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Effects of Voiced Gargling on the Electrical Activity of

Extrinsic Laryngeal Muscles and Vocal Self-assessment
 Oliveira de Amorim,
*Amabelle Ayssa Santos da Rocha Albuquerque, †Patrıcia Maria Mendes Balata, ‡Geova
§ ║ ¶
Ana Clara Amorim Sarmento Vieira, Hilton Justino da Silva, and Leandro Pernambuco, *x{Paraíba, y║Recife, and
zMaceio, Brazil

Summary: Objective. To verify the immediate effects of voiced gargling on the electrical activity of extrinsic
laryngeal muscles and vocal self-assessment.
Methods. A sample of 20 individuals of both sexes, mean age of 31.95 (§11.57) years, were equally divided in
two groups according to the presence or absence of vocal complaint. Both groups were evaluated by surface elec-
tromyography of the suprahyoid (SH) and infrahyoid (IH) muscle areas during rest, phonation of the sustained
vowel [Ɛ] in habitual and strong intensities; phonation of rising and falling glissando; and counting from 1 to 10.
Surface electromyography was assessed before and after the voiced gargling exercise, which lasted 1 minute. All
participants self-rated their voice and phonatory comfort after the exercise. Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests
were applied, as well as Fisher's exact test and linear-to-linear test. The level of significance was 5%.
Results. The percentage of electrical activity of the SH muscle area decreased in the glissando and counting
tasks in the group with vocal complaint, as well as in phonation of sustained vowel in strong intensity in the group
without complaint. Decrease was also observed in the right IH muscle area at rest and during sustained vowel
phonation at habitual and strong intensities. Percentage of muscular electrical activity was lower in the group
with complaint in the following situations: IH muscle area on both sides, at rest and during habitual phonation
of sustained vowel and glissando before and after the exercise; right IH muscle area, during counting and strong
phonation of sustained vowel before and after exercise; left IH muscle area, in the counting task, just after inter-
vention. Most participants noticed improvement in voice (70%) and phonatory comfort (65%).
Conclusions. Voiced gargling during 1 minute promotes immediate effects on the electrical activity of the
extrinsic laryngeal muscles in individuals with or without vocal complaint. Most individuals reported improved
voice and phonatory comfort after exercise.
Key Words: Dysphonia−Voice−Electromyography−Self-assessment−Voice training−Larynx.

INTRODUCTION Among the various strategies proposed in voice therapy,

Voice is one of the main sources of human communication. semioccluded vocal tract exercises (SOVTE) such as finger
It can suffer environmental and/or emotional influences of kazoo,4 straw phonation,5 tongue vibration,6 and high-
different and even significant impact on the individual's pitched blowing7 have already proven positive voice out-
quality of life with impairments in social, emotional, and comes. The aim of SOVTE is to increase the association
professional life.1 between source and filter and reduce friction between vocal
Vocal folds mobility results from the activation of com- folds during phonation, then minimizing the risk of
plex intrinsic and extrinsic muscle groups, as well as from injury.8,9 They are performed with some type of vocal tract
the participation of pulmonary airflow and the myoelastic occlusion and support a more stable phonation through the
and aerodynamic phenomenon of phonation.2 Imbalances retroflex energy generated, with clearer vocal production
in this refined mechanism, resulting from emotional and/or and greater phonatory comfort.8,9
environmental factors, can result in mild to severe dyspho- Among the different variations of SOVTE is gargling,
nia.1 Once dysphonia is identified, voice therapy is which could be voiced or voiceless. Although the effects of
required.3 this exercise on laryngeal biomechanics are not yet fully
understood, it is assumed that water creates a barrier to air-
Accepted for publication June 8, 2020. flow. This barrier mobilizes the vocal fold mucosa, velum,
From the *Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Universidade
Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), Jo~ao Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil; yPathophysiology of the and tongue base, resulting in vocal tract expansion and a
Stomatognathic System - CNPq, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), massage-like effect in the pharyngeal pillars. This helps to
Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil; zTechnical School of Arts, Universidade Federal de Ala-
goas (UFAL), Macei o, Alagoas, Brazil; xDepartment of Speech, Language and Hear- improve the interaction between source and filter.10
