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"Women are naturally attracted to strong, powerful men."


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1. Why did the length increase?

2. Habits That Ruin Your Growth Potential

3. sleep

4. Routine you must implement

5. Stress

6. Fasting

7. Diet

8. Exercises that will skyrocket your growth

9. Increasing testosterone session

10. Additional problems

11. Power of belief (most important)

Why does it become long?

I want to start by congratulating you on making the right choice.

You are an active individual who is committed to making every moment of life meaningful.


This guide is designed for specific goals to increase your height.


Now why would anyone want that?

Good question.

Imagine a tall and huge creature. What is the initial word that

comes to your mind?

िबलक्लू. Parbhatuv. A commanding presence.

Women are naturally attracted to tall, powerful men.

People respect tall people at first sight.

And God is the essence of being human.

I'm sure there could be a million other reasons why your pass is delayed. And this is it.

The reason why I created this guide is to help you increase your height.

I have put my heart and soul into it.

First of all, a simple formula to calculate your growth potential.

To find your minimum expected height, multiply your mother's height by your father's.

Add the height, divide by 2 and add 2 inches (5 cm). If your health

And if the lifestyle is average then this is what you should expect.

However, by implementing an optimal lifestyle with a few practices, you can

3-4 inches (7-10 inches) can be added to the average number calculated.

So, by following this guide and implementing

By following the steps given here, you can essentially maximize your growth potential.

I am staying.

All good things take time. The same is true for increasing your height.

This guide is not for weak boys who give up at the first few steps.

Have a drink.

This is for strong, manly men who are ready to give this immense

Dedication, hard work, faith and most importantly, perseverance.

So, I would advise you to be patient with the process and take shortcuts.

Follow the steps without any given steps.

Reading this book not in the form of a novel but in the form of a guide

This is not a negotiable matter. Do not delay in this and take immediate action.
With that being said, congratulations once again. You have taken a very big step.
Habits That Ruin Your Growth Potential

do taxes

First and foremost, I would like to focus on some habits that

Completely destroys your growth potential.

Failure to remove these bad habits will surely eclipse all those good habits.

Which you are going to follow in the upcoming chapters.

In simple words, if you fail to eliminate these habits from your life

So whatever you do will be in vain.

There are 5 main bad habits that limit your height.

I call these height 5 pills.

1. Poor sleep

I cannot stress enough that your body's growth hormone

How important is sleep in synthesis? I am going to do

This topic will be covered in depth in the upcoming chapters.

2. Vapors and drugs

Everyone knows that natural remedies for both mental and physical

But it is

Stop promoting vaping, smoking and drugs immediately.

Throw all your cigarettes, vape and drugs in the bin. Stop having regrets.

3. Surveying processed foods

Processed foods are bullshit. Period.

And it is plastic which contains large amounts of estrogen and chemicals which harm your health.

Testosterone levels are reduced compared to women.

Testosterone is a key component in the production of growth hormone. This is evident from the fact that

However, males are generally taller and larger than females.

4. Drinking alcohol

Then, I don't need you to explain that alcohol is bad for your health.

Why? If you're serious about becoming the best version of Savya, then those bottles

Throw it out.

(Free tip: You can use these to prepare fruit and plant vases, this

How you get oxygen into your system

5. Low Testosterone Session

Nowadays testosterone levels are at their lowest in men. At this time your

A session of testosterone is equivalent to that of a 50 year old man.

Low testosterone levels are an option, and I mean it.

This is an option.

You can choose the best cetosterone by just following a few simple steps, which

I'll explain later in the guide.

Now that we know what not to do, I don't want to waste your time.

should be done and immediately consider whether your development potential

What should be done to maximize.

Additionally, I look at maximizing growth potential in the form of 'height-maximising'.

I am going to refer. It sounds very strange but it is reliable.


Sleep. The most undervalued and over-exploited human in today's world


The world is rigged against you. Exams, work pressure, deadlines, nights

's shift. Finding time and rest to sleep becomes incredibly difficult


When I ignored sleep and worked to the bone to prepare material.

When it came to this, I made a big mistake.

This leads to a bad product, bad reviews, low retention, and after a point, even

That the show gets less views.

But when I did this right, I somehow performed better.

I thought to myself, "How did I perform better?"

It works like sleep. Sleep helps your productivity.

Now this guide is actually specific to height tracking, but

Let me tell you something. Sleep is something you should never take for granted.


