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AL-WIJDÁN: Journal of Islamic Education Studies.

Volume 8, Nomor 2, April 2023, p-ISSN: 2541-2051; online -ISSN: 2541-3961

Available online at

Received: Maret 2023 Accepted: Maret 2023 Published: April 2023

The Metaverse Media Analysis In A Future Of Instructional Strategy

Budi Ahmad Alfaridzi, Chamim Thohari Mahfudillah, Rossy Yatus Sangadah, Achmad
Ipnu Taqiuddin
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana
Malik Ibrahim Malang, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Universitas
Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Email:,, ,


Along with the development of the technology and information age, new technology has
emerged in the form of AR (Augment Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality), namely 3D digital
technology that exists in the Metaverse, so that from this growth era this can affect the world of
economics, politics, and education. Thus, Metaverse is proven to be effective and efficient in
future learning strategies. besides that, Metavres is an alternative, especially in the world of
economics, politics, and education. So with this in mind, in the case study educational
researchers have a purpose and are curious about what Metaverse technology is and how
influential it will be for the world of education in the future. This research uses qualitative
research with a literature research approach (Library Research) by way of describing scientific
studies that intersect with the Metaverse and educational strategies. The basis of this research is a
combination of several features in Metaverse with educational strategies. Thus making continuity
between implementation and process very potent in the future.

Keywords: Metaverse, Strategic, Learning


Seiring perkembangan zaman tekonolgi dan informasi memunculan teknologi baru yang berupa
AR (Augment Reality) VR (Virtual Reality) yaitu teknologi digital 3D yang ada pada Metaverse,
sehingga dari pertumbuhan zaman hal ini dapat mempengaruhi dalam dunia ekonomi, politik
serta pendidikan. Dengan demikian, Metaverse apakah terbukti efektif dan efisien dalam strategi
pembelajaran di masa depan. selain itu, Metavres menjadi alternatife khususnya dalam dunia
ekonomi, politik, serta pendidikan. Maka adanya hal ini, pada study kasus para peneliti
pendidikan memiliki tujuan dan rasa keingintahuan terhadap apa itu teknologi Metaverse serta
seberapa berpengaruhnya terhadap dunia pendidikan pada masa yang akan datang. Penelitian ini
menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi pustaka (Library Research) dengan cara
mendeskripsikan dari kajian ilmiah yang berkesinggungan dengan Metaverse dan strategi
pendidikan. Adapun landasan penelitian ini ialah perpaduan beberapa fitur yang ada di Metaverse
dengan strategi pendidikan. Sehingga menjadikan kesinambungan antara pengimplementasian
dan prosesnya serta sangat potensial pada masa yang akan datang.

Kata Kunci: Metaverse, Strategi, Pembelajaran

Introduction In connection with global changes that

affect education, it is demanded that it be
Education is very important in everyday
relevant to the existing conditions for
life, the view of education in the eyes of the
development in science and technology so
world is a primary need for humans for
that from education it is hoped that there
development and self-improvement for the
will be changes and balance in the era of
welfare of one's life to the welfare of the
globalization. With the changing times,
nation. With education one will avoid
education has experienced changes in terms
ignorance and poverty, with the knowledge
of the quality of education, learning, and
and skills a person has acquired through the
learning media. Education is an effort to
education process can overcome the various
help humans gain a meaningful life so that
problems of life he faces.
the happiness of life is obtained both
Educated consists of two words, namely individually and in groups2. Education is an
E which means development from the activity of a group of people from one time
inside out or from a little to a lot, and Duco to another through learning, teaching,
which means developing so that training, and research to gain knowledge or
etymologically education is a process of knowledge. Education is not far from
development within the individual while learning, learning is an effort to transfer
according to the Indonesian dictionary, educators' knowledge to students in the
education is a process of changing a implementation of learning requires media
person's attitude and behavior or groups of to convey it, seek and facilitate students'
people to mature humans through learning understanding of science and technology
and training efforts . Indonesia is
Learning updates every year experience
experiencing changes in education starting
changes starting from learning strategies that
from the curriculum, learning, and strategies
refer to the current curriculum. According
to keep up with the times in education.
to Assingkily and Miswar, determining a
learning strategy is urgency. because, in

