Articulo DEMING Practicas en Japon

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Quality Management Journal

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Revisiting Deming's 14 Points in Light of Japanese

Business Practices

Kosaku Yoshida

To cite this article: Kosaku Yoshida (1995) Revisiting Deming's 14 Points in Light
of Japanese Business Practices, Quality Management Journal, 3:1, 14-30, DOI:

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Published online: 24 Apr 2018.

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This arlide describes an interpretation of Deming's 14 pointsfrom services and that improved quality would improve pro-
the pmpeetive ofJapanese businm practices. It especiallyfocuses on ductivity. Everyone talked about quality, and American
Deming's three principles: holistit thinking, (oop/ration, and dair-
management has integrated the concepts of long-term
aMity. These three principlts wm j('V(loped by Deming by observing
Japanese bus;nm praaices. They led Deming toderive his ntw throry vision, continuous improvement, and teamwork into its
ofsystem optimiwhon, wh;,h states thatinterdependent components traditional management style . The recovery of its full
must be orchestrated toa((omp/ish the(ommon aim of/he system.
market share by American automobiles in general, and
During the19805, American management integratedthecon-
cepts of long-term vision, continuous improvement, and teamwork Ford Motor Company in particular, duringthe late 1980s,
into its traditional mimagemenf style; bouseuer, many signs of isto a large extent attributedto use of Deming's teachings.
receding interest in quality management have recently appeared. After reaching a peak around 199(}-1991, however,
N()1J) that the Amm tan uonomy is imprOi!ing, the salaries of u.s.
many indicators of receding interest in quality began to
exuutives are skyrotketing. At the same time, in the name if
mtructuring or downsizing, many large campania are cutting appear. For example, the number of applications for the
employees to uNle cous during the short term. Nevertbdas; in these Malcolm Baldrige National Qpality Award has continu-
insecureworkenvironments, management isencouraging employits ously declined after 1991. Also, based on the Business
to work tooperativtly in teams. And conti nuous improvement
Periodical Index, the number of articles published in 1994
remains a basic management policy. This is not what Deming
taught. nor isit what the ]apantstpractice. Now that the dust has under the category of quality control (which includes
settledfollowing the boom if initial American interest in quality quality management) has declined to one-third that of
management, it istime to revisit Deming's 14 points -the origin
1990. Are American industries satisfied with the level of
ofquality management inAmerica.
quality achieved in their products and services? And what
Key words: cooperation, desirability. holism. ]apantst quality man-
does long-term view or continuous improvement mean to
agement, quality management, variation.
American management? Although the overall U.S. econ-
omy is recovering and doing very well, the trade balance
INTRODUCTION shows a persistent deficit, and the value of the dollar is
During the 1980s, W. Edwards Deming taught that steadily decreasing. U.S. international competitiveness
American companies must produce quality goods and has obviouslyweakened.

14 QMJ 95 3,00.1

Conversely, throughout the 45 years since Japan's Figure 1 Deming's 14 points (Deming 1982).
quality improvement began in 1950 when Deming
1, Creote constancy of purpose toward improvementof product
taught the Japanese how to improve product quality, the ond service, with the aim to become competitive ond 10 ~ in
business, end to provide jobs.
Japanese have consistently improved quality without any
interruption. They are still competitive while their cur- 2. Adopt a new philosophy. We ore in 0 new economic age.
Western management must awoken to the challenge, must
rency has more than doubled its value in the past 10 loom their responsibilities, and toke on leadership for change.
years. Isn't quality as vitally important today for U.S. 3. Ceose dependence on inspection to achieve quality. Eliminate
international competitiveness as it was in 1980? Can the need for inspection on a moss basis by building quality
inta the product in the first place.
American industries affo rd to say that quality manage-
4. End theproctice ofO'HOrding business on the basis of price tog.
ment was merely a fad whose day of popularity isgone? Instead, minimize totol cost. Mote toward a single supplier for
Now that the dust has settled following the initial anyone item, ona Iong·term relationship ofloyalty and trust.

boom of American interest in quality management and S. Improve conston~y and forever the system 01production and
service, ta imprcwe quality and productivity, and thusconstantly
Japanese quality management, it istime to revisit Deming's decrease costs.
14 points, These are the foundation of Deming's quality
6. Institute training on the job.
management philosophy. They are examined in light of
7. Institute leodership (see point 12). The aim ofleadership should
business practices in Japan, where quality management be to help people and machines and gadgets to do a better
was first established and where it has been most widely job. Leodership of manogement is in need of overhaul, as well
as loodershipof production workers.
developed since 1950. Deming's 14 points are summa-
8. Drive outfear, so that everyone may work effectively for the
rized in Figure 1. cornpony.

POINT 1 9. Breck down barriers between departments. People in resecrch,

design, sales, and production must work as a team, to fore'
see problems of production and in use thot may be encoun-
Create constancy of purpose toward improvement of tered with the product or service.
product and service, with the aim to become competi-
10. Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for the work-
tive and to stayin business, and to providejobs. force asking for zerodefectsand new levels 01productivity.
An organization must have a corporate philosophy 110. Eliminate work standards [quotas) on the lactory floor .
that describes the values, beliefs, and direction or aim the Substitute leadership.

