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Investigations on power losses in high-speed gears

Y Diab, F Ville , and P Velex
Laboratoire de Mécanique des Contacts et des Solides (LaMCoS), UMR CNRS-INSA No. 5514, Villeurbanne Cedex,

The manuscript was received on 29 August 2005 and was accepted after revision for publication on 13 January 2006.

DOI: 10.1243/13506501JET136

Abstract: Power losses in high-speed gears come from the friction between the teeth (sliding
and rolling), the lubrication process (dip or jet lubrication), the pumping of a gas – lubricant
mixture during the meshing, and the losses associated with windage effects. The authors have
developed different approaches to analyse the contribution of each power loss source, namely:

(a) the windage losses based on simplified air flow models neglecting the influence of the
lubricant, which compare well with the experimental evidence from a specific test bench;
(b) an original model of gas trapping in the intertooth time-varying spaces, which has been
validated using the experimental findings on a spur gear test rig in which pressure transdu-
cers have been placed at the bottom of the space between two teeth;
(b) tooth friction, by introducing into a three-dimensional dynamic model of gears a new
traction law based on measurements from a two-disc machine which accounts for lubricant
properties and surface finish.

The combination of the three models allows for the prediction of gear efficiency over a wide
range of speeds and loads for jet-lubricated geared units. This approach also makes it possible to
improve tooth geometry and gearbox design to minimize power losses and heat generation. The
procedure is illustrated in several industrial applications.

Keywords: tooth friction, windage, pumping, gears, gear dynamics, power losses, lubrication

1 INTRODUCTION are briefly presented and commented upon; an out-

line of the basic principles and experimental assess-
It is generally accepted that the total power loss in ment of windage, air trapping, and tooth friction loss
gears can be broken down into the contributions of models are provided. Further details concerning the
friction between the teeth, lubrication (churning different models can be found in the authors’
and/or jet lubrication which could induce gas –oil papers referenced in the bibliography. Finally, the
trapping in intertooth spaces), and gear windage models are applied to two different gear trans-
effects. Despite its practical importance, the predic- missions to prove the feasibility and the interest of
tion of power losses in geared systems has only the proposed methodology in an industrial context.
received limited attention and the literature on this
subject is rather sparse; most papers report mainly
experimental evidence and few models enable 2 GEAR WINDAGE LOSSES [1]
quantitative evaluation of the various power loss
sources. The approaches developed by the authors One of the main causes of power losses in high-speed
(HS) gears (with tangential speeds .90– 120 m/s) is
due to fluid circulation around gears in an air –oil

Corresponding author: Laboratoire de Mécanique des Contacts et mixture. Following the earlier papers by Dawson
des Solides (LaMCoS), UMR CNRS-INSA No. 5514, Bât. Jean [2], Anderson and Loewenthal [3], the authors have
d’Alembert, 20 av. A. Einstein, 69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, France. developed several approaches for the prediction of
email: windage losses [1] comprising the following.

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192 Y Diab, F Ville, and P Velex

