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1) Title: Building a Router Engine with

Series Mention: This article is part of our series on building advanced query systems
with LlamaIndex.

Hook: Imagine having a tool that effortlessly routes your queries to retrieve the most
relevant information instantly.

Overview: Introduce the concept of a router engine and its role in enhancing query
Purpose: Explain the aim of the article - to guide readers through building a router
engine using LlamaIndex with practical examples.

Purpose: Explain the aim of the article - to guide readers through building a router
engine using LlamaIndex with practical examples.

Section 1: Setting Up the Environment

Introduction: Importance of setting up a proper development environment.

Steps to Follow:
Setting up the required packages.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 1: Installing dependencies from requirements.txt.
● Importing necessary libraries and setting up the OpenAI key.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 2: Applying nest_asyncio to manage asynchronous
tasks in Jupyter Notebooks.

Section 2: Loading and Preparing Data

Introduction: Overview of the dataset used (MetaGPT paper) and its significance.
Steps to Follow:
● Downloading and loading the MetaGPT paper.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 3: Using SimpleDirectoryReader to load the document
into the environment.

Section 3: Defining the LLM and Embedding Model

Introduction: Setting up the language model and embedding model for query
Steps to Follow:
● Using SentenceSplitter for document parsing.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 4: Defining and configuring the LLM and embedding

Section 4: Creating Summary and Vector Indexes

Introduction: Explanation of Summary and Vector indexes and their importance in query
Steps to Follow:
● Defining Summary Index and Vector Index over the same data.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 5: Implementing code to create summary and vector

Section 5: Defining Query Engines and Setting Metadata

Introduction: Importance of query engines and metadata in handling diverse queries.
Steps to Follow:
● Setting up the summary and vector query engines.
● Creating tools for each query engine with appropriate metadata.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 6: Setting up query engines and metadata.

Section 6: Building the Router Query Engine

Introduction: Explanation of the Router Query Engine and its role in routing queries
Steps to Follow:
● Defining the Router Query Engine and integrating it with the tools created earlier.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 7: Implementing the Router Query Engine.

Section 7: Putting Everything Together

Introduction: Consolidating all the steps into a cohesive workflow for building the router
Steps to Follow:
● Using a helper function to streamline the process.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 8: Helper function for consolidating the process.

Recap of Key Points: Summarize the main steps and the importance of each in building
a router engine.
Call to Action: Encourage readers to experiment with the provided code and explore
further capabilities of LlamaIndex.
Additional Resources: Provide links to further readings, tutorials, and community forums
for ongoing learning and support.

2) Title: Implementing Tool Calling with

Series Mention: This article is part of our series on building advanced query systems
with LlamaIndex.

Hook: Imagine enhancing your data processing by dynamically selecting and executing
the right tools for each query.

Overview: Introduce the concept of tool calling and its role in efficient query processing.
Purpose: Explain the aim of the article - to guide readers through implementing tool
calling using LlamaIndex with practical examples.

Purpose: Explain the aim of the article - to guide readers through implementing tool
calling using LlamaIndex with practical examples.

Section 1: Setting Up the Environment

Introduction: Importance of setting up a proper development environment.
Steps to Follow:
● Setting up the required packages.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 1: Installing dependencies from requirements.txt.
● Importing necessary libraries and setting up the OpenAI key.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 2: Applying nest_asyncio to manage asynchronous
tasks in Jupyter Notebooks.

Section 2: Defining a Simple Tool

Introduction: Overview of creating simple tools for basic operations.
Steps to Follow:
● Defining a basic addition function and a mystery function.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 3: Implementing simple tools using FunctionTool.
Section 3: Implementing Tool Calling with LLM
Introduction: Explanation of how to integrate tools with a language model.
Steps to Follow:
● Setting up the LLM to use the defined tools.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 4: Predicting and calling functions with the LLM.

Section 4: Defining an Auto-Retrieval Tool

Introduction: Importance of auto-retrieval tools for efficient query handling.
Steps to Follow:
● Loading and preparing the MetaGPT paper.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 5: Using SimpleDirectoryReader to load documents
and SentenceSplitter to parse them.
● Creating a vector index and defining a query engine.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 6: Setting up the vector index and query engine.

Section 5: Creating the Vector Query Tool

Introduction: Explanation of creating a more complex tool for vector searches.
Steps to Follow:
● Defining a function for vector queries with metadata filtering.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 7: Implementing the vector query tool using

Section 6: Integrating Multiple Tools

Introduction: Combining different tools to handle diverse query requirements.
Steps to Follow:
● Adding summary tools to complement the vector query tool.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 8: Setting up the summary tool and integrating it with
the LLM.
● Example queries using both tools.

Code Snippet Placeholder 9: Demonstrating queries with combined tools.

Recap of Key Points: Summarize the main steps and the importance of each in
implementing tool calling.
● Call to Action: Encourage readers to experiment with the provided code and
explore further capabilities of LlamaIndex.

Additional Resources: Provide links to further readings, tutorials, and community forums
for ongoing learning and support.
3) Title: Building an Agent Reasoning
Loop with LlamaIndex
Series Mention: This article is part of our series on building advanced query systems
with LlamaIndex.

