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PART -1/4TM-1 CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND PEDAGOGY / ara fecnral a fevanrerres Direction : Answer the following questions (Q. Nos 110 30) hy selecting the correct most appropriate options fre: Preset est (x ery 1.30) 3m 88 fe E/E Tee eT TE! am 1, Assertion (A) > Schoo! curriculum should give reasonable space and value to learner's culttr knowled Reason (R) : Supporting stodenvs to uphold their cultural identities facilitates learning ‘Choose the correct option : (2) (A) is tue but (R) i false (2) Both (A) and (R) are false, (3) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A), (4) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A), aes safer (A): ferret ams wh Pradeep ara 8 afra tars ate ea eat 4 a RTT (Rs fei) wre) mfp wren at wa, UE fe en eT eT, TTT viral qs arm th He fires qi: (1) (A) #8 t afer (Ry Herm th (2) (A) 3 (Ry Sat Tea AY (A) SR (Ry ST ae E 3th (A) HF (RY Bet ATT EAT (4) (A) sf (Ry SA eh fs (a) BT (RY FE eT TT ECT EL 2. Socio-constructivist views of learning advocate that - (1) Effective learning is activated by lecturing and explaining (2) Effective learning takes place through the process of recall and rehearsal (3) Learners receive knowledge passively from others (4) Learners actively construct knowledge res & anatase) fra ga ae at sere ae € fe: (1) Barer 33 ate Baar A wort freer fae ere (2) Weare ste cheara a fee fiver & wort fener are & (3) frendl gad & faites ey 8 ar ore at B+ A) forerdl afpa 9 8 aa Prin at 3. Which of the following statements is not correct about learning ? (1) Learning is facilitated by social action (2) Learning as a product rather than a process (3) Learning depends on learner's previous knowledge (4) Learning implies reorganisation of prior conceptual schemes fresteters i a ata en were safer & ait Farah et? (1) afer arena fiat gro aenfirn wet (2) stirrer wfrn Te atta er se t (3) saftey freed a ye are Pte weer (4) fnsy en orerd yl nice cate & rissa mT 2 K 4. tv the course of development, children achieve gross motor skills before fine motor skills, This indicates that development is; ait (1) Linear (2) Proxifipdistal =) — Anarchic (4) Cephalocaudal freer eet ue en eer eee erm ee rt fe ee fl Fre Q) Yate @) te eg Q) sree AG therm 5. Reasoning, thinking and problemSaiding are explained in which aspect of development 7 (1) Moral Development > (2) Motor Development (3) Social Development (4) Cognitive Development forara & farm yeg A on, fate she men TAA wt are FT ATO? Q) 4fes free (2) nfrar fares (3) -aenfas fra Say tare Fare 6. After getting ‘out in the game du rope getting stuck in her leg while jumping Aru says that the rope deliberately got her out. Atwhat stage of Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development do eildren reason Uke 8? (1) Sensory-motor stage A (2) Pre-operation stage (3) Concrete Operational stage (4) Formal Operational stage crest get aan cH cach had art sree! a are are eB fe vA eS aga are?’ foo 4B) ata fra aararerey Pena Fite fr sree ged rH aoe a 2A E? Q) Ree arene srreT AD a-ar saen (3) af afiraers seen @) Straten aimee aera 7. Proximodistal principle states that in infancy : (1) development of language occurs rapidly as it is a sensitive period for development. (2) Physical development occurs rapidly with the development of fine motor skills, (3) _ the limbs continue to grow faster than the hands and feet. (4) development proceeds fromshead to toe. sven rain seat € fs terrae () sen an ferere ah A tren & ae fara fra watever safe Fy ae es heres Fret 3 Fare-eriten Fare At 8 ee @ it te 8 gra HRA (4) ferera fae 8 ata ae BB) Pl mI 3 K Assertion (A): Leseners constrict thelt own knowledge based an what they already know Reason (R) « Finding patterns and making