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CWTS - Cycle 2

Preparation for the Community

Outreach Program
Samantha B. Amores
What obstacles have you encountered
while organizing or participating in
outreach programs, and how have
you worked to address them?
CWTS - Cycle 2

To be honest, there were no incidents that I would consider major

obstacles. Admittedly, the program was not perfect, and we had limited
time with the children. However, we learned to enjoy and cherish each
moment along the way. Getting to know the children and witnessing their
innocence was refreshing. Everyone made a concerted effort to give
each child individual attention, making the experience truly special.

Time flew by, and before we knew it, it was time for the children to return
to their regular schedule. Although we felt that our time together was too
short, we took comfort in knowing that they were headed to church that
day. It’s heartening to think that they were engaging in activities that
would bring them closer to Jesus.

Preparation for the Community Outreach Program

Samantha B. Amores

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