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1. What factors influence
environmental concern? In considering environmental concern, what is the connection between
attitudes and action? What implications does this have for environmental education?
Several factors influence environmental concern, including:
1. Knowledge and Awareness: Understanding of environmental issues and their consequences
can lead to greater concern.
2. Personal Experience: Direct experiences with environmental problems, such as pollution or
natural disasters, can heighten concern.
3. Cultural and Societal Values: Societal norms and values regarding nature and the environment
can shape individuals' attitudes.
4. Media Coverage: Coverage of environmental issues in the media can influence public
perception and concern.
5. Education: Formal and informal education about environmental issues can increase awareness
and concern.
The connection between attitudes and action in environmental concern is complex. While
individuals may express concern about environmental issues, their actions may not always align
with these attitudes due to various factors such as convenience, cost, or lack of perceived impact.
However, attitudes can influence behavior under certain conditions, such as when individuals
perceive their actions to be effective in addressing environmental problems or when social norms
promote pro-environmental behavior.
For environmental education, it's essential to recognize this connection between attitudes and
actions. Environmental education should not only focus on imparting knowledge but also on
fostering attitudes and values that support pro-environmental behavior. This can be achieved
through interactive and experiential learning approaches that emphasize the relevance and impact
of individual actions on the environment. Additionally, incorporating opportunities for hands-on
activities, community engagement, and role modeling can help bridge the gap between attitudes
and action in environmental education.

2. What are some of the dimensions

on which environmental appraisals are based? Do you think they
adequately capture or describe an environment? Are there any other dimensions that you would
Environmental appraisals are based on various dimensions, including:
• Physical Characteristics: This dimension focuses on aspects such as air and water quality,
biodiversity, natural resources, and ecosystems.

• Human Impact: This dimension considers the effects of human activities on the environment,
such as pollution, deforestation, habitat destruction, and climate change.

• Social and Economic Factors: These dimensions encompass the socio-economic aspects of the
environment, such as access to clean water and sanitation, environmental justice, and the
economic value of ecosystems services.

• Policy and Governance: This dimension evaluates the effectiveness of environmental policies,
regulations, and governance structures in managing and protecting the environment.

While these dimensions provide a comprehensive framework for assessing environmental

conditions, they may not always adequately capture or describe the environment in its entirety.
Some additional dimensions to consider could include:
• Cultural and Spiritual Values: This dimension recognizes the cultural and spiritual significance
of the environment to different communities, including indigenous peoples, and how these values
influence environmental stewardship.

• Temporal Scale: Considering environmental changes over time and recognizing the importance
of historical context and future projections in environmental assessments.

• Resilience and Adaptation: Assessing the ability of ecosystems and human communities to
adapt to environmental changes and disruptions.

• Interconnectedness: Recognizing the interconnected nature of environmental systems and the

impacts of environmental changes on other domains, such as human health and social well-

By incorporating these additional dimensions, environmental appraisals can provide a more

holistic understanding of the environment and better inform decision-making and management

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