Okay, now on to sleep height mapping.

Sleep helps in HGH (Human Growth Hormone) synthesis.

And I am not setting up, you can search for this.

Everyone advises you to sleep 8 hours a night. But in reality, 8 hours of sleep

To take it you must stay in bed for 9 hours. Sleep is directly related to testosterone.

Session also takes place.

This is actually a simple equation.

Less sleep = less energy = increased cortisol = less testosterone.

You should absolutely develop a great sleep schedule that gives you

Testosterone will remain active like Tyrone throughout. To conquer the day. Daily

Daily. Like a winner.

Most of the 'sleep schedules' you see on the internet are BS.

Does not give practical advice.

But I will.

So, without further ado, here's how to create a sleep schedule for animals.

be developed and implemented.

Routines You Must Implement

Now, the information I am going to give you is not useful to anyone outside the medical field.

Not for knowledge.

As we already know that sleep is not. 1 human priority, in these stages

Adherence to potential reps could put doctors out of business. And I kid you not.

I am not doing it. I will say it again.

The information I am going to give you should not be known to anyone outside the medical field.

Is not for

So apply these steps with proper practice, and you will be able to reduce your medical bills.

Will reduce it by 10 times. With that being said,

Proper sleep requires active steps throughout the day.

This is why we will follow sleep

Schedule for animals that are mandatory for full days

Everyday routine. Again, this routine is not for weak little lazy kids.

1. Morning routine

The worst possible thing you can do is wake up and stay in bed.

No male above 13 years of age should lie down in bed after waking up.

Should stay.

That's why it's important to create a solid morning routine to kickstart


As soon as you wake up, see the sunlight.

And I don't mean windows or artificial light.

Actual night vision for at least 5 minutes within 30-60 minutes of awakening

A contact of light.
Get those UV rays and Vitamin D into your system.

The next step is to energize you for the day.

Consume caffeine 90-120 minutes after waking up.

The first caffeine pint at this time can lead to an afternoon crash which occurs in the afternoon.

And drinking caffeine early in the morning can result in your body aching and

Becomes lazy.

Avoid eating too much in the morning (breakfast) as it can cause sleepiness.

The most successful people follow intermittent fasting, which includes the following:

I will include.

After this, take a cold bath/ice bath.

At the beginning of the day your core body temperature increases and your

Blood starts flowing into the muscles.

The next step is important

Do exercise in the beginning of the day.

I understand that it can be difficult to do this because you have so many responsibilities to fulfill, but

Try to work out maximum in the morning because you have more energy.

The maximum quantity is

Don't use regular alarms to wake you up.

When you use your phone to set the alarm, your testosterone

session goes awry.

A good old fashioned ring alarm is the best way to start your day.

Plus when you do this you feel like a king from the 1900s!

2. Afternoon routine

Now, onto the afternoon routine.

Your afternoon routine is actually quite simple.

This is to keep you busy in your work and not get distracted just because

It has to be because you want to hightitcast.

Don't drink alcohol in the afternoon. It disrupts your circadian rhythm.

Never exercise in the afternoon as it resets your circadian clock.

can spoil

Now you may be wondering what is circadian clock?

The circadian clock is like your body's internal clock.

Additionally, you can control when you wake up and feel sleepy.

I help.

This clock is based on a 24-hour cycle, which roughly takes one day.

It is influenced by light and darkness, that is why you are awake during the day and awake at night.

I feel sleepy.

This watch helps your body to function properly and stay healthy.
This disturbance will have a huge impact on your sleep schedule and your entire day.

The energy will be divided.

Taking a 90-minute nap is optional, however you can plan your 'afternoon nap'

The problem can be fixed with a simple 10 minute procedure called

NSDR: Non Slip Deep Reset

This is a very popular term coined by Dr. Andrew Hayburmani. See here

How does NSDR work?

Otherwise, meditation, yoga instruction etc. can also help.

Important: Stay exposed to direct sunlight throughout the day, especially in the afternoon (this helps in increasing Vitamin D in the body)

The best time to maximize is to take off your shirt and read a book.

Time to soak in sunlight for 20-30 minutes, lol)

3. Night routine

The last and final ritual to end your day. as well as the most
It is important to make sure that your body is able to produce HGH.

Maximum tax (also to make the morning wood stronger)

Do not eat any food 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Essentially, you should have dinner around 7 pm.

