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A Deep Learning Model for Automatic

Segmentation of Intraparenchymal and
Intraventricular Hemorrhage for Catheter
Puncture Path Planning
Guoyu Tong , Xi Wang, Huiyan Jiang , Anhua Wu , Wen Cheng , Xiao Cui, Long Bao,
Ruikai Cai, and Wei Cai

Abstract—Intracerebral hemorrhage is the subtype of for segmenting two types of hematoma in computed to-
stroke with the highest mortality rate, especially when it mography images. The multi-scale boundary aware mod-
also causes secondary intraventricular hemorrhage. The ule can improve the model’s ability to understand the two
optimal surgical option for intracerebral hemorrhage re- types of hematoma boundaries. The consistency loss can
mains one of the most controversial areas of neurosurgery. reduce the probability of classifying a pixel into two cate-
We aim to develop a deep learning model for the au- gories at the same time. Since different hematoma volumes
tomatic segmentation of intraparenchymal and intraven- and locations have different treatments. We also measure
tricular hemorrhage for clinical catheter puncture path hematoma volume, estimate centroid deviation, and com-
planning. First, we develop a 3D U-Net embedded with a pare with clinical methods. Finally, we plan the puncture
multi-scale boundary aware module and a consistency loss path and conduct clinical validation. We collected a total
of 351 cases, and the test set contained 103 cases. For
Manuscript received 8 February 2023; revised 7 May 2023 and 28
intraparenchymal hematomas, the accuracy can reach 96%
May 2023; accepted 9 June 2023. Date of publication 13 June 2023; when the proposed method is applied for path planning.
date of current version 6 September 2023. This work was supported in For intraventricular hematomas, the proposed model’s seg-
part by the National Key Research and Development Program of China mentation efficiency and centroid prediction are superior
under Grant 2020AAA0109400, in part by the Natural Science Foun- to other comparable models. Experimental results and clin-
dation of Liaoning Province under Grant 2021-YGJC-07, in part by the ical practice show that the proposed model has potential
National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61872075, for clinical application. In addition, our proposed method
in part by the Science and Technology Planning Project of Liaoning has no complicated modules and improves efficiency, with
Province under Grants 2021JH1/10400049 and 2022JH1/10400004, in generalization ability.
part by the Shenyang Medical-Industry Integration Collaborative Inno-
vation Research Project under Grant 21-172-9-02, and in part by the Index Terms—Intracerebral hemorrhage segmentation,
345 talent Project of Shengjing Hospital. (Guoyu Tong and Xi Wang Deep learning, Intraparenchymal hemorrhage, Intraventri-
contributed equally to this work.) (Corresponding authors: Huiyan Jiang; cular hemorrhage, Catheter routing.
Anhua Wu; Wen Cheng.)
Approval of all ethical and experimental procedures and protocols was
granted by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of The First Affiliated
Hospital of China Medical University under Approval No. 2021-364-2.
Guoyu Tong and Xi Wang are with the Software College, Northeastern NTRACEREBRAL hemorrhage (ICH) is the most com-
University, Shenyang 110819, China, and also with the Neusoft Re-
search of Intelligent Healthcare Technology, Company Ltd., Shenyang
110004, China (e-mail:;
I mon type of hemorrhagic stroke, accounting for 15% of all
strokes. The morbidity and mortality of ICH are higher than that
Huiyan Jiang is with the Software College, Northeastern University, of all stroke subtypes, as high as 40% to 50%. When secondary
Shenyang 110819, China, and also with the Key Laboratory of Intelli-
gent Computing in Medical Image, Ministry of Education, Northeastern intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) is caused, the results are even
University, Shenyang 110819, China (e-mail: worse, with estimated mortality ranging from 50% to 80% [1].
Anhua Wu, Wen Cheng, and Ruikai Cai are with the Depart- The optimal management of ICH remains one of the most contro-
ment of Neurosurgery, Shengjing Hospital of China Medical Uni-
versity, Shenyang 110055, China (e-mail:; versial areas in neurosurgery. Recent exploration of minimally; invasive surgery for ICH and IVH, including catheter-based and
Xiao Cui is with the Department of Neurosurgery, The First Hos- mechanical approaches, has shown great promise [2]. Directed
pital of China Medical University, Shenyang 110001, China (e-mail: catheter drainage is considered to have a positive clinical prog-
Long Bao is with the Department of Neurosurgery, The First Affiliated nosis [3]. Most patients have reported cessation of bleeding
Hospital of Jinzhou Medical University, Jinzhou 121002, China (e-mail: within 2 hours of the onset of ICH, but rebleeding frequently
Wei Cai is with the Neusoft Research of Intelligent Healthcare Tech- occurs [4]. Animal experiments have shown that the optimal
nology, Company Ltd., Shenyang 110004, China (e-mail: cai.wei@ time window for minimally invasive treatment is 6-12 hours after bleeding [5]. Therefore, it is necessary to perform computed
Network files can be accessed through
LL19920928/Segmentation-of-IPH-and-IVH. tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as soon
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JBHI.2023.3285809 as possible after consultation. Although MRI is helpful in the
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differential diagnosis of ICH, it is not the first choice. CT is performance on a specific test set can be improved, but this will
more sensitive and efficient, and is often the first choice for the also affect the model’s generalization ability, making it difficult
diagnosis of cerebral hemorrhage. Directional catheterization to apply in practice. Secondly, secondary IVH is generally
under CT [6] greatly reduces hematoma and iatrogenic injury, formed by IPH breaking into the brain ventricle. Therefore, the