1. A dimensional analysis based upon the dimen- 3 POWER LOSSES BY AIR PUMPING [4]
sionless groups of terms that account for the
flow and fluid characteristics (viscosity and den- In the geared transmissions, tooth lubrication is
sity), the gear geometry (tooth number, pitch necessary to cool surfaces and to reduce friction.
diameter, and face width), and the kinematics However, during the meshing of HS spur or helical
(rotational speed). The different coefficients in gears, the mixture of air and lubricant is successively
the dimensionless groups of terms have been compressed and expanded in the intertooth spaces
obtained from a wide range of tests on the giving rise to significant heating and power loss.
experimental apparatus specifically developed During the time period in which a tooth first crosses
for this study. the addendum cylinder and proceeds to fill up most
2. A quasi-analytical model simulating in a simpli- of the volume between the teeth, a fraction of the air
fied manner the fluid flows on the gear faces and and the lubricant in the tooth space is expelled out of
inside the teeth. the gear. The time duration of a mesh period in
turbo-machinery is extremely short and the air –
lubricant mixture can be significantly compressed
The results of the two modelling methods have and heated. This is followed by a suction effect
been compared with the experimental results when the intertooth volume increases as the mesh-
obtained from the test rig shown in Fig. 1, which con- ing teeth start to separate. The total loss corresponds
sists of a 3 kW electric motor operating a shaft on two to the energy exchanged with the external environ-
high-precision preloaded ceramic ball bearings via a ment for both the compression and the suction
friction wheel. The tested gear (or disc) is mounted at phases.
one free end of the shaft, and the other free end is
used for speed measaurements by means of axial
slots. Once maximal speed is reached, the rotating
3.1 Model definition
shaft and gear system are disconnected from the
power supply by a pneumatic jack, which removes The modelling principles rely on (a) the simul-
the motor-friction wheel assembly. Speed is taneous resolution of the equation of continuity
measured by a magnetic probe that counts the combined with the first principle of thermodynamics
impulses generated by the rotation of the slots. applied to open systems, (b) the discretization of the
Power loss is derived from the time variation of time-varying intertooth volumes, and (c) the accu-
speed by applying the kinetic energy theorem. The rate analysis of the geometry of the meshing parts
results in Figs 2 and 3 have been obtained for a to determine the flow areas and the associated leak
disc and four different spur gears, whose character- surfaces. The spaces between the teeth are sliced
istics are listed in Table 1. The agreement between into a number of finite volumes or pockets with con-
the experimental results and the formulae from the stant thermodynamic properties, connected by
dimensional analysis and the fluid flow simulation either radial or axial exchange surfaces called
is very good (the relative deviation does not exceed canals. During the meshing process, every pocket is
14 per cent). idealized as a piston. In the case of spur gears, the

Fig. 1 Test rig

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3.2 Experimental validation

The numerical results have been compared with the
experimental findings of Houjoh et al. [5] obtained
on a test bench in which the instantaneous pressures
within intertooth volumes were measured. For a spur
gear and several helical gears, measurements have
been taken at several locations across the width. In
this paper, the comparisons in Fig. 5 are limited to
the spur gear example and the pressure variations
at the tooth midface; the results for helical gears
are given in reference [4]. A good agreement is
observed thus validating the proposed model of gas
pumping by the meshing teeth.

3.3 Calculation of the power loss

The corresponding power loss is illustrated in Fig. 6,
Fig. 2 Comparisons between the experimental results
which shows the averaged power loss over one mesh
and the results from the dimensional analysis
period versus speed. A strong dependency on speed
for the four gears
is found, as power loss is approximately proportional
to the speed to the power 2.8. The helix angle appears
as a first-order parameter, although no influence of
positions of the pistons at one given time are identi-
load has been observed, indicating that gear set
cal for all the discrete pockets along the face width of
efficiency deteriorates as speed increases.
one given tooth pair in mesh. In contrast, helical
gears are decomposed into a series of staggered
thin spur gears with the positions of the pistons 4 POWER LOSSES DUE TO TOOTH FRICTION IN
depending on the axial position to simulate the GEARS [6]
more progressive intertooth volume variations
(Fig. 4). At every time step, an Euler method (predic- Sliding friction between the teeth is recognized as
tor) and a Newton – Raphson scheme (corrector) are one of the main sources of power loss in geared
successively applied to all individual pockets. transmissions as well as a potential source of
vibration and noise [7]. Therefore, its accurate mod-
elling is of primary importance in efficiency and
vibration analyses of mechanical transmissions. For
lubricated contacts, various empirical friction laws
based on the results from simulators can be found
in the literature. One of their limitations comes
from the specimen surface texture, which is often
different from that of actual gears. Moreover, most
of these models were established for high slide-
to-roll ratios and cannot be used for low slide-to-
roll ratios as encountered near the pitch point in
gears. The authors initially carried out friction
measurements using an elasto-hydrodynamic lubri-
cation (EHL) simulator with contact conditions and
surface finish close to those in gears, covering a

Table 1 Spur gear and disc data

Pitch diameter Tooth width
(mm) (mm) Module (mm)

Gear 1 288 30 4
Gear 2 144 30 4
Fig. 3 Comparisons between the experimental results Gear 3 144 60 4
Gear 4 144 60 6
and the results from the fluid flow analysis for Disc 300 30
the four gears

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Fig. 4 Discretization of intertooth clearances

wide range of sliding/rolling conditions. A new trac- out on the highly instrumented gear test rig
tion law applicable to gears has been derived and described in reference [8], from which the instan-
integrated in a three-dimensional dynamic model, taneous total tooth friction forces can be derived.
which makes it possible to calculate instantaneous The simulated forces are in very good agreement
normal and tangential tooth loads. with the experimental ones, as illustrated in Fig. 7.