ing Sciences, Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), Jo~ao Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil; Although voiced gargling is an apparently common exer-
║Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Universidade Federal de
Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil; and the {Department of Speech, cise in the clinical routine of voice therapy, scientific evi-
Language and Hearing Sciences, Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), Jo~ao Pes- dence is lacking. The few reports in the literature about the
soa, Paraíba, Brazil.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Leandro Pernambuco, Jardim Uni- exclusive use of voiced gargling in voice therapy indicate
versitário, S/N, Castelo Branco, Jo~ao Pessoa, PB, 58051-900, Brazil. E-mail: effects such as increased fundamental frequency and inten-
Journal of Voice, Vol. &&, No. &&, pp. &&−&& sity,10 besides a clearer and more comfortable emission11 in
0892-1997 subjects with and without vocal complaints. Voiced gargling
© 2020 The Voice Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. associated with other techniques in an eclectic approach
2 Journal of Voice, Vol. &&, No. &&, 2020

model promoted positive results in perceptual-auditory, subjects who showed the following conditions on physical
acoustic, aerodynamic, and self-assessment measures in six examination, medical history, or self-assessment: limited
patients diagnosed with muscle tension dysphonia.12 cervical movement that impairs head extension; neurologi-
There is also reference to the use of voiced gargling as an cal disorders that could compromise assessment; swallowing
introductory strategy within the therapeutic model known disorders; hearing impairment of any degree that could
as flow phonation. The typical craniocervical posture during interfere with phonation control regarding voice pitch and
voiced gargling favors the release of airflow when perform- intensity; use of metal orthoses or prostheses; difficulty in
ing a nonspecific speech task to facilitate a more stress-free understanding and executing simple orders; low level of con-
phonation, which includes extrinsic laryngeal muscles.13 sciousness; total or partial laryngectomy; and tracheostomy.
A physiological perspective on phonation biomechanics We excluded subjects who were in use or who had received
demonstrates that voice is usually indirectly modified voice therapy up to 6 months before the day of sampling.
through antagonistic actions of laryngeal stability and trac- We used convenience and non-probability samples.
tion by extrinsic laryngeal muscles. Essentially, the elevation The sample consisted of 20 adults aged between 20 and
or lowering of the hyolaryngeal apparatus by the action of 56 years (mean = 31.95 § 11.57), of which 11 (55%) were
suprahyoid (SH) and infrahyoid (IH) muscles, respec- female. In this sample, 11 (55%) subjects were occupational
tively.2,14 Cases of behavioral dysphonia, especially due to voice users and nine (45%) were non-occupational voice
intense or inadequate voice use, may be associated with users. Ten (50%) subjects presented without vocal complaint
hyperfunctioning of these muscles. They may cause tension and 10 (50%) presented with at least one auditory and/or
and elevation of the larynx, increased muscle mass in the somatosensory symptom of voice-related disorders, which
neck, and pain in palpation.15 included: hoarseness (n = 5); phlegm (n = 3); vocal fatigue
One of the alternatives to quantitatively evaluate the (n = 3); dry throat (n = 1); and cough (n = 1).
action of extrinsic laryngeal muscles is surface electromyog- All volunteers underwent a pretest to verify the sub-
raphy (sEMG), a procedure that measures the electrical jects’ ability to perform the voiced gargling exercise. We
muscle activity of topographies of interest, including the cer- asked the volunteer to (1) hold an approximately 10
vical area.15 Previous studies have already evaluated the milliliters (mL) sip of water in the mouth; (2) inhale,
electrical activity of extrinsic laryngeal muscles in dysphonic stop breathing, and then tilt the head back slightly; (3)
and nondysphonic subjects.14,16 However, there are no gargle for a minimum of 3 seconds and a maximum of 5
records of these measures in the few studies that have seconds, coupled with the emission of [u] vowel (voiced
explored voiced gargling as a component of voice therapy. gargling exercise). In cases of persistent choking, exacer-
Voiced gargling is characterized as an easy-to-perform exer- bated gag reflex, inability to perform the task sequence
cise. Thus, the study of its contribution to voice therapy will or refusal to remove a badly adjusted prosthesis, the sub-
favor the improvement of clinical management in vocal ject was excluded.
