Course 2 outline

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Article 1: Introduction to Mistral Models and Setting

Up Your Environment

● Series Context: Overview of the series and its goals.
● Objective: Introduce Mistral models and the setup process.
● Lesson 1: Introduction to Mistral Models

Overview of Mistral Models

● Brief introduction to Mistral and its goals.
● Description of the six models offered by Mistral.
● Open Source Models
● Details on Mistral 7b and Mixtro 8x7b models.
● Performance benchmarks and use cases.
● Enterprise-Grade Models
● Overview of Mr. Small, Mr. Medium, Mr. Large, and the embedding model.
● Applications and advantages.

Setting Up Your Environment

● Install Required Packages
● Commands and instructions to install necessary packages (openai, nest_asyncio,
● Import Libraries and Set Up API Key
● Code snippets to import libraries and securely set up the OpenAI API key.

● Recap of key points covered in the article.
● Teaser for the next article.
Article 2: Prompting and Model Selection with Mistral

● Recap of the previous article.
● Objective of the current article: Focus on prompting techniques and model selection.

Lesson 2: Prompting with Mistral Models

● Accessing Mistral Models via API
● Detailed instructions to access Mistral models using API calls.
● Prompting Techniques
● Classification: Example and explanation.
● Information Extraction: Example and explanation.
● Personalization: Example and explanation.
● Summarization: Example and explanation.

Lesson 3: Model Selection

● Criteria for Model Selection
● Performance vs. Pricing trade-offs.
● Use Case Examples
● Simple tasks (e.g., classification) with Mr. Small.
● Intermediate tasks (e.g., summarization) with Mr. Medium.
● Complex tasks (e.g., advanced reasoning) with Mr. Large.

● Summary of prompting techniques and model selection.
● Introduction to the next article on advanced functionality.

Article 3: Advanced Functionality with Mistral Models

● Recap of the previous article.
● Objective of the current article: Implementing advanced functionalities like function
calling and RAG.
Lesson 4: Implementing Function Calling
● Concept of Function Calling
● Overview and importance of function calling.
● Step-by-Step Guide
● Defining tools and user queries.
● Generating function arguments.
● Executing functions and generating final answers.
● Example implementation with code snippets.

Lesson 5: Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) from Scratch

● Introduction to RAG
● Explanation of RAG and its benefits.
● Implementing RAG
● Downloading and preparing data.
● Creating embeddings and storing them in a vector database.
● Retrieving relevant information and generating responses.
● Example implementation with code snippets.

● Recap of function calling and RAG.
● Teaser for the next article on building interactive applications

Article 4: Building Interactive Applications with

Mistral Models

● Recap of the previous article.
● Objective of the current article: Building interactive chat interfaces with Mistral models.

Lesson 6: Creating a Chatbot

● Basic Chat Interface
● Introduction to panel for creating UIs.
● Step-by-step guide to creating a simple chat interface.
● Example implementation with code snippets.
● Chat Interface with Document Interaction
● Uploading documents and interacting with them via chat.
● Detailed guide and example implementation with code snippets.

● Summary of the entire series.
● Next steps and additional resources.
● Encouragement to apply the learned techniques in real-world projects.

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