which can be demonstrated by DTI imaging [7]. In this study, Hounsfield unit (HU) value and texture features of IPH and IVH
we focus on the segmentation of intraparenchymal hematoma are consistent. It increases the difficulty of segmentation. Fur-
(IPH) and secondary IVH in CT images. Accurate segmentation thermore, it is difficult to obtain accurate centroids based on poor
of hematoma helps to determine parameters such as volume, segmentation results, leading to deviations in catheter puncture
location, shape, and centroid of hematoma, which are necessary path planning and failure of minimally invasive procedures.
references for external ventricular drain (EVD) in clinical prac- In this study, we collected patients from the First Affiliated
tice [8], [9], [10]. Therefore, fast and accurate segmentation of Hospital of China Medical University and organized them into a
IPH and IVH is an important prerequisite for minimally invasive dataset of 351 cases with 50,432 slices. We propose a deep learn-
catheter therapy. ing model based on 3D U-Net [19] to automatically segment
Recently, more and more researchers are paying attention to IPH and IVH, including a multi-scale boundary aware module
the segmentation of ICH-related diseases. These segmentation (MBAM) and consistency loss. The multi-scale boundary aware
methods are mainly divided into traditional methods and deep module can learn the boundaries of the two types of hematomas
learning methods. Traditional methods include ellipse fitting from multiple scales so that the model can distinguish the two
and wavelet decomposition [11], thresholding and morpholog- types of hematomas. The consistency loss can constrain the
ical operations [12], image texture [13], and so on. However, model to divide a pixel into two categories at the same time,
traditional methods are difficult to achieve ideal results in reducing the false positives. We then compared the model’s seg-
complex scenes and have poor generalization. Therefore, many mentation performance against a reference standard for manual
researchers have recently started to use deep learning methods segmentation by neurosurgeons. We also quantitatively assessed
to solve such problems. Xu et al. proposed an automatic deep the hematoma volume obtained from the model and compared
learning method to quantify hematoma [14]. Ironside et al. it with the clinical hematoma volume measurement method.
utilized U-Net [15] to automatically segment ICH and estimate Finally, we quantify the centroid deviation obtained from the
hematoma volume [16]. Schmitt et al. used a deep learning segmentation results and show the puncture path planned for
model to detect and segment ICH and quantitatively assess the IPH.
the volume of hematoma [17]. Mohammed et al. proposed a The main contributions of this article are as follows:
two-stage ensemble method for the segmentation of cerebral 1. We propose a 3D U-Net based generalized automatic seg-
microbleeds, where the first stage detects potential hemorrhagic mentation model for intraparenchymal and intraventricu-
regions and the second stage reduces mis-segmentation [18]. Shi lar hematomas and compare it with a reference standard
et al. used 3D U-Net [19] to detect aneurysms and compare the for manual segmentation by neurosurgeons.
segmentation results of the model with the annotation results 2. We quantitatively assessed the hematoma volume ob-
of radiologists and neurosurgeons [20]. Yu et al. developed tained by the model and compared it with the clinical
a dimension reduction U-Net [15] to segment IPH, subdural hematoma volume measurement method.
hemorrhage, and intradural hemorrhage, and compared the seg- 3. We evaluate the hematoma centroid bias and demon-
mentation results of the model with the manual segmentation strate the puncture path of catheter surgery with different
results of clinicians, indicating that the model has potential for segmentation efficiencies, validating the potential of the
clinical application [21]. Li et al. used the similarity between proposed model for clinical application.
slices to segment ICH, inferring the hemorrhage area of the target 4. The proposed method is simple and effective. In the
slice based on the hemorrhage area of two adjacent slices [22]. clinical test data, it is shown that the proposed method
Dhar et al. used a deep learning approach to quantify the volume can be generalized.
of ICH and its surrounding edema and obtain pixel-wise seg-
mentation results [23]. Li et al. exploited the symmetry of brain II. DATASETS
structure to segment and detect ICH, and utilized the generative
adversarial networks (GAN) and dilated convolution [24] to A. Data Information
improve segmentation efficiency [25]. Kwon et al. proposed to We collected raw head CT images from the First Affiliated
utilize feature differences between healthy templates and input Hospital of China Medical University for a retrospective study.
images for segmentation [26]. Arab et al. proposed a U-Net [15] We collected 50,432 head CT slices from 351 patients in two
with depth supervision to quantify hematoma, correcting the tranches. The first batch of data was collected from 2017.12.4
hemorrhage area from multiple scales [27]. to 2021.3.17, including 34,513 slices from 248 patients, of
However, in our survey, we rarely found researchers focused which 158 patients had IVH. The minimum number of slices
on distinguishing between IPH and IVH. Automatic and accurate for a patient is 104 and the maximum number of slices is
segmentation of IPH and IVH is a very challenging task. This 399. The second batch of data was collected from 2021.8.28 to
task has two difficulties. First, there are no public datasets. Med- 2021.11.29, including 15,919 slices from 103 patients, of which
ical data is difficult to obtain and annotate, making it difficult to 61 patients had IVH. The minimum number of slices is 104 and
form large-scale datasets. By adding some complex modules, the the maximum number of slices is 352. The spacing of the z is

