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Computer Graphics Questions & Answers - Two Dimensional Viewing ‘This set of Computer Graphics Mulile Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Twa Dimensional Viewing” 1. Aview s selected by speciying a sub-area ofthe picture area, aynatt bytotal ovful 4) quarter View Answer| Anse: Explanation: We considera formal mechanism of view, that i, which par total picture area, Ure pture i to be deplayed, Thats why we select a view by specifying a are ranging according to the screen resolution. ayrue b) alse View Answer Ansoer:3 Explanation: When we dsplay a scene, only those objects which have a particular window are displayed. So for that mechanism to work, co-ordinates are made to range themselves according tothe screen reso 3. Any convenient co-ordinate system or Cartesian co-ordinates which can be used to define the picture is called 2) spherical co-ordinates by vector co-ordinates ‘jvlewport co-ordinates &) world co-ordinates View Answer > ‘Smart Manufacturing Iiteubishi Electr Answers Explanation: World Coordinate Systems (WCS) are the type of coordinate systems which describe the physical coordinates associated with a data array, suchas sky coordinates Its also used to denote wavelengths of a spectrum and to draw astronomical images. 1b) viewing co-ordinates vector co-ordinates 4) device co-ordinates View Answer | Ansoerse Explanation: Vector co-ordinates are used to denote vectors which are physical quantities having magnitude as wellas direction. In 2d viewing Uvansformations- Modelling co-ordinates, viewing co-ordinates, Normalised coordinates and Device co-ordinates are used, 5. The process of elimination of parts of a scene outside a window or a viewport is called ayeutting plucking oicipping aediting View Answer | Ansoerse Explanation: Clipping the process of cuting out extra material. nthe context of computer graphics, clippings a method to selectively enable or lisable rendering operations within adetined region of interest. Sanfoundry Certification Contest of the Month is Live. 100+ Subjects, Participate Now! 6. For a 24 transformation viewing, in how many ways a clipping algorithm can be applied? a3 2 on as View Answer ‘Answer:b Explanation: Clipping algorithm can be apalied in two ways for 2d transformation viewing. Two waysin which clipping algorithms can be applied are- 1) world co-ordinate clipping. 2) viewpert clipping. 7. Which ofthe fllowing is NOT a type of clipping algorithm used an the raster system? alline closing bi point coping area cipaing 4) solid clipping View Answer | ‘Answer: Explanation: Since clipping s done in 2 dimensional viewing and sold is 23 dimensional abject so clipping algorithm cant be appli on a sold object. stead of sold clipping, there is another type of clipping algorithm known as curve clipping 1) 0Wirin > > max, Bynin "YW View Answer | Answerse Explanation: A point Pixy) is NOT clipped ifs more than the minimum value of x and less than the maximum value of x. Mathematically can be 9. For a point to be clipped, which ofthe following conditions must be satisfied by the point? 2) ,Winie SY < Yin DI Wein? > Yi OYA =Y =H 8) nn Wp View Answer ‘Answer: Explanation: A point Pixy) is NOT clipped ify is more than the minimum value of y and less than the maximum value ofy. Mathematical, can be Written 35 Win SY = Wins 10. Which type of clipping is used to clip character strings? a)text clipping by ne clipping o sentence dipping 8) word clipping View Answer Answer:a Exalanation: Text clipping isthe algorithm whichis used to clip character strings. depends on the methods which are used to generate original characters, 11. In potygon clipping, ne clipping algorithms can be use. aytue by False View Answer ‘Answer: a Explanation: Polygon is two dimensional shape formed by straight lines. So we can conclude, polygons basic components arenes, hence line clipping algorithm can be uses Yor palygon clipping. ‘Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series - Computer Graphics. To practice all areas of Computer Graphics, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers Related Posts: + Practice MCA MCQS + Check MCA Books + Practice Information Science MCQs + Check Computer Graphics Books + Check Computer Science Books sovertsement Recommended Article: 1. Computer Graphics Questions & Answers - Three Dimensional Viewing 2. Computer Graphics Questions & Answers - Curve, Text and Exterior Clipping -2 3. Computer Graphics Questions & Answers - Window ta Viewport Coordinate Transformation 4. Computer Graphics Questions & Answers - Graphies Hardware and Display devices 5. Computer Fundamentals Questions and Answers - Graphics Package 65, Computer Graphics Questions & Answers - View Volumes and General Projection Transformation 7, Computer Graphics Questions & Answers - Three Dimensional Concepts {8 Computer Graphics Questions & Answers - 30 Translation and Scaling 9. Computer Graphics Questions & Answers - Transformations between Coordinate Systems and Affine Transformations 410, Computer Graphics Questions & Answers - Clipping Operations soverisoment ‘Additional Resources: + Computer Graphics MCQ Questions Popular Pages: + Bachelor of Computer Applications Questions and Answers + Visual Basic MQ Questions + C+ algorithm Library + Aucio Video Engineering MCQ Questions + Biomedical Instrumentation MCQ Questions Subscribe: Computer Graphics Newsletter mal Subscribe to our Newsletters (Subject-wise), Participate in the Sanfoundry Certification contest to get free Cerifcate of Merit Join our social nesworks. blow and stay updated with latest contests, videos, internships and jobs! Youtube | Telegram | Linkedin | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest Manish Bhojasia, a technology veteran with 20+ years @ Cisco & Wipro, is Founder and CTO at Sanfoundry. 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