rehabilitation, providing clinical evidence for this field of For sEMG, we used a MIOTEC electromyograph (Rio
research. Grande do Sul, Brazil) connected to a notebook. To capture
Therefore, our aim was to verify the immediate effects of the myoelectrical potentials (microvolts - mV) of the supra
voiced gargling on the percentage of electrical activity of and IH muscles, we used the software MiotecSuite 1.0 (data
SH and IH muscles in subjects with and without vocal com- acquisition system), with 32 windowing and 2000 gain for
plaint. We hypothesize that voiced gargling promotes imme- each channel. Moreover, we used MEDTRACEÒ (Kendall,
diate changes in the electromyographic measures of the Canada) disposable surface electrodes, consisting of a silver/
supra and IH areas in both complaining and noncomplain- silver chloride (Ag/AgCl) plate immersed in conductive gel
ing subjects. for capture and conduction of the electromyographic signal.
We used a 60-Hz notch filter and a 20−500 Hz bandpass fil-
ter to avoid interference from unwanted noise and mechani-
METHODS cal artifacts.
This study is a controlled pre-post design performed at the We used three of four channels provided by the equip-
Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences of ment, all of them connected to an active sensor SDS500 by
Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), Jo~ ao Pessoa, Para- claws. After cleaning and abrasion of sensors with gauze
íba, Brazil, and approved by the Human Research and Ethics and 70% ethyl alcohol, they were fixed to the skin in the
Committee of Health Sciences Center of UFPB under Opin- areas of interest. The electrode fixation site followed the
ion No. 2.058.777/17 and CAAE 67111417.3.0000.5188, as method proposed in the literature,2 with sites being identi-
recommended by the Declaration of Helsinki and Resolution fied through palpation of the larynx. Then, two electrodes
No. 466/2012 of the National Council of Health (CNS). All were fixed at each site of interest, respecting the distance of
participants have voluntarily signed the Informed Consent one centimeter from center to center. The reference elec-
Form. trode was positioned on a bone surface corresponding to the
We selected subjects aged between 18 and 59 years, of ulna olecranon of the volunteer's right arm.2 For the SH
both sexes, with or without symptoms of vocal discomfort, area, two electrodes were fixed in the central submandibular
and with or without laryngeal diagnosis. We excluded those area, towards mylohyoid muscle fibers. For the right (R-IH)
Amabelle Ayssa Santos da Rocha Albuquerque, et al Effects of Voiced Gargling on the Electrical Activity 3

and left (L-IH) infrahyoid areas, electrode fixation sites We applied the nonparametric Wilcoxon test to check for
were standardized at one centimeter from the thyroid notch the mean differences in PMEA before and after voiced gar-
bilaterally, with the aid of a digital caliper and a dermo- gling. Furthermore, the Mann-Whitney nonparametric test
graphic pencil. was used to analyze the mean difference of the same meas-
After electrode fixation, the volunteer was instructed to ures between groups with and without complaint, before
remain relaxed for muscle electrical activity at rest to be and after the exercise. Self-assessments of voice and phona-
analyzed. For raw signal normalization, tasks of maximum tory comfort were studied descriptively and their association
sustained voluntary electric activity were performed for with the presence or absence of complaint was analyzed by
each site of interest. Incomplete swallowing maneuver with the Fisher's exact test or linear trend test. The significance
effort was indicated for SH muscles, while retracted tongue level was 5%.
with opened mouth maneuver was indicated for R-IH and
L-IH muscles.2,14 The tasks for electromyographic signal
normalization using maximum sustained voluntary electric
Table 1 shows the comparison of PMEA before and after
activity were used to compare activity levels between
voiced gargling, as well as the differences between the
muscles, between tasks, and between individuals.17
groups of volunteers with or without vocal complaint. All
Subsequently, the volunteer was instructed to perform the
PMEA measures decrease after intervention, except for a
following tasks in this sequence: rest for one-minute, sus-
nonsignificant increase in the PMEA of R-IH muscles under
tained emission of vowel [Ɛ] at usual intensity, vowel [Ɛ] at
vowel emission at strong intensity in the group with vocal
strong intensity, vowel [Ɛ] in glissando and counting from 1
to 10.