company is trying to accomplish. The statements should 11 b. Eliminate management by objective. Eliminate management
by numbers, numerical goals. Substitute leadership.
not be short-term goals or specific objectives that may
change over time, but they must aim at the optimization 120. Remove barriers that rob the hourly worker ofhis right 10 pride
of workmanship. The responsibility of supervisors must be
of the entire system in the long run. To be competitive, chonged from sheer numbers toquality.
to stay in business, and to provide jobs for years to come, 12b. Remove barriers that rob people in management and in
maximizing the system in the long run must be empha- engineering of their right to pride of workma nship. This
moons, inter olio, abolishment of the onnual or merit rating
sized over maximizing quarterly dividends. That is, the and of management byobjective.
global maximization of a company must be emphasized, 13. Ins~Me a vigorous programof education and self-improvement.
not the optimization of an individual unit or the organi-
14. Put everybody in the compony to work to accomplish the
zation's profi t center. Basic to the concept of constancy of tronsformation. The transformation is everybody's job.

ow 95 J, no. I 15

purpose is that the entirety is more than simply the sum must learn their responsibilities, and take on leader-
of the individual parts. Maximizing the quarterly rate of ship for change.
return will not lead to the maximization of long-term Deming philosophy cannot be understood in isola-
profit. Oftentimes, it is advantageous to sacrifice short- tion from Japanese business practices or Japanese culture
term profits for the sake of long-run profits. Investing in in general. T he earlier versionof point 2 said, "We are in
research and development may require some sacrifice of a new economic age, created by japan." So, it is mean-
current dividends, but the benefit in the long run is enor- ingful to summarize the differences between American
mous. Other examples of maximizing the system include culture and Japanese culture, which fo rm the basis for
spending time and money on educating employees and American and Japanese business practices, and which are
investing time and money in continuous improvement also relevant to Deming's 14 points.
rather than on quick fixes. Corporate philosophy- the
declaration of constancy of purpose-must clearly show Ana lytic and Holistic Approaches
what direction is prioritized. Yoshida (1989) termed the American approach analytic
The famous Toyota just-i n-time operation is an and theJapanese approach holistic. The analytic approach
excellentexample of top management's constancy of pur- takes the position that if each part is perfect, the aggre-
pose. As the result of an effort spanning 30 years of con- gate of pans-or the whole- should also be perfect.
tinuous gradual improvement to reduce set-up time, The fu ndamental assumption of this approach is that if
Toyota has lowered throughput time in the plant from 15 each part is understood very well, then the entirety will
days to one day (Blackburn 1991). Such achievement also be understood very well. The analytic approach is
results only from a team's incessant pursuit of a desirable microscopic in that it focuses on the individual parts
condition. Furthermore, as Deming has said, such rather than on the whole. It seeks to understand the
achievement cannot come about without top manage- whole by dissecting it into parts. Emphasis on free com-
ment's constancy of purpose in encouraging and support- petition is the key concept of this approach. In free com-
ing the team effort, over time, to continue to reduce cycle petition theory, if an individual tries to maximize personal
timeand improve quality. gain, society is guided by an invisible hand, and it will
Top management's constancy of purpose cannot be work very well.
actualized without maximizing job security for employees. On the other hand, the holistic approach takes the
The only employees who can carry out the company's position that even if each pan is perfect, the whole may
constancy of purpose are those who are satisfied and not be perfect. T he fundamental assumption of this
secure in meeting their own basic needs. Only employees approach is that the entirety is more than simply the sum
whocan actualize constancy of purpose in their own lives of the parts. Synergism or gestalt might be used to
canhelp to do the same for the company. describe this approach. Cooperation and coordination
between a government and private industries, amongdif-
POINT 2 ferent departments within an organization, or between
Adopt a newphilosophy. We are in a neweconomic age. management and union are encouraged in this approach.
Western management must awaken to th e challenge, Long-term relationships and long-term views are time

16 QMJ 95 3, no. 1

dimensions in the holistic approach. Maximizing long- and desirability- totally new approaches that are quite
term growth fora company is not obtainedby the sum of different from traditional American business principles.
maximized quarterly dividends. How, then, do these approaches fit Deming's statistical
quality control?
Desirability and Acceptability Concept s In Figure 3, given distribution A, management's job
Concepts of quality also naturally differ due to cultural is to obtain distribution B by reducing the variability and
influences. TheJapanese, because of their cultures unified improving the average.To actualize this kind of distribu-
value system, tend to fill in the center fi rst, establishing tion, cooperation such as helping each other and sharing
what is most desirable. Americans, on the other hand, information is one of the most effec tive and essential
because of the wide variety in theirvalue systems, tend to approaches toward reducing variation in any social phe-
first specify the perimeter or boundaryof what is accept- nomena. On the other hand, if everyone is encouraged to
able (see Figure 2). It is relatively easy to defi ne a center compete, those above the average will rise even higher
for a wide area, but it is considerably more difficult to and those below the average will go down even lower,
define the area's exact perimeter. Furthermore, once rigid widening the variation. T he distribution would be
boundaries are fixed, people naturally tend to gravitate dichot omized like tha t of B in Figure 4. Current
toward meeting the lower requirements of acceptability American society, as a whole, appears like this with an
rather than striving to achieve the more exacting ones of ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor. From
desirability. In quality, meeting a specification is an this kind of distribution, it is very difficult to improve
acceptabilityconcept, and shooting for a target- continuous the average, for it is moving away from a desirable target.
improvement-is a desirability concept. Thus, holism, cooperation, and desirability are very con-
sistent with Deming's belief in quality control as a statis-
'Igu... 2 Models ofdesirability ondocceplability.
tician. Furthermore, holistic thinking, cooperation, and
Desirability Acceptability desirability are three principles that led Deming to derive
'Igur. 3 Reducing voriotioo through cooperation.

~ Everything inside isacceptable.

