HR050 Worksheet M1 [211120994 Marsaulina Malau SI B Pagi]

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ERP-Pengelolaan Sumber Daya

Nim :
Kelas :


Exercise 1: Navigation
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
 Log on to an SAP System
 Find Transaction Codes
 Create or End sessions
 Use F1 Help
 Define favorites menu

 * represent your class, see the below rules:
o If your class is ES-A Pagi then * is 1.
o If your class is ES-B Pagi then * is 2.
 ## represent your username number.

“Before capturing your task, make sure your username are visible”

Task 1:
1. Log on to the appropriate SAP system. Capture the SAP Easy Access initial screen and put the picture
captured in the space provided below:
ERP-Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia –Exercise 1

ERP-Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia –Exercise 1

Task 2:
Transaction codes are a quick way to get from one screen to another. Identify the transaction code for the
Maintain Master Data screen.
1. Write the transaction code on the available space.
Transaction Name Transaction Code
Maintain HR Master Data PA30

2. Display the Maintain Master Data screen, capture the screen and put the picture captured in the space
provided below:

Task 3:
Open and close sessions using the menu path or appropriate icon.
1. Display the create session menu, capture the screen and put the picture captured in the space provided

ERP-Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia –Exercise 1

ERP-Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia –Exercise 1

Task 4:
Locate field-level help. Use F1 help on the Company Code field on the Organizational Assignment infotype.
1. Display the result of F1 Help, capture the screen and put the picture captured in the space provided below:

Task 5:
Define favorites and add them to the SAP Easy Access menu..
1. Display favorite screen, capture the screen and put the picture captured in the space provided below:

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