misconduct.
24. As~ ee l of -Y ou am in at io n.
I w as as to ni sh ed at yo ur fa ilu re in th e ex
25. Av:.lbshed a ~ th is go ld en chance.
26 of -A va il yo ur se lf of• b
88ed on -M y concIus1o • n 1s as ed on facts.
---::-UeJ!lt ie \
se : (u po n) -H e is be nt up on m ak in g m is ch
28. Bl es a son.
29. Blind Of - e was blessed w it -
in d of (in) on e eye.
30. Blind (m >- H e is bl of he r son.
31• Boast to-sfhe is bl in d to th e fa ul ts
0 (v er b) -DO ty.
32 b_ rn of
• uo -N eh ru no t bo as t of yo ur abili
was born of ric h pa re nt
Prepositions I 27 5

3-4. Excuse for-\"'ou ha,·e no excuse for delay.

35. Equality with-.A clerk cannot claim equality with his officer.
36. Exemption from-He got exemption from appearing in the examination.
37. Expert in-~1r Natwar Singh is an expert in foreign affairs.
38. Faith in-Pt Nehru had no faith in rituals.
39. Failure of.-The failure of monsoons hit the farmers._
40. Fondness for-I haYe no fondness for western music.
41. Grief at-He felt deep grief at the death of his father.
42. Glance at-Let us have a glance at this picture.
43. Guess at-He can guess at the moral of the story.
44. Gratitude to (someone) for (something)-1 expressed my gratitude (thanks) to
friend for his help. niy
45. Heir to-She is the only heir to my property.
46. Hindrance to-His early marriage proved a great hindrance (obstacle) to his Pl'Ogress_
47. Inquiry into-An inquiry into the police firing has been ordered.
48. Interest in-She takes keen interest in gardening.
49. Invitation to-I have sent him an invitation to the wedding.
50. Judge of-A blind man is no judge of colour.
51- Key to-Hard work is the only key__to success.
52. Lack of-The crops failed for the lack of rain.
53. Leniency to-The warden showed leniency to the prisoners.
54. Lust for (strong desire for)-1 have no lust for money.
55. Match for--Sudha is no match for Radha.
56. Need of-He is always in need of money.
57. Objection to-He raised an objection to my proposal.
58.. Pity for-He has no pity for the poor.
59. Pity on-He took pity on the poor beggar.
60. Pride in-Do not take pride in your wealth. ·
61 .. Protest against-The citizens niade a protest against the new taxes.
62. Preferenee for-My mother has a preference for mill:t.
63. Preparation for-Let us make preparation for the journey.
64. Progress in-He is making steady progress in his studies.
65. Proof of-There is no proof of his guilt.
66. Provision for-I have made provision for the education of my son.
67. Qualification for-What are the qualifications for this post?
68. Reaction to-What is your reaction to the budget?
69.Remedy for-There is no remedy for common cold.
70.Reply to-This is in reply to your letter dated 1st March, 2002.
71.Resemblance to-The daughter has a close resemblance to her mother. th rs.
72.Resemblance between-There is a strong resemblance between the two b~ ;e'lffl
73.Revenge on/upon (someone) for (something)-He has taken revenge on bis
for killing his father.
74. Reward for-He got a reward for his honesty.
75. Slave of-He is a slave of his officer.

274 I Appl/eel English Grammar and Composition

.,rait for-Ile is zvaiting for his result
~s " .
1, • 11rsrn against -I u.,•arned him against.b d b
9. " -. t
11 11rarn of-S,1P 1carned me of the comin ad oys,
~- " . . .
\ fork at-He 11< 1rnrlm1g at the wdl. g anger. .
I~ \\1prk out-He could not u-ork out all the sums.
1 11ronder at-The people u·ondered at the juggler's fi t
" to-Do not y1c• Id to difficulties. ea s.
1~· f earn for-Everyone yearns for happiness.
1SD· db
...... c follo\\'e Y prepos1••t1ons:
11 0\&P""'
,. Acress to-lie has access to this officer.
!: .u,undnnce of (p~enty ofl-Indi a has abundance of \vheat. •

3_Acqua.intanee with-I do not ~ave acquaintance with his elder brotht•r.

