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participating in the managerial interviewing skills role play provided a valuable chance to assess
my abilities as an interviewer. In this assignment will discuss about my performance in role play,
by using relevant literature and theories to analyze my strengths and areas can improve.

Active listening is emerged as a cornerstone skill during the role play, drawing from research by
Kurtzberg (2019), who emphasizes its pivotal role in effective communication. During the role
play I tried to listen actively to the candidate’s responses, maintained eye contact and nodding
affirmatively to convey understanding towards candidate. however, I recognized instances where
my attention wavered, potentially impact my comprehension of the candidates answer. To
improve my active listening skills, I plan to use mindfulness techniques to stay engaged with
candidates, drawing from research by Beck (2020), fostering present-moment awareness to stay
deeply engage with candidates and extract meaningful insights.

Moreover, structured interviewing frameworks are advocated for minimizing biases and enhance
riability (Campbell & Knapp, 2020). During the interview I despite my effort to maintain a
structured approach with candidate, there was a moment where I deviated from pre-planned
question, potentially compromising consistency. As I stated in index 1 drawing from the STAR
(Situation, Task, Action, Result) method proposed by (campion, palmer, and campion 1997). I
intend to adopt a systematic approach like the STAR techniques to gather detailed responses
from candidates during interviews. And by using a structured interviewing format I hope to be
more objective and reliable in future interviews.

Furthermore, Nonverbal communication plays a significant role in interview. As

highlighted by (Mehrabian, 2020). During role play I recognized that my body language
may have inadvertently conveyed disinterest or discomfort, such as crossing my arms,
potentially signaling defensiveness. To address this, I intent to adopt more open and
welcoming posture to build a rapport and trust with candidates. Aligning with research
by (Jeanne Segal, 2020) assertion that positive nonverbal communication facilitates
rapport and trust-building with candidates.

In conclusion, the managerial interviewing skills role play provided valuable insights into
my strengths and areas for improvement as an interviewer. By critically analyzing my
performance in light of relevant literature and theories, I have identified actionable
strategies to enhance my active listening abilities, adopt structured interviewing
techniques, refine nonverbal communication cues, and address biases effectively.
Moving forward, I am committed to leveraging these insights to facilitate fair, objective,
and effective hiring practices in my managerial role.

In conclusion,

Jeanne Segal, 2020

Index 1

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