Despite a statistical tendency observed in almost all meas-
After these tasks, the individuals performed voiced gar-
urements, PMEA decreased significantly only in the SH
gling exercise, according to the following guidelines and
area in the glissando and counting tasks for the complaining
commands: (1) remain seated, following the Frankfurt plan;
group. In the group without complaint, the PMEA was sig-
(2) place in the mouth a comfortable volume of water at
nificantly reduced at rest and during sustained vowel tasks
room temperature; (3) inhale, stop breathing, and then tilt
at usual and strong intensities in the R-IH area. In the group
the head back slightly; (4) gargle for a minimum of 3 sec-
without complaint, PMEA also decreased in the SH area
onds and a maximum of 5 seconds, coupled with the emis-
during strong vowel emission.
sion of vowel [u]; (5) return the head to the usual position,
When comparing sEMG measures between the groups
swallow or spit out the water. The process was repeated for
with or without complaint, all PMEA were lower in the
one minute and could be performed up to three times with
group with complaint, although only a few differences were
the same volume of water, which was then swallowed or
significant (Table 1). At rest and during the usual vowel
spitted it out. The performance time for one minute was
emission and glissando tasks, the PMEA of R-IH and L-IH
used to avoid risk of choking and cervical discomfort and
areas was significantly lower in the complaining group both
because it is supposed to be a minimum time to produce any
before and after intervention. During counting and vowel
effect based on other studies that investigated immediate
emission at strong intensity, PMEA was significantly lower
effects of SOVTE.4−8 The exercise was performed exclu-
in the complaint group of R-IH area, both before and after
sively on its voiced version and the whole procedure was
the exercise. In the counting task, the PMEA of L-IH was
monitored by a researcher to control the individual perfor-
significantly lower in the complaint group only after voiced
mance in the sequence of tasks and to avoid voiceless gar-
gargling has been performed.
Table 2 shows that most volunteers reported improve-
After intervention, the whole sEMG procedures were per-
ment in voice (70%) and phonatory comfort (65%) after
formed again. In addition, the volunteer answered two ques-
voiced gargling. There was no self-report of worsening of
tions related to self-assessment of voice and phonatory
the voice sound after the exercise. No association was found
comfort, respectively: “Do you think the sound of your
between self-assessment and vocal complaint, ie, both
voice has improved, worsened, or not changed after exer-
groups perceived greater voice quality and phonatory com-
cise?” and “Do you think the feeling of comfort while speak-
fort after the exercise.
ing has improved, worsened, or not changed after
The analysis of sEMG signals was performed later with DISCUSSION
the software MiotecSuite 1.0. In the sustained vowel emis- Dysphonia is a disorder that limits communication and
sion tasks, at least the three central seconds were selected interferes with the individual's quality of life in a negative
because they are considered as more stable. In the other way.18 Thus, it is necessary to better understand the effects