. A(fect1on for-He has no affection for the poor. .
S. Apology for-The stude~t offered apology for his misconduct.
6_Advantage over-T he rich always have adi an.tage oz,er the poor.

;. Ambition for-H~ has no a1n hiti.on for politics.

S. Anxiety for-The old lady had great anxiety for the safety of her son.
9. Assurance of-I gave him assurance of my help.
lO. Attack on-I cannot bear this attac.k on my conduct.
11. Candidate for-The re are ten candidates for this post.
12. Cause for-Tlie patient is out of danger, there is no cause for an~iety.
13. Claim to (propert y)-The court rejected his clai,n to his uncle's property.
14. Claim on <person )-You have no claim on me.
15. Competition with (a person) -! have no competition with him for this post.
16. Competition for (a thing, a prize)-T here is a great competition for this prize.
17. Charge of (noun)- There are several charges of corruption against him.
18. Charge with (verb)-H e was charged with theft.
19. Comparison betwee n-You cannot make comparis~n between these two fans.
20. Comparison with-M ohan cannot stand comparison with Sohan.
21. Complaint to/against (someone)-! have lodged a complaint against him to his officrr.
22. Complaint about (something)-The students made repeated complain.t8 about the
failure of electricity.
23. Compensation for-You will get compensation for your loss.
2'. Compliance with-I have taken this step in compliance with your orders.
25• Confidence in-He
has no his friends.
• Contact with-I have no contact with thi~ offlcer.
:· Dec_isio~ on-The decision on this case was announced yesterday.
• Delight ID-He talces delight in the sufferings of others.
'M. Dependence on-He has ended depende_nce on his parents.
uu. Des·
31. Di ire ,or-I have no desire for ,vealth.
· · -

32. Du."lrace to-A traitor is a disgrace to the nation.

3-,, F.xcty ~You must do your duty to your parents.
eption to-Ther e is an exception to every rule.

·Prepositions I 273
i t- T he child pointed at
135• intt a t The the bird •
te ac he r pouited out my 1n.the t
136• Poili~t ~:=-Be po ree
137 Po e lite to Your elders. st a
• n- d .• d . . nu kes. •
138. c lPaY to -I pray to Go ever y ay. .
139 P1•ay ~ l'
or -I pr ay fo r yo ur success. •,
• p
140. re1, ~er to -I prefer coffee to tea. ,,
141. Prepare fo r- I am pre~arm~ (o .
142. Preside ov er -T r th e lln nU al eJ t .
he Chief Minister
143 . Prevent fr om -I prevented
Pr es id ed oue~tio11.
him from, goin h
144. Provide fo r-We should prov 'd
i ou . g t ere he tneet;·~
145 Provid · e w• h I
it - provi.ded my fri
e fo r r f: . • .
• end withat ni y• 1
146. Proceed to -H e will . •
proceed. to Delhi tom ~ e y
147 Proceed w it h-
L et me proceed with
. •

148. Protect fr om -T my w k •
he umbrella protec or now
ts us fro m, r . •
149. Prevail o n -I
prevai·zed ~n h1m ' to
150. P ut ou t- P ut ou jo in a coll~am . .
t th e lamp. at. once
151. P ut up -W he r~ .
. • . . 152. P ut on :-
w ill y~ u p~t up for the nigh

