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Ija Ainaya Amanda

Balikpapan University
Pos-el :


This article explores the ways in which female characters in the novel "Divergent"
break traditional gender stereotypes and redefine roles typically assigned to
women in dystopian literature. By examining the traits, actions, and narrative arcs
of key female figures, the study highlights how these characters challenge
conventional norms and contribute to a broader understanding of gender
dynamics. The analysis reveals that through their strength, leadership, and
complexity, these characters offer new perspectives on female representation in
literature and inspire readers to rethink societal expectations of women.

Keywords: Divergent, Femalecharacter, Genderstereotypes, Dystopian

literature, Genderroles, Femalerepresentation, Character analysis,
Societal expectations


Artikel ini mengeksplorasi cara karakter perempuan dalam novel "Divergent"

meruntuhkan stereotip gender tradisional dan mendefinisikan ulang peran yang
biasanya diberikan kepada perempuan dalam literatur distopia. Dengan mengkaji
sifat, tindakan, dan perkembangan naratif tokoh-tokoh perempuan kunci, studi ini
menyoroti bagaimana karakter-karakter ini menantang norma-norma
konvensional dan berkontribusi pada pemahaman yang lebih luas tentang
dinamika gender. Analisis ini mengungkapkan bahwa melalui kekuatan,
kepemimpinan, dan kompleksitas mereka, karakter-karakter ini menawarkan
sudut pandang baru tentang representasi perempuan dalam literatur dan

menginspirasi pembaca untuk mempertimbangkan ulang harapan-harapan
masyarakat terhadap perempuan.

Kata kunci: Divergent, Karakter perempuan, Stereotip gender, Literatur

distopia, Peran gender, Representasi perempuan, Analisis karakter, Harapan-
harapan masyarakat



"Divergent," directed by Neil Burger and based on the novel by Veronica

Roth, is set in a dystopian future where society is divided into five factions based
on human virtues: Abnegation (selflessness), Amity (peacefulness), Candor
(honesty), Dauntless (bravery), and Erudite (intelligence). The story follows
Beatrice "Tris" Prior, who discovers she is Divergent meaning she doesn't fit
neatly into any one faction. As she navigates this dangerous society, Tris uncovers
a conspiracy led by Erudite leader Jeanine Matthews to overthrow the
government. With the help of her friends and love interest, Four, Tris must
embrace her Divergence to save her society from collapsing.

Popularity and Impact

"Divergent" was released in 2014 and quickly became popular among

young adult audiences, drawing comparisons to other successful dystopian
franchises like "The Hunger Games." The film's popularity was bolstered by its
strong cast, including Shailene Woodley as Tris and Theo James as Four, as well
as its compelling storyline and impressive visual effects.

The impact of "Divergent" on audiences was significant, particularly

among young adults who resonated with its themes of identity, self-discovery, and
resistance against oppressive systems. The film also sparked discussions about
societal divisions and the importance of individuality, inspiring many fans to think
critically about their own roles in society.

The franchise's success led to the production of sequels, further expanding
its influence and maintaining its popularity within the young adult genre. Despite
mixed critical reviews, "Divergent" left a lasting impression on its audience,
contributing to the ongoing popularity of dystopian narratives in popular culture.


"Divergent," both the novel by Veronica Roth and its film adaptation
directed by Neil Burger, has garnered significant attention for its portrayal of
female characters that break traditional gender stereotypes and redefine roles
typically assigned to women in dystopian literature. This review explores the
existing literature and scholarly discussions on the representation of gender in
"Divergent," particularly focusing on how female characters challenge
conventional norms and contribute to a broader understanding of gender

Several studies highlight how "Divergent" challenges traditional gender

roles through its characters. Tris Prior, the protagonist, is frequently analyzed for
her courage, leadership, and resilience, traits often reserved for male characters in
similar genres. According to Graham (2015), Tris's decision to leave the
Abnegation faction and join Dauntless signifies a break from the traditional
expectations of women being selfless and compliant. This act of defiance and
search for personal identity is seen as a significant departure from stereotypical
female roles.

In the analysis of Tris's character, scholars like Johnson (2016) emphasize

her physical and mental strength, showcased through her rigorous training in
Dauntless. This challenges the stereotype that women are inherently weaker than
men. Tris's ability to excel in physically demanding tasks, such as combat training
and survival challenges, presents a narrative where female strength is not only
acknowledged but celebrated.