Everything outside isurocceptcble.
Not desirable

When Deming's 14 points are categorized into two

groups based on these differences of American and
Japanese thinking, points 1, 4, 7, 9, 11, 12, and 14 seem Figure 4 Increasing voriotioo through competition.
to be founded on concepts within holistic thinking,
including cooperation, while points 3, 5, 6, and 13 seem
to be founded on the concept of desirability. Deming's
principles are obviously based on holism, cooperation,

OMJ 95 3, no. 1 17

his new theory of system optimization, which says that POI NT 3

interdependent components must be orchestrated to
Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality.
accomplishthe common aim of the system,
Eliminate the need for inspection on a mass basis by
Regarding holism and cooperation, Deming espe-
building quality into the product in the first place.
cially emphasizes the cooperative relationship between
Compare the distributions in Figure 5. They share
management and employees, which can actually realize
the same kinds of upper and lower specification limits. Is
the company's aim. During the last 10 years, improving
there any need for inspection in distribution B? If distri-
quality has become synonymous with improving consumer
bution B, rather than distribution A, is made from the
satisfaction with American products and services, Besides
beginning, the need for inspection is eliminated because
consumer satisfaction, however, Deming emphasizes
all products are meeting the specifications. B is much
employees' job satisfaction, employees' joy of work, and
more of an economical production than is A, which
pride of workmanship. This philosophy was also devel-
requires inspection. Distribution B should be made in
oped byobserving the relationship between management
the first place. This is the basic concept for ceasing
and workers in Japanese companies. It is obvious that
dependence on inspection to achieve quality. Although
workers who have no pride in their workmanship cannot
this concept is very simple, like the egg of Columbus, it
make good quality products. Unhappy workers cannot
is a fundame ntal concept forquality.
cooperate or help others. Unsatisfied salespersons are not
interested in satisfying customers. And customer satisfac-
tion iscertainly a barometer of quality efforts in a company. Figure 5 Ceasedependence on inspection.

At the same time, however, customer satisfaction can

only be realized bysatisfied workers.
T he leader's job is not to evaluate subordinates
according to whether theymet the given quota. The lead- A
ership role is to support, help, and educate subordinates,
making them more satisfied in their jobs and happier in
~l U~
their lives in general. It is especially management's
responsibility to give employees maximum job security.
This is one of the key concepts of Deming's 14 points
tha t has not been accepted or actualized in most End the practice of awarding business on the basis of
American companies. Employees are afraid of evaluation, price tag. Instead, minimize total cost. Move toward a
of their bosses, and especially of losing their jobs at any single supplier for anyone item,on a long-term relation-
time. T his is one of the primary reasons that quality ship ofl oyaltyand trust.
management efforts have not been successful in many How many times have customers had a bad experi-
American companies. Management must recognize that ence by buying the cheapest materials from suppliers? In
improving employee satisfaction is an essential part of manycases, whether it is raw material, a part, a product,
quality efforts within a company. or service, the cheapest one is the lowest possible quality.

1. QMJ 95 3, no. 1

Therefore, do not try to minimize the cost of each part, Although even a single-source supplier has variability in
but try to reduce, or, if possible, minimize the total cost. its deliverytime, using two or moresupply sources makes
Think holistically. For example, if a part is a little bit just- in-time delivery considerably more difficult to
expensive but makes the next stage in the process of achieve. This deviation from the most economical deliv-
manufacturing easier, the total cost will he reduced. ery incurs additional costs.
Work cooperatively with suppliers. Thi s means It appears that a company is saving money when it
reducing the number of suppliers and, possibly, having buys from the cheapest supplier after reviewing multiple
one supplier for anyone item. In Japanese automobile bids. But the company is often wasting more money due
companies, long-term suppliers are involved with the to hidden costs. Remember the company is not buying
parent companies from the first day of product develop- an individual shipment; instead, it is buying the supplier's
ment. While the automobile company is designing the production capabilities. Once confidence in a supplier
car body, suppliers ace studying the pacts for which they is established, purchasers do not have to inspect daily
arc responsible. In return for stable long-term business shipments. Confi dence or trust in a supplier, however,
rela.tionships with the parent companies, suppliers accept cannot he developed overnight. Long-term relationships,
and meet the parent companies' demands for improve- by establishing partnerships and business records, are
ment in quality, cost, and delivery (Takamura 1991). In the key.
contrast, until the early 19805, American automobile
companies shopped for pam suppliers only when every-
thing about design, production, finance, and marketing Improve constandy and forever the system of produc-
was smoothed out internally. The only condition by tion and service to improve quality and productivity,
which suppliers got the job was price competitiveness. and thus constandy decreasecosts.
Only after suppliers got the job did they start to order Continuously reduce the variability by shooting for
new equipment needed to do the job. Th is difference the target value, which is a desirable value. This is the
between Japanese and American practices was partially most important concept in quality. A famous Ford Motor
responsible for the Japanese companies reducing product Company training film shows the importance of contin-
development time to roughly half the time of th at uous improvement. Somehow Ford's transmission had a
expended by American companies. Japanese automakers warranty problem while Ford's sister company Mazda
did in 30 months what American automakcrs could do in did not payout too muchon warranty costs. (By the way,
about 60 months (Risen 1990). Since the early 19805, Ford has a 2S percent ownership of Mazda} Ford's engi-
when Deming starred helping American automobile pco- neers were wondering why Mazd1's warranty cost was so
duces (notably Ford Motor Company), these differences negligible compared to Ford's. They took a large number
have been gradually eliminated. of transmissions, disassembled them, measured the
Using multiple suppliers creates more variability in dimensions of the pacts, and plotted a graph. All of the
supplied pacts and their delivery. Just-in-time delivery is Ford transmission pacts met the specifications, resem-
considered to be the most economical type of delivery, bling distribution A in Figure 6. Butwhen the engineers
considering the amount of inventory and work in process. looked at the Mazda transmission parts, they found the

QMJ 95 3,1'10. 1 19

fig",,. 6 Di$hibution A meets the ~fieation , while e POINT 6

.."......., ""'" qual;~.