Pu t on your C(?at ~t t?
153. P ut up w it h -I on ce .
cannot put ''up ~ th
154. P ut of f- D o no this insult.
t put of f till tomorro
155. P ut by -Y ou sh w what you can do today
ould put by somethi .
156. Quarrel w it h -D ng for the rainy day.
~ no t quarrel w ith yo
157. Quarrel ov er -T ur brother.
he y quarrelled over
158. Recover fr o~ trifles.
-H e ha s recover~~
159. Refrain fr ~m -1 from illness. ,
refrain from doing ha
160. Rejoice a t- I rm to anybody.
rejoice at your succes
161. Relieve of -H s.
e was relieved of hi
162. Relieve fr om -T s charge.
he D\edicine relieved
163. R el y on -N ev er him from pain.
rely o·n false friends.·
164. Refer to -H e
referred to hi s own pr
165. Succeed in -H oblems.
e succeeded. in winni
166. Submit to -W ng the mateh•
e must submit to th
167. Se nd fo r- S en e ·will of God.
d for th e doctor at
168. Stand b y -I sh once. thick and thin•
all stand by you thro
169. Sneer at -D o ugh •
no t sneer at hi s pove
170. T ru st in -T ru rty.
st in God an d do ~h
171. Taste of -T h is e right.
water tastes of salt.
17 e after H ar l takes
a~er hi s father·
17 T ak e e ha s ta ke n ta gambl
174; Take for He ing. .
took th e rope ,or a• snake,
175 T ak e off He lie n be c ~8 in-
took of f bi s overcoat ~c
176. T id e ov er -T ry :ultie8· f
to tide over thes~
177. Wait o n -A de Go"ern°r 0
putation wai·tedo n the

.2!7-'l -• • ••
at..--6ive up-He has .
,,r:11 • given u
~ve away-The Pr . P smokin
. .• -. es1dent g.
e way-The roof gave awa
11A Grieve a~D gave way d Y the prizes.
:rs• . o not gr· un er h •
95, Grieve for-Do not i~_v~ t~is"'l;s~~vy railJ:s,
96. Grumble
-~ -... ....
at-D grieve for hi ~-
o not -g . ,_____
. m..-J(\
97. __Guard-agafusl-Yo :urnble at your I t- -
. -c:: U Snoula 0•
98. Banker after-ff h - guara yo -
99 HoPe for~ e ankersOtter f: - ur~elf against cold.'
· ways ho - fi - ame.
100, Hope of-He has no re or the b~,1--.. . .
101. Indulge in-Do n 0 t . ope .of recovery
indul • •
102. Interfere with (a ge in, gossip .
.1,03 Inten -. _person)-D •
" . ':' ere in (m~i;m-s)-D o ~ot in!erf'![e with ~r~rs. ,..,,.--
6'. lnVIte to-He has . . o not interfere in 7n ... -
. . invited me t
di - . Y wor • ____-,
. Ins1st on-He ins· t d • nner L-
. Jeer at-Do norJ·is e on seeing the film.
" eer at th • • • •
7. Jump at-He jump d
e P~r beggar. 'J-e,Q.1,_
e at the idea r •
. ump to-He Jumped t th 9 _going to "Mumbai'ow:r..r/E'Y,~I
. Keep to-Always keep ~o t:e ~:;lus1on at once. 1l5 LOI~(' 'b 9i(! l,Jlt- t·m ,.Jl'(}l.t.i.v.
0. Knock at-Who is k k.
11. Knock do -
noc__ing at the door?
wn The daco1t knocked down a man
12. Laugh at-Do not laugh at the poor. •
143. Lay
Lay by • must lay b'Y sometlung
d (save)-You
( • for your old
• Le d own 9:1cnfice}-He laiXdown his lir:for his nation •
• • 8 to-This road leads to Ambala. •
6· Live by-He lives by his pen.
7· Live on-He lives on fruit and milk.
• Live for-A true patriot lives for his country.
· Long for-I do not long for an easy life.
Look after-Who looks after you these days?
Look for-I am looking for my dog.
-..,Uk through-You cannot look through his game.
Look uP,-1 do not know the meaning of this word. Please look it • th
Make up-Make up your deficiency in English. up in e dictionary•
. Make out-I cannot make out the meaning of your statement.
Make away-The thief made away with a purse.
• Mb: with-Do not mix with bad boys.
. Object to-He objected to my proposal.
. Part with (something)-1 cannot part with this watch.
, Part from (someone)-1 parted from my friend.
Partake of (share)-Let us partake_ of food.
Pay for-He had to pay for his fool~shness.
Play on-She was playing on the sitar.
Play at-They played at cards.