tasks, the entire signal was selected, with the onset and offset of therapeutic strategies used in vocal rehabilitation, as it
of emissions recorded simultaneously with the sEMG. The involves complex changes in respiratory, phonatory, and
mean microvolts (mV) of each task was converted to a per- resonant adjustments, as well as in inappropriate vocal
centage of muscle electrical activity (PMEA) according to behaviors and in the use of intrinsic and extrinsic laryngeal
the specific normalization task for each site of interest. muscles.19
4 Journal of Voice, Vol. &&, No. &&, 2020

Percentage of Electrical Activity of Extrinsic Laryngeal Muscles Pre and Post Voiced Gargling Exercise and Between
Subjects With or Without Voice Complaint (n = 20)
Vocal Complaint p†
Yes (n = 10) No (n = 10)
Mean Standard Deviation Mean Standard Deviation
Resting SH pre 11.79 3.52 13.05 7.31 0.705
Resting SH post 10.31 4.19 10.94 7.42 0.762
p* = 0.169 p* = 0.093
Resting R-IH pre 11.06 10.88 22.35 12.40 0.023
Resting R-IH post 8.66 8.12 18.56 11.17 0.028
p* = 0.721 p* = 0.017
Resting L-IH pre 11.54 11.26 21.65 13.65 0.034
Resting L-IH post 9.10 8.16 18.77 12.38 0.041
p* = 0.508 p* = 0.139
Vowel SH pre 21.59 8.79 38.72 47.18 0.45
Vowel SH post 20.09 9.89 26.93 17.23 0.597
p* = 0.646 p* = 0.333
Vowel R-IH pre 28.27 38.76 46.58 24.46 0.028
Vowel R-IH post 21.84 32.05 36.13 19.03 0.023
p* = 0.203 p* = 0.017
Vowel L-IH pre 36.09 58.25 41.27 19.65 0.041
Vowel L-IH post 26.00 42.77 35.08 20.16 0.034
p* = 0.285 p* = 0.139
Strong vowel SH pre 31.11 14.55 42.97 25.96 0.199
Strong vowel SH post 23.19 12.23 35.40 23.89 0.174
p* = 0.114 p* = 0.007
Strong vowel R-IH pre 34.14 33.65 55.20 24.06 0.049
Strong vowel R-IH post 35.99 46.19 43.09 21.46 0.096
p* = 0.799 p* = 0.013
Strong vowel L-IH pre 41.59 46.73 54.48 29.15 0.151
Strong vowel L-IH post 39.07 47.84 44.10 24.26 0.257
p* = 0.646 p* = 0.203
Glissando SH pre 32.57 25.65 39.41 34.42 0.496
Glissando SH post 27.61 20.34 32.48 21.72 0.762
p* = 0.047 p* = 0.093
Glissando R-IH pre 38.60 47.30 91.21 51.60 0.005
Glissando R-IH post 34.04 36.71 67.08 22.02 0.016
p* = 0.575 p* = 0.114
Glissando L-IH pre 41.91 49.21 86.72 51.45 0.023
Glissando L-IH post 33.49 37.37 62.75 20.24 0.013
p* = 0.445 p* = 0.169
Counting SH pre 53.97 35.16 61.76 56.41 0.821
Counting SH post 37.71 20.67 54.61 36.98 0.364
p* = 0.047 p* = 0.646
Counting R-IH pre 40.29 38.02 70.97 27.73 0.013
Counting R-IH post 34.11 33.59 59.58 21.66 0.016
p* = 0.508 p* = 0.059
Counting L-IH pre 46.83 48.49 77.55 40.02 0.07
Counting L-IH post 38.13 41.57 65.47 27.52 0.019
p* = 0.386 p* = 0.139
* Wilcoxon test.

Mann-Whitney test; bold values = p < 0.05.
Abbreviations: R-IH, right infrahyoid muscle area; L-IH, left infrahyoid muscle area; SH, suprahyoid muscle area.
Amabelle Ayssa Santos da Rocha Albuquerque, et al Effects of Voiced Gargling on the Electrical Activity 5

Self-assessment of Voice Quality and Phonatory Comfort in Individuals With and Without Voice Complaint (n = 20)
Question Voice Complaint n (%) Total p
Yes (n = 10) No (n = 10)
Do you think the sound of your voice (...)?*
has not 3 (30.0) 3 (30.0) 6 (30.0) 1.00†
has 7 (70.0) 7 (70.0) 14 (70.0)
Do you think the feeling of comfort while speaking (...)?
has 2 (20.0) 0 (0.0) 2 (10.0) 0.32‡
has not 2 (20.0) 3 (30.0) 5 (25.0)
has 6 (60.0) 7 (70.0) 13 (65.0)
* The option “has worsened” was not answered.

Fisher’s Exact Test.

Linear trend test; p < 0.05.

The extrinsic laryngeal musculature consists of SH and PMEA reduction observed in this study for SH and IH
IH muscle and acts to maintain the stability and traction of areas.
the anterior or posterior cranial or caudal hyolaryngeal Although statistical analysis of the relationship between
apparatus.20 It generates an indirect but comprehensive par- PMEA and self-assessment was not feasible due to the sam-
ticipation in vocal production, whether supporting intrinsic ple size, we assume that the reduction of PMEA in the SH
musculature in vocal fold stretching and shortening or par- and IH areas after voiced gargling may have contributed to
ticipating in resonant adjustments.20,21 the improvement of self-reported voice quality and phona-
Voiced gargling exercise promotes the controlled passage tory comfort, with or without vocal complaint. It is reason-
of transglottic airflow and requires elongated neck posture able to suppose that neck stretching itself impact the PMEA
during its performance, concurrently promoting stretching of the SH and IH areas, but it is likely a greater positive
of supra and IH muscle fibers.13 Therefore, it can be sup- impact when associated with voiced gargling. The smooth
posed that voiced gargling promotes immediate effect in the and consistent release of airflow during voiced gargling
muscular electrical activity in the SH and IH areas, which assists in the relaxation of extralaryngeal muscles, which in
are the focus of this study. However, there are no previous turn induces a clearer vocal quality.12 Therefore, it is possi-
publications with converging objective or method for direct ble to understand the perception of improvement in voice
discussion. Our results were articulated with other findings and phonatory comfort after exercise, even when vocal com-
related to voiced gargling based on correlations and analo- plaint is absent.
gies. A previous study on a sample of subjects with and
We observed a PMEA statistical tendency to decrease in without vocal complaints also found high rate of positive
all requested tasks after the exercise, in both analyzed top- judgment of the effect of voiced gargling on voice.11
ographies, regardless of the presence or absence of vocal Among those who had vocal complaint, voice improve-
complaint. Thus, we assume that one-minute voiced gar- ment was perceived by 91.66% (n = 22), while this pro-
gling generally reduces the recruitment of muscle fibers in portion was 94.11% (n = 16) in the other group. Some
the SH and IH areas, which may contribute to a more com- effects such as “more open voice,” “clearer voice,” and
fortable and less stressed phonation. “easier to speak” have been reported by volunteers. Fur-
The literature highlights some aspects of voiced gargling thermore, the authors hypothesize that the exercise causes
that may justify this finding. During voiced gargling, the indirect effects that can positively impact the self-assess-
onset of transglottic flow release occurs without the negative ment of voice quality and phonation comfort, such as
effects of intra and extralaryngeal tension already common greater water intake and cleaning of the oropharynx.
in speech situations.13 In addition, extended head posture Although t questions and the exercise dosimetry method
during exercise inhibits laryngeal elevation beyond the were not similar, both studies highlight the potential of
desired.13 The inclusion of voiced gargling at the beginning voiced gargling to improve self-assessment both in the
of a therapeutic program that uses the principles of flow auditory-perceptual and sensory dimensions.
phonation13 also denotes the intention to promote muscle In the particular case of phonatory comfort, it is empha-
relaxation and consequent smoother and more comfortable sized the importance of self-assessing effort, which was used
phonation. All these aspects converge to the effect of for many years in Sports Medicine to help the knowledge of
6 Journal of Voice, Vol. &&, No. &&, 2020

muscle demand to a certain exercise load, providing subjec- adjustments, and rapid, synchronous, and refined move-
tive estimates of fatigue and contributing to therapeutic ments of constant contrast between stability and traction in
decisions by adjusting exercise frequency, duration, and the most diverse directions; thus being more complex com-
intensity.9 pared to sustained vowel emission.16 It can be assumed that,
It is noteworthy that the few studies on the effects of voiced gargling may lead to different PMEA values when
voiced gargling on voice are heterogeneous in their applica- performed in ascending and descending glissando, which is
tion format, which is a limitation in the comparison of a research proposal for future studies.
