Credit Report Dispute Letter

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[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Credit Bureau's Name]

[Credit Bureau's Address]
[City, State, ZIP]

Subject: Credit Report Dispute Letter

Dear [Credit Bureau's Name],

I am writing to dispute inaccurate information on my credit report. After reviewing my report, I

have identified discrepancies that need to be addressed and corrected. I request your
assistance in investigating and rectifying these errors promptly.

Item(s) in Dispute:

Account Name: [Name of Account]

Account Number: [Account Number, if available]
Incorrect Information: [Specify the incorrect details, such as payment history, balance, etc.]
I have attached a copy of my credit report with the disputed items highlighted for your
reference. In addition, I am enclosing supporting documentation that validates my claim,
including [list any supporting documents, such as payment receipts, correspondence with
creditors, etc.].

According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), it is your responsibility to ensure that credit
reports are accurate and up to date. I kindly request a thorough investigation into the disputed
information and its immediate correction. Following the completion of your investigation, I
expect a written summary of the results and a revised copy of my credit report.
Please acknowledge receipt of this dispute letter and keep me informed of your progress. You
can contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address] for any further

I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and your commitment to maintaining
accurate credit reporting.

Thank you for your cooperation.


[Your Name]
[Your Signature]

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