Tris's evolution into a leader capable of making critical decisions and
inspiring others is another aspect that deconstructs gender stereotypes. As argued
by Lee (2017), Tris's leadership role, especially in a high-stakes dystopian setting,
counters the traditional narrative that women are not suited for positions of power.
Her complex character, which combines vulnerability with strength, offers a
multifaceted representation of women that goes beyond one-dimensional
portrayals often seen in literature and media.

The novel and film also feature other strong female characters like Tori
and Christina, who further challenge gender norms. Tori, a member of Dauntless
who becomes a mentor to Tris, exemplifies wisdom, strength, and protective
instincts. Christina, a close friend of Tris, embodies honesty, bravery, and active
participation in action sequences, proving that women can be central figures in
narrative action rather than passive supporters. These characters contribute to a
more diverse and robust representation of female roles.


1. Character Analysis of Tris Prior:

Character Description:
Tris Prior, portrayed by Shailene Woodley, is the main protagonist
in "Divergent." She comes from the Abnegation faction, which values
selflessness. However, Tris always feels out of place in a lifestyle that
prioritizes others' needs over her own. During her aptitude test, Tris
discovers she is Divergent, meaning she does not fit neatly into any one
faction. She chooses to join the Dauntless faction, which values bravery
and action.
Role in the Story:
Tris is central to the narrative of "Divergent." Throughout her
training in Dauntless, she discovers her inner strength and faces numerous
physical and emotional challenges. Tris plays a crucial role in uncovering
a conspiracy led by Erudite to control society, and she becomes a symbol
of resistance against systemic oppression and injustice.

Challenging Gender Stereotypes:
➢ Independence and Bravery: Tris shows remarkable courage by
leaving her family's faction to follow her true calling. This act of
independence defies the stereotype that women should be compliant
and adhere to established rules.
➢ Physical and Mental Strength: Tris undergoes rigorous training in
Dauntless that demands both physical and mental resilience. She
proves that women can be strong and tough, countering the
stereotype that strength is a masculine trait.
➢ Leadership: Tris grows into a leader capable of inspiring others and
making critical decisions. This challenges the stereotype that women
are unsuitable for leadership roles.
2. Analysis of Other Female Characters in "Divergent":
Character Description:
Tori, portrayed by Maggie Q, is a member of Dauntless who works
as an aptitude test administrator. She has a history of being Divergent and
understands the dangers Tris faces.

Role and Contribution:

➢ Mentor and Protector: Tori assists Tris by providing essential

information about Divergence and its associated risks. She protects
and guides Tris during critical moments.

Challenging Gender Stereotypes:

➢ Strength and Courage: Tori is a strong and courageous character who

confronts threats to herself and others. This defies the stereotype that
women should be fearful or submissive to authority.


Character Description:

Christina, portrayed by Zoë Kravitz, is a close friend of Tris who
also joins Dauntless from the Candor faction, which values honesty.

Role and Contribution:

➢ Friend and Comrade: Christina supports Tris throughout their

training and missions. She demonstrates loyalty and bravery in
various dangerous situations.

Challenging Gender Stereotypes:

➢ Honesty and Bravery: Christina combines brutal honesty with

courage, challenging the stereotype that women should be gentle and
➢ Active Participation in Action: Christina is involved in many action
scenes, proving that women can be active participants in physical
conflict and play significant roles in action narratives.

By depicting strong, brave, and independent female characters,

"Divergent" challenges gender stereotypes and shows that women can
possess a wide range of traits and play crucial roles in complex narratives.



Examples of Scenes or Dialogues that Deconstruct Gender Stereotypes:

1. Tris Prior's Initiation into Dauntless:

➢ Scene: During Tris's initiation into Dauntless, she participates in
rigorous physical challenges alongside male initiates. She excels in
these tasks, showcasing her physical strength and resilience.
➢ Deconstruction: This scene challenges the stereotype that women are
physically weaker or less capable than men. Tris's success in these
challenges demonstrates that women can be just as strong and
competent in physically demanding situations.