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Fig. 1. Flow of surgical path planning and the proposed network architecture.

TABLE I joint reading, they used ITK-SNAP 3.8 [29] to perform slice-
by-slice revisions and confirm the hematoma contour and class
to generate final labels.

In this section, we detail the data preprocessing, the proposed
model, and the data post-processing. We first introduce data
preprocessing and data augmentation methods. We then detail
the 3D U-Net [19] based network structure and how dilated con-
volutions [24] are exploited to gain boundary-aware capabilities.
Next, we introduce the proposed consistency loss, which aims
to reduce the number of pixels that are simultaneously predicted
as two classes. Finally, we describe the post-processing method.
1.0 mm. The spacing of the x and y axes is consistent, from
The network architecture proposed in this article and the flow of
0.4375 to 0.625. The resolution of the slice is 512 × 512. CT
surgical path planning are shown in Fig. 1. The overall scheme of
images were acquired using a GE Discovery NM/CT 750HD
surgical path planning includes the acquisition of DICOM data,
scanner and a Philips Brilliance 64 scanner. Exposure parameters
hematoma segmentation, 3D correction, cerebrospinal fluid de-
were 120 kV and 400 mAs. More information about the dataset
tection, cerebral falx detection, puncturable area detection, and
is shown in Table I.
surgical path planning. A good hematoma segmentation result
is an important prerequisite for the subsequent steps. Therefore,
B. Ground Truth hematoma segmentation is a crucial part of minimally invasive
catheter surgery for intracerebral hemorrhage.
Annotation of the hematoma was performed in two stages.
First, it was marked using 3D Slicer 4.10.2 [28] by two inter-
mediate neurosurgeons who had access to all DICOM series, A. Data Preprocessing
original reports, and clinical histories. When the two observers We divide the first batch of data into a training set and a
disagreed, such as severe adhesion of IPH and IVH, a senior validation set in a ratio of 7:3. The second batch of data is
neurosurgeon was assisted to solve the problem. Based on the all used as the test set. We first adjusted the window width

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Fig. 2. Typical breaking point. Fig. 3. Multi-scale boundary aware module.

