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Recommendation Paper

Committee -United Nations Commission On Status Of Women

Agenda – Deliberation on Political and Economic Empowerment Of Women
Country - United States Of America

1. Recommends, the member nation for enactment and complete implementation of the
National Plan of Action of the respective countries within their own jurisdictions in
order to curb the problem firstly at the national and regional levels and thus proposes
a Three-Tier Plan of Action and it is as follows :
● Tier-1: Economic empowerment of women via promotion of participation of women
in society and political sphere : This tier includes provision to girls and women to have a
right to engage in civil society, vote in elections, be elected to government office, serve on
boards, and make their voices heard in the decision making process that will ultimately affect
them, their families, and their communities as investing in girls’ and women’s right to
political participation is a necessary step in order to make women which would definitely
enhance the economic empowerment of the women with special regards to achieving global
gender equality among both men and women which will ultimately lessen the differences
and difference of opinions amongst men and women and would ultimately result in
recognition of women in the decision making roles in the society
● Tier-2 Providing protection to the women especially including vulnerable groups
from the gender based violence which special regards to curbing the sexual harassment
and sexual abuse in the corporate sector : This tier includes the mission's efforts to
prevent, deter, and respond to situations in which vulnerable groups of women including the
uneducated and trafficked women which are more prone to threat of the gender based
violence including such as sexual harassment and sexual abuse,
● Tier-3 Establishing a protective environment for women in the Political Sphere:
This tier would basically comprise the promotion of legal protection and facilitation
of women within the society leading to the political representation where more
specifically it would include the wide range of efficient implementation of
activities such as UN Women’s Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces Global
Initiative as it would aid the member nation to the comprehensive approaches on the
prevention of and response to any such political influence by the culprits in the any
law making or implementing body and across different spheres;
2. Further suggests, depromotion of the practices of patriarchy, contemporary mindset
and the stereotypes being prevalent and practiced against women in especially rural
areas and could be curbed by conducting free of cost gender equality and women
empowerment plays and vocational session held by various workers of state verifies
NGOs and social activist in order to promote the equality of women with regards to
men in decision making processes;
3. Promotes, member states to facilitate the formation of constructive partnerships to
better assist in the transformation and expansion of women run small, micro, and
mid-sized-enterprises (SME), into consolidated enterprises (MSE) in order to
Empower women’s entrepreneurship, generate employment and economic benefits
and Encourage gender equality and development furthermore it shall also help to:
a) Bridge the gender gap through training and dissemination of knowledge
and networking as the standards outlined in the Knowledge Gateway,
b) Foster business creation among women entrepreneurs by improving women
entrepreneurs’ access to financial resources,
c) Facilitate the development of women-focused angel networks to share the
common goal of investing in women-led businesses with high growth potential;

4. Further Suggests, with regards to the promotion in the political sphere USA would urge
member states to follow the Zebra Policy that could ensure equal participation of
men and women into the corporate and political sector based on the potential of
an individual with each of them having equal posts alternatively;
5. Urges creation of a Gender-transformative global policy which will guide and
develop regional and national initiatives such as those of the Three-Tier Plan as
suggested above , will accelerate to analyses and overcome gender biases and
inequalities in education and the political sector;
6. Recommends member nations to include the Gender Responsive Budgeting in
their annual budgeting and to take into consideration the division and the
diversification of GRB into multiple sectors which shall empower women and
will lead to the correct use of GRB’s;

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