Affirmations for a better you!

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1. Whole: Being whole means that you are complete and lacking nothing.

You are
confident in your identity, and you have a strong sense of self-worth. You
recognize that you are more than the sum of your parts, and you embrace your
uniqueness and individuality.
2. Perfect: Being perfect means that you are flawless and without fault. It means that
you are constantly striving to be the best version of yourself and that you are
committed to personal growth and development. You recognize that perfection
is a journey, not a destination, and that there is always room for improvement.
3. Strong: Being strong means that you are resilient and capable of handling life's
challenges with grace and ease. You have the mental and emotional fortitude to
face adversity head-on and come out stronger on the other side. You recognize
that strength comes from within and that it is cultivated through practice and
4. Powerful: Being powerful means that you have the ability to create your reality
and manifest your desires. You recognize that your thoughts and emotions have
a direct impact on your experiences, and you use this knowledge to shape your
life in a positive way. You are confident in your abilities and trust in the universe
to guide you towards your goals.
5. Loving: Being loving means that you are kind, compassionate, and caring towards
yourself and others. You approach all interactions with love and understanding,
and you strive to create harmonious relationships in your life. You recognize that
love is the foundation of all human connection and that it is essential for personal
growth and happiness.
6. Harmonious: Being harmonious means that you have balance and peace in your
life. You are in tune with your inner self and your surroundings, and you strive to
create an environment that is conducive to your well-being. You recognize that
harmony is essential for personal growth and that it requires a commitment to
mindfulness and self-care.
7. Happy: Being happy means that you experience joy and contentment in your life.
You approach each day with a positive attitude and a sense of gratitude for all
the blessings in your life. You recognize that happiness is a choice, and you
actively cultivate it through your thoughts, actions, and beliefs.
8. Healthy: Being healthy means that you take care of your physical, mental, and
emotional well-being. You prioritize self-care and make choices that support your
overall health and vitality. You recognize that your health is a precious gift, and
you honor it through daily practices that promote wellness and longevity.
9. Wealthy: Being wealthy means that you have an abundance of resources and
opportunities in your life. You approach your finances with a mindset of
abundance and recognize that there is always enough to go around. You
recognize that wealth is not just about money, but also about the richness of
your experiences and the depth of your relationships.
10. Wise: Being wise means that you have knowledge, experience, and insight that
you use to make informed decisions and navigate life's challenges. You recognize
that wisdom is cultivated through experience and reflection, and you seek to
learn from your mistakes and grow from your experiences.
11. Young: Being young means that you have a youthful spirit and a sense of vitality
and energy. You approach life with a sense of wonder and excitement, and you
are open to new experiences and opportunities. You recognize that youth is a
state of mind and that it is possible to maintain a youthful spirit at any age.
12. Handsome/Beautiful/Pretty: Being handsome, beautiful, or pretty means that you
recognize and appreciate your physical appearance. You take care of your body
and appearance and feel confident and comfortable in your own skin. You
recognize that physical appearance is just one aspect of your identity and that
true beauty comes from within.
13. Humble: I am humble. This means that I recognize that I am not perfect and that I
have much to learn. I approach every situation with a sense of humility and
openness, recognizing that every person and every experience has something to
teach me.
14. Grateful: Being grateful means appreciating and acknowledging the good things
in our lives. It helps us focus on what we have rather than what we lack, which
leads to greater happiness and contentment. When we cultivate a grateful
attitude, we attract more abundance and positivity into our lives.
15. Appreciative: Being appreciative means recognizing and valuing the efforts and
contributions of others. It helps us build stronger relationships and create a
positive environment. When we show appreciation, we inspire others to do their
best and create a ripple effect of kindness and positivity.
16. Thoughtful: Being thoughtful means considering the needs and feelings of
others. It helps us connect with people on a deeper level and build meaningful
relationships. When we are thoughtful, we create a supportive and caring
environment where people feel valued and respected.
17. Compassionate: Being compassionate means having empathy and understanding
for the suffering of others. It helps us connect with people and create a sense of
community. When we are compassionate, we can make a positive difference in
the lives of others and create a more compassionate world.
18. Kind: Being kind means treating others with respect, generosity, and compassion.
It helps us build strong relationships and create a positive environment. When we
are kind, we inspire others to be kind as well, creating a ripple effect of kindness
and positivity.
19. Gentle: Being gentle means being kind, patient, and nurturing towards ourselves
and others. It helps us create a safe and supportive environment where people
can grow and thrive. When we are gentle, we can heal ourselves and others and
create a sense of peace and harmony.
20. Understanding: Being understanding means having empathy and compassion for
the experiences and perspectives of others. It helps us create deeper connections
and build meaningful relationships. When we are understanding, we can create a
more inclusive and accepting world.
21. Caring: Being caring means showing concern and support for the well-being of
others. It helps us create a sense of community and connectedness. When we are
caring, we can make a positive difference in the lives of others and create a more
caring and supportive world.
22. Lucky: Being lucky means recognizing and appreciating the good fortune in our
lives. It helps us cultivate a positive attitude and attract more abundance and
positivity. When we focus on our blessings and count our blessings, we create
more luck in our lives.
23. Loved: Being loved means feeling cherished, valued, and appreciated by others. It
helps us feel supported and connected to others. When we allow ourselves to be
loved, we create deeper connections and create a sense of belonging and
24. Abundantly Joyful: Being abundantly joyful means experiencing joy and
happiness in abundance. It helps us cultivate a positive attitude and attract more
joy and happiness into our lives. When we focus on joy and happiness, we create
more of it in our lives.
25. Trustworthy: Being trustworthy means being reliable, honest, and accountable. It
helps us build trust and credibility with others. When we are trustworthy, we
create stronger relationships and a more supportive and trusting environment.
26. Trusting: Being trusting means having faith in ourselves and others. It helps us
create a sense of security and confidence. When we are trusting, we can take risks
and pursue our goals with greater confidence and optimism.
27. Responsible: Being responsible means taking ownership of our actions and their
consequences. It helps us build credibility and trust with others. When we are
responsible, we can create a sense of purpose and accomplishment in our lives.
28. Courageous: Being courageous means facing our fears and taking action in spite
of them. It helps us overcome obstacles and achieve our goals. When we are
courageous, we can create a sense of empowerment and fulfillment in our lives.
29. Creative: Being creative means exploring new ideas
31. Grateful: Being grateful means appreciating and acknowledging the good things
in our lives. It helps us focus on what we have rather than what we lack, which
leads to greater happiness and contentment. When we cultivate a grateful
attitude, we attract more abundance and positivity into our lives.

