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It is the vacation time again, the time to unwind and cherish moments

with family, the time to strengthen hobbies and develop new interests.
As the school tradition continues, this time also we have planned
holiday homework in such a way that students enjoy while learning
through different engagements.
“ Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own
Dalai Lama
Happiness is that universal state of mind that is desired by everyone,
irrespective of age, gender, and ethnicity. Scientific studies show that
being happy improves overall health and help individuals combat
stress and challenges. In view of the same, ‘Happiness’ has been kept
as the theme of the Summer Vacation in Primary Wing, whereby
students will engage in myriad activities to explore the realm of
happiness and express it in their own unique ways.
We seek your cooperation and request you to lend your support and
motivation to your children while they discuss new ideas, create new
products. and share their work. Your guidance and encouragement
can go a long way in bringing out their latent talents and boosting
their confidence. Let them make a timetable and learn to balance
work and play so that they can complete the given projects well in
time and to the best of their abilities.
Please note the following: -
Make your child read Hindi and English story books.
Encourage them to undertake creative writing (both in Hindi and English) and
practice mathematical concepts.
To make them aware of their surroundings, encourage them to watch various
informative programmes on T.V. Channels like Discovery Channel, National
Geographic Channel, History Channel and Animal Planet.
Last but not the least, let them practice English and Hindi writing to improve their
We hope and wish you all have a wonderful vacation ....!!!

By understanding the responsibilities learners become confident and resilient to
accept challenges and tasks on their way. Through mindfulness engagements
children learn to slow down and pay attention to the present moment. Learners
become self-aware and develop better focus in life and become better
citizen in future.

internet, Coursebook, Newspaper


Value Based *Begin and end each day with a prayer; pray before meals
Skills *Switch off lights, fans and ACs when not in use
+ Life Skills *Turn off water taps while brushing teeth
*Wash hands properly with soap; Cover their mouth while sneezing/
*Keep surroundings neat and tidy – use garbage bins
* Plant a tree
* Keep water for birds / animals
Social Skills *Greet everyone with a smile and say, ‘Namaste’
*Use magic words like please, thank you, sorry, excuse me, may I
*Speak politely and share things
Self-help Skills *Eat food by himself/ herself
*Dress independently
*Button and unbutton clothes
*Put on and take off socks and shoes
*Keep belongings back in the proper place
Helping at *Help to set the table for meals and then clear up afterwards
Home *Match pairs and arrange shoes in the shoe rack
*Help in household chores (dusting, cleaning etc.)
*Fill water bottles and keep them in the fridge
Motor Skills Learners should do at least 30 min of physical activity daily - yoga,
exercise, aerobics, cycling, skipping, dancing etc.
Fine Motor:
Involve your child in the following activities:
mashing potatoes, rolling chapatis, folding clothes etc.
Language *Reading story books enhances vocabulary and language development
Skills *Make bedtime reading with your child a regular practice. Use
books with more pictures and large text.
(Suggested reading series: Pepper, Bruno, Lady Bird, Bubbles, Pickle
Yolk Books, Tulika, Pratham etc.)
Observation *Show 6 to 8 objects for a while and then cover them.
& Memory Ask your child to name the objects which were shown to him/ her.
Stay Fit *Get about eight to ten hours of sleep each night.
*Eat nutritious meals and snacks daily.
*Have a planned schedule (daily routine) to follow.
*Have controlled and age-appropriate screen time.
The school is committed to uphold the academic honesty policy in
compliance with the standards set by the International Baccalaureate and
as per the regulations of Ministry of Human Resource and Development
(Government of India). Academic Honesty refers to a set of values and
skills that promote personal integrity and good practice in teaching,
learning and assessment. Therefore, it is expected that the assignments
submitted by the students must be prepared using the student’s own
original ideas, language and expression. Whenever the students use
information from different sources like Internet, books and magazines,
they are required to cite these sources. Citing the sources means to
acknowledge, thank or give credit to, the person who created the content
that the students use in their assignments. Sources cited can appear in the
form of bibliography or references .