If you have difficulty getting up to urinate at night, go to bed 2 hours before

do not drink any liquids

Sleep naked.

I know it sounds strange, but don't get attached to synthetic clothes while sleeping.

Your testosterone session may increase significantly.

Read for 20-30 minutes before you get into bed, to make sure you

Falling asleep (while we are studying the strategy for our benefit

Taking advantage of declining sleep.

Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time every day (old enough

Hormones ensure.
Release) - Improves health (melatonin release approximately 12-14 hours after waking up

It happens

Melatonin is a sleep hormone that regulates how your body sleeps.

and produces HGH while you sleep.

If your mind keeps wandering, then practice Jarlinga before sleeping.

You don't need to write a whole novel.

Just put some words on your scene and make sure you are calm before sleeping.

And before you think, "Oops, he's gay."

Christopher Columbus, Napoleon Bonaparte, two of the world's most famous conquerors

used to journal

Now forget your excuses and practice Jarlinga.

Get at least 8 hours of sleep (8 hours of sleep does not mean 8 hours in bed, it means

Meaning: probably 9 hours in bed

Cool down the temperature of your waist for better sleep. Dear sir, have the best sleep.

For the temperature of your waist at night 18Should be °C.

Invest in mouth drops for sleep (helps promote nasal breathing)

Which increases testosterone.

As an added bonus, when you use a mouthpiece to sleep, you

Gets a fresh jawline.

Also, my dear friend, maintain a sleep schedule for your animals.

and you have successfully maxed out your HGH


Output, if you followed the steps correctly.


Ah, good old tension.

Who doesn't feel stressed in today's world?

So that you don't have any stress, you should become a beggar living in the forest.

will be. But nowadays even monks are under stress.

Well, let's talk about stress.

Stress is the single largest producer of cortisol.

What is cortisol?

In simple words, cortisol is produced by the body when you are stressed.

Is a hormone and it inhibits HGH production.

Cortisol also significantly reduces your testosterone levels.

Now, we fully understand how stress can affect us.

Height. I am going to present a method that will solve all your stress related issues.

And you won't have to spend any money on those crazy BS products for headaches.

There is no need to invest.

It's easy. Go spend time in nature.

We humans are bound together with nature. This is where we come from, and

It is most likely that after the essence of our life ends where

will go

Therefore, in reality it is right to create a 'relationship' with nature.

Go outside and spend time in nature. This is your basic way of connecting with nature.

Inspires mountain nature.

When was the last time you plucked a leaf and admired it? with this


maybe decades

Always remember your roots. You come from nature.

And you will always go back to nature.

Develop a strong relationship with nature.

20 minutes per day is enough to reduce your stress session.

Extra bonus? Fresh new oxygen is being supplied to the waste parts of your body.


In Islam, during the festival of Ramadan, Muslims go without drinking water from morning till evening.

Is fasting.

In fact, it's incredibly good practice for the height mask. Now, I

I am not asking you to remember your thirst.

This is a very stupid thing to say, but when it comes to luxuries

There are many benefits of fasting, and for maximum productivity in the morning.


Intermittent fasting is a method of eating where you limit the period of time you eat and fast.

Circling in the middle.

It is mandatory that you want to fast for at least 5 hours after waking up in the morning.


What it does is it increases your homesickness.

To put it precisely, homesickness increases when you don't even know that

You don't have access to food.

Increase in household leads to increase in HGH.

Studies show that fasting for 3 days can increase your HGH by 300%.

can increase to

By fasting for 7 or more days, your HGH will increase by 1250%!

Of course, fasting for so many days is part of our daily routine of exercise and work.

It may not be practical for life, but intermittent fasting can boost your HGH.

This is a wonderful way to increase production.

Moreover, you meditate better, and when you meditate,

You earn more money.

And who doesn't want to earn money, eh!


When it comes to heat management, what you eat plays a huge role.

Eating dirty food leads to progress in filth.

as simple as that

And so, you should eat the food that was eaten by the warriors, because

Let me tell you, you are the son of a warrior.

The fact that you are alive while some universe has ceased to exist is

Proves that you are of warrior blood.

And girls, oh, and indeed tall, imposing men (warriors)


When I started working out, I actually gave less importance to eating right.

My progress remained very low for one consecutive year.

Big jump in muscle growth (and girls' chances of dying in DM too) then

Came when I started eating right.

And now without wasting your precious time, I am going to tell you what to eat


1. Arrival of collagen in your body

Collagen is one of the most important nutrients for bone development.