Institute trainingon the job.

R«Tuiting Proem- Before talking about training, the
recruiting process should be discussed. Too often man-
agement complains, "Some people arenever interested in
working hard," or "Some will never learn." These state-
ments, however, say more about management hiring pro-
cedures than they do about workers. If someone is a
much narrower distribution, B in Figure 6 (Walton lousy worker, why was that person hired in the first
1986). Meeting the specification is but a minimal place? The solution is to spend more time up front mak-
requirement. Start from there and then continuously ing sure that the person is a hard worker and an eager
work to improve the process by continuously reducing learner. One certain indicator of these qualities is the
the variability. This approach involves the concept of applicant's academic record. Rosenbaum's (1989) research
desirability, a method of shooting for the target value, shows, however, that in American companies' hiring
which is opposed to the concept of acceptability, the tra- process, grades are not important, especially for high
ditional methodof merelymeetingthe specification. school graduates. Most employers do not even request
2n'o dif«ts is another false concept. Zero defects are their applicants' transcripts. In contrast, Japanese hiring
impossible in shooting for the target. Zero defects are, practices show that most employers hireemployees based
however, possible in only meeting the specification. In on their grades and teacher evaluations. The Japanese
Figure 6, both distributions satisfy zero defect, but natu- practice seems to give students a strong incentive
rally distribution B is much more consistent than distrib- to study hard in school. Consequently, their future
ution A and thus provides better quality. In the concept employers can expect to hire well-educated employees.
of desirability, no distribution will ever reach the target Certainly, one's work habit is developed during one's
value, for continuousimprovement has no end. school days.
For continuous improvement to be possible, there WorRm Train WorRt'rs -On e of the problems with
must be a learning organization. Thus, there must be a workers training workers is that the predecessors do not
process oflearning. The Deming cycle(or Shewhart cycle) necessarily want to teach new employees or trainees. In
provides a process oflearning for workplaces. In the learn- many places lacking job security or a seniority system,
ing process of rotating the Deming cycle, one important the experienced employees have good reason to fear that
aspect is that failure is an inevitable partof the process of if they teach new employees the job they have been
improvement. If management will not allow workers to doing for many years, the experienced employees could
rotate the Deming cycle without fear of failure and its be replaced or fired at any time without damage to the
penalty, then management should forget about improve- company, especially since new employees are typically
ment altogether. The precondition for improvement is an paid much less than senior staffers. When job security is
environment in which employees can workwithout fear. missing and no seniority system has been established,

20 aMI 9S J, no, I

experienced employees refusing to train new employees is suggested, "Let's discuss this issue with the people in the
a natural phenomenon. Wh en the waste of human previous process and the nextprocess."
resources throughout the country from this phenomenon The manager of that process asked, "Arewe going to
is aggregated, the total loss is enormous, even though discuss issues with our enemy?"
the tot al amount is unknown and unkn owable. In Ishikawa replied, "Do you call the next process your
Japan, where job security and the seniority system are enemy? Your next process is your customer. You must ask
relatively established, senior employees generally teach them howwe are doing ourjob to please them."
junior employees easily. In Japan, if the senior employee Job rotation is the best way to achieve this perspective.
does not teach the junior employee who is going to Only when workers can put themselves in the customers'
take over the job, he or she might miss the opportunity shoes can theysee exactlywhat theyhave been doing.
to learn more advanced skills from another or even Finally, the prerequisites to training must be empha-
gain a promotion. sized; that is, the guaranteed job securityand fair distrib-
Training-Workers must be trained in several different ution of profits in improvement of productivity. Any
jobs. This is not easy to do because of rigid job specifi- training aims at improving the quality and productivity
cations and different wages for different jobs within of a company's products or service. If improved produc-
American companies. Cross-training is required, however, tivity or efficiency leads to laying off workers, however,
so that management can assign workers to different jobs no workers will really learn. Walton (1986) quotes
during downtime and avoid having to lay off workers. Deming, "Acompany must make it clear that no one will
Another reason for cross-training is that workers have lose his job because of improvement in productivity."
more potential than when they have mastered only one Without this clear determination by management, train-
skill. Continuous improvement cannot be expected in an ing is a waste of time and money for both management
environment where human potential is suppressed. By and workers.
training workers in multiple skills through job rotation,
workers can expand their view of the whole process and
feel responsibility as a pan of the whole (Monden 1991 ). Institute leadership (see point 12). T he aim of leader-
At Toyota, for instance, every worker is trained in six dif- ship should be to help people and machines and gad-
ferenrjobs. The merit of cross-training is that if a worker gets to do a better job. Leadership of management is in
makes a mistake, it is highly probable that another worker need of overhaul, as well as leadership of production
in the next process will detect and fix it. Also, five cross- workers.
trained employees can do the job of six in a team effort if Manager's ]ob-A manager should not be a judge but a
one is absent, although absenteeism is negligible at leader whocan help, teach, and coach subordinates to do
Toyota (Monden 1991). good jobs. A supervisor who merely evaluates subordi-
Workers especially must know the next process; that nates stands outside the system of subordinates, not
is, how the output from their process is going to be used inside the system. If the supervisor is in the same system
in the next process. A long time ago, when Kaoru as subordinates, the supervisor should help them before
Ishikawa (1988)visited oneof the steel mills in Japan, he bad results come in because he or she is also a part of the