Overview: Introduce the concept of an agent reasoning loop and its importance in
dynamic query processing.

Purpose: Explain that this article will guide readers through building an agent reasoning
loop using LlamaIndex with practical examples.

Section 1: Setting Up the Environment

Introduction: Importance of a proper setup for smooth development.
Steps to Follow:
● Setting up the required packages.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 1: Installing dependencies from requirements.txt.
● Importing necessary libraries and setting up the OpenAI key.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 2: Applying nest_asyncio to manage asynchronous
tasks in Jupyter Notebooks.

Section 2: Loading and Preparing Data

Introduction: Overview of the dataset used (MetaGPT paper) and its significance.
Steps to Follow:
● Downloading and loading the MetaGPT paper.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 3: Using SimpleDirectoryReader to load documents
and prepare the data.

Section 3: Setting Up Query Tools

Introduction: Explanation of setting up query tools for handling diverse queries.
Steps to Follow:
● Using utility functions to set up vector and summary tools.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 4: Setting up query tools with get_doc_tools.

Section 4: Building the Function Calling Agent

Introduction: Importance of integrating the function calling agent for advanced query
Steps to Follow:
● Setting up the language model and function calling agent.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 5: Implementing the agent with
FunctionCallingAgentWorker and AgentRunner.
Section 5: Running Queries with the Agent
Introduction: Demonstrating how to run queries and get responses from the agent.
Steps to Follow:
● Running complex queries and interpreting responses.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 6: Querying the agent and printing responses.

Section 6: Debuggability and Control

Introduction: Discussing the lower-level control and debugging capabilities for the agent.
Steps to Follow:
● Setting up the agent for detailed control and debugging.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 7: Creating tasks, running steps, and managing task
● Printing completed and upcoming steps.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 8: Managing task steps and finalizing responses.

Recap of Key Points: Summarize the main steps and the importance of each in building
an agent reasoning loop.

Teaser for Next Article: Provide a brief hint about what will be covered in the next article.

Call to Action: Encourage readers to experiment with the provided code and explore
further capabilities of LlamaIndex.

Additional Resources: Provide links to further readings, tutorials, and community forums
for ongoing learning and support.
4)Title: Building a Multi-Document Agent with
Series Mention: This article is part of our series on building advanced query systems
with LlamaIndex.

Overview: Introduce the concept of a multi-document agent and its importance in

handling complex queries across multiple sources.

Purpose: Explain that this article will guide readers through building a multi-document
agent using LlamaIndex with practical examples.

Section 1: Setting Up the Environment

Introduction: Emphasize the importance of a proper setup for smooth development.
Steps to Follow:
Setting up the required packages.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 1: Installing dependencies from requirements.txt.
● Importing necessary libraries and setting up the OpenAI key.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 2: Applying nest_asyncio to manage asynchronous
tasks in Jupyter Notebooks.

Section 2: Setting Up an Agent Over Three Papers

Introduction: Explanation of the initial setup for handling multiple documents.
Steps to Follow:
● Downloading and loading the three research papers.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 3: Downloading the papers and loading them into the
● Setting up document tools for each paper.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 4: Using get_doc_tools to create vector and summary
tools for each paper.

Section 3: Implementing the Function Calling Agent

Introduction: Overview of integrating the function calling agent for multi-document
Steps to Follow:
● Setting up the language model and function calling agent.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 5: Implementing the agent with
FunctionCallingAgentWorker and AgentRunner.
● Running queries across the three papers and interpreting responses.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 6: Querying the agent and printing responses.

Section 4: Extending the Agent to Handle Eleven Papers

Introduction: Expanding the agent's capabilities to handle a larger set of documents.
Steps to Follow:
● Downloading and loading the eleven ICLR research papers.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 7: Downloading the papers and loading them into the
● Setting up document tools for each paper.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 8: Using get_doc_tools to create vector and summary
tools for each paper.

Section 5: Enhancing the Agent with Tool Retrieval

Introduction: Discussing the importance of efficient tool retrieval for handling large
Steps to Follow:
● Creating an object index and retriever for the tools.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 9: Implementing the object index and retriever.
● Setting up the function calling agent with tool retrieval.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 10: Integrating tool retrieval with the agent.
● Running complex queries and comparing results across multiple documents.
● Code Snippet Placeholder 11: Demonstrating advanced queries and printing

Recap of Key Points: Summarize the main steps and emphasize the importance of each
in building a multi-document agent.
Call to Action: Encourage readers to experiment with the provided code and explore
further capabilities of LlamaIndex.
Additional Resources: Provide links to further readings, tutorials, and community forums
for ongoing learning and support.

Optional Titles for articles

Title: Mastering Query Routing with LlamaIndex
Topic: Building a router engine to efficiently route queries to the right context.

Title: Dynamic Tool Calling with LlamaIndex

Topic: Implementing tool calling to enhance query processing.

Title: Creating an Intelligent Agent Reasoning Loop with LlamaIndex

Topic: Building an agent that can reason through multiple steps to provide accurate

Title: Handling Multi-Document Queries with LlamaIndex

Topic: Building an agent that can handle complex queries across multiple documents

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