li with previous knowledge helps learners to Process information meanin Choose the correct option Py (1) (A) is true but (R) is false. (2) Both (A) and (R) are false. (3) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the on explanation of (A), (4) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not thetorrect explanation of (A), anfirayers (A): fered at yee a AA Bae sere ye see aT Pier we EY em ate fed ara & ae ere was A ranted ares wT Ts ey a TTT (R): enfea ey A sae fren t) Ret fre a: Q) (A) set Af Tet (2) (A) sic (R) A Te AS (4) a BA 0 a) (= we (4) (A) 39 (Ry Sat are B eifees (A) F(R) Be -egpeT Ae sa 9. Assertion (A) : coaatoi s open autquyy oy uch mee eee Reason (R): Childrens’ development is uni#ezsal. Choose the correct option : Oo} (1) (A) is true but (R) is false. (2) Both (A) and (R) are false. (3) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). (4) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A), oifwrnert (A): veil grr aay seri-sem depfaa F serrate ace a ora fea orn Fy WITT (R) = arat a fara aetna: 8) ht Panes a: (1) (A) Fat Afra (Ry Tee) (2) (A) St (R) Ba re Fi ae (a ty a 98 aay 8 ge @) 6a Ne in aD so K 2LO0Z Pl Mmmm 10. 11. 12. Assertion (A): In Lawrence Kohtberg’s moral development theory children move from | ‘understanding consequences of acts to determine whether thef pre god or bod to understanding that rules and laws are flexible and can be changed. Reason (R}: Lawrence Kohlberg, argues that moral development occurs progressively in stages, Choose the correct option = (1) (A) is true but (R) is false. (2) Both (A) and (R) are false. (3) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)- (4) Both (A) and (R) are true ‘but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). afwenert (A): ‘tite werent As Aras rare fergie ak ara a sa Gon TATE TE roma gh &, vee Te UH fig rm ah eT A she wa oT HAE ATT (R) : ate area a ah t fas fee fra tien oy B TCT A Gn EL we frncs a : (1) (Ay Fea fer (Ry Tet 2) (A) ate (a) SHI TTF ASS (A) 3h (Ry Set ae & Ae (R), (A) Ye orEN TE (4) (Ap atte (R) Seat rea fara (RY, (A) 3 A SATAN eT TT BH Which of the following statements about inclusive education is not correct ? (1) An inclusive classroom “accommodates differences in language styles and promotes collaboration”. (2) An inclusive classroom centres around “fixed curricula and standard assessment” (2) Inclusive teaching means “teaching in ways that do not exclude”. (4) _ Inclusive teaching means “adopting pedagogies that support needs of all learners’. ‘freaferters HB eta ar aera BaTeT feven aie A eel ETE? gay ten arte aoa Tet et sia wari wat & ste wea wl ae eA "| (2) fafrea wamaal atte arr yeas" arrears SH Bara eA i Hz Se eI @) Bente freon ar aed Ra ata a fever aegis a (4) wareeh frets ad & “3g frees Bara St ae Parenteral a srererRaTS a AH CT 1 Lev Vygotsky proposes that is important for self-regulation in children. (1) Adaptation (2) Organization (3) Disequilibrium (4) _ Inner speech aa wees wefan wea te a afro & fre aeerg f AY FIR (2) amea @) sage (4) Fret are 13, As per Jean Piaget’ theory of cognitive development, which of the following ability distinguishes concrete operational thinking, from Pre-operational thinking ? (1) Hypothetical reasoning, (2) Object permanence ) Coordination of senses (4) Decentering “aia fara as atararere feral Fermin Ae organ, Freatefna Aa sta wre yd aanerere ata wT daira ara @ stern eat €? At) aitefers afin (2) ara aac (3) fea ara (4) fatem Ps mM aION 5 K © scanned with OKEN Scanner .