Prepositions I 2'71
48. Come by-I came by this watch on the way.
____ 49.- Come across-I ca,ne across your photograph when I was looking for my pen.
50.. Come of--Sudhir co,nes of a noble family.
~-51. Compare with (similar things/persons)--Compar e this apple with that.
.l - -

52. Compare to (dissimilar things)-Sleep has been compared to death.


53. Co~de to (transitive)-f do not confide my secrets to-anybody: --

54. Confide in (intransitive)--! confide in my uncle.
55. Confine to-My father is confined to bed.
56. Congratulate on-He congratulated me on my success.
57. Consist of-This book consists of two hundred pages. •

58. Cons~st ~-Beauty consi~ts in simplicity.-..../

(_ 59. q'?nvict of-He was convi'Cte,..d ofmurae{;~
60. Deal in-His father deals in cloth. -
61. Deal with-This shopkeeper de~ls with all in a polite way.
62. Depend upon-Do not depend upon him.
63. Deprive of-He was deprived of his rights.
64. Die of-He died of cholera.
65.~ie friim~he died/rqm:_. oyer.eating. .
66. Die for-The brave soldier died for his country.
67. Differ with (~ person) on (a subject)--! differ with you on this point.
68. Differ from (to be unlike)-This book differs from that.
69. Disagree with-I disagree with you on this point.
70. Dispose of-He has disposed of his car.
71. Distinguish between-Learn to distinguish between a friend and a foe.
72. Distinguish from-The twins are exactly alike. You can hardly distinguish one from
the other.
73. End in-All his efforts ended in smoke. V
74. Enquire of-I enquired.!!f_him !!_bout health.____./
75. Enquire into-~e police_is enquiri'!Q into:~his c_as~
76. Escape from-He escaped from the prison.
77. Explain to-Can you explain this poem to me?
78. Fail in-He failed in his mission.
79. Fall on (attack)-Let us fall on the enemy at once.
80. Fall out (quarrel)-Do not fall out over trifles.
81. Fall through (fail)-The plan fell through for want of money.
82. Feed on-Cows feed on grass. .
83. Feel for-I feel for the poor.
84. Fight with-Let us not fight with our friends. _t

85. Fight agaiust-~t us. fight. against the enemy bravely. ..__..,.,...~
86. Fi ht for-We must fight for our rights.
87. • i e lJmks please.).....~-----:::::~ ~
----8. Fill in-YQU can fill in any etails you ike.
89. Fill with-Fill this cup with milk.
kre in.-At-1 emy ga

270 I App/led English Grammar and Compositio

1 ,4cquit of -T he judge acquitted 0
: ,4dherc to (st ick to) -A dh ere
to t~ : ( all the charges. (
8 Principles of life. }I
j\dspt to- Ad ap t yo urs elf to yo ur new
9. a1·d of- H e 1s . surroundings .
}Jr afraid of dog
. h s. . •
l0· t
,-gree WJ t (a pe rso n)- ! can n 0 agree w • h r.
l1• .)- ! ,, it you in this matte
. ,-gree to (a pla n, a proposal etc
12. .4iJJ1 at (a thi ng , or a po sit ion )-H ee to his proposal.
13J ,4ngry with (a pe rso n)- He w \e auned at the lion and
f ·1::... - - as angry with
1,. -:'!he tea che r was _me.---. . -
15. An t? : uw_me~D_g> e to answ '!!!1
r. - r sins [9' at his m1 sco nd u~
,4n sw er for -W e hav er 'or ou - -
16. • .
peal to (someone) for (a thi ng )-J i :ppe~led to my fnends fo_r hel_p_._
, .Ap
17. Apply to (someone) for (a thi n )-H a
g app lied to the manager for leave. (the job of
18 clerk). - -- -- -- -- -
-- --- •
(so me one ) for (a mi st~ • Yo u sho uld apologise to
19. .Apologise to the Pri nci pal e or an offence, etc .)- --
,or you r rude behaviour.
. . at Agra yesterday. 2. He arrived
20. Arrive at at (a place, a con clusion et )- I • He arrive d
the conclus· th t' h ec.should go back to his village.
. . ion a •
Pri me Minister arrive • Delb.1 yester day.
• d in
-- -
21. Arrive 1n (a co un try )-T he
help. •
22. Ass ure of -I ass ure d he r of my
23. Ask for -H e asked for a cup of
24. Attend to- At ten d to yo ur lesson
ended upon his master.
25. Attend up on -T he ser va nt att
26. Atone for -H e atoned for his
f on his enemy.
27. Avenge on -H e avenged him sel
'-8. Aware of -I am aware of my
29. Bark at- Do gs alw ays bark at
30. Bask in- Le t us bask in the lion.
The mouse beg/led mercy of the
31. Beg of (something of a person)-:- m e~
me one ) for (so ~.e thi ng ~U ie m?use be?ged the lio~ fof
32. Beg (so '
33. Begin wi th -T he pla y began with a son
34• Believe in -I believe in God.
36• Belong t~ H e belongs t~ a -noble family.
~- Beware of- Be wa re of pickpocke your father for your failure.
7• Blame for -Y ou should no t bla me
las t night.
in to -A thi ef broke into my house
39• Borrow fro m- He borrowed a book from me yesterday.
40 ~R e- do e. s care for my advice. _ _ _ __