QMJ 9S 3, no. 1 21

bad results. Bad performance by subordinates occurs by fear since it causes fear among workers. Management
when a supervisor did not or could not provide appropriate by fear will never work to improve quality and productivity
guidance. This kind of thinking about a manager's or in the long run because it deprives individuals of human
supervisor's job is totally different from the current rradi- dignity. (See point 8).
tional thinking. In addition, to be able to help subordi- Understanding Va riation-A manager's job is to look at
nates, supervisors must be knowledgeable of operations. people as a distribution. That is, each person and each
Fresh college graduates without any experience should person's performance are different from that of others.
not be supervisors. Th erefore, the performance of the total group, as a
Ranking System-Evaluation often ranks people. In a group, is important for management, not the perform-
ranking system, only one person is numberone. In a sense, ance of each person. Remember that even in an excellent
that individual is the only winner. Or the top threemay be group, 50 percent will always be below average. Do not
considered winners and be rewarded within a ranking sys- be disturbed by the ups and downs of individuals. Pay
tem. In that case, the rest of the people within the system extra attention only to both ends of the distribution and
are considered losers. Even in the most common aspect of leave the others alone. People at the bottom are people
all rankingsystems, anybody ranked below average isoften who need extra help. That they are at the bottom does
regarded as a loser. That is, in any organization where not mean that they deserve to be fired. Some may not
there isa rankingsystem, halfof the people are regarded as have learned new skills yet, or they may not know yet
failures, or losers, because approximately 50 percent will what the most desirable output is. Some may have sick
always appear as below average in any ranking system. children at home, financial trouble, or bad marital situa-
Ranking systems are supposed to improve individual per· tions. Some may be at one of those crisis points in their
formance by encouraging competition; however, howcan personal lives that many people go through. The current
those labeled as below average be motivated to try even American business system cuts out people exactly when
harder? Quire simply, ranking systems create failure for as theyneed extra help.
many as50 percent of the individuals involved. People at the top end of the distribution are doing
Suppose a companyhas a policyof firing the bottom exceptionally well, and the rest of the people in the distri-
10 percent of employees every year. How many years bution can benefit by learning from them. Indeed, theones
does it take such a company to make all employees satis- at the top of the distribution may need a more challenging
factoryworkers so that none need to be fired? The answer opportunity to continue doing welL By taking care of
is, never! No matter how excellent an organization, 10 these two extremes, management can reduce variability and
percent of the people will always be at the bottom of the then improve the average. Ranking is useless and even
scale when such a policy exists. Furthermore, the newly harmful to all of the rest of the people because people's
hired 10 percent may be the people who were fired some- performance always varies. A leader must understand
where else. People are constantly changing places, and that variation is always present and that total perform-
quality is not improved by those replacements. Resources ance of the group-not the performance of each worker-
used for hiring newemployees and training them are also is important for management. A moredetailed discussion
enormous. The ranking system is a kind of management of variation isgiven in point 11.

22 QMJ 95 3, no.1

POINT S because they know that if they do, severe labor shortages
will occur fo r them at some time in the future. In this
Drive out fear, so that everyone may work effectively way, even when they must sacrifice productivity for a
for the company. time, they try to retain their investment for the fu ture,
A study of 27,871 American workers in 1992 shows The typicalview from the foreign press aboutJapan's
that employment and fin ancial stress are their top prob- recent recession seems to be that lifetime employment is
lems. Without a doubt, the fear of losing one's job is the "one of the biggest problems facing corporate Japan"
most fundamental among job-related fears. People lived (Neff 1993). It is true that lifetime employment makes it
through this fear for about three years during the most difficult for companies to cut costs during downtimes.
recent recession. During the two years between the Lifetime employment also makes companies slow to
beginning of 1991 and the end of 1993, about 4.5 million adjust to hard conditions and to renew directions,
American workers over age 20 lost their full-time jobs because they are bound with enormous personnel costs.
(Koretz 1994). Now that the American economy is dras- But, Yoshito Yamaguchi, deputy general manager of
tically improving, the pay for executives is skyrocketing. international operations at Mitsubishi Electric, claims
Workers' wages and benefits, however, have actually been that the strengths of Japanese companies are lifetime
lagging behind the cost of living. To make matters worse, employment, group orientation, and hard work. He
after surviving the recession, even the healthiest compa· believes that theJapanese-style management that worked
nies are cutting employees to save costs in the name of in the past stillworks during the current problems (Helm
restructuring or downsizing. 1993). According to a 1993 survey by the Japanese
Japanese workers would seem to have more job secu- Productivity Center, 89 percent of responding firms sup-
rity than U.S. workers, and the societal distribution of ported lifetime employment in principle (Holley 1994).
wealth would appear to be more even in Japan than it is in Whether or not Japanese management wants these
the United States. Both of these observations suggest that changes, the two basics of Japanese management-life-
Japanese workers are fairly free of the most fundamental time employment and the seniority system-will be
fear plaguing American workers. Recently, the Japanese forced to change rapidly byconditions that Japan cannot
automaker Nissan closed one of its main factories in control. These include severe global competition, extremely
Japan. Nissan retained its policy of no layoffs and acted lower wages available in Southeast Asia, the drastic rise
accordingly. Under this policy, excess employees were in the value of yen, or more individualism among afflu-
transferred to other jobs or factories. While all executives ent young Japanese. Japanese management, however, will
and employees may experience pay cuts, none are laid off never easily throw away advantages such as long-term
or terminated. Everyone suffers, equally sharing the results commitment to its employees, securing trained workers,
of hard economic times. Under Japanese corporate policy, a enhancing the psychological stability of workers, empha-
company tries to assume its responsibility for not adding to sizing the solidarityof the entire company, and accenting
the unemployed within society. At thesame time, the holistic trust between management and employees.
approach within such a policy creates a long-term view. In America, because of itsculturally and historically dif-
Economically pinched companies try not to cut employees fere nt background, lifetime employment and the seniority