4.1 Experimental validation

To validate the gear model and the proposed friction
law, bearing force measurements have been carried

Fig. 5 Experimental and simulated pressures at Fig. 6 Simulated power losses due to trapping (spur
various rotational speeds (spur gear) and helical gears)

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Power losses in high-speed gears 195

due to profile modifications is observed, suggesting

that these can be a non-negligible parameter for
optimizing gear efficiency.



Two application examples are considered which

illustrate the potential and interest of the modelling

5.1 CETIM test bench

Fig. 7 Total friction forces at the mesh (resisting The system shown in Fig. 9 is used for measuring
torque: 1570 mN; pinion rotational speed: power losses and analysing the fatigue life of gears.
200 r/min; spur gears; and hydrostatic bearings) It is a back-to-back drive comprising two identical
spur gear pairs: a slave gear for closing the kinematic
chain and a test gear. Torque is applied indepen-
4.2 Power losses
dently of speed via a rotary hydraulic jack inserted
From the instantaneous sliding velocities and fric- in the mechanical loop which can provide large cir-
tion forces at all points of contact on the mating culating powers and tooth loads with minimum
teeth [6], power losses can be calculated using the power inputs. The gear data are given in Table 2.
gear dynamic model. It has been found that, for the The two shafts are supported by two identical
example treated, profile reliefs can significantly double-row spherical roller bearings, the units are
influence power losses because they lead to a better splash lubricated (Mobil Gear 629, kinematic vis-
load distribution over the entire tooth surface, thus cosity of 320 st at 60 8C), and the oil temperature
reducing the load amplitudes and, consequently, inside the bench is 75 8C once thermal equilibrium
the friction forces in the engagement and recess is reached.
zones where sliding velocity amplitudes are signifi- A first series of calculations has been carried out
cant. Considering the average power loss (Fig. 8) for an input torque of 1500 Nm and for a speed ran-
over one mesh period, a reduction of 50 per cent ging from 500 to 2500 r/min. First, it is observed that
the gear efficiency (or power losses) varies with speed
and that an optimal gear efficiency of 99.53 per cent
is obtained at 2000 r/min. This optimal value corre-
sponds to a total loss of 1.5 kW for a transmitted
power of 314 kW. It should be noted that the esti-
mated average torque varies between 1489 and
1493 Nm, which represents a very slight variation
(,0.2 per cent, Fig. 10). Analysing the distribution
of each power loss (windage, trapping, and friction),
it is clearly shown (Fig. 11) that .95 per cent of the
total loss is due to tooth friction. For this application,
this result is coherent because:
(a) the rotational speeds remain low (,2500 r/min
which corresponds to a tangential velocity of
52 m/s), so that windage losses are of secondary
importance (maximum of 97 W);
(b) the gears are narrow-faced (30 mm) which, com-
bined with the limited speeds, leads to negligible
power losses by gas trapping (maximum of 4 W
according to the simulations).
5.2 Turbo-gear set
Fig. 8 Influence of tip relief on power losses (resisting
torque: 1570 mN; pinion rotational speed: The second example (Fig. 12) is a single-stage turbo-
200 r/min; spur gears; and hydrostatic bearings) gear speed reducer with high rotational speeds

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Fig. 9 Test bench

Table 2 Test bench

Number of teeth
Pinion 20
Gear 20
Face width (mm)
Pinion 30
Gear 30
Pressure angle (8) 20
Helix angle (8) 0
Module (mm) 10
Addendum coefficient 1
Profile shift coefficient 0
Dedendum coefficient 1.4 Fig. 11 Power loss distribution according to the
Surface roughness (r.m.s) (mm) 0.63 rotational speed for an input torque of 1500 Nm

