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Project Plan Overview

• Objective: To enhance the Manukora website’s

visual appeal, SEO, product and category
exposure, and overall digital marketing strategy,
resulting in improved user experience, increased
site traffic, and higher conversion rates.

Photo by Amelia Bartlett on Unsplash

Discovery and Research

• Stakeholders Involved: Project Manager, SEO

Specialist, Content Strategist, UX Designer.

• Key Actions: Conduct a comprehensive audit of

the current website. Perform keyword research
and competitive analysis. Gather user feedback
through surveys and usability testing.

• Timeline: 2 weeks.

Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash

Strategy Development

• Stakeholders Involved: SEO Specialist, Digital

Marketing Strategist, UX Designer, Content

• Key Actions: Develop a detailed SEO strategy

focusing on keyword optimization, meta
descriptions, and internal linking. Create a
content marketing plan including blog posts,
social media content, and email campaigns.
Design a banner and visual content strategy.

• Timeline: 2 weeks.
Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash
Design and Content Creation

• Stakeholders Involved: UX/UI Designer,

Content Writers, Graphic Designers,

• Key Actions: Design new website banners and

visual elements. Create new product
descriptions and category content. Develop blog
posts and educational content. Produce videos
showcasing the harvesting process and benefits
of Mānuka honey.

• Timeline: 4 weeks.
Photo by Besha Rizgar on Unsplash
Implementation and Development

• Stakeholders Involved: Web Developers, SEO

Specialist, Content Manager.

• Key Actions: Implement new SEO strategies

across the site. Update the website with new
banners, product descriptions, and category
pages. Optimize the website for mobile and
improve page speed. Ensure all images have alt
text and internal linking is optimized.

• Timeline: 3 weeks.

Photo by apoorv mittal on Unsplash

Testing and Quality Assurance

• Stakeholders Involved: QA Testers, UX

Designer, SEO Specialist.

• Key Actions: Conduct usability testing to ensure

new designs and content are user-friendly.
Perform technical SEO audits to ensure
compliance. Test the site on various devices and
browsers for compatibility.

• Timeline: 2 weeks.

Photo by Martin W. Kirst on Unsplash

Launch and Monitoring

• Stakeholders Involved: Project Manager, Digital

Marketing Specialist, Content Manager.

• Key Actions: Launch the updated website and

monitor for any issues. Track key metrics such as
site traffic, bounce rate, and conversion rates.
Adjust strategies based on performance data
and user feedback.

• Timeline: Ongoing monitoring with a detailed

review at 4 weeks post-launch.

Photo by Lukas ter Poorten on Unsplash

Key Stakeholders

• Project Manager: Oversees the entire project, ensuring timelines and objectives are met.

• SEO Specialist: Focuses on optimizing the website for search engines.

• Content Strategist: Develops content strategies and plans.

• UX/UI Designer: Designs the visual elements and ensures a seamless user experience.

• Digital Marketing Strategist: Plans and executes marketing campaigns.

• Graphic Designers & Videographers: Create visual content and videos.

• Web Developers: Implement technical changes and updates on the website.

• QA Testers: Ensure the quality and functionality of the website post-implementation.

• Content Writers: Produce blog posts, product descriptions, and other written content.

• Content Manager: Oversees content creation and updates on the website. Photo by Merakist on Unsplash
Key Timelines

• Discovery and Research: 2 weeks.

• Strategy Development: 2 weeks.

• Design and Content Creation: 4 weeks.

• Implementation and Development: 3 weeks.

• Testing and Quality Assurance: 2 weeks.

• Launch and Monitoring: Ongoing monitoring

with a detailed review at 4 weeks post-launch.

Photo by Digitawise Agency on Unsplash


• Summary: By following this detailed project

plan, we will systematically enhance the
Manukora website and its digital marketing
efforts, ensuring a significant improvement in
user experience, SEO performance, and overall
market reach.

• Next Steps: Implement the outlined strategies

and monitor progress. Adjust tactics based on
performance data and user feedback to achieve
the desired outcomes.

Photo by Mari Helin on Unsplash

Project Perspective

• Discovery and Research: 2 weeks

• Strategy Development: 2 weeks

• Design and Content Creation: 4 weeks

• Implementation and Development: 3 weeks

• Testing and Quality Assurance: 2 weeks

• Launch and Monitoring: Ongoing with a detailed review at 4 weeks post-launch

Contact Information

• Phone: +55 11 966731991

• Email:

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