Volume 8, Nomor 2, April 2023, AL-WIJDÁN 322

determining choices for students' with Metaverse. So with the times and
competence development strategies in technological developments in the world of
logical, critical, and creative thinking3. education, we can utilize Metaverse media
strategies in learning are very important to with evidentiary research on the media, so
determine understanding and success in that research on issues regarding media
learning for students. development, it can provide convenience
and up-to-date knowledge transfer. in the
Along with the times and the rapid
wider community, especially students, a
development of technology in education.
qualitative approach is an effective approach
Currently, new media breakthroughs in
in conducting research tests on the
learning utilize digital technology. Digital
application of virtual learning within the
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality
scope of a flexible curriculum in the digital
(VR) technology, is the newest technology
era, so there is a need for new investigations
in the world and is a topic that is being
through scientific studies to find adequate
discussed throughout the world in
Metaverse. Metaverse is a digital technology
capable of creating 3D virtual worlds by Method
utilizing Augmented Reality (AR) and
This research uses a type of
Virtual Reality (VR) technology, where users
qualitative research, so this research uses a
can appear to be interacting in real terms in
literature study approach (Library Research)
the virtual world4.
as a related source. Researchers will describe
The existence of the Metaverse in the application of Metaverse and learning
the world of technology which has been strategies to new media opportunities. Other
discussed by the whole world with the world supporting data include scientific studies,
of education in the digital era at this time documents, and news related to the
has made researchers interested in Metaverse and education. Scientific studies
conducting research, in which researchers are obtained from national and international
conduct research by testing learning scientific writings as well as various other
strategies with Metaverse media. Through sources. The collected data is processed into
the types of strategies in learning in data that is ready to be presented, in other
collaboration with Metaverse media, is words, analyzed using the descriptive
Metaverse media efficient for learning and method to try to reveal the facts that
effective in learning? The research aims to happened, written in statements originating
analyze learning strategies in collaboration from sources found by the researcher..

Volume 8, Nomor 2, April 2023, AL-WIJDÁN 323

Result and Discussion situations, including how to learn6. Problem-
based learning strategies are in the form of
The urgency of education in its
learning analysis on devices that can be used
implementation requires strategies in
in the Metaverse in the scientific journal
learning that can be used, learning strategies
Xinli Zhang et al that in the Metaverse the
must be owned by educators and
learning analysis module aims to utilize very
prospective educators. This is very much
large data to analyze and display the
needed as an educator because it determines
performance and learning achievements of
the qualifications or appropriateness of
students individually or as a whole7. This
learning, the learning process requires
discussion concludes that problem-based
expertise, art, science and media in
learning strategies with learning analysis on
conveying material to students in a
the Metaverse level of students' thinking and
purposeful, efficient and effective manner.
performance in learning determine skills in
The learning strategy itself according to learning to solve a problem so that it can

Wina Sanjaya in Arin et al's book says that display individual and overall student

the action plan or arrangement of learning achievements..

activities uses methods and utilizes various

Another learning strategy is an
resources or strengths in learning continuity,
experimental learning strategy, according to
which means that learning continuity
Mutmainnah in the book Siti Hermayanti et
learning strategies where teachers and
al revealed that learning strategies are
students seek to achieve learning goals
student learning activities in which each
effectively and efficient5.
student will interact with other students so

There are several kinds of learning as to be able to draw conclusions from what

strategies that can be understood and has been discussed and encourage students

synchronized based on the Metaversal to be able to prepare again the information

Framework and features in education, uses its own language logically and
especially learning strategies. In a problem- correctly .

based learning strategy, a problem-based

This can be found in the Metaverse in
learning approach prioritizes the learning
the learning interaction feature, namely in
process where the teacher's task must focus
physical class, students interact primarily
on helping students achieve self-direction
through face-to-face communication,
skills. Problem-based learning is used at a
whereas on the video conferencing
higher level of thinking, in problem-oriented
platform, their interactions tend to be based

Volume 8, Nomor 2, April 2023, AL-WIJDÁN 324

on video and audio. Communication in the This learning contained in the Metaverse
Metaverse can be aided by interaction has been shown by Hwang and Chien in the
technologies such as sensors, BCI, VR, AR, quote by Xinli Zhang et al that these
or XR, learner interactions usually involve intelligent agents can play an important role
embodied and multi-sensory participation, in supporting arbitration, simulation, and
as a result, the learner's multiple senses e.g. decision making for educational purposes.
vision, audition, kinesthetic can be highly Indirectly in the world of Metaverse
stimulated and motivated when they interact students can get tutoring, seek help, discuss,
within the Metaverse. This learning or practice skills with NPCs, meanwhile,
interaction shows that in a multimodal and educators can also help or simulate teaching
realized way it can increase students' interest with Smart NPC students at any time. In
and learning performance9. addition, Smart et al. Also revealing and
proposing lifelogging, a key scenario in the
Learning in the Metaverse with
Metaverse is the capture, storage, and
experimental learning strategies tests
distribution of everyday experiences and
students using the study of logical thinking
information for objects and people. In this
to find the essence of what is obtained
case, storage, database, or tracking
through facts, data, books, and other
technology, real time status information of
information to encourage students to be
students can be presented and shared can be
able to convey this using the students' own
recorded and stored on Metaverse.
language and get interaction technology
assistance existing in the Metaverse. This helps students and teachers to
review or observe the learning process and
Learning strategies directly and
carry out some meaningful events based on
indirectly are various kinds of learning
personal experience. For example analyzing
strategies in education. According to
behavior and interaction patterns11. In this
Pratama el at the quote Siti Hermayanti et al,
discussion, there is a point of view that
it is the teacher as a facilitator of learning
direct learning strategies as educators or
activities to assist students in finding new
teachers provide insight into students'
information related to the material being
learning regarding the material being
studied. Meanwhile, the indirect learning
studied, regarding the Metaverse which is
strategy according to Siti Hermayanti et al
related to direct learning strategies in the
revealed that where the teacher acts as a
Metavrese world where students get tutoring
facilitator and provides the widest possible
with the NPC features in Metaverse.
opportunity for students to develop10.

