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Professional Certificate in Data Analytics


Terms Meaning/Description
A declarative language used in programming to
SQL interact with databases and retrieve data; it stands
for Structured Query Language
A computerised way of storing data based on the
relational paradigm, as developed by Edgar F.
Relational database
Codd; it involves the storage of data in tables that
are related to each other
Entity-relationship (ER) A chart that details how entities in a database are
diagram related to each other
A software application that allows you to connect to
Client–server model
databases and run queries
A measure of the minimum number of records that
Optionality can be associated between two ends of a
An open-source database engine that complies with
A join in SQL combines columns from one or more
tables into a new table
A statement in SQL that specifies grouping rows
based on their values in one or several columns
A function in SQL that uses values from one or
Window function
multiple rows to return a value for each row
A query that is nested inside a SELECT, INSERT,
Subquery UPDATE or DELETE statement or inside another
A temporary named result set created from a simple
Common table expression
SELECT statement that can be used in a
subsequent SELECT statement
A virtual table whose contents are defined by a

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Terms Meaning/Description
A common hacking technique through which a user
can input an SQL statement in place of a variable,
such as their username on a webform or database

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