results. Two Brazilian studies10,11 exclusively applied 3 In the group without complaint, muscle electrical activity
series of 10 repetitions of voiced gargling exercises, each decreased significantly in the SH area only during vowel
series lasting approximately 1 minute, with 30-second inter- emission in strong intensity. Compared to the vowel emis-
vals. sion in habitual intensity, the strong intensity requires a
In a North American study,12 whose therapeutic program higher larynx position, more muscular and respiratory sup-
consisted of three exercises, gargling was performed in four port, as well as more mandibular and laryngeal stability. In
stages: unvoiced; voiced; voiced with glissando; and voiced the group without vocal complaint, it is assumed that the
with head return to the usual position accompanied by sub- larynx is naturally more stable in the middle neck, ie, these
sequent emission of various nasal sounds. In the first 3 individuals may need more effort and, consequently, greater
stages, 10 repetitions of 5−6 seconds each were performed. muscle recruitment to produce vowels at a high intensity. It
In a case study reported by a North American researcher,13 is supposed that the voiced gargling helps to induce PMEA
gargling was also part of a therapeutic program, applied decrease in SH muscles and this reverted into a more dis-
under the following sequence: unvoiced; voiced; and voiced crete motor unit recruitment to perform the same task.
with head return to the usual position. The fact that only one side of the IH area showed a signif-
As our study is the first one to investigate the immediate icant decrease in PMEA in some phonatory tasks draws
effects of voiced gargling on the electrical activity of SH and attention to the asymmetric effect caused by the exercise in
IH areas, the choice was the voiced variation of the exercise this site. Symmetry in the activation of extrinsic laryngeal
for 1 minute. We considered the reduction of fatigue impact muscles during phonation is still an underexplored topic in
on muscular electrical activity and the use of a task that pro- the field of voice research, different from what occurs in
moted not only transglottic airflow, but also the greater acti- other areas of speech-language therapy.23 In symmetry, the
vation of glottic resistance through a voiced activity. activation of bilateral muscles is expected to be similar so
Further experiments are suggested to broaden the electro- that there is harmony between both sides. However, in the
myographic investigation of the SH and IH areas after case of extrinsic laryngeal muscles, symmetry is dependent
voiced gargling in different sequences and dosimetries in the on a complex interaction between the various muscles acting
short, medium, and long term, especially from randomized in the paralaryngeal area. In sEMG, this may result in cross-
controlled trials. talk, a simultaneous uptake of electrical activity of muscles
Significant differences found before and after voiced gar- adjacent to those of interest.15 It is not ruled out that some
gling in intragroup comparisons revealed that the effects of results of this study, particularly those that revealed signifi-
exercise have idiosyncratic characteristics inherent to the cant changes on only one side of the IH area, may find sup-
complexity of the action of extrinsic laryngeal muscles on port in this phenomenon.
voice. Although this muscle group does not act directly on It is also worth highlighting the possible effect of muscle
phonation, its indirect mechanism is essential, since it main- synergies between the SH and IH muscle areas. Normaliza-
tains the larynx stabilization in the neck, which results in tion of the electromyographic signal enables the evaluation
muscle balance, vocal stability, and greater phonatory of antagonistic or synergistic muscles, as is the case of sites
comfort.3 studied here.24 The behavior of electromyographic results
In the group with complaint, the PMEA decreased in the suggests a possible balance between the different topogra-
SH area in the glissando and counting tasks. Individuals phies assessed. It is necessary to explore these relationships
with vocal complaint develops laryngeal adjustments, nota- in future studies to investigate the hypothesis of a greater
bly larynx in higher position and with higher degree of ten- muscle synchrony after voiced gargling.
sion, conditions associated with the action of SH muscles, The effects of voiced gargling on the electrical activity
responsible for the upward traction of the hyolaryngeal of the IH area were another relevant topic of this study.