< one. the fllowing typeof questions can halp ass & student's ability to evaluate information (1) Questions that ask for examples that validate the text (2) Questions that ask for a summary of a text ae —— that ask for a simple definition of a term ‘estions that ask for the student's personal opinion FFE AA age were eH Coe ra at TATE Tue wy A ETT HET wT TT TTT we AES eT 8? (Py Aye are a ae ae ad serecel & fore qed e (2) Ayer a fret we a1 ania Find F (3) @aer aH we a aca oie & fore oa F (4) QW St ora St oaferra aa oA E Which of the following aptly defines relationship between cognition and emotion ? (2) Cognition influences emotions but reverse is not true. (2) Emotions influence cognition but reverse is not true, (3) Cognition and emotion are two independent systems. (4) Emotion and cognition are interdependent on each other. Fresfertarg 8-3 aaa es sas ste rectal Sate aid at veges SUA hehe ara 7 (1) Barr wrens ah wntas arent fas cara fergtta a Te (2) werard ear a went acct & cafes gear fereita aed ef (3) Har oe sree, ae ead wonferat -# sand aft wars srva Haga rt areata By a Pat ara F Language development in primary classes is facilitated : (1) When teachers ignore and dismiss the mother tongue of the children, (2) When teachers begin from signs and symbols rather than concrete objects, (3) When teachers use concrete examples to refer to abstract concepts. (4) When teachers stress upon and enforce the use of formal language. greater arensit ser ar farare far wae Hanfiea erat 7 (1) wa fereras weil at argu BT sratera 3th Sar Fa Fi (2) wa fare ad sega # aoa Hai ot wal ae ee Bs BS Fa foes sry saerensil a delta wa ® fre ate scree a svar ara Fh (4) warfare strenfer arm 3 weit ge Sr 8a @ aft aa ar] at Ei According to attribution theory of motivation which of the following is more likely to result in persistent effort and improved performance ? (1) Internal attribution for failure as well as success (2) External attribution for failure as well as success (3) An intemal attribution for success and an external attribution for failure (4) An extemal attribution for success and an internal attribution for failure afte & arta fasta & agar frafatad 4 a free eoman safer atte sear wets st eure t? QQ) sarc Sh awe St fem state arr (2) Hemet stream Sr a fore ered TTT AS) ape fore sates sritve atte srerercren fore aed see G4) Arete & fare aed srt she semen & few siete srr P4 mmnunatit 6 k 15. 16. 17. Mi © scanned with OKEN Scanner 18. 19. 20. P+ Inclusion of students belonging to disadvantaged groups demands : (1) isolation in the classroom on the basis of social affiliation. (2) same-ability grouping of students in the classroom, (3) awareness and sensitization towards diverse traditions. (4) evidencing and encouraging identity-based stereotypes. afera al atafion ferenfitel & areeers fore; () ante dae] sre ge we Y ster eT aed) (2) Bara esi sere ye fevered ah area fenton eer fe By fafer vercail & oft ores ste dateretern a aera Sa aie (4) Year sieanfts seal a renters site seenfiea fren or eafieg | While participating in a sports competition in class, Tanuj tells his friend that he will participate in the javelin throw and his sister can participate in jump rope because she isa girl and girls cannot throw javelin. This depicts : (1) Gender equity (2) Gender stereotyping (3) Gender constancy (4) Gender equality aren 8 ee wiserar B fea AA wa ER TTT es | ee Ff ae Te haa A fea eh Sie Ta RAH saat aes fees @ sad Cwatt ae ee meat & ath cafina wren et hw Aa! we A vefeia eet) () Seca AS Asc efeanten (3) Sec dae (4) Wet aan Which of the following is a typical characteristic of Dyslexia ? (1) Difficulty in physical coordination (2) _ Difficulty in spatial awareness (3) Difficulty in creative problem solving (4) _ Difficulty in phonological processing Frefatasd 4 a yor aera a eH fafere Perr ata 7 QQ) wifes waa A efeat Q) Rafa erased ¥ afore (3) Tere aren aa A afore a) ware weeR A BST Problem solving is fostered by : (1) Passive imitation (2) Response Set (3) Divergent thinking (4) Functional fixedness frefafas 38 ats ar ace aren ