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Allister Chayce B.

Romero LITN01G

“Diary ng Panget”
By: Denny R

Teenagers soon began to love the Filipino romance comedy “Diary ng

Panget”, which was directed by Andoy Ranay and released in 2014. Nadine Lustre,

James Reid, Yassi Pressman, and Andre Paras feature in the movie, which is based

on the well-known Denny R. Wattpad novel. The story revolves around Eya

Rodriquez, a spirited but unattractive girl who ends up working as Cross Sandford, a

handsome and affluent classmate, personal maid. Despite its economic success, the

movie has both merits and faults that become apparent upon closer inspection.

The captivating performances in the movie are one of its strongest points. As

Eya, Nadine Lustre excels, giving a charming and engaging portrayal. It is

impressive how well she was able to convey the essence of a character that was

having self-esteem issues while yet having a vibrant personality. Cross is portrayed

by James Reid, who successfully strikes a mix between haughtiness and sensitivity

to give the character greater depth and interest. The obvious chemistry between

Lustre and Reid greatly adds to the attraction of the movie.

Denny R. (2013, May) Diary ng Panget

Moral-Philosophical Approach
Another good thing about "Diary ng Panget" is the themes it explores. The

movie addresses universal themes like self-acceptance and the shallowness of

appearance-based social judgments. The audience finds great resonance with these

themes, especially teens who frequently deal with such issues. The movie

challenges viewers to see past outward appearances and appreciate inward


The movie makes good use of humor, which contributes to its carefree

atmosphere. The movie is a fun diversion because to its clever dialogue and

amusing scenarios, which make for a pleasant viewing experience. This humorous

aspect and the upbeat atmosphere of the movie guarantee that it does not take itself

too seriously, which adds to its appeal.

Additionally, the soundtrack of "Diary ng Panget" deserves praise. The music

is catchy and well-integrated into the story, enhancing the overall mood. Songs like

"No Erase" by Nadine Lustre and James Reid became instant hits, contributing to

the film's popularity and helping to create an immersive experience for the audience.

Even with these advantages, "Diary ng Panget" is not without flaws. The plot stays

on course and conforms to the pattern of a classic romantic comedy. The "ugly

duckling" cliché and Eya's eventual physical metamorphosis are overdone tropes

that don't add much in the way of novelty or surprise. If viewers are looking for a

more inventive story, they may find this predictability frustrating.

Denny R. (2013, May) Diary ng Panget

Moral-Philosophical Approach
Character growth is yet another area in which the movie is lacking. Despite

being likeable, the major characters' development feels flimsy throughout the

narrative. Cross's change from a heartless person to someone who is more

affectionate occurs too soon and lacks nuance. In a similar vein, a fuller exploration

of Eya's path towards self-acceptance would have enhanced the story. The

secondary characters are amusing, but their impact on the story is limited because

they are largely used as plot devices or comic relief and are not completely


The film also relies heavily on stereotypes, particularly regarding beauty and

social status. Eya's transformation is primarily physical, sending a problematic

message that self-worth is closely tied to appearance. This reinforcement of shallow

ideals undermines the more profound themes the film attempts to address and can

be viewed as a missed opportunity to promote a deeper understanding of self-

esteem and personal value.

Furthermore, the pacing of the film is inconsistent. Some scenes feel rushed,

while others drag on unnecessarily, affecting the overall flow and viewer

engagement. Tighter editing could have improved the narrative’s cohesiveness and

maintained a better rhythm throughout the film.

To sum up, "Diary ng Panget" is a sweet and enjoyable movie that effectively

draws in its intended audience with a mix of humor, relevant themes, and superb

acting. It is not without problems, though. The film's dependence on stereotypes,


Denny R. (2013, May) Diary ng Panget

Moral-Philosophical Approach
uneven pacing, shallow character development, and predictable plot are all major

flaws that prevent it from reaching its full potential. However, the film's box office

success emphasizes how appealing it is as a cheerful, feel-good romantic comedy.

"Diary ng Panget" provides an adequate cinematic experience for those looking for

something lighthearted and pleasurable. However, the movie might not live up to the

expectations of those seeking a deeper and more inventive story.

Denny R. (2013, May) Diary ng Panget

Moral-Philosophical Approach

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