OMJ 95 3, no. I 23

S)'5tem may not be practical forimproving quality and pro- importance. Engineering or science graduates and those
ductivity andmay not be wanted byeither management or in other fields (such as business, economics, or law),
workers. It ismanagement's responsibility, however, to give however, are usually separated into two major groups. A
maximum job security to employees by educating them Japanese company does not hire a college graduate as an
continuously basal on melong-term view This way they can accounting, marketing, or anotherkind of specialist, hut as
be assigned to different types of jobs within the company a person whose entire educational experience hasequipped
according to the environmental change of thecompany. At him or her to be a person who can learn new skills and
the very least, Americans should not tolerate the sort of function well in any new environment. New graduates-be
management style they witnessed when Boeing announced it with bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, or doctorates-
it was cutting 28,000jobs, while at the same time giving are regarded solely asinterdependent team players, not as
a 5554,000 bonus to its chairman, raising his salary to specialists. Moreover, except in a few cases,Japanese uni-
more than 52 million (Balzar 1993). In American com- versities do not have l\l BA programs to produce special-
panies, employees often seem to be little more than tools ists in decision making. This aspect of Japanese hiring
usedto make the company profitable for the advantage of practices contrasts sharply with the American practice of
a mere handful of executives and investors. In roday's hiring MBAs as independent decision makers.
prevalent American management practices, the concept of In Japan, after graduating from engineering school.
company includes managers and stockholders hut excludes engineers work in factoriesasblue-collar workers. Even a
workers, A company must be an entity that exists for the college graduate works as a door person, front deskclerk,
well-being of all people involved in its operation, This and cashier in Japan's hotel industry. By constant job
concept is not only basic toJapanese management but the rotation, college graduates are gradually promoted to
essence of optimization for the Deming system. Efforts management positions, By the time they reach these,
to implement Deming philosophy or any T@ 'l or they know all other jobs and understand how their posi-
Japanese management style will be useless and fruitless if tions relate to others in the whole. It is relatively easy for
workers areafraid oflosing theirjobs at anytime. them to understand that no parr of their job is done
without the help of others in different jobs. Job rotation
POINT 9 minimizes sectionalism as a barrier among departments
Break down barriers between departments. People in and encourages cooperation among all employees at all
research, design. sales, and production must work as a levels. In short, bythe time college graduates reach man-
tram, to foresee problems of production and in use that agement positions, they have acquired the most impor-
may beencountered with the product or service. tant component of quality management through job
Ishikawa's statement, "rour next process is your cus- rotation. Ncnspecialiaarion and job rotation help to
remer," was discussed in point6. The Japanesedid experi- improvecommunication and cooperation among different
ence problems of barriers between departments, so that sections anddivisions within a company.
the system they developed solves these problems. Cross-functional teams arc: another device to coordi-
In general, when hiring decisions are made within a nate activities in several different sections or departments.
Japanese company, a college graduate's major has little As discussed in point 4, because of cross-functional

24 QMJ 95 3, no. 1

teams, Japanese automobile companies could develop a Decrease the cost by 15 percent. Reduce the defect rate
new car from the conceptual stage to marketplace within by 20 percent. Where did these numbers come from? As
30 months, whereas it used to take about 60 months for will be discussed in point 11, most of the times these
the same process in the United States. This achievement numbers are simplypicked out of the blue. They have no
was made possible within the Japanese industry by design meaning. Nevertheless, when the target is not met, a
engineers working together with production engineers penalty is sometimes involved. Management's job is not
and supervisors from the earliest stage. Reduction of shouting,but helping and training workers and providing
automobile development time is achieved purely by coop- means so that workers can achieve quality work and
eration among the many different departments involved. improve productivity.
In contrast, each division or department in the typical Zero De.fects- People do make mistakes, and zero defects
American corporation operates according'to well-defined are impossible in human behavior. Zero defects is an
procedures. Often these autonomous divisions are in especially wrong concept in continuous improvement, as
competition with each other. In the American automo- discussed in point 5. Suppose workers tend to easily
bile industry, this situation has been drastically improved make the same mistakes in a production line. If the envi-
by introducing Japanese-style cross-functional teams. For ronment or tools are not changed, simply shouting "Stop
instance, Chrysler Corporation's recent success is partially making mistakes!" at workers will not reduce the errors
due to adopting a model based on Honda's production at all. If anybody working in the process makes the same
system (Woodruff 1992). mistake, it is management's responsibility and manage·
In his book, Deming (1 993) quotes Russel Ackoff as ment's problem. And yet it is always the workers who are
saying that, "If anyone were to assemble the best parts for fired, demoted, or penalized.
an automobile, disregarding for every part its price tag and Budget-In the budgeting process, fu nds are allocated to
sources, the parts would not make an automobile. They facilitate the necessary activities to accomplish their
would not form a system." Even in baseball games, there is assigned function in each department or section. These,
a system of sacrifice bunt, and the batterisgiven the credit in tum, are part of the large organizational fu nction or
for it. Is there any device in a typical organization, including purpose. T herefore, budgeting must be consistent with
corporations, universities, and governments, to reward the overall system optimization of the whole organiza-
someone who sacrificed his or her personal or depart- tion, especially with the optimization in long term.
mental performance for the benefit of the entiresystem? Toward the end of the budgetary period, some
departments will naturally have extra moneyleft overand
other departments will have shortages. Money should be
Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for th e transfered with the appropriate credit given to the pro-
workforce asking for zero defects and new levels of viding department for future usage. Even within the
productivity. same department, in some years it may have a shortage
Slogans andTatgets-S logans or targets for the workforce, of money, and in other years it may have excess money.
such as the following, usually do not make any difference in The department also should have credit transfers between
workers' performance: Increase the output by 10 percent. different periods.