It is important to understand the following terms and definitions in

context of Academic Honesty
A list of sources (websites, books, newspapers, etc.) materials that are
used or consulted in preparation of an assignment. Bibliography is always
written at the end of the assignment or project.
A citation is a way to tell the readers that certain material in the
assignment or project has come from another source. The work could be
in the form of text, pictures or diagrams. As part of Academic Honesty,
the students need to cite the sources properly.
A copyright is a legal right that gives creator of an original work
exclusive rights for its use or distribution. In other words, a document,
drawing or any creative work protected by copyrights cannot be copied
without taking permission of the owner.
An acknowledgement is a polite gesture to thank all those people who
help in completion of an assignment, project or any other piece of work.

In today's fast-paced world, children are constantly bombarded with

stimuli from various sources - school, extracurricular activities, social
media, and family life.
Amidst this whirlwind of activity, it's easy for children to become
overwhelmed and disconnected from their inner selves.

This is where mindfulness steps in as a powerful tool, offering

children the means to navigate the complexities of life with greater ease
and resilience. By incorporating mindfulness into their daily lives,
children gain the too ls they need to navigate life's challenges with
resilience, compassion, and inner peace.

As parents, educators, and caregivers, it is our responsibility to

cultivate a culture of mindfulness and support children in developing
the skills they need to thrive in an increasingly complex world.

Practice is crucial for children's development and success in various

aspects of life. Practice plays a fundamental role in children's
development, helping them build skills, confidence, discipline, and
resilience that will serve them well throughout their lives.
While you will engage with the activities and complete the assigned
tasks, follow the principle of Academic Integrity in all your submissions.
Writing and the reflection of reading will be done in a separate English
and Hindi notebook. Rest everything to be done in the hard copy of this
file. Take the printout of the Holiday homework soft copy to do activities
“Healthy mind resides in a healthy body.
So, start your day early and set a routine even during vacations. In
addition, you and your little one can spend some quality time playing, to
keep yourself fit and healthy. Encourage your child to take care of
personal hygiene by inculcating the habits like washing hands, practicing
yoga, eating healthy food etc.

Refer to the link :

The hot chocolate breaths technique helps children to learn deep breathing
by allowing them to imagine smelling hot cocoa then blowing on it to cool it
off this technique works with children of all ages and adults too!


Mindful colouring asks us to focus on how we choose and apply colour in a

design to bring our awareness to the present moment. This process is similar to
meditation, we let go of any thoughts about tomorrow or yesterday, or what we
are going to do when we finish.

Mandala Art is a meaningful activity to develop mindfulness.


YOGA is the best way to practice mindfulness in kids. Play different games like
hide and seek, football, ludo, chess, snakes and ladders, carrom etc. with your

Reference link
To keep you and your family members fit
it’s important to do yoga daily. We
celebrate YOGA DAY on 21 June so on that
day all the family members should do yoga
and send the pics and videos to the class
teacher. Which is your favourite ASAN and
Draw or paste the aasan on a A4 sheet and
write its benefits.


Use storytelling or read aloud to introduce mindfulness concepts.

Discuss character’s emotions, reactions and coping mechanism,
and relate them to real life situations.
ACTIVITY 4 Reading Time!

The more that you read, the more things you will
know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go.
---Dr. Seuss
Reading improves your knowledge of the world and enhances your
language skills. Books have the power to improve your vocabulary by
introducing you to new words. The more you read, the more your
vocabulary grows, along with your ability to communicate effectively.
For young learners, cultivating a regular reading habit is extremely
important as it gives the much-required exposure in the comfort of
your home. Few suggestions to explore the world of reading books
through our online library are:


( OR )


Click here to watch
troad/nur- ii?authuser=0
After reading any one of the story, fill the reflection below --


Name: Roll no: Date:

I Read

Author of the book

Character , I liked the most

Genre , I explored

Two New Words, I learnt

Rate your experience

Activity 6 Writing Fun!

“Handwriting is the art of crafting thoughts into timeless strokes”.

Handwriting is an important skill that lays the groundwork for
effective communication and academic success. It helps the
child develop fine motor skills,
which are essential for tasks such
as writing, drawing etc.
Handwriting promotes cognitive
development by enhancing memory, c
oncentration, and attention to detail.
This holiday let’s encourage learners
to practice handwriting, it can be
both fun and beneficial.


•Take a separate 4 lined notebook for writing practice.

•Do one page writing in the writing book every alternate day.
•Emphasize on formations, neatness, and time duration.
•The writing structures are provided in the sheet attached. You may practice
and write structures of your choice too.
Exemplar of writing practice
Exemplar of writing structures

Create as many words as possible using the boggle letters in any order:


• How to score:
• 3 letter words=1 4 letter words=2 5 letter words=3 6+ letter words=4

My words:

My score=
How to be Be a Responsible Citizen.