Your bones grow from collagen, not calcium, although to grow you need

Calcium should still be consumed in sufficient quantity. For calcium, it is very simple

There is a lot of milk.

And here's how to get collagen:

Your body produces collagen all the time but when:

Amino acids required: glycine, proline and


These amino acids are found in most animal foods.

If you are a vegetarian, then I agree, but you can use these food items.

Will not be able to do it for your own benefit.

Anyway, here are the foods you should eat to optimize collagen:

• bone sap

• organ meat

• Flesh with skin

• eggs

• fish

Vascular muscles are also an excellent source to increase your testosterone levels.

There is a reason why warriors feasted on Maas.

Now, your body still needs to be able to synthesize collagen.

For this, here are the nutrients and foods you need:

• Meat (in high amounts in shellfish, beef, chicken and pork)

• Copper (highest in liver and oyster)

• Vitamin C (essential, high in capsicum and citrus fruits)

A diet good for growth is also a diet good for health. This

is decisive

If you want to grow, eat in a low calorie surplus (more than maintenance).

100-300 calories).

Try to eat a variety of meats, nuts, fruits and vegetables.

You should consume at least 120 grams of protein per day (preferably protein for height increase).

sources), calcium in adequate amounts and preferably all the micro-nutrients you need

Nutrients should be consumed.

I will now list those foods that you should eat to increase height.

• Carrots keep the growth plates open (by reducing estrogen)

• Milk, eggs, cheese, filaya.

2. Paruk

• Vitamin D3. For general health and height increase for most people

Vitamin D3 should be taken.

This is one of the most popular perfumes and you should definitely get it.

It increases testosterone, increases bone mass, and improves brain function.

Improves, and there are many other things that I honestly can't be bothered to list.

It is possible.

• Magnesium by Dr. Andrew Hayburmani to improve sleep quality

Theronate has been recommended, try this.

• Boron:3-6 mm
• Cretan: Not even a molecule for evolution, just a good molecule heavily researched

It has been tested and proven to be safe and effective.

Your diet can either be your ally or your downfall. Follow the above steps

Result of ignorance in application "Sorry, I like short people"

"No" answer can be found. Act accordingly.

Exercises That Will Skyrocket Your Growth

No miracle happens overnight; You will have to write your own destiny.

If you die and perform all the practices listed below religiously, then I

I can guarantee you one thing: the girl next door will look at you and say, so much

How did he become so big in such a short time?

Since childhood, we have heard our parents saying, "Go exercise, that

Hang on to the bed, you will grow up,” and yes, he was right.

Exercise plays a very big role in increasing our height.

Here are some great exercises to increase height that really work.

I call these exercises the Skyscraper Method for increasing height.

1. sprint

To boost HGH, IGF-1, DHT and testosterone in the supplement

There is a lot of substance, which is necessary for all development, but it puts stress on the bone which

That's a necessary stimulus if you want to grow after puberty.

Sprinting is also excellent high-intensity cardio.

This is an exercise that everyone should do.

2-3 times a week with 3 minutes rest between sprints 5x10-second sprint

Always dynamic before running to increase performance and reduce injury rates.

Please search.

2. Masai Kaduta

There is a lot of pressure on these bones and this helps in promoting athleticism.

There is also a useful method that actually strengthens Achilles.

Kadandra. 3 of these on the roadDo x20. Check them out on YouTube, they are so good.

Don't get hurt, know when to stop.

3. Lifting a heavy calf barefoot

It is good, you also do this and train the calves, do not abandon them.

4. Lifting the thumb of a barefooted Indian stranger

It's good, you also do this and train the calves,Don't leave x2.

5. Raised seat cycling

It is very good for growth after puberty as it is very effective on calves and thighs.

Causes more stress.

To demonstrate, keep your audio close enough to touch the pedals of the bike

Run it. Try this once.

6. strain

True, it is very important because both temporary and permanent herpes can increase the height.


You are shrinking all day, good alcohol reduces this. You are about 2 inches

Will be perpendicular.


• Hanging from the uterus (try hanging until your vagina comes out)

• Cobra stretch (3x20 seconds)

• Chest strain (3x20 seconds)

• Touching the ring finger (if possible)3x20 seconds)

• Sapuramanai (3x20)

Galtu Bridge (3x20)

• Hip Flexor Stretch (3x20)

7. Breathing in Pat

Simply pull/contract your navel downwards (not take a deep breath in) and

Tighten the muscles of the buttocks, now remain in this position.