and level of all CT images to [−100, 200], then calculated the

traditional 3D network preprocessing, the raw data is cropped
mean and variance of training set images, and normalized all
into 3D blocks. These 3D blocks lose global information. When
CT images using Z-Score normalization. Then, all CT spacings
there are both IPH and IVH in a 3D block, the model will not
were resampled to [0.5, 0.5, 1] using trilinear interpolation. If
be able to determine which part of the hematoma belongs to the
the size of the image after resampling exceeds 512 × 512, we
IPH and IVH. Therefore, in the training phase, we randomly
will crop the black borders outside the image. If the size is less
crop 8 consecutive slices of the CT image as 3D blocks as input.
than 512 × 512, we will pad 0 to ensure that all images are of
In the inference stage, we sequentially crop 8 consecutive slices
size 512. During the training phase, we randomly apply flips
of the CT image as 3D blocks as input.
(horizontal or vertical) and random angle rotations (90, 180,
or 270 degrees) to each input tuple (CT and ground truth) for
B. Network Architecture method
standard online data augmentation. During the inference phase,
we did not apply any data augmentation strategy. The order of We developed a 3D U-Net [19] based model that embeds
training samples is re-randomized at each epoch. a multi-scale boundary aware module and a consistency loss
There was no significant difference in HU value and texture (MBA-UNet) for segmenting IPH and IVH from CT images
characteristics between IPH and IVH. The difference between and assessing hematoma volume and centroid for catheter sur-
IPH and IVH is the physiological location of the hematoma. The gical path planning. In the training phase, we randomly crop 8
brain ventricle consists of two lateral brain ventricles, the third consecutive slices as 3D blocks as the input of MBA-UNet. In
brain ventricle, and the fourth brain ventricle. IVH forms when the inference phase, we sequentially crop 8 consecutive slices as
IPH breaks into the brain ventricle. The IPH usually enters the 3D blocks as the input of MBA-UNet. The output of MBA-UNet
brain ventricle through one or several breaking points, forming contains 3 channels in total. Among them, the first channel is
one or more hematomas. Therefore, the important information the prediction result of IPH, and we use Fiph ∈ R1×512×512×8 to
to distinguish between IPH and IVH is to combine the adjacent represent it. The second channel is the prediction result of IVH,
slices to find the boundary area and the breaking point of the two we use Fivh ∈ R1×512×512×8 to represent it. The third channel
types of hematoma. A typical breaking point is shown in Fig. 2. is the prediction result of ICH, we use Fich ∈ R1×512×512×8 to
A breaking point is shown in Fig. 2(a). Red represents IPH and represent it. MBA-UNet adopts an encoder-decoder architecture
green represents IVH. Fig. 2(b), (c), and (d) show 3D views similar to 3D U-Net, which consists of an encoding module
in 3 axes. Fig. 2(e), (f), and (g) show 2D views in 3 axes. From for abstracting contextual information and a symmetric decod-
Fig. 2, it can be found that the two types of hematoma are directly ing module for expanding encoded features into full-resolution
connected at the breaking point, and there are obvious bound- feature maps. To enlarge the receptive field of the network,
aries at other locations. Therefore, if we want to separate the we downsample 4 times. At the last downsampling layer, we
two types of hematoma, we need to combine the breaking point use max pooling with kernel and stride of size (2, 2, 1) for
and boundary information of the two types of hematoma in the downsampling. Similarly, in the first upsampling layer, we use
3D space. When using the traditional 2D network preprocessing deconvolution with kernel and stride of size (2, 2, 1) for upsam-
method, the raw data will be input into the network slice by slice. pling.
It will lose important contextual information. In addition, even 1) Multi-Scale Boundary Aware Module: We embedded a
if the two types of hematoma can be separated when judging multi-scale boundary aware module on the top layer of the en-
whether a hematoma belongs to IPH or IVH, it is necessary to coder, which utilizes dilated convolutions with different dilation
combine the relative position information of the hematoma in the rates to capture the boundaries of both types of hematomas, as
whole slice, since the spatial position of the brain parenchyma shown in Fig. 3. The HU value of the hematoma area is generally
and the brain ventricle in the head is relatively fixed. When using higher than that of the brain parenchyma and brain ventricle.