Volume 8, Nomor 2, April 2023, AL-WIJDÁN 325

Implicitly, the learning strategy is not direct, education that are found in literacy scientific
students receive tutoring and can discuss studies, finding innovations in learning
and record what they have learned in the strategies by distance. Distance learning in
world of metaverse. the Metaverse is an alternative and has good
potential in the world of education in the
According to Mulyono in his book on
future. Zaenal et al made the idea that
participatory learning strategies is a learning
distance learning is learning that has been
model that involves students actively in
designed somewhere else or outside a
planning, implementing, and evaluating
predetermined learning location, namely in
learning12. This learning strategy involves
schools/educational institutions so that in
students in learning activities as is the case
the learning process there is no direct face-
in the Metaverse where teacher and student
to-face meeting between educators and
learning meet in one space in the virtual
world as stated by Xinli Zhang et al.
Students can use avatars to enter the This has a positive impact related to new
Metaverse space to learn and interact with goals and models in education, besides that
teachers using smart NPCs. in the there is awareness among educators and
Metaverse in a defined way. This students, especially in technology, so that
involvement makes it flexible, so it can teachers become innovative and creative.
bring comfort and freedom to teachers and The implementation of the learning process
students13. In this sense, that teachers and can be carried out flexibly, so that it can be
students play an important role in learning accessed by teachers and students anywhere.
activities with participatory learning Therefore, teachers and students are actively
strategies, a teacher is the main holder in involved in the learning process. This is in
each learning strategy. The Metaverse allows line with Mulyati's opinion, that the
teachers and students who are in different existence of work activities outside of
places, for example, at home, outside the school can utilize technology and
city, to find great opportunities to be information for the continuity of the
involved in educational settings through the learning process, thus making a solution for
devices they use. From this, this learning achieving learning15.
strategy can take place even in a different
The rapid growth of technology has
place by using intelligent NPCs in the
resulted in the high demand for the internet
having a huge impact on virtual activities as
There are features in the Metaverse in well as users of the Metaverse platform. The

Volume 8, Nomor 2, April 2023, AL-WIJDÁN 326

development of Metaverse will have a very a 3D world environment, new users' avatars
significant impact on all aspects of the (personal characters) imitate them and
economy, education, and so on in the copying actions allows actors to engage with
future, so it is possible for many companies each other and their environment, which
and agencies to education many analyze the simulates the physical world. According to
Metaverse. Gartner, cited by Khalil Israfilzade in 2026,
25% of people will spend at least an hour
Getting to know more about the
each day on the Metaverse working,
Metaverse historically in the world was born
shopping, studying, socializing,
in 1992 coined by Neal Stephenson in his
entertainment. It is predicted that this will
novel entitled Snow Crash, the person who
have a major impact on several industries,
first used the term Metaverse in his novel,
making the economy a center starting from
the term Metaverse refers to a 3D virtual
marketing, fashion, technology and games18.
world inhabited by avatars of real people.
The novel contains characters who use According to Noreen Shah, the
digital avatars to explore digital worlds or Metaverse economy will develop into a
interact with each other, and escape from higher level virtual economy with a
their dystopian reality. On the other hand sophisticated commercial ecosystem and
the same idea in digital (digital twin) or object trading. There will most likely be a
virtual counterpart of something real life, Metaverse marketplace where virtual houses,
was first shared in 1991 by David Gelernter characters, currency, and other items will be
in his book entitled Mirror Worlds.16 Then in traded as NFTs, similar to in-game
2003 there was Second Life, developed by marketplaces in virtual game worlds, but
Philip Rosedale at the Linden Lab, Second with greater legitimacy19.
Life is an online virtual world.17 With the
Furthermore, according to Jooyoung
emergence of virtual 3D ideas in the past,
Kim, judging from the development of
big technology companies such as Epic
Metaverse, it is most likely that it will run on
Games, Nvidia, Microsoft, Intel, and Meta
blachain technology and cryptocurrencies
have not stopped talking about it, so in 2021
which will eventually try to avoid free
the company Facebook changed its
market competition. Everything will return
company name to Meta to reflect the new
to pure market mechanisms that have been
focus on creating Metaverse technology..
proven to provide true results for economic
The metaverse is a digital replica of the actors20.
real world, according to Khalil Israfilzade in