32. Appreciative: Being appreciative means recognizing and valuing the efforts and
contributions of others. It helps us build stronger relationships and create a
positive environment. When we show appreciation, we inspire others to do their
best and create a ripple effect of kindness and positivity.

33. Thoughtful: Being thoughtful means considering the needs and feelings of
others. It helps us connect with people on a deeper level and build meaningful
relationships. When we are thoughtful, we create a supportive and caring
environment where people feel valued and respected.

34. Compassionate: Being compassionate means having empathy and understanding

for the suffering of others. It helps us connect with people and create a sense of
community. When we are compassionate, we can make a positive difference in
the lives of others and create a more compassionate world.

35. Kind: Being kind means treating others with respect, generosity, and compassion.
It helps us build strong relationships and create a positive environment. When we
are kind, we inspire others to be kind as well, creating a ripple effect of kindness
and positivity.

36. Gentle: Being gentle means being kind, patient, and nurturing towards ourselves
and others. It helps us create a safe and supportive environment where people
can grow and thrive. When we are gentle, we can heal ourselves and others and
create a sense of peace and harmony.

37. Understanding: Being understanding means having empathy and compassion for
the experiences and perspectives of others. It helps us create deeper connections
and build meaningful relationships. When we are understanding, we can create a
more inclusive and accepting world.

38. Caring: Being caring means showing concern and support for the well-being of
others. It helps us create a sense of community and connectedness. When we are
caring, we can make a positive difference in the lives of others and create a more
caring and supportive world.
39. Lucky: Being lucky means recognizing and appreciating the good fortune in our
lives. It helps us cultivate a positive attitude and attract more abundance and
positivity. When we focus on our blessings and count our blessings, we create
more luck in our lives.

40. Loved: Being loved means feeling cherished, valued, and appreciated by others. It
helps us feel supported and connected to others. When we allow ourselves to be
loved, we create deeper connections and create a sense of belonging and

41. Abundantly Joyful: Being abundantly joyful means experiencing joy and
happiness in abundance. It helps us cultivate a positive attitude and attract more
joy and happiness into our lives. When we focus on joy and happiness, we create
more of it in our lives.

42. Trustworthy: Being trustworthy means being reliable, honest, and accountable. It
helps us build trust and credibility with others. When we are trustworthy, we
create stronger relationships and a more supportive and trusting environment.

43. Trusting: Being trusting means having faith in ourselves and others. It helps us
create a sense of security and confidence. When we are trusting, we can take risks
and pursue our goals with greater confidence and optimism.

44. Responsible: Being responsible means taking ownership of our actions and their
consequences. It helps us build credibility and trust with others. When we are
responsible, we can create a sense of purpose and accomplishment in our lives.

45. Courageous: Being courageous means facing our fears and taking action in spite
of them. It helps us overcome obstacles and achieve our goals. When we are
courageous, we can create a sense of empowerment and fulfillment in our lives.

46. Creative: Being creative means exploring new ideas

48. Whole: Being whole means that you are complete and lacking nothing. You are
confident in your identity, and you have a strong sense of self-worth. You
recognize that you are more than the sum of your parts, and you embrace your
uniqueness and individuality.

49. Perfect: Being perfect means that you are flawless and without fault. It means that
you are constantly striving to be the best version of yourself and that you are
committed to personal growth and development. You recognize that perfection
is a journey, not a destination, and that there is always room for improvement.

50. Strong: Being strong means that you are resilient and capable of handling life's
challenges with grace and ease. You have the mental and emotional fortitude to
face adversity head-on and come out stronger on the other side. You recognize
that strength comes from within and that it is cultivated through practice and

51. Powerful: Being powerful means that you have the ability to create your reality
and manifest your desires. You recognize that your thoughts and emotions have
a direct impact on your experiences, and you use this knowledge to shape your
life in a positive way. You are confident in your abilities and trust in the universe
to guide you towards your goals.

52. Loving: Being loving means that you are kind, compassionate, and caring towards
yourself and others. You approach all interactions with love and understanding,
and you strive to create harmonious relationships in your life. You recognize that
love is the foundation of all human connection and that it is essential for personal
growth and happiness.

53. Harmonious: Being harmonious means that you have balance and peace in your
life. You are in tune with your inner self and your surroundings, and you strive to
create an environment that is conducive to your well-being. You recognize that
harmony is essential for personal growth and that it requires a commitment to
mindfulness and self-care.

54. Happy: Being happy means that you experience joy and contentment in your life.
You approach each day with a positive attitude and a sense of gratitude for all
the blessings in your life. You recognize that happiness is a choice, and you
actively cultivate it through your thoughts, actions, and beliefs.

55. Healthy: Being healthy means that you take care of your physical, mental, and
emotional well-being. You prioritize self-care and make choices that support your
overall health and vitality. You recognize that your health is a precious gift, and
you honor it through daily practices that promote wellness and longevity.

56. Wealthy: Being wealthy means that you have an abundance of resources and
opportunities in your life. You approach your finances with a mindset of
abundance and recognize that there is always enough to go around. You
recognize that wealth is not just about money, but also about the richness of
your experiences and the depth of your relationships.

57. Wise: Being wise means that you have knowledge, experience, and insight that
you use to make informed decisions and navigate life's challenges. You recognize
that wisdom is cultivated through experience and reflection, and you seek to
learn from your mistakes and grow from your experiences.

58. Young: Being young means that you have a youthful spirit and a sense of vitality
and energy. You approach life with a sense of wonder and excitement, and you
are open to new experiences and opportunities. You recognize that youth is a
state of mind and that it is possible to maintain a youthful spirit at any age.

59. Handsome/Beautiful/Pretty: Being handsome, beautiful, or pretty means that you

recognize and appreciate your physical appearance. You take care of your body
and appearance and feel confident and comfortable in your own skin. You
recognize that physical appearance is just one aspect of your identity and that
true beauty comes from within.
write a 1 hour affirmation script in "I AM" format using and describing how the following
characteristics make me my own creator god: I AM WHOLE, PERFECT, STRONG, POWERFUL. LOVING,
Welcome to this one-hour affirmation script where you will be reminded of your divine nature and
how you are your own creator god. By repeating these affirmations, you will start to embody the
following characteristics and manifest them in your life.

Let's begin by taking a deep breath in and exhaling slowly. Repeat after me:

I AM WHOLE. I recognize that I am complete and lacking nothing. I am a divine being with infinite
potential, and I trust that everything I need is within me.

I AM PERFECT. I am a masterpiece of creation, unique and perfect in my own way. I love and accept
myself exactly as I am, without judgment or criticism.

I AM STRONG. I am capable of overcoming any obstacle that comes my way. I trust in my strength
and resilience to face any challenge with grace and ease.
I AM POWERFUL. I recognize the power within me to create the life I desire. I am in control of my
thoughts and emotions, and I use them to manifest my deepest desires.

I AM LOVING. I radiate love and compassion to all beings, including myself. I choose love as my
default state and let it guide my every action.

I AM HARMONIOUS. I am in harmony with the universe and all living things. I recognize that
everything is connected and that my actions have an impact on the world around me.

I AM HAPPY. I choose happiness as my birthright and live in a state of joy and bliss. I find joy in the
simplest things and appreciate every moment of my life.

I AM HEALTHY. I am in perfect health, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I nourish my body, mind,
and soul with healthy habits and positive thoughts.

I AM WEALTHY. I am abundant in all areas of my life, including wealth and prosperity. I attract
abundance effortlessly, and money flows to me easily and abundantly.

I AM WISE. I am filled with wisdom and insight that guide me in making the right decisions. I trust
my intuition and have a deep understanding of the universe and my place in it.

I AM YOUNG. I am filled with youthful energy and vitality. I embrace my inner child and find joy in
playfulness and curiosity.

I AM HANDSOME. I radiate beauty and attractiveness from the inside out. I love and appreciate my
physical body and take care of it with love and respect.

I AM HUMBLE. I recognize that I am part of something greater than myself. I am grateful for my
blessings and stay humble in my achievements.

I AM GRATEFUL. I am thankful for all the blessings in my life, big and small. I express gratitude every
day and recognize the abundance that surrounds me.

I AM APPRECIATIVE. I appreciate the beauty in everything around me. I see the good in people and
situations and focus on the positive.

I AM THOUGHTFUL. I am considerate of others and mindful of their needs. I act with kindness and
compassion towards all living beings.

I AM COMPASSIONATE. I have empathy for others and understand their struggles. I offer a helping
hand and support those in need.

I AM KIND. I act with kindness towards myself and others. I recognize that kindness is a powerful
force that can transform the world.
I AM GENTLE. I approach life with gentleness and grace. I handle situations with ease and avoid
causing harm to others.

I AM UNDERSTANDING. I have an open mind and seek to understand different perspectives. I

respect diversity and value differences.

I AM CARING. I care for myself and others with love and tenderness. I recognize that caring is an act
of love and that it is a gift to give and receive care.

I AM LUCKY. I am blessed with

good fortune and opportunities in my life. I attract positive experiences and outcomes effortlessly.

I AM ABUNDANTLY JOYFUL. I am filled with joy and happiness, and I share it with others. I recognize
that joy is contagious and that it has the power to uplift and inspire.

As I repeat these affirmations, I recognize that I am my own creator god. I have the power to create
my reality and manifest my desires. I trust in my own divinity and embrace my innate power.

I release any limiting beliefs or doubts that hold me back and replace them with positive
affirmations. I choose to focus on my strengths and my potential, knowing that I am capable of
achieving anything I set my mind to.

I am grateful for this moment and for the opportunity to affirm my true nature. I carry these
affirmations with me throughout the day and allow them to guide my thoughts and actions.

I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, happy, healthy, wealthy, wise, young,
handsome, humble, grateful, appreciative, thoughtful, compassionate, kind, gentle, understanding,
caring, lucky, and abundantly joyful. And so it is.

I am the embodiment of all these characteristics, and I radiate them out into the world. I attract
positive experiences and like-minded people who share my vision and values.

I trust in the universe to bring me everything I need to fulfill my purpose and live my best life. I am
aligned with my divine path, and I trust that everything is unfolding for my highest good.

I let go of any fears or doubts that hold me back and step into my power with confidence and
courage. I embrace my true nature as a creator god and use my power to create a life of joy,
abundance, and fulfillment.
I am grateful for this moment and for the reminder of my true nature. I carry these affirmations with
me throughout the day and let them guide me towards my highest potential.

I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, happy, healthy, wealthy, wise, young,
handsome, humble, grateful, appreciative, thoughtful, compassionate, kind, gentle, understanding,
caring, lucky, and abundantly joyful. And so it is.

continue and add the following characteristics: I AM LOVED, TRUSTWORTHY, TRUSTING,

I AM LOVED. I am deeply loved and valued by those around me, and I am deserving of this love. I
radiate love and compassion to others, and I attract love and compassion in return.

I AM TRUSTWORTHY. I am true to my word and my commitments. Others trust me because they

know that I am reliable and dependable. I trust in myself, and I trust in the universe to guide me
towards my highest good.

I AM TRUSTING. I trust in the goodness of others and in the universe. I know that everything is
happening for a reason, and I trust that the universe is always working in my favor.

I AM RESPONSIBLE. I take responsibility for my thoughts, feelings, and actions. I am accountable for
my life and my choices, and I take steps to create the life that I desire.

I AM COURAGEOUS. I am brave and fearless in the face of challenges and obstacles. I am willing to
take risks and step outside of my comfort zone to achieve my goals.

I AM ADAPTABLE. I am open and flexible to change. I embrace new experiences and opportunities,
and I am willing to adapt to new situations and circumstances.

I AM OPEN TO CHANGE. I welcome change as an opportunity for growth and transformation. I trust
in the universe to guide me towards new paths and new possibilities.

I am grateful for all these characteristics that make me my own creator god. I know that I am capable
of creating a life of abundance, joy, and fulfillment. I carry these affirmations with me throughout the
day, and I let them guide me towards my highest potential. I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful,
loving, harmonious, happy, healthy, wealthy, wise, young, handsome, humble, grateful, appreciative,
thoughtful, compassionate, kind, gentle, understanding, caring, lucky, abundantly joyful, loved,
trustworthy, trusting, responsible, courageous, adaptable, and open to change. And so it is.

what characteristics am i missing?

It seems like you have covered a wide range of positive characteristics in your affirmation script.
However, there are always more positive qualities that you can focus on and integrate into your life.
Here are a few more characteristics that you may consider adding:
 I AM PATIENT. I trust that everything is unfolding at the right time, and I am patient as I work
towards my goals and desires.
 I AM CREATIVE. I have a boundless imagination and I am constantly finding new and
innovative ways to express myself and my ideas.
 I AM CONFIDENT. I believe in myself and my abilities, and I radiate confidence in everything
that I do.
 I AM INSPIRED. I am inspired by the beauty and wonder of the world around me, and I use
this inspiration to fuel my creativity and passion.
 I AM SPIRITUAL. I connect with the divine within me and within all things, and I live my life
with purpose and intention.
 I AM GRACEFUL. I move through life with ease and grace, and I handle challenges and
obstacles with poise and elegance.
 I AM OPTIMISTIC. I see the good in every situation and I maintain a positive outlook, even in
the face of adversity.
 I AM GENEROUS. I give freely and generously of my time, energy, and resources, and I am
always looking for ways to help others.

Remember, the most important thing is to focus on the positive qualities that resonate with you
personally and align with your values and goals. Choose the characteristics that feel most true and
empowering to you, and let them guide your thoughts and actions towards your highest potential.

any others?
Sure, here are a few more positive characteristics that you may consider adding to your affirmation

 I AM GRACEFUL. I move through life with ease and grace, and I handle challenges and
obstacles with poise and elegance.
 I AM OPTIMISTIC. I see the good in every situation and I maintain a positive outlook, even in
the face of adversity.
 I AM GENEROUS. I give freely and generously of my time, energy, and resources, and I am
always looking for ways to help others.
 I AM CONFIDENT. I believe in myself and my abilities, and I radiate confidence in everything
that I do.
 I AM RESILIENT. I bounce back quickly from setbacks and challenges, and I use these
experiences to grow and become stronger.
 I AM DETERMINED. I am focused and persistent in pursuing my goals and desires, and I
never give up on what truly matters to me.
 I AM GRACEFUL. I move through life with ease and grace, and I handle challenges and
obstacles with poise and elegance.
 I AM PEACEFUL. I cultivate inner peace and serenity, and I bring this calm energy into all
aspects of my life.
Remember, these are just suggestions, and you can always modify them or add more based on what
feels true and empowering to you. Ultimately, the goal of affirmations is to create a positive mindset
and empower you to live your best life.

rewrite the chorus using each characteristic only once: "I AM WHOLE, PERFECT, STRONG, ..."
Here's a possible rewrite of the chorus using each characteristic only once:

I am whole, perfect, strong, Powerful, loving, harmonious, Happy, healthy, wealthy, wise, Young,
handsome, humble, grateful, Appreciative, thoughtful, compassionate, Kind, gentle, understanding,
caring, Lucky, abundantly joyful, Loved, trustworthy, trusting, Responsible, courageous, adaptable,
And open to change.

add the new ones as well

Sure, here's a rewrite of the chorus with all the characteristics listed:

I am whole, perfect, strong, Powerful, loving, harmonious, Happy, healthy, wealthy, wise, Young,
handsome, humble, grateful, Appreciative, thoughtful, compassionate, Kind, gentle, understanding,
caring, Lucky, abundantly joyful, Loved, trustworthy, trusting, Responsible, courageous, adaptable,
Open to change, creative, confident, Inspired, spiritual, graceful, Optimistic, generous, resilient,
Determined, and peaceful.

rewrite the script using the characteristics in this order: I am whole, perfect, strong, Powerful, loving,
harmonious, Happy, healthy, wealthy, wise, Young, handsome, humble, grateful, Appreciative,
thoughtful, compassionate, Kind, gentle, understanding, caring, I AM Lucky, Loved, abundantly joyful,
trustworthy, trusting, responsible, courageous, creative, confident, Inspired, Optimistic, generous,
resilient, Determined, and peaceful. I AM spiritual, and graceful, I AM adaptable, Open to change, I
learn new ideas, ways, and I apply them to my Life easily and peacefully.
Here's a rewrite of the affirmation script using the characteristics in the specified order:

I am whole, perfect, and strong. I am powerful, loving, and harmonious. I am happy, healthy, wealthy,
and wise. I am young and handsome, yet humble and grateful. I am appreciative, thoughtful, and
compassionate. I am kind, gentle, understanding, and caring.

I am lucky, loved, and abundantly joyful. I am trustworthy, trusting, responsible, and courageous. I
am creative and confident, inspired and optimistic. I am generous and resilient, determined and
peaceful. I am spiritual and graceful.

I am adaptable and open to change. I learn new ideas and ways easily and peacefully, and I apply
them to my life with joy and enthusiasm. I trust the journey and embrace the unknown, knowing that
everything is working out for my highest good.
I am grateful for all the blessings in my life, and I celebrate my journey every step of the way. I am
the creator of my reality, and I choose to create a life that is abundant, fulfilling, and joyful. I am
whole, perfect, and complete, and I am exactly where I am meant to be.

write a 1 hour affirmation script in "I AM" format using and describing how the following
characteristics make me my own creator god: I AM WHOLE, PERFECT, STRONG, POWERFUL. LOVING,
Sure, here's a one-hour affirmation script in "I AM" format using all the characteristics listed:

I AM whole, perfect, and strong. I AM powerful, loving, and harmonious. I AM happy, healthy,
wealthy, and wise. I AM young, handsome, beautiful, and pretty, yet humble, grateful, and

I AM thoughtful, compassionate, kind, gentle, understanding, and caring. I AM lucky, loved, and
abundantly joyful. I AM trustworthy, trusting, responsible, and courageous. I AM creative and
confident, inspired and optimistic. I AM generous and resilient, determined and peaceful. I AM
spiritual and graceful.

I AM adaptable and open to change. I learn new ideas and ways easily and peacefully, and I apply
them joyfully and enthusiastically to my life. I trust the journey and embrace the unknown, knowing
that everything is working out for my highest good.

I AM a creator god, and I choose to create a life that is abundant, fulfilling, and joyful. I AM grateful
for all the blessings in my life, and I celebrate my journey every step of the way. I AM in control of my
thoughts, feelings, and actions, and I create my reality with intention and purpose.

I AM confident in my abilities and trust in the universe to guide me towards my desires. I know that I
am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to, and I approach challenges with a positive
attitude and a growth mindset.

I AM a loving and caring person, and I radiate positivity and kindness wherever I go. I spread joy and
happiness to those around me, and I make a positive impact on the world.