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Since the characteristics of IPH and IVH are almost the same, 0 to obtain the prediction result. In addition, we also employed
how to judge the boundary between IPH and IVH is a difficult SimpleITK [31] to fill the hole inside the hematoma and then
problem. In (e)–(h) of Fig. 3, the small red squares represent removed the hematoma with a single connected area of fewer
dilated convolutions with different dilation rates, and the red than 1 ml.
squares can learn the boundary of two types of hematoma. When
the HU values of the red squares in the upper left and lower IV. RESULTS
right corners are both greater than the red square in the middle,
it indicates that the middle is likely to be the boundary area of A. Experimental Setup
the two types of hematomas. Using dilated convolutions with We use the same optimizer and hyperparameter settings for all
different dilation rates can learn the trend of the gradual change models. In addition to the proposed model, we use dice loss as the
of the distance between the two types of hematoma boundaries. loss function for other models. We use the Adam optimizer [32].
If only a single convolutional kernel of small size is used, the We set the learning rate to 0.0001 and the batch size to 16.
model can only understand which side is a hematoma and which The size of the randomly cropped 3D blocks for 3D U-Net is
side is not. In addition, the purpose of adding a multi-scale 32 × 256 × 256. The size of randomly sequentially cropped 3D
boundary aware module on the top layer of the encoder is to blocks for 3D U-Net is 8 × 512 × 512. All experiments were
learn the relative positional relationship of the two types of performed on Pytorch 1.7.1 [33]. The hardware environment is
hematomas in the whole slice under the condition of the larger a 4 Tesla V100.
receptive field. We use convolutions with dilation rates of 1, 2, We use random sequential (RS) 3D U-Net [19], random
3, and pointwise convolution for feature extraction, and then sequential 3D U-Net with MBAM (RS + MBAM), and random
concatenate the output feature maps. sequential 3D U-Net with MBAM and consistency loss (pro-
2) Loss Function: In medical image segmentation tasks, posed) for ablation study. The ablation study results are shown
class label imbalance often occurs. Many loss functions have in Table II. We use U-Net [15], random crop (RC) 3D U-Net [19],
been designed to alleviate this problem, such as Dice loss [30]. and 3D U-Net RS to study the effect of different input sizes. The
Dice loss solves this problem by comparing the similarity be- different input sizes results are shown in Table III. We use RS
tween the prediction results and the ground truth. We adopt + MBAM as a baseline network to study the effect of different
Dice loss as the loss function for MBA-UNet three-category loss functions. BCE represents the binary cross-entropy loss.
prediction. DICE represents the dice loss. CON represents the proposed
 consistency loss. CE represents the cross-entropy loss. Softmax
2 |Pout GT |
lossseg = 1 − (1) represents the softmax activation function. Experiments that do
|Pout | + |GT | + ξ
not indicate the activation function use the sigmoid activation
where Pout represents the prediction result of the network, GT function. The different loss results are shown in Table IV. We use
represents the ground truth, and ξ represents the smoothing the 3D U-Net RS with consistency loss as a baseline network to
coefficient. study the effect of different dilation rates. Dilation 1 represents
Furthermore, we also propose a consistency loss function. that only dilated convolution with a dilation rate of 1 is used.
In the boundary area of the two types of hematoma, a pixel Dilation 2 represents that dilated convolutions with dilation
can be predicted as two categories at the same time with high rates of 1 and 2 are used. The meaning of Dilation n can be
probability. To reduce the occurrence of this situation, we add deduced like this. The different dilation rate results are shown in
the prediction result of IPH, Piph ∈ R1×512×512×8 and the pre- Table V.
diction result of IVH, Pivh ∈ R1×512×512×8 pixel by pixel to get
Pall ∈ R1×512×512×8 . Then, we use Dice loss to constrain the B. Evaluation Metrics
consistency of Pall and Pich .
 We adopt the Dice coefficient (DSC) as the most important
2 |Pall Pich | evaluation metric of the model segmentation result, which is
lossconsisitency = 1 − (2)
|Pall | + |Pich | + ξ defined as,
Therefore, the loss function of the model can be defined as, 
2 |P red GT |
DSC = (4)
loss = lossseg + lossconsistency (3) |P red| + |GT |
where P red represents the prediction result of the network, GT
C. Data Post-Processing represents the ground truth.
In the inference phase, segmentation predictions for the case In addition, we also employ precision (Prec), sensitivity
are obtained by recombining the outputs of the network. Two (Sens), specificity (Spec), and accuracy (Accu) to evaluate the
adjacent outputs have an overlap of 1/2, in other words, the segmentation results of the model.
stride along the Z axis is 4. For each voxel, we use the highest Accurate determination of hematoma volume is important for
probability of all output blocks as its final prediction. After clinical surgical guidance. Different volumes of hematoma have
recombining to get the segmentation prediction of the case, we different treatments. Therefore, we calculated the hematoma
use 0.5 as the threshold, set the voxels greater than or equal to volume predicted by the model by (5) and compared it with the
the threshold to 1, and set the voxels less than the threshold to ABC/2 [34] method that is commonly used in clinical practice

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to measure hematoma volume. Both IPH and IVH have the case in the world space. We obtain the volume represented
possibility of multiple occurrences, so we cannot directly obtain by each pixel by reading the three axial coordinate intervals
the maximum connected area. Here, we calculate the volume of represented by the spacing parameter in the DICOM image and
each hematoma and sum, multiplying these three coordinate intervals.
We use SimpleITK [31] to compute the centroid CP red of the

Vi = Pi × S (5) model prediction results and the centroid CGT of the ground
i=1 truth. Then, we calculate the Euclidean distance between CP red
and CGT , as the centroid deviation (CD).
where Pi represents the i-th hematoma predicted by the network, Finally, we give a path planning scheme for minimally
and S represents the volume of each pixel of the corresponding invasive surgery for some cases with IPH. Professional