QMJ 95 3, no. 1 25

An important message here is that goals, targets, or "guN 7 A cp:lIa ~!he average instead r:J raising it.
budget are all temporary figures simply used as coordi-
nating devices. They should be used neither as rigidly •
fixed numbers nor asevaluation devices.

Eliminate work standards (quota) on the factory floor. A

Substitute leadership.
Standardasa SingleNumber- Any company can establish
work standards such as these: Produce 100 pieces a day.
have pride of workmanship. They feel cheap. Their feel-
Make 20 telephone calls an hour. Visit 25 customers a
ings do not count either.
day. What is wrong with these standards or targets?They
Control Chart-W hat's wrong with current management
are most frequendy determined based on the average of
practice is that it is trying to represent the entire d isrribu-
past performances of all workers doing similar work in
tion byone number (average or quota). The entire distri-
that section or department. Naturally, about half of the
bution must be treated as a distribution. Plot everybody's
people do the job better than the average, and the other
output on a control chart. This enables management to
halfperforms belowthe average. Suppose that the distri-
identify those who are: outside control limits and thus
bution of workers looks like A in Figure: 7. Notice that
need extra attention (see Figure: 8). Help those who are
not everybody isperforming at the average. In other words,
outside of the lower limit andhave others learnfrom those
an average exists because halfof the people are above the
outside of the upper control limit. By simply doing this,
average and the other half are below the average.
management will be able to reduce the variation and then
Once a standard (or quota) is set at the average,
improve the average. This process is lower management's
those who used to produce more than the average tend to
responsibility. Top management's job is to concentrate on
slow down immediately after they reach the quota (or
improving the system by reducing common cause varia-
average). On the other hand, those who used to produce
tion; that is, any variation within control limits (see
less than the average try to do everything to reach the
Figure 9). The variation within the control limits does
average, including cutting corners and skipping some of
not mean any particular worker is incapable or lazy.
the time required for critical procedures. Becauseof these Everyone is doing his or her best. Variation is theresimply
two forces, the newdistribution of the outputs looks like
because everyone's performance is naturally different. To
B in Figure 7. Although the variation is smaller, the new reduce this kind variation, workers need more training,
average is lower than the old average. A quota lowers the
average instead of raising it. Besides, quality is also lower
than before, because the quota pressed the people below
average to achieve the quota, no matter what. Sometimes
they have to let the products go, knowing the right thing
was not done. Under these conditions, workers cannot

2. QMJ 95 J, no. 1

more sophisticated machines, more resources, and so on. here is past data and the otherscome from just guessing.
Improving workers' motivation or job satisfaction is also How could terrorism in the Middle East be forecast as a
an essential element in reducing common cause variation. decisive factor in the price of oil? This is the reason why
This is top management's responsibility, not workers'. economic forecasts based on the same past data are not
The process of improving the system really requires con- only so different from one another but are also often
tinuous effort, and this is what management must do to wrong. That is, a goal is a random variable that has a dis-
improve productivity and quality. An artificial standard tribution. But people try to pick up a single number in a
made by management is nonsense. Only the system can distribution as a goal or a forecast. Actualization of the
control a standard for workers' performance. performance is also a result of the process that hasdistribu-
tion. That's why a goaland actual performance never meet.
'I..... 9 Improving the system. Management by objective (MBO) is management
by a single number, without any specified method to
achieve that number. 'Eliminate management by num-
bers, numerical goals" does not mean that numbers should
La lX1
not be used. It means, "Eliminate management by singk
Traditionally, management has analyzed individual numbers such as numerical goals, quotas, targt ts, and do
outputs or all defective items carefully, but rarely paid not punish workers by those numbers." In other words,
m ention to the entire process or entire system. This is management by objective must be replaced by manage-
because individual inputs, outputs, workers, and machines ment by distribution.
are visible, but the process and system art invisible. A If a process is stable, a goal is not needed. If a process is
control chan is a device to enable management to see the not stable, any goal is meaningless. The fact that everybody
process and the system. It changes the perspective from is so different that human performance has a distribution
an analytical view to a holistic view. W hen Deming must be accepted. The only way the distribution can be
explained a control chan to Japanese managers, they really managed is by usinga control chart. Management'sjob is
understood it because holistic thinking is their tradition. to look at the whole picture and use it to improve the
This is one of the reasons why Deming's teachingscreated system, while not losing sight of the totality by being
a revolution inJapan. distracted or disturbed by individual observation.