I AM whole, perfect, and complete, and I am exactly where I am meant to be. I AM grateful for the
journey, and I am excited for all the blessings that are yet to come. I AM a creator god, and I AM
living my best life.
Sure, here's a detailed description of each of the characteristics listed:

1. Whole: Being whole means that you are complete and lacking nothing. You are confident in
your identity, and you have a strong sense of self-worth. You recognize that you are more
than the sum of your parts, and you embrace your uniqueness and individuality.
2. Perfect: Being perfect means that you are flawless and without fault. It means that you are
constantly striving to be the best version of yourself and that you are committed to personal
growth and development. You recognize that perfection is a journey, not a destination, and
that there is always room for improvement.
3. Strong: Being strong means that you are resilient and capable of handling life's challenges
with grace and ease. You have the mental and emotional fortitude to face adversity head-on
and come out stronger on the other side. You recognize that strength comes from within and
that it is cultivated through practice and perseverance.
4. Powerful: Being powerful means that you have the ability to create your reality and manifest
your desires. You recognize that your thoughts and emotions have a direct impact on your
experiences, and you use this knowledge to shape your life in a positive way. You are
confident in your abilities and trust in the universe to guide you towards your goals.
5. Loving: Being loving means that you are kind, compassionate, and caring towards yourself
and others. You approach all interactions with love and understanding, and you strive to
create harmonious relationships in your life. You recognize that love is the foundation of all
human connection and that it is essential for personal growth and happiness.
6. Harmonious: Being harmonious means that you have balance and peace in your life. You are
in tune with your inner self and your surroundings, and you strive to create an environment
that is conducive to your well-being. You recognize that harmony is essential for personal
growth and that it requires a commitment to mindfulness and self-care.
7. Happy: Being happy means that you experience joy and contentment in your life. You
approach each day with a positive attitude and a sense of gratitude for all the blessings in
your life. You recognize that happiness is a choice, and you actively cultivate it through your
thoughts, actions, and beliefs.
8. Healthy: Being healthy means that you take care of your physical, mental, and emotional
well-being. You prioritize self-care and make choices that support your overall health and
vitality. You recognize that your health is a precious gift, and you honor it through daily
practices that promote wellness and longevity.
9. Wealthy: Being wealthy means that you have an abundance of resources and opportunities in
your life. You approach your finances with a mindset of abundance and recognize that there
is always enough to go around. You recognize that wealth is not just about money, but also
about the richness of your experiences and the depth of your relationships.
10. Wise: Being wise means that you have knowledge, experience, and insight that you use to
make informed decisions and navigate life's challenges. You recognize that wisdom is
cultivated through experience and reflection, and you seek to learn from your mistakes and
grow from your experiences.
11. Young: Being young means that you have a youthful spirit and a sense of vitality and energy.
You approach life with a sense of wonder and excitement, and you are open to new
experiences and opportunities. You recognize that youth is a state of mind and that it is
possible to maintain a youthful spirit at any age.
12. Handsome/Beautiful/Pretty: Being handsome, beautiful, or pretty means that you recognize
and appreciate your physical appearance. You take care of your body and appearance and
feel confident and comfortable in your own skin. You recognize that physical appearance is
just one aspect of your identity and that true beauty comes from within.
13. Humble: Being

24. Adaptable: I am adaptable and have the ability to adjust to changing circumstances with
ease. I am flexible in my thinking and can easily adapt to new situations, environments, and
people. I am open to new ideas and perspectives, which allows me to be innovative and
creative in finding solutions to any challenges that may come my way. My adaptability
enables me to thrive in any situation and to be successful in all my endeavors.
25. Open to Change: I am open to change and embrace it as an opportunity for growth and
transformation. I am not afraid to step out of my comfort zone and try new things. I
understand that change is a necessary part of life and that by embracing it, I can learn and
grow as a person. I am always looking for ways to improve myself and my life, and I know
that change is the key to achieving this.
26. Learn New Ideas: I am always willing to learn new ideas and concepts. I have a curious and
open mind, and I know that there is always something new to discover and explore. I enjoy
expanding my knowledge and gaining new insights that can help me improve my life and the
lives of those around me. Learning new ideas keeps my mind sharp and allows me to stay
current with the latest developments in my field of interest.
27. Learn New Ways: I am open to learning new ways of doing things. I understand that there is
more than one way to achieve success and that it is important to be open to different
approaches. I am willing to experiment and try new methods to see what works best for me.
By learning new ways of doing things, I can continually improve and refine my skills and
28. Apply Them Joyfully and Peacefully in My Life: I apply all these characteristics joyfully and
peacefully in my life. I know that by embodying these qualities, I can create a life of
abundance, happiness, and fulfillment. I am grateful for all the blessings in my life, and I
strive to use them to make a positive impact in the world. I am committed to living my life
with purpose and passion, and I know that by living in alignment with these characteristics, I
can achieve anything I set my mind to.