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neurosurgeons judge whether the planned path is reasonable, to can achieve better segmentation results. Using DICE + CON
make necessary preliminary preparations for minimally invasive can effectively solve the above problems. Although the recall is
surgery navigation. slightly reduced, the high precision can obtain a more accurate
centroid position, which is crucial for judging the location of
C. Ablation Study hematoma and planning of the catheter path.
According to the experimental results in Table II, for IPH,
adding MBAM to 3D U-Net (RS), DSC can be improved by F. Comparative of Different Dilation Rates
2.84%. Adding consistency loss to MBAM + RS, DSC can According to the experimental results in Table V, for IPH,
be further improved by 2.30%. For IVH, adding MBAM to the highest DSC is obtained using Dilation 3. For IVH, the
3D U-Net (RS), DSC can be improved by 3.11%. Adding highest DSC is also obtained using Dilation 3. DSC for both
consistency loss to MBAM + RS, DSC can be further improved IPH and IVH decreased when using Dilation 4 compared to
by 5.05%. Since our purpose is to perform path planning for using Dilation 3. Therefore, an excessively large receptive field
IPH and IVH according to the amount of hemorrhage and the may also interfere with the judgment of the model. It may
location of hemorrhage, we will not analyze the relevant metrics be because an excessively large receptive field will mislead
of ICH in the experimental results in detail. In summary, both our the model to associate two disjoint hematomas as connected
proposed MBAM and consistency loss can effectively improve hematomas. Combined with the experimental results, we use
the segmentation efficiency of the model. Dilation 3 in this study.

D. Comparative of Different Input Sizes G. Centroid Deviation

According to the experimental results in Table III, for IPH, We excluded cases with maximal connected areas < 5 ml for
the highest DSC is obtained using the 3D U-Net (RS), which IPH and IVH and cases containing multiple connected areas such
is 0.8446. For IVH, the highest DSC is obtained using 3D U- as amyloid lesions. Because these cases are usually not treated
Net (RS), which is 0.6263. Although for IPH, the segmentation with catheter surgery. After the screening, there were 75 cases
efficiency using U-Net and 3D U-Net (RS) is close. For IVH, of IPH and 47 cases of IVH. It shows the centroid deviation for
the segmentation efficiency of 3D U-Net (RS) is much better segmenting IPH and IVH using different models in Tables VI and
than that of U-Net. It is beneficial for using consistency loss. VII. For IPH, the centroid deviation is 5.0193 mm using U-Net,
Furthermore, it also shows that both contextual information and 7.4674 mm using 3D U-Net (RC), 4.8574 mm using 3D U-Net
global axial information are necessary for segmenting IPH and (RS), 5.0148 mm using RS + MBAM, and 4.3835 mm using the
IVH. Therefore, we use random sequential slices as input to the proposed model. For IVH, the centroid deviation is 16.6122 mm
network. using U-Net, 41.6892 mm using 3D U-Net (RC), 14.9987 mm
using 3D U-Net (RS), 14.3479 mm using RS + MBAM, and
E. Comparative of Different Losses 13.9159 mm using the proposed model. Therefore, the centroid
deviation for two types of hematoma using the proposed model
According to the experimental results in Table IV, for IPH,
is minimal, which is beneficial for path planning.
the highest DSC is obtained using DICE + CON. For IVH,
the highest DSC is also obtained using DICE + CON. When
using BCE and its combined loss function, the model has a H. Visualization of Experiment Results
poor ability to distinguish between two hematomas and tends We selected the with/without of IVH, the breaking points
to classify some difficult pixels into two hematomas at the at different positions, and the hematomas of different sizes
same time. Therefore, when using BCE and its combination loss and shapes for visualization, as shown in Fig. 4. According
function, high recall can be obtained, but the precision is low. to the visualization results of the first, third, fourth, and fifth
When using DICE and its combined loss function, the network slices, due to the lack of contextual information in U-Net,
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Fig. 4. Visualization of segmentation results for different models, where red represents true positives, green represents false positives, and blue
represent false negatives.

