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Angiah L.


Using instructional design principles

to develop effective information literacy
The ADDIE model

M any academic librarians conduct in-

structional activities, but few possess
more than a passing knowledge of peda-
tion, and evaluation. It is a strategic plan for
course design and may serve as a blueprint
to design IL assignments and various other
gogical theory. Yet, many academic librar- instructional activities.
ians have responsibilities, such as helping The first step in the ADDIE model is
faculty achieve student learning outcomes, analysis. In the analysis phase the instruc-
by designing courses that facilitate the mastery tional problem is identified along with learner
of information literacy (IL) and other library characteristics; what do you want the learners
skills. One way librarians may overcome the to learn, and how will you define instructional
pedagogical theory knowledge gap in design- goals and learning objectives? This step will
ing effective library instruction is through the provide you with a blueprint for the whole
use of instructional design (ID) models and ID process and guide you in the following
principles. Using ID principles to develop processes. In the analysis phase, a timeline
effective IL instruction is accomplished by may be established to complete the instruc-
collaborating with an instructional designer. tional module.
So, what is instructional design? Is it in- The second step is design, where an out-
structional technology? Is it learning theories? line of instructional strategies is created or
While it does encompass these concepts, ID and learning activities and assessment are de-
may be defined as using a systematic approach termined. Next is development. In this phase
to solve an instructional problem. The ID you are going to build your learning content,
process begins by identifying the performance learning assignments, and assessment. You
problem of learners and then determines if in- will also need to identify which technologies
struction is the appropriate solution. Solutions should be chosen to enhance your learning
to an instructional problem incorporates the experience. Storyboards are used and help
use of technology and learning theories. The create a sample of the instruction module.
systematic approach consists of instructional The implementation phase includes the
system design (ISD) models, such as ADDIE, testing of prototypes where training for the
ASSURE, and the Dick and Carey model. instructor happens followed by learners par-
This article outlines the ADDIE model and ticipating in the instruction.
demonstrates how applying these principles Evaluation consists of two parts: forma-
to IL instruction will enhance the learning tive and summative. Formative evaluation is
experience for students and the teaching a measurement of learning outcomes during
experience for librarians.1

Angiah L. Davis is reference librarian at Atlanta University

ADDIE overview Center’s Robert Woodruff Library, e-mail: adavis@
The ADDIE model consists of five steps: auctr.edu
analysis, design, development, implementa- © 2013 Angiah L. Davis

April 2013 205 C&RL News

the instruction process, and summative eval- findings. Also mention that technology and
uation—measurement of learning outcomes Web 2.0 tools, such as Wikis, Google Docs,
after instruction—is the final stage. and Twitter, may help in collaboration.
The instruction session ended a few
ADDIE in action minutes before the end of the class, leaving
As a reference librarian with instructional time for a one-minute assessment, which
duties for the mass media arts, I collaborated was distributed in paper form. By doing
with the instructional design technologist this I could immediately answer last-minute
(IDT) at my library to help design effective questions concerning anything I may or may
learning experiences for library users. While not have covered.
an instruction librarian conducts information Another example of using ID principles
literacy sessions, an IDT is skilled in peda- to develop effective IL instruction is illus-
gogical theory, instructional technology, trated by a session for an honor’s course.
learning outcomes, and assessment. In this course, the IDT and I decided to use
My first instruction session using the the self-teaching and discovery method to
ADDIE model to develop effective IL instruc- engage and educate learners. In this instruc-
tion was a 50-minute, one-shot instruction tional situation, advanced first-year students
session for journalism students. The objec- worked in small groups for five minutes to
tive was to introduce the students to library explore the library Web site. Student groups
resources so that they would rely on these were assigned various topics (e.g., library
resources to assist them in writing news catalog) and presented to the class what
stories on assigned topics. To find ways to they discovered or knew about this library
engage the students, I met with the IDT to resource.
discuss the learning objective. In our initial The librarian then answers questions,
consultation, we discussed the learner’s and shares items that may not have been
characteristics (first-year students, journalism discussed. Longer class sessions may include
majors, millennials, etc.). Next, we made an presenting to class using Web 2.0 technolo-
outline of instructional methods (hands-on, gies (TodaysMeet, Facebook, YouTube, etc.).
lecture, interactive, etc.) and selected the I mentioned in the beginning of the class that
most appropriate. We designed the instruc- this was a new instructional strategy I was
tion module, fine tuned the implementation, trying out, and I wanted their feedback. So,
and conducted an evaluation. to evaluate this instruction session the stu-
In the session, the students were in- dents conducted a one-minute assessment.
structed to operate as if the teaching lab
was a newsroom. The students were editors Benefits of instructional design in IL
for a newspaper, and they were to edit the Without ID to develop library instruction,
fictitious news story I created on the topic the instructional session lacks goals and
their professor had assigned. Students were doesn’t consider learner characteristics. With
instructed to edit the news story by simply ID, however, there are clear instructional
fact-checking the details of the story using goals, learners characteristics are considered,
the library resources I discussed earlier. and students are engaged with interactive
Comparisons were then made between li- instruction. Other benefits may include col-
brary resources and Internet sources. laboration with an IDT, lessons designed to
The evaluation tested the students’ ability meet the needs of students—not the needs
to identify, locate, and access appropriate of librarians, improved student performance,
resources for the fact-checking assignment. and more engaging learning experiences.
To develop teamwork, students could work
together in teams to complete the assign- Conclusion
ment. In the end each group can share their There are many pros when it comes to using

C&RL News April 2013 206

instructional design models. Although some Some of the cons of using a systematic
models are more suitable than others, the approach are the fact that the model is a
ADDIE model is helpful when collaborating system, so it can take away the humanism
with the instructional designer, faculty, and factor.
other librarians at work (higher education). For example, one cannot predict every
ADDIE is a cycle. This means it is flexible student’s behavior. So no matter how many
enough to allow anyone, at anytime to revisit learning styles a librarian addresses with a
a step, and refine it. Another reason the ID lesson, he or she still may miss some stu-
approach works in developing formation dents. In library instruction, I’ve found it’s
literacy instruction is because when given a beneficial to have the faculty, the instruc-
large assignment, one may not know where tional designer, and the librarian on board
to start. from beginning to end. This will enhance
ADDIE helps identify an entry point for the learning experience for students and the
the project, which is helpful for a new or teaching experience for librarians.
inexperienced instructional librarian. ADDIE,
one of the most recognized and used ISD Note
models, is consistent and can be used in a 1. For further reading on instructional
wide range of fields. design try these books: ISD From the Ground
Whichever model the instructional de- Up: A No-Nonsense Approach to Instruc-
signer chooses, he or she must make sure tional Design, Designing Effective Instruc-
that the objectives of the instruction lesson tion Instructional Design for Librarians and
must be met. Because learning is about the Information Professionals and Academic
learner being able to perform the tasks they Librarianship by Design: A Blended Librar-
have beenLaunch_Academic_CRL_Layout
given. 1 10/10/12 9:55
ian’s AM to
Guide Page
the1Tools and Techniques.

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April 2013 207 C&RL News

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