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| Computer Graphics Questions & Answers - Three Dimensional Concepts ‘This set of Computer Graphics Mi eChoice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on "Three Dimensional Concepts" 1. How many axes dees 2 three-dimensional graphics consists of 2} One ans by Two axes cyTbree axes 4) Sixaxes View Answer Ansserse Explanation: A three-dimensional graphics consists of three axes namely the x axis, they axis and the 2 axs, These axes simul and height of a3-cimensional object. the length, width 2. Which ofthe followingls the most commonly used boundary representation fora 3-D graphics objec? 2) Data polygon by Surface polygon 1) System polygon 4) Volume polygon View Answer| Anse: Explanation: Surface polygon isthe most commonly used boundary surface polygon. n his method of represen resentation for a3-D graphics obj n, st of polygons are stored for description af te objec ‘The object's interior i enclosed by this 3. Athree-dimensional object can be represented using which ofthe following representation? a) Equation by Function Point @) Polygon View Answer Anse: 3 Explanation: A three-dimersional objec can be represented by using an equation representation. The equation for a3-dimensional object contains 3 variables x y and zand 4 coefficients A 8, Cand D. 4. Which ofthe following equatior 2) Ax + By + Cz bax By+cr=0 jax By + C2 De: Bane By+Cr+D=0 really represent a3D plane? View Answer Plan Your Next Mexico Vac ‘The Adventure Awaits! Mexico Vacation| Search Ads Answer d Explanation: The equation that correctly represent 23D plane is x + By + C2 + D =O, Where x y, sary point on the plane, andthe coefficients A C and Dare constants describing the spatial properties ofthe plane 5. Which ofthe following transformations are mest common that are apalied on three-dimensional objects? 2) Trenslavon by Scaling Rotation 4) Translation, Sealing, Rotation View Answer Answer: Explanation: Most common transformations that are applied on three-dimensional objects are Translation, Sealing and Rotation Translation refers to roving of object from fs orginal postion, Sealing refers to rooming in or out the sze of an object, Rotation vefers to rotating an object about ts Note: Jin free Sanfoundry classes at Telegram or Youtube 6. How many types of project 22 ba a8 a7 View Answer ys are present in 30 graphics? Answer: Explanation: In 3D graphics there are S types af projections namely - Parallel Projection, Orthographic Projection, Oblique Proje Projection and Perspective Projection, 7. Which of the following refers tothe shapes created by union, intersection and difference of given shapes? 2) Wire frame made! 1b) Composite transformation «) Constructive solid geometry methods 4) Destructive solid geometry methods View Answer Explanation: Constructive solid geometry methods refers tothe shapes created by union, intersection and difference of given shapes. na constructive solid geometry approach, 2 sold model of an objects created by using the three-dimensional geometric entities, known as primitives, {8 Which ofthe following refer to a model that represent althe dimension of an object external as well as interna? 2) Wire frame model 1) Constructive solid geometry methods ©) Composite transformation 4) Destructive solid geometry methods View Answer ‘Answer: a Explanation: Wie frame model is used to represent allthe dimension ofan object external as well s internal. The wireframe models made by connecting athe vertices ofan abject by ether a sralgnt line ora curve. In this model every vertex's connected with each other 49. n which ofthe folowing, the projection plane is intersected by all three x,y and 7 axes atthe same distances? 2) Cabinet projection b Perspective projection ©) lsometre projection 4) Cavaller projection View Answer Answer: Explanation: isometric projection is a projection where the projection plane intersects each coordinate alsin the coordinate system at an equal istance. In this projection parallelism of lines are preserved but teir angles are not preserve. 10. Which of the following constitutes of subcategories of Perspective Projection? _2)Cavalier projection, Cabinet Projection 1b} One point, Two point, Three point {Front projecuon, Top projection, Side projection 4) Orthographic projection, Oblique projection View Answer ‘Answer:b Explanation: The Perspective Projection consists of - One point, Two point, Three peint. One point perspective projection is simple to draw. Two point perspective projection glves bette impression of depth. Three point perspective projection is mast cifiult to draw. ‘Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series - Computer Graphics. To practice all areas of Computer Graphics, here is complete set of 1000+ Mulile Choice Questions and Answers. you find a mistake in question / option / answer, kindly take a screenshot and email to «Prev Computer Graphics Questions & Answers Curve, Textand _» Next - Computer Graphics Questions & Answers ~ 30 Translation and Exterior Clipping -2 Sealing Related Posts: + Practice Computer Science MCQs + Apply for MCA Internship + Check MCA Books + Practice Information Science MCQS + Check Computer Graphics Books soverisement Recommended Article: 1. Computer Graphics Questions & Answers - Two Dimensional Viewing ‘Computer Graphics Questions & Answers - 30 Rotation - 2 3. Computer Graphics Questions & Answers - Clipping Operations 4. Computer Graphies Questions & Answers - Sutherland Hodgeman Polygon Clipping 5. Computer Graphics Questions & Answers - Three Dimensional Viewing 65, Computer Graphics Questions & Answers - Other Polygon Clipping Aigerithms ‘Computer Graphics Questions & Answers - 20 Rotation {8 Computer Graphics Questions & Answers - 2D Scaling 9. Computer Graphics Questions & Answers - 30 Translation and Scaling 10. Computer Graphics Questions & Answers ~ 3 Reflection and Shear ‘Additional Resources: + Computer Graphies MCQ Questions 28 or of Computer Applications Questions and Answers + Computer Science MCQ Questions + Computer Fundamental McQ Questions + Finite Element Method MCQ Questions Popular Pages: + Computer Organization and Architecture MCQ Questions + Computer Network MCQ Questions + Aerodynamics MCQ Questions + Fu Mechanies MCQ Questions + MATLAB MCQ Questions Subscribe: Computer Graphics Newsletter Name mail Subscribe to our News! ters (Subjectonise), Participate in the Sanfoundry Certification cantest to get free Cerificate of Merit Join aur social networks below and stay updated with latest contests, videos, internships and jobs! Youtube | Telegram | Linkedin | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | interest Manish Bhojasia, a technology veteran with 20+ years @ Clsco & Wipro, is Founder and CTO at Sanfoundry. 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