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the hematoma with island sign can easily mislead the model,
resulting in mis-segmentation. According to the visualization
results of the second, third, fourth, and fifth slices, 3D U-Net
(RC) cannot accurately segment IPH and IVH. It is because
IPH and IVH have no significant difference in HU value and
texture characteristics. Therefore, when the global information
is lost due to random cropping, the model cannot accurately
distinguish the relative position information of the two types
of hematomas. The model will tend to classify all hematomas
as IPH. According to the visualization results of the fourth and
fifth slices, 3D U-Net (RS) can obtain contextual information
and global information at the same time. However, it is not ideal
when the hematoma is irregular in shape or the breaking point is
large. The boundaries of the two types of hematomas in 3D space
are gradually separated, from intertwined near the breaking point
to two independent boundaries. Therefore, RS + MBAM can
obtain better results according to the visualization results of
the fourth slice. According to the visualization results of the
fifth slice, adding the consistency loss can further improve the
segmentation efficiency of the model, and a better segmentation
effect can be obtained at the boundary between the two types of
In addition, we also selected some difficult cases encountered
in practical applications for visualization, as shown in Fig. 5.
Difficult cases refer to IPH closely connected with IVH, the
boundaries of the two hematomas are very blurred, and more
information in adjacent slices must be combined for segmenta-
tion. It is also difficult for senior neurosurgeons to distinguish the
boundary between these two hematomas. Our current research
Fig. 5. Visualization of segmentation results for difficult cases.
mainly focuses on planning the puncture path of IPH. Therefore,
we focus on the segmentation results of IPH. The visualization
results of each slice are divided into two rows. The first row is
five consecutive slices with the middle slice as the segmentation V. DISCUSSIONS
target, and the second row is the segmentation results of five
models. The red dotted box is the area where IPH and IVH A. The Effect of Distinguishing IPH From ICH to
are entangled. From these segmentation results, although the Centroid Prediction
proposed method has mis-segmented regions, the segmentation We selected cases with IPH broken into ventricular which are
efficiency is higher and more stable than the comparison method. described in Section IV-G, and calculated the centroid deviation

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Fig. 6. Performance comparison of model and neurosurgeon. DL/Inter

represents the model and the intermediate doctors, DL/Senior repre- Fig. 7. Performance comparison of the proposed model and clinical
sents the model and the senior doctors, and Inter/Senior represents the methods for measuring hematoma volume. DL indicates the proposed
intermediate doctors and the senior doctors. model, ABC/2 indicates the clinical method and GT indicates the ground

of IPH, ICH, and IPH from ICH in these cases, as shown

in Table VIII. The suffix P represents the prediction result, doctors is 0.8926. Although the DSC of model and senior doctors
and the suffix GT represents the ground truth. We can obtain is 0.1349 lower than that of intermediate doctors and senior
that for cases with secondary IVH, the centroid deviations of doctors in terms of IVH, the DSC of model and senior doctors is
ICH and IPH is small from Table VIII. Meanwhile, for the only 0.0629 lower than that of intermediate doctors and senior
removal of IVH, although catheter on either side can clear the doctors in terms of IPH and reached 0.8922. Therefore, for IPH,
ventricles with equal efficiency [35], if the IPH and IVH are the proposed model can obtain good segmentation results, and
not separated, the result of direct puncture using the centroid preliminary labeling of hematomas can be performed in clinical
of the ICH is likely to be not ideal. The centroid of the IPH-P practice, which greatly reduces the workload of doctors.
differs significantly from the centroid of the ICH-GT, with an
average deviation of more than 19 mm. It is likely to adversely C. Comparison of Model Segmentation and Clinical
affect the catheter. The average deviation of the centroid of the Measurement of Hematoma Volume
IPH-P from the centroid of the IPH-GT is 5.6581 mm, and more
We used the same data as in Section IV-G. We used the ABC/2
than 85% of the cases had centroid deviations less than 10 mm.
method and the proposed model to count the hematoma volume
It is beneficial for catheter planning. Although a deviation of
in each case, as shown in Fig. 7. For IPH, the Pearson correlation
10 mm may be acceptable, there are still 15% of cases where
of the ABC/2 method with the ground truth is 0.9219, p <
the deviation exceeds 10 mm. These cases with large deviation
0.0001. The Pearson correlation of the proposed model with
may bring potential risks to patients. Therefore, we recommend
the ground truth is 0.9887, p < 0.0001. Moreover, the accuracy
that clinicians need to confirm the segmentation results of the
of prediction using the proposed model is significantly higher
model before performing EVD.
than the ABC/2 method employed in clinical practice. For IVH,
the Pearson correlation between the ABC/2 method and the
B. Performance Comparison of Model Segmentation
ground truth is 0.8302, p < 0.0001. The Pearson correlation
Results and Clinician Manual Labeling of the proposed model with the ground truth is 0.9055, p <
We selected the cases which are marked with disagreement 0.0001. The accuracy of using the proposed model is similar
by two intermediate doctors in the test set, for a total of 24 to the ABC/2 method used in clinical practice. Therefore, in
cases. At this time, the senior doctor will revise it based on the summary, the hematoma volume predicted by the proposed
results marked by the two intermediate doctors. We compared model is superior to the clinical measurement method and has
the correlation of the proposed model segmentation results, the no significant difference from the ground truth, which has the
labeling results of intermediate doctors, and the labeling results potential for clinical application. In addition, we also use the
of senior doctors, as shown in Fig. 6. For IPH, the DSC of model Bland-Altman method to evaluate the volume of IPH and IVH
and intermediate doctors is 0.8950, and the DSC of model and to help clinicians more intuitively and quickly identify cases
senior doctors is 0.8922, and the DSC of intermediate doctors with large deviations in Fig. 8. For IPH, although there are a few
and senior doctors is 0.9551. For IVH, the DSC of model and outliers, the overall consistency is better. For IVH, all results are
intermediate doctors is 0.7046, the DSC of model and senior doc- within confidence intervals. For IPH and IVH, the segmentation
tors is 0.7577, and the DSC of intermediate doctors and senior was better when the hematoma volume was larger.