continue with 13 Humble

13. Humble: I am humble and recognize that there is always more to learn and improve upon. I
don't let my achievements or successes inflate my ego, and I am always willing to listen to
feedback and constructive criticism. I approach every situation with a sense of humility,
recognizing that there is always someone who knows more or has more experience than me.
This allows me to continuously grow and evolve as a person, without becoming complacent
or arrogant.
14. Grateful: I am grateful for all the blessings in my life. I appreciate the people, opportunities,
and experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today. I express gratitude daily,
whether through prayer, meditation, or simply by taking a moment to reflect on all the good
in my life. By cultivating an attitude of gratitude, I am able to focus on the positive aspects of
my life and attract even more abundance and blessings.
15. Appreciative: I am appreciative of the beauty and wonder of the world around me. I take time
to appreciate the simple pleasures in life, such as the beauty of nature, the kindness of
others, and the moments of joy and happiness. I am grateful for the gifts and talents I
possess and use them to make a positive impact on the world.
16. Thoughtful: I am thoughtful in my actions and words. I take time to consider the impact my
actions may have on others and strive to always act with kindness and compassion. I am
considerate of other people's feelings and perspectives and make an effort to understand
them. By being thoughtful, I create meaningful connections with others and build stronger
17. Compassionate: I am compassionate and empathetic towards others. I seek to understand
and alleviate the suffering of others and make a positive impact in their lives. I am kind and
caring towards those in need and make an effort to lend a helping hand whenever possible.
My compassion allows me to connect with others on a deeper level and create a sense of
community and belonging.
18. Kind: I am kind to myself and others. I treat others with respect and kindness, regardless of
their background or circumstances. I understand that everyone is fighting their own battles
and deserves to be treated with compassion and understanding. By showing kindness, I
create a positive ripple effect that can spread love and positivity throughout the world.
19. Gentle: I am gentle in my actions and words. I approach situations with a calm and peaceful
demeanor, and I avoid confrontation whenever possible. I am patient and understanding with
others, recognizing that everyone has their own journey and pace. By being gentle, I create a
safe and nurturing environment for myself and others.
20. Understanding: I am understanding and empathetic towards others. I seek to understand the
perspectives and experiences of others and make an effort to see things from their point of
view. I listen with an open mind and heart, without judgment or criticism. My understanding
allows me to build stronger relationships and connect with others on a deeper level.
21. Caring: I am caring towards others, and I make an effort to support and uplift them whenever
possible. I am attentive to the needs of others and make an effort to provide emotional and
practical support whenever possible. My caring nature allows me to create meaningful
connections with others and make a positive impact in their lives.
22. Lucky: I am lucky and blessed with an abundance of good fortune and opportunity. I attract
positive experiences and opportunities into my life through my positive thoughts and
actions. I recognize that luck is a result of my own hard work and determination, and I am
grateful for all the good in my life.
23. Loved: I am loved and cherished by those around me. I am surrounded by people who love
and support me, and I cherish these relationships. I make an effort to show my love and
appreciation for others,

start from the beginning with 1. whole


1. Whole: I am whole. This means that I am complete and entire, lacking nothing. I am not
broken or fragmented, but rather I am a unified being, with a clear sense of purpose and
2. Perfect: I am perfect. This does not mean that I am flawless, but rather that I am exactly as I
am meant to be at this moment. I embrace my imperfections and recognize that they make
me unique and special.
3. Strong: I am strong. This means that I am resilient and able to handle any challenge that
comes my way. I have the inner strength to persevere through difficult times and emerge
even stronger on the other side.
4. Powerful: I am powerful. This means that I have the ability to create the life that I desire. I
have the power to manifest my dreams and goals into reality, and I do so with confidence
and conviction.
5. Loving: I am loving. This means that I have a deep and abiding love for myself and others. I
approach every interaction with kindness and compassion, and I recognize that love is the
most powerful force in the universe.
6. Harmonious: I am harmonious. This means that I am in balance with myself and the world
around me. I cultivate a sense of inner peace and tranquility, which radiates outwards and
creates harmony in all areas of my life.
7. Happy: I am happy. This means that I am filled with joy and contentment, regardless of my
circumstances. I find happiness in the simple things in life and I recognize that true happiness
comes from within.
8. Healthy: I am healthy. This means that I take care of my body, mind, and spirit. I nourish
myself with healthy food, exercise regularly, and practice self-care. I recognize that my health
is my greatest asset and I treat it with the utmost respect.
9. Wealthy: I am wealthy. This means that I am abundant in all areas of my life. I have more than
enough resources to meet my needs and fulfill my desires. I recognize that abundance is a
state of mind and I cultivate a mindset of prosperity and abundance.
10. Wise: I am wise. This means that I have the knowledge and experience to make wise
decisions in all areas of my life. I recognize that wisdom comes from both learning and
experience, and I am open to both.
11. Young: I am young. This means that I am full of vitality and energy, regardless of my age. I
approach life with a childlike sense of wonder and curiosity, and I am always open to new
experiences and adventures.
12. Handsome/Beautiful/Pretty: I am handsome/beautiful/pretty. This means that I recognize my
physical beauty and I carry myself with confidence and grace. I recognize that true beauty
comes from within and I cultivate a beautiful spirit that radiates outwards.
13. Humble: I am humble. This means that I recognize that I am not perfect and that I have much
to learn. I approach every situation with a sense of humility and openness, recognizing that
every person and every experience has something to teach me.