Do 4 consecutive repetitions of this for 15 seconds.

8. Sanyabudhan Uttjenna

In the standing position, raise both your arms in the horizontal plane, as far as they

As far as possible, spread out. Rotate your arms in a circular motion about 1 foot in diameter.

And on each turn, extend your arms backwards as far as possible.

Remain in this position and do not bend your elbows for 30 seconds.

After rotating in the south-west direction, rotate again in the south-west direction for 30 seconds.

Repeat this process twice.

Your testosterone session is increasing

I'm going to give you a blueprint to triple your testosterone session,

Most men's problems can be solved by increasing testosterone.

Lack of motivation, energy, discipline, desire to work...

Can everyone be given a significant increase in testosterone by increasing testosterone?

You need to maximize your testosterone for these three reasons

1. Testosterone increases protein synthesis. You should be careful about what you eat.

Can build more muscles.

2. Testosterone increases dopamine baseline.

Energy + Motivation + Will to Win

3. Testosterone makes EORT feel good. It prepares you for the challenges


To do a difficult task, to accept a challenge, to face extraordinary circumstances

Your desire to cum depends on testosterone

1. Good diet

Eat lots of fat and protein. If you're stuck like I am and are really into carbs,

If necessary, eat some carbs before and after your workout.

The rest of the diet consists of fat and protein, especially rapeseed eggs, which are high in cholesterol.

Which is essential for the production of testosterone.

Eat every day: 100 grams of almonds, 4-8+ eggs a day, 1/2 cup with fat

Sara Pash Maasan.

2. Semen retention

Ejaculation increases prolactin, which decreases testosterone. This gives you

Feeling tired, dissatisfied, and unmotivated to try anything


3. Sleep

Not only sleep enough hours (8-10) but also good quality sleep. Its

It means to touch one's nose with special respect.

If not, you are not oxygenating your body properly, and you

Increases carbon dioxide in your body, which increases cortisol and

Testosterone is reduced.

If you have allergies and can't breathe through your nose like I do, then on this day

Take more throughout the day and take one tablet before bed.
4. Drink water

This is absolutely clear; just do it. Remember that when you wake up,

One should drink thick glass (about 0.5-1 litre) and drink Khabu, especially when

You exercise.

Drink at least 3-4 liters of water every day.

5. Paruk

Vitamin D: 5,000-10,000 IU and also morning sunlight

Wherein 30 mg,

Magnesium 400 mg,

Creatine: 1 gram for every 10 kg of body weight

Boron, 3 grams (half a teaspoon)

If you want more libido and make it easier for your dick to get hard

If you want, then take 1.5 grams of corn rutu. But it only increases sex drive.

No testosterone.

Tongantai Ali (400 mg): To SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin)

Therefore, pure testosterone has the most powerful effect.

Fadogia agarestus (600 mg): Releases LH (leutonizing hormone)

which stimulates the testicles to produce testosterone. Also,

Andrew Hayburman said that this disk will become very big.

Some other supplements that can enhance your testosterone session are Ashwagandha,

Shilajit and Mathi Arka.

additional unit

Height Increasing Boots + Insoles

This is not shallow. A woman feels more secure with a taller man.

But that doesn't mean she does it.

Learn to fight. I firmly believe that as long as you lie about your true height

Till then you will have to use a height enhancer to make your feet look taller.

Should wear. Quick, easy 3 ibid. Instant increase in social status.

Power of belief (all

A man is what he believes.

This is the most important initiative of the entire guide.

If you believe that you will grow, you can only grow; if you don't,

So you won't.

Be it height, growth, or life, it is one of the most important tools.

Which you should develop.

The power of visualization is often overlooked.

You have to mold your mind towards success.

There is a thing called “auto-suggestions” which you can use to get maximum results.

You can practice in your daily life.

To do a sitting, sit with your back straight.

Close your eyes, take deep breaths and say with full confidence that I am growing, I am growing.

It's happening. Just repeat these two sentences and meditate on it.

Andrew Hayburmanay talks this time.

placebos action

And this is a very powerful practice.

Just trust me.

If you've come this far, I'm very proud of you, and I definitely love you.

Hopefully you will grow anywhere between 2-4 inches in the next 3-6 months.

Anyway, first of all, here's another gift for you.

See you soon!


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