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Fig. 8. Bland-Altman analysis of hematoma volume.

Fig. 10. Visualization of the planned path for catheter surgery in two
cases with IPH.

the hematoma are closely related to the segmentation perfor-

Fig. 9. Correlation of DSC with centroid deviation. mance of the hematoma. Therefore, accurate segmentation of
the hematoma is an important prerequisite for surgical planning.
Based on the centroid obtained from the proposed model, we
D. Correlation Between Model Segmentation performed path planning for the cases with IPH that met the
Performance and Centroid Deviation conditions for catheterization. Since the proposed model does
not meet the conditions for clinical application in the prediction
We used the same data as in Section IV-G. We calculated the of IVH-related parameters. Therefore, we visualized the catheter
correlation of DSC with centroid deviation, as shown in Fig. 9. planning path for 2 cases with IPH in Fig. 10. The first case is
Combined with the results in Table VI, for IPH, the centroid a thalamic hemorrhage, the hematoma volume is 33.52 ml, the
deviation of 8% of the cases exceeds 10 mm, and the maximum DSC is 0.9646, the length of the path inside the hematoma is
centroid error is 44.87 mm. The Pearson correlation between 8 mm, the length of the path outside the hematoma is 32.2 mm,
DSC and centroid deviation was -0.8553, p < 0.0001. Combined the coordinates of the puncture point are [89, 162, 185], and the
with the results in Table VII, for IVH, the centroid deviation coordinates of the target point are [86, 162, 145] with an angle
exceeded 20 mm in 14.67% of the cases, with a maximum of 5.37. The second case is cortical hemorrhage, the hematoma
centroid deviation of 42.30 mm. The Pearson correlation of DSC volume is 82.18 ml, the DSC is 0.8612, the length of the path
with centroid deviation was −0.8276, p < 0.0001. Combining inside the hematoma is 18.1 mm, the length of the path outside
the results in Tables II, III, VI, VII, and Fig. 9, it can be seen the hematoma is 7.1 mm, the coordinates of the puncture point
that the range of centroid deviation is approximately negatively are [95, 197, 74], and the coordinates of the target point are
correlated with DSC, that is, the larger the DSC, the smaller [98, 188, 96], the angle is 37.54. The evaluation criteria for path
the centroid deviation. Small centroid deviation is an important planning need to be judged by clinicians in combination with
prerequisite for catheter path planning. In conclusion, a high medical guidelines. Clinicians judge whether the puncture path
DSC is important for the planning of puncture paths. planning is successful based on a series of evaluation factors. It
was confirmed by the clinician that the catheter path planning
E. Correlation Between Model Segmentation of the above two cases met the clinical requirements. According
Performance and Path Planning to our statistics, when CD < 10 mm or DSC > 0.8, the rate of
path planning meeting the requirements is 100%. When using
Fast and accurate segmentation of IPH and IVH is an im-
the data in Section IV-G, only 6 cases did not meet the above
portant prerequisite for EVD. First, we can judge the type of
criteria, that is only 8%. However, in only 3 of the 6 cases,
hematoma based on the segmentation results. If it is multiple
the planned route did not meet the requirements. Therefore,
hematoma such as subarachnoid hemorrhage, it is often not
the proposed model achieves 96% accuracy for catheter path
suitable for EVD. Then, judge whether EVD is needed according
to the volume of hematoma. If the volume of hematoma is
small, EVD may not be performed. Secondly, different puncture
strategies need to be adopted according to different hematoma F. Future Works strenth
locations (such as supratentorial, infratentorial, and brainstem, In terms of IPH, the proposed model can obtain accurate
etc.). If it is determined to perform EVD, we need to plan hematoma-related parameters, which greatly reduces the work-
the puncture plan based on the hematoma centroid obtained load of clinicians and has the prospect of practical application.
by segmentation. The volume, location, shape, and centroid of However, in terms of IVH, the proposed model cannot obtain

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