Volume 8, Nomor 2, April 2023, AL-WIJDÁN 327

According to Katterbaeur et al, they statement in a scholarly paper which was
provided thoughts on the preparation of the cited by Xinli Zhang, Yuchen Chen et al,
MetaVerse, namely the key to the digital suggest that there are several steps in the
transformation of the Metaverse lies in the Metaverse proposed and discussed in
readiness of the community with the education namely smart tutor, smart tutee,
potential costs and benefits of each and smart partner, in providing services.
investment alternative that will be carried education and potential applications of
out in the Metaverse as is the case with Metaverse to educational settings from an
conventional investment . AI perspective 24.

However, according to Khalil Xinli Zhang et al explained the

Israfilzade, regardless of how Metaverse framework of the Metaverse in education
develops and innovates, Metaverse has and delved into its key components, at first
significant future opportunities, so to create glance the Metaverse emerged due to
value throughout the organization, technological maturity according to Young-
businesses must carefully consider the myoung Kang & Qinglin Yang et al's
implementation of Metaverse's strategy for research which has been cited that, in the
marketing, because Metaverse is still in the realization of the Metaverse in education is
Development phase. , as shown in the very dependent on the latest technology.
opportunity to experiment and learn before Therefore various technologies can become
launching final business activities22. the infrastructure of the Metaverse in
education, which is responsible for
Indirectly, Metaverse in the educational
providing great support for components
environment has potential in learning
both in the real world and in the world of
because it is a significant platform or
the Metaverse. Here are some of its
application that makes a new learning
components: high-speed communication
experience for students and educators.
and networking, computing technology,
According to Yose Indarta et al, from a
modeling and rendering technology,
literature study it states that the
interaction technology, authentication
implementation of Metaverse in the world
technology 25.
of education has a huge opportunity to
support the process of implementing Given the growth from technology in
education to be even better23. the present to the future the emergence of
Metaverse makes the world of education
Considering Hwang & Chien's
experience changes in learning and its

Volume 8, Nomor 2, April 2023, AL-WIJDÁN 328

development and seeing its growth in the and types, from this Saskatchewa discloses
Metaverse in the economy especially in types of learning strategies including, direct
business always expands its scope, however learning strategies, indirect learning
Metaverse begins its development in the strategies, interactive learning strategies,
field of education making learning has a experimental learning strategies,
strategy even though development is still independent learning strategies 28.
not maximal. Therefore, educational
Mohamad M. H. & Arifa K. also argue
researchers recognize the importance of
in various learning strategies namely
analyzing the Metaverse, especially in the
expository learning strategies, inquiry
application of learning strategies in the field
learning strategies, problem-based learning
of education.
strategies (SPEM), cooperative learning
A learning will realize learning objectives strategies, active learning strategies,
not far from learning strategies, Nana contextual learning strategies, active learning
Sudjana argues in Diah Rahmawati As'ari's strategies, quantum learning strategies 29.
quote that teaching and learning strategies
are teacher efforts so that students can
achieve learning goals by using teaching Metaverse is a digital world that gives
variables (objectives, methods, tools, and users the freedom to carry out the activities
evaluation). Andayani also believes that they want, which is a digital space that uses
learning strategies are the right way to Augmented Rality (AR) and Virtual Reality
convey and carry out learning activities . (VR) technology to become 3D and has the
scope of entertainment, financial systems,
Another opinion regarding learning
and the world of business, work, learning
strategies according to Siagian in the book
and so on in one place that can be accessed
Siti Hermayanti Kaif et al is a learning
at any time. The learning strategy is a plan of
process that requires not only requiring
action or a series of activities carried out by
students to sit in class, but learning can be
educators including the use of methods,
done anywhere. As well as Liansari & Untari
techniques, learning resources, media and
reveal a general approach in a series of
utilization of resources aimed at students or
actions that will be taken and used by the
students, which aims to achieve learning
teacher to choose several learning methods
that are appropriate to learning 27.

The combination of learning

Learning strategies have various types
strategies in education with the Metaverse

Volume 8, Nomor 2, April 2023, AL-WIJDÁN 329

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Shah, Noreen. “How Are Notions of 6 Haudi, Strategi Pembelajaran.

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