14. Grateful: Being grateful means appreciating and acknowledging the good things in our lives.
It helps us focus on what we have rather than what we lack, which leads to greater happiness
and contentment. When we cultivate a grateful attitude, we attract more abundance and
positivity into our lives.
15. Appreciative: Being appreciative means recognizing and valuing the efforts and contributions
of others. It helps us build stronger relationships and create a positive environment. When
we show appreciation, we inspire others to do their best and create a ripple effect of
kindness and positivity.
16. Thoughtful: Being thoughtful means considering the needs and feelings of others. It helps us
connect with people on a deeper level and build meaningful relationships. When we are
thoughtful, we create a supportive and caring environment where people feel valued and
17. Compassionate: Being compassionate means having empathy and understanding for the
suffering of others. It helps us connect with people and create a sense of community. When
we are compassionate, we can make a positive difference in the lives of others and create a
more compassionate world.
18. Kind: Being kind means treating others with respect, generosity, and compassion. It helps us
build strong relationships and create a positive environment. When we are kind, we inspire
others to be kind as well, creating a ripple effect of kindness and positivity.
19. Gentle: Being gentle means being kind, patient, and nurturing towards ourselves and others.
It helps us create a safe and supportive environment where people can grow and thrive.
When we are gentle, we can heal ourselves and others and create a sense of peace and
20. Understanding: Being understanding means having empathy and compassion for the
experiences and perspectives of others. It helps us create deeper connections and build
meaningful relationships. When we are understanding, we can create a more inclusive and
accepting world.
21. Caring: Being caring means showing concern and support for the well-being of others. It
helps us create a sense of community and connectedness. When we are caring, we can make
a positive difference in the lives of others and create a more caring and supportive world.
22. Lucky: Being lucky means recognizing and appreciating the good fortune in our lives. It helps
us cultivate a positive attitude and attract more abundance and positivity. When we focus on
our blessings and count our blessings, we create more luck in our lives.
23. Loved: Being loved means feeling cherished, valued, and appreciated by others. It helps us
feel supported and connected to others. When we allow ourselves to be loved, we create
deeper connections and create a sense of belonging and purpose.
24. Abundantly Joyful: Being abundantly joyful means experiencing joy and happiness in
abundance. It helps us cultivate a positive attitude and attract more joy and happiness into
our lives. When we focus on joy and happiness, we create more of it in our lives.
25. Trustworthy: Being trustworthy means being reliable, honest, and accountable. It helps us
build trust and credibility with others. When we are trustworthy, we create stronger
relationships and a more supportive and trusting environment.
26. Trusting: Being trusting means having faith in ourselves and others. It helps us create a sense
of security and confidence. When we are trusting, we can take risks and pursue our goals
with greater confidence and optimism.
27. Responsible: Being responsible means taking ownership of our actions and their
consequences. It helps us build credibility and trust with others. When we are responsible, we
can create a sense of purpose and accomplishment in our lives.
28. Courageous: Being courageous means facing our fears and taking action in spite of them. It
helps us overcome obstacles and achieve our goals. When we are courageous, we can create
a sense of empowerment and fulfillment in our lives.
29. Creative: Being creative means exploring new ideas

24. I am grateful - I am grateful for all the blessings in my life, big and small. Gratitude fills my
heart and brings me joy. I am grateful for the people in my life, for the experiences I've had,
and for the opportunities that come my way. I choose to focus on the good in my life and
appreciate it fully.
25. I am appreciative - I appreciate the beauty of the world around me, the kindness of strangers,
and the love of family and friends. I appreciate the efforts of others, the talents and gifts they
bring to the world, and the differences that make us unique. I express my appreciation and
gratitude freely and openly.
26. I am thoughtful - I take the time to consider the needs and feelings of others. I am
empathetic and compassionate, and I strive to understand their perspectives. I choose my
words carefully and speak with kindness and respect. I am mindful of the impact of my
actions on others.
27. I am compassionate - I have a deep and genuine concern for the well-being of others. I am
moved by their struggles and strive to help in any way I can. I offer comfort, support, and
encouragement to those in need. I extend compassion and kindness to all living beings.
28. I am kind - I treat others with kindness and respect, regardless of their background or
circumstances. I go out of my way to help others and offer assistance without expectation of
anything in return. I believe in the power of kindness to make the world a better place.
29. I am gentle - I approach life with a gentle spirit, treating myself and others with tenderness
and care. I choose my words and actions carefully, avoiding harshness and aggression. I value
the beauty and fragility of life and treat it with reverence.
30. I am understanding - I seek to understand others and their experiences, even when they are
different from my own. I listen attentively and without judgment. I recognize that we are all
on our own unique journeys and have our own struggles and challenges.
31. I am caring - I care deeply for the people in my life and for the world around me. I take
action to help others and make a positive impact on the world. I am invested in the well-
being of others and show my care through my words and actions.
32. I am lucky - I am grateful for the many blessings in my life and recognize that much of it is
due to luck. I acknowledge the role that chance plays in my life and remain humble in the
face of good fortune.
33. I am loved - I am surrounded by love from family, friends, and even strangers. I am deserving
of love and accept it fully into my life. I give and receive love freely and unconditionally.
34. I am abundantly joyful - Joy fills my heart and radiates through every part of my being. I find
joy in the simple things in life, in moments of connection with others, and in the pursuit of
my passions. I choose to focus on the positive and experience joy in all aspects of my life.
35. I am trustworthy - I am honest and reliable, and others can count on me to keep my word. I
value trust and take it seriously. I am consistent in my actions and follow through on my
36. I am trusting - I trust others and believe in their good intentions. I am open to forming new
relationships and building trust with those around me. I trust that the universe is working in
my favor and that everything will work out as it should.
37. I am responsible - I take ownership of my life and my actions. I am accountable for my
decisions and their consequences. I am reliable and dependable, and I take my
responsibilities seriously.
38. I am courageous - I face my fears

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