DJa n heg _ ~t a-~ r~w ~-~ -:... .....: :,=- -:---

-:-,-_ _ _ _

. C h ~t _ i\_drowning catc
~ D rsom-eoiieFI cal
led an Qt)' fi 1end-yes er ay. 1 ,..

l~d at •s aJ[.
•~ I i h;u se, pla ce )-! wanted to see eas~ call i~ the docto;.___ -- ·-- -
: Caij in ~ericf forl:-:.. h~ ~i en t isp i~2t lis1:n:___ _ ._ . --
to u< !l~ ~u t he_ di_
-fl. ~( sh ou t7 "I calftio n, report, etc .)- YOU! ~h av iou r call~Jgr an explanation.
:.ed h~ ~o
.it . Tanex pla na .rd er: --- --- -
e -;f t[i (a ffieff, •cnine, etc. j:--
Mo~~ has been charged with. mµ
.. . .
Prepositions I 269
Fill in the blan ks with suit able prep osit ions
-- :
1. Come and sit .......... me.
2. Put your purs e ...... :... your pocket.
3. They came back .......... ten days.
4. He \\rill be back .......... a week.
I 5. She cam e home .......... mid nigh t.
6. Chennai is .......... the south of India. ,· .--.
7. He did not listen .......... my advice.
/ 8. It has been raining .......... morning. ••
9. She visited the temple .......... the way.
10. The bride sat .......... the bridegroom. - •
11. .......... being sent to prison, he was fined.
12. There is no quarrel .......... the two brothers.
13. By my watch, it is ten minutes ::~.:-:-
I l '
.~. tnree. •
14. Sheela is the best .......... all the girls in the class
15. He has been waiting here ....... ... a long time.

• Fill in the blanks with suitabie pr ep o~
1. She is fond .......... music. • '- •
2. Do not mix .......... bad,boys. ·-
3. We could not wait .......... them.
4. The river flows ···.:••···· the bridge.
5. Asboka ruled .... ...... a vast empire.
8. It is half past four ,...... ,... my watch. \

7. I have not inet him .......... last week. •

8. He was boJ:11 .......... 191~ .......... Allahabad. . I

) v
9. He divided his prop~rty .......... two sons.
10. When did you· arri~e ............. the ··station?
11. Her brother was angry ..... • her. 1.•··.

12. Sheela is looking .....:.... her lost pen. ·

13. She has been weeping .......... morning.

14. I congratulated him ..:....... his success.

15. The tree .......... his head had no leaves. 1

-· ,'


A. Verba followed by prepositions:
1. Abide by (fulfil)-You must abide. by your promise.
2. Abound in or with (full of)-This tank abounds
in (with) fish.
3. Absent from-Anil is_ absent from school today.
4. Ab1tain from-He abstains (rpm wine. •
5. Acc ede to- My father a,cceded to my request.
6. Acc1Ue (10m eon e) of (a crime, misdeed, etc.)-He ft.
was accu sed 0f th8 i
2ti8 I App/ltd Engl/sh Grammar and Composition '

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