Exam Wiz

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Final Year Project Short Proposal

The Exam Wiz

Ammar Bin Yousaf (21108186)

Abdullah (21108143)

Supervised by: Ms. Aimen Hafeez

Department of Robotics & Artificial Intelligence

Faculty of Computing and Engineering Sciences
SZABIST University
Islamabad, Pakistan

Spring 2024
The scheduling of examinations is a critical and complex task that frequently encoun-
ters issues of conflict and inefficiency. ”The Exam Wiz” has been developed to address
these challenges by providing an intuitive interface that automatically resolves exam con-
flicts and ensures the efficient placement of students in examination halls. The primary
objective of this project is to streamline the exam scheduling process, reduce adminis-
trative burdens, and enhance the overall examination experience for both students and
faculty members.

The primary purpose of this project is to develop a user-friendly exam scheduling
system that automates the resolution of exam conflicts and optimizes the allocation of
examination halls. Our specific objectives include providing a simple and intuitive in-
terface for users to input exam schedules and constraints, automatically identifying and
resolving scheduling conflicts to ensure a smooth examination process, and efficiently
allocating students to exam halls based on available resources and constraints.

Targeted Audience

• University Administrators: Responsible for scheduling exams for large numbers of

students and courses.

• Faculty Members: Who require a seamless scheduling process that minimizes con-

• Students: Who benefit from a clear and conflict-free exam timetable.

Product Functions and Features

• User Interface: A clean and intuitive interface for entering exam schedules, con-
straints, and student information.

• Resolution Mechanism: Algorithms to automatically resolve conflicts by adjusting

exam times and locations.

• Hall Allocation: Efficient placement of students in exam halls, considering hall

capacity and student distribution.

Social and Industrial Impact

The implementation of ”The Exam Wiz” will significantly impact both the social and
industrial sectors. Socially, it will reduce stress for students and faculty by eliminating
scheduling conflicts and enhancing exam organization. Industrially, it will streamline
administrative processes, saving time and resources for educational institutions. By au-
tomating complex scheduling tasks, it will allow staff to focus on other essential duties
and set new standards for efficiency in academic administration.
Department of Robotics & Artificial Intelligence
Faculty of Computing and Engineering Sciences
SZABIST University
Islamabad, Pakistan

Final Year Project (BS Artificial Intelligence)

Supervisor Consent Form

I accept the supervision of the following students with details as follows

Project Title: The Exam Wiz

Student#1 Name &
Ammar Bin Yousaf (21108186)
Registration Number
Student#2 Name &
Abdullah (21108143)
Registration Number

Supervised By: Ms. Aimen Hafeez


Date: 12/06/2024

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