(a) two shafts, denoted HS and low speed (LS), sup-

ported by four hydrodynamic journal bearings;
(input: 6643 r/min and output: 1800 r/min) and high
(b) a double-helical gear pair whose geometrical
power (55 MW which corresponds to a nominal
characteristics are given in Table 3 and which is
resisting torque on the wheel of 291 510 Nm). The
lubricated by a turbine oil (kinematic viscosity
gear characteristics are given in table 3 and the
of 32 cSt at 40 8C) injected at 50 8C by a series
gear ratio equals 3.69. This gearbox consists of:
of jets along the face width;
(c) a welded casing;
(d) a cooling power station.

Fig. 10 Gear efficiency and output torque of the CETIM

transmission according to the rotational speed
for an input torque of 1500 Nm Fig. 12 Turbo-gear reducer (55 MW)

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Table 3 Geometrical data (turbo-gear transmission)

Number of teeth
Pinion 155
Gear 42
Face width for one helix (mm)
Pinion 205
Gear 200
Pressure angle (8) 22.5
Helix angle (8) 29
Module (mm) 10
Addendum coefficient 0.83
Profile shift coefficient
Pinion 0.314
Gear 0.238
Dedendum coefficient 1.3
Surface roughness (r.m.s.) (mm) 0.63
Fig. 14 Power loss distribution according to the
rotational speed for an input torque of
79 074 Nm

gear rotational speed varying between 900 and

1800 r/min and an input (engine) torque of
79 074 Nm (Fig. 13). It can be noticed that, contrary
to the previous example, gear efficiency decreases
as speed increases and the output torque also
decreases (reduction of almost 2 kNm when the
Fig. 13 Gear efficiency and output torque according to rotational speed is doubled). However, the associ-
the rotational speed for an input torque of ated gear efficiency reduction, which seems low
79 074 Nm (0.5 per cent), represents 380 kW. A detailed analysis
of the power loss distribution (Fig. 14) shows a sig-
nificant increase of the proportion of windage as
In such devices, accurate predictions of power speed becomes larger, which appears as the preva-
losses are crucial because a very small percentage lent source of loss in the case of wide-faced HS redu-
of the input power can represent several kilowatts, cers (þ46 per cent when the rotational speed is
which define both the cooling system and the ther- doubled). In contrast, tooth friction loss is largely
mal behaviour of the transmission. First, the gear independent of speed and keeps a constant level
efficiency and the output torque are analysed for a of 40 kW over the speed range, whereas the

Fig. 15 Maximum temperature along the face width of the wheel (wheel rotational
speed ¼ 180 r/min)

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contribution of gas trapping represents only 3 per- that, apart from transmission error, tooth load distri-
cent of the total loss (7 kW). Although trapping bution, root stress, etc., power loss can be considered
losses are low, they play a potentially significant as one more variable to be taken into consideration
role in the thermal distortions of the gear flanks. in the optimum design of tooth shape modifications.
Figure 15(a) represents the evolution of the maxi-
mum temperature across the face width calculated
at 1800 r/min on the gear. It is shown that there is
a temperature difference of .30 8C between the REFERENCES
tooth centre (i.e. between the two helices) and
points situated at about two-thirds of the width. 1 Diab, Y., Ville, F., Velex, P., and Changenet, C. Windage
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authors with regard to power losses in gears have Experimental and numerical investigations on the air-
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on industrial cases for which the individual sources Itoh, K. Pressure measurement of ambient air in the root
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drawn: (a) tooth friction is the dominant cause of Des. Eng. Tech. Conf., 2003, 4B, 957 – 964
power loss in LS and medium-speed gears, (b) wind- 6 Diab, Y., Ville, F., and Velex, P. Prediction of power
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(c) in terms of power dissipation, gas trapping seems be published.
to be of secondary importance whatever the speed 7 Ville, F. and Velex, F. Introduction du frottement sur les
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range, but its effects on tooth thermal distortions
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Vibrations, chocs et bruit. Lyon, CD-Rom 16 – 18 june
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relief can substantially influence the dissipation 8 Baud, S. and Velex, P. Static and dynamic tooth loading
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