2. Tris Standing Up to Eric:
➢ Scene: In a critical moment, Tris stands up to Eric, a high-ranking
Dauntless leader, when he orders another initiate, Al, to stand in
front of a target for knife throwing. Tris volunteers to take Al's place,
displaying her courage and defiance.
➢ Dialogue: "I'll do it."
➢ Deconstruction: This act of bravery challenges the stereotype that
women should be submissive and avoid confrontation. Tris's
willingness to put herself in harm's way to protect others showcases
her leadership and strength of character.
3. Christina and Tris's Friendship:
➢ Scene: Christina and Tris develop a strong friendship based on
mutual respect and support. They encourage and protect each other
throughout their training and beyond.
➢ Deconstruction: This relationship counters the stereotype that
women are inherently competitive and jealous of each other. Instead,
it portrays a positive example of female solidarity and collaboration.
4. Tori's Guidance to Tris:
➢ Scene: Tori provides crucial information and guidance to Tris about
being Divergent and the dangers associated with it. Tori takes on a
mentor role, sharing her own experiences to help Tris navigate her
➢ Deconstruction: This interaction deconstructs the stereotype that
women are not capable of being wise mentors or protectors. Tori's
knowledge and protective instincts highlight her as a capable and
caring guide.
5. Tris's Final Confrontation with Jeanine Matthews:
➢ Scene: In the climax, Tris confronts Jeanine Matthews, the Erudite
leader orchestrating the coup. Tris outsmarts and overpowers
Jeanine, ultimately stopping her plan.
➢ Dialogue: "You can't control me."

➢ Deconstruction: This confrontation challenges the stereotype that
women cannot be both intellectual and physically assertive. Tris's
ability to combine strategic thinking with physical action undermines
the notion that women must conform to one-dimensional roles.


1. Positive Influence on Audiences

Inspiration to Viewers, Especially Women:
The female characters in "Divergent" provide strong inspiration to
viewers, particularly women. They demonstrate that women can be strong,
brave, intelligent, and capable of solidarity. Characters like Tris, Christina,
and Tori inspire viewers to face challenges head-on and take on pivotal
roles in the narrative, not merely as companions to male characters. This
influences audiences by presenting a positive portrayal of women's
possibilities within society and the world.

Social Impact of Positive Representation:

This positive representation has social repercussions by changing

societal perceptions of gender roles. It breaks down entrenched stereotypes
that limit women to objectification or traditional, narrowly defined roles.
By showcasing women as strong, influential protagonists, "Divergent"
raises awareness of the potential and power women possess in navigating
life's challenges.

Comparison with Female Representation in Other Films

Comparison with Films Featuring Strong Female Characters:

Comparison with Films like "The Hunger Games" or "Wonder

Woman": These films also feature powerful and influential female
characters. Like "Divergent," they depict women as leaders and warriors
capable of inspiring and changing the world around them. However, what
makes "Divergent" unique is its intelligent blending of physical,

emotional, and intellectual aspects within its female characters. Tris not
only acts bravely physically but also displays strategic intelligence and
emotional resilience in confronting conflicts.

Unique Aspects of "Divergent":

➢ Holistic Approach to Female Strength: The film doesn’t solely focus

on physical or intellectual prowess but effectively integrates both
aspects into its characters.
➢ Message of Solidarity and Collaboration: "Divergent" emphasizes
the importance of solidarity and cooperation among women, which
stands out compared to other films that may emphasize competition
among female characters.
➢ Willingness to Take Risks: Characters like Tris, who are willing to
take significant risks to protect the vulnerable, demonstrate their
commitment to values of bravery and justice.

Thus, "Divergent" is not just an action film but a powerful narrative about
the strength and capabilities of women in shaping their world, offering inspiration
and reflection to its audience.


In conclusion, the novel and film adaptation of "Divergent" significantly

challenge traditional gender stereotypes prevalent in dystopian literature. Through
the portrayal of characters like Tris Prior, Christina, and Tori, the narrative
actively redefines women's roles by emphasizing strength, leadership, and
complexity. These characters not only defy conventional norms but also contribute
to a broader discourse on gender dynamics within literature. By showcasing
women who are brave, intelligent, and supportive of one another, "Divergent"
inspires readers and viewers to reconsider societal expectations and recognize the
diverse capabilities of women. Ultimately, the franchise exemplifies the
transformative power of inclusive and empowering storytelling in reshaping
perceptions and fostering positive societal change.

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Protagonist Portrayed In The "Neil's Burger Divergent (2014)" Movie.

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