Eli minate management by obj ecti ve. Eli mi na t e Remove barriers that rob the hourly worker of his right
management by numbers, numerical goals. Substitute to pride of workmanship. The rnponsibility of supu-
leadership. visors must be changed from sheer numbers to quality.
Again, where do numerical goals come from? In many Suppose Figure 10 shows the run chan produced by
cases, goals are determined by the average of past perform- the operating system in a company. A newly assigned
ances, plusconsideration of various expected and unexpected manager says of point A in the figure, "We must accom-
factors and desired results. The only concrete element plish this. This is our target." If the system is not changed,

QMJ 95 3, no. 1 27

Figure 10 Run chart for a company's operating system. A' and B' or A" and W at a certain time. In most cases,

the difference is statistically insignificant and practically
Qvoo!ity LCCl
= _ _,--- :- _
oIOUIp\I! I negligible in the long run. A' or B' does not represent a
person's true performance bur only a single output that
LeL changes over time. Generally that's why people are upset
and hurt by unfair evaluations. An annual rating system
this target will never be accomplished. No matter how is supposed to improve productivity by encouraging compe-
hard workers try and no matter how many times a new tition among workers. In reality, however, an annual rating
manager shouts, unless new tools, new skills, or better system is mainly an apparatus that causes disagreements
supplies are provided, it can never be done. Progress cannot in evaluation and disputes about salary. It is definitely
be accomplishedfaster thanthe speed the system can control. not the direction to go.
T he only way to achieve unachievable targets or Japanese companies do have an annual raring system,
quotas without changing the system is to ship them out however, it is used to gain a holistic view of individual
at any cost. Workers know that the product is wrong and performance in the long run, almost exactly in the way a
they should fix it. But because of the quota, they have to control chart is used. If you are at the top end of the dis-
let it go. It is management that is hurting the pride of tribution fo r 10 years, you will be promoted to a middle
workmanship. Don't assign a number, such as "Produce manager or assigned to an important job. If you continue
100 pieces." Rather improve the system so that workers to be much better than the rest of the employees for 20
can produce 100 pieces. years, you will be promoted to a senior manager. During
these years, however, the extra pay you receive for your
high performance may be insignificant, because a major
Remove barriers that rob peoplein management and in portion of your pay is determined by seniority. If your
engineering of th eir right to pride of workmanship. performance is excellent for 30 years, you will be pro-
This means, inter alia, abolishment of the annu al or moted to an executive position and your pay might jump
merit rating and of management by objective. as much as 100 percent for the first time. After 30 years
In Figure 11, suppose A isthe record of your perform- each individual has differe nt control charts and different
ance over 30years, and B is someone else's. It is impossible distributions. It is relatively easy to make a judgment
to distinguish whose performance is better than the other; about which person is the top performer.
however,an annual ratingsystem tries to make a distinction In the Japanese seniority system, someone who does
between these two performances by comparing the points not deserve it may be making a lot of money because of
age. But everyone is going to get there anyway. T here
are overestimations and underestimations within such a
Figure 11 Ficti ~ous performance records.
system, but they cancel each other out over the longrun.

At least in the Japanese seniority system, managers do
not have to spend time and energy on disputes about
B' A" evaluations and salaries, so they can give their energy to

21 0 MJ 95 3, oo. 1

more productive tasks. Furthermore, theJapanese system FlgUN 12 Alperfonnoncehosvoriation.

liberates workersto some extent from fear of their bosses.
The Japanese pay system may seem unfair to young
people who consider themselves very competent. If A in
Figure 12 is your performance, and the average perform-
ance of others is at the center, people definitely will never only the level of employees' job skills but also the level of
fail to distinguish your performance from that of others in their self-actualization. Typically, QC circle members
the long run. Butdon't react tooquickly. Don't be hasty to learn basic statistics and problem-solving tools usually
judge people on individual data. People's performance has called the seoen ha5ic QC /0015. It is reported that, by
variation. It is always up and down. The difference between practicing problem solving using the basic tools through
people could be statistically insignificant, especially when teamwork and autonomous management, workers start
they have the same educational background. It is berrer feeling that they are very competent and experience the
to wait until the difference is clear and the whole picture joy of work. This feeling leads to higher satisfaction not
emerges. Of course, the Japanese system also has draw- only as employees but also as human beings (Yoshida
backs. In American companies, however, excessive emphasis 1993). Unfortunately, QC circle activities often are
is put on single observations and instantaneous rewards. unsuccessful in American companies. People whose basic
Spend more timeon deciding who is really more merito- human needs, such asjob security, are notsatisfied cannot
rious than others. Don't react on the basis of individual strive for higher achievement or challenge themselves to
observations, but try to compareindividuals' distributions. reach for higher goals. Americanmanagement must realize
Try to get a wholepicture on a long-term basis. that its companies lack an environment for nurturing the
growth of their employees, and this deficiency causes
POINT 13 long-term losses to organizations.
Institute a vigorous program of education and self-
improvement. POINT 14
Any organization must be determined to help its Put everybody in the company to work to accomplish
employees grow toward maximizing their potentiality, the transformation. The transformation is everybody's
recognizing that its people are the most important com- job.
pany asset of all. The ultimate objective of education is Everybody in an organization must be involved in
the improvement of human quality, not the improvement quality management. This is true. This is also the concept
of a company's productivity. This is the fu ndamental dif- of total quality management (f~1) in America. Quality
ference between education and training. Improvement of management is not thejob solely of inspectors andquality
human quality inevitably brings improvement to corpo- specialists who inspect final outputs and segregate the
rate productivity. This is a very long-term view. bad from the good. Also, quality management is not the
Among various effective means for providing educa- job solely of the manufacturing department. Quality
tion are the quality control (QC) circles active in most management is everyone's job from top management to
Japanese companies. QC circles aim at improving not frontline workers in every department of a company. The

C».\I9S 3, 110_ I 29

closest concept to TQ}I is what Kaoru Ishikawa calls Koretz, G. 1994. Downside to the jobs upturn. Business
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Deming philosophy is a holistic approach that is most
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Ill.: Business One Irwin. corner. Business IVtrk, 10February.

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30 OMJ 95 3.110. 1

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