Activity 8

What does it mean to be “a responsible citizen?”

To be a responsible citizen means to help others. It means to get out
there and do something good for the community. It means to do what
our system of government expects you to do and needs you to do.
And if asked, it means to help preserve our way of life.

Must watch:
Choose a colour for the following words
Responsible Irresponsible Colour in the words

according to the colour code above.

Clean your room Disrespect the Give up your seat Stealing

flag on the bus for something
old people

Hold the door for Obey rules Cheating in a To follow

someone test safety rules

To take care of all Destroying To learn while at Hitting

school school property school children at
materials school

Picking up Telling lies Showing Being angry

garbage about someone respect to when you loose a
others game.

Pack your bag Sharing and Bullying Incomplete

caring classwork

Make a checklist and tick which act of responsibility have you

done each day. You can choose from the given options or write
your own responsibility.

My responsibilities
1.Watering Plants
2.Greeting elders
3.Keeping things in place
4.Helping members of the family.
5.Keeping my room tidy.
6.Eating one green vegetable / fruit (healthy food)
7.Exercise to keep my body fit.
8.Reading one page of my favourite book.
9.Doing writing practice every day.
10.Being kind and thoughtful towards others.
11.Keeping water for stray dogs and birds.
12.speaking politely to others.
13.Spending time with grandparents.
Activity 9

World Bicycle Day

Every year June 3rd is celebrated as World Bicycle Day. This day aims at
promoting the use of bicycle for cleaner environment. Let us make this world a
healthier place to live by using cycles. Happy World Bicycle Day. There is no
other better way to commute without hurting our environment that bicycles.
The world will become a much healthier place if we embrace bicycles in our
daily routine. Not only we stay fit but we also stay healthy when we use
bicycles over other
means. Why go crazy after cars when cycles can our lives better. Happy
World Bicycle Day.

Have you ever seen your grandfather riding a bicycle?

Have you ever seen your papa riding a bicycle?

Click a picture and post it on social media and tag your school.
Activity 10
Now, think and ponder how we can make our surroundings
Make a table of your family members that how many times in a week,
they have used bicycle/ done carpooling/not used any vehicle at all.
Motivate them by giving them a smiley and by participating to
celebrate the World Bicycle Day on June 3. Also
count who got the maximum smiley. Do it on A4 size sheet.


We can make children practice mindfulness in Math by making them

visualize numbers and counting.

Activity 11

Learners will complete pages-7,10,12,14,15,18 in the Living Maths


Activity 12

What comes before
We can make learners practice mindfulness in Hindi by
making them visualise varnmala and shabd.
Activity 13
Link – 1 NCERT HINDI CLASS 1 आ की मात्रा की कहानी
दिये गए LINK से आ मात्रा की कहानी को सनु नए व इसमे आए हुए
10 शब्िों का अपनी उत्तर पुस्तिका में पााँच बार सुलेख कररए ।

Link – 2 राजा उठ आ की मात्रा वाली कहानी||aa ki matra wali kahani for

class 1st ||#kidsvideo #storylevel#story (

दिये गए LINK का पठन कररए व इसका सुलेख अपनी उत्तर पुस्तिका में
LINK -3 #MOMentmagic #poem aa ki matra ki poem |aa ki matra wale
vakya in Rhyme| (
दिये गए LINK से पाठ को पदिये व एक A4 साइज़ की शीट में इसके
सुुंिर सल
ु ेख कररए व चचत्र बनाकर सुंि
ु र रुं ग भी भररए ।

LINK - 4 आ की मात्रा वाले दहुंिी वाक्य | aa ki matra vale wakya |Hindi

reading |Learn Hindi Matra (
दिये गए ललुंक में आए आ मात्रा के वाक्यो का पठन कररए व कोई भी पााँच
वाक्यो को अपनी उत्तर पस्ु तिका में सुंि
ु र सल
ु ेख के साथ ललखिखए ।

आ मात्रा के ककसी भी एक वाहन( नाव, जहाज ) का 6x6 चित्र बनाइये व उसमे

कोई भी िार आ मात्रा के चित्र नाम चलखकर चिपकाइए ।
Exemplar of writing structures

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