joint.22 All significant differences in intergroup analysis were
Our hypothesis is that voiced gargling promoted greater found only in the PMEA of R-IH, L-IH, or both. All of
relaxation of the SH area in the group with complaint. In these measures are lower in the group with vocal com-
addition, less recruitment of motor units in this topography plaint, even after intervention. Previous research has
was observed in phonatory tasks that require a more diverse shown that there is lower electrical activity in the SH
laryngeal demand. Glissando mainly requires vertical plas- area in dysphonic subjects compared to that of those
ticity of the hyolaryngeal apparatus, whereas counting nondysphonic.16 Therefore, the group with vocal com-
requires greater respiratory support, activation of the orofa- plaint was expected to show significantly lower electrical
cial muscles for articulatory activity, supraglottic potentials in this area compared to the group without
Amabelle Ayssa Santos da Rocha Albuquerque, et al Effects of Voiced Gargling on the Electrical Activity 7

complaint, but it is only occurred in the IH area in this produces mechanical reactions that require greater strength
sample. of the musculoskeletal system to perform the move-
A videofluoroscopic study has shown that, besides ments.10,11 However, the transposition of these physical
stretching the neck, voiced gargling makes the tongue base concepts into voice therapy practice still needs to be studied
reach its closest point of contact with the posterior pharyn- more deeply. Another hypothesis is a that voiced gargling
geal wall; thus reaching its most retracted position, even produces a massage-like effect with improvement in muscle
when compared to the position assumed during swallow- relaxation, especially in larger vocal tract volumes, an effect
ing.25 During voiced gargling, IH muscles not only anchor already found in water resistance therapy due to water
and stabilize the larynx, but are also stimulated by the maxi- bubbling.26
mum retraction of the tongue base. Therefore, it is possible The limitations of this study are related to the sample size
that the continuous and repetitive movements provided by and the nonprobabilistic convenience sampling, which limits
voiced gargling over the IH area may lead to muscle activa- the external validity of the data. Laryngeal diagnosis, con-
tion with less effort during phonatory tasks and even during figuration of vocal tract and other aspects of multidimen-
rest. sional voice assessment were not controlled in this study
The effects of voiced gargling on the PMEA of the IH because they are not the focus of our investigation, but may
area seem to occur regardless of the presence or absence of have been confounding variables. The effects of a therapeu-
vocal complaint. This is because before the intervention, the tic program on voice outcomes and the results of a perfor-
group with complaint showed lower PMEA than the group mance time for up to one minute should be investigated in
without complaint. After exercise, PMEA decreased in both future studies.
groups and the group with vocal complaints remained with Simultaneously, this study stands out for being the first in
lower electrical potentials. It is possible to assume that in the investigation of the immediate effects of voiced gargling
the group with complaint, the IH area is under muscle in the PMEA of the SH and IH areas. The findings may
fatigue, as there may be low resistance with consequent contribute to improve decision-making in voice therapy and
decrease in muscle fiber recruitment due to incorrect phona- to highlight the therapeutic clinical evidence in the field of
tion patterns or greater effort to perform laryngeal lowering, voice research. This study also contributes to a better under-
as opposed to the more accentuated activation of SH standing of muscle dynamics involved in phonation, espe-
muscles. This may correlate with the time and degree of dys- cially in the pre- and post-exercise comparative analysis
phonia, as observed by other authors.16 These hypotheses through quantitative measurements of muscle recruitment
should be investigated in future studies. obtained by sEMG.
Moreover, we should not reject the effect of head postural
control. During the execution of the exercise, the head may
incline, even slightly, to one side, which may differently CONCLUSION
affect the cervical musculature. The return of the head to Voiced gargling promotes immediate effects on the PMEA
the usual 90° posture after exercise can cause slight adjust- of the SH and IH areas in subjects with or without vocal
ment micromovements that may reflect what has been con- complaint. Most subjects perceive improvement in voice
ferred as asymmetry of this area. Another aspect is that quality and phonatory comfort after voiced gargling. How-
possible discrete and clinically undetectable cervical asym- ever, there is no association between self-assessment and
metries (as they were not observed in this investigation) may vocal complaint.
have interfered with the muscle balance captured by sEMG.
Thus, it is recommended that during gargling, the thera-
pist stabilizes the individual's head. In this research, the vol- Acknowledgments
unteers were instructed to keep their heads tilted to perform The authors thank the Brazilian National Council for Sci-
the exercise, but this postural control was not rigorously entific and Technological Development (Conselho Nacio-
controlled. It is suggested that researchers be vigilant to nal de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnologico − CNPq)
avoid this measurement bias in future studies. for the scholarship granted to the authors AASRA and
At this point, we should also consider that the results of ACASV.
voiced gargling may be influenced by the fact of, when per-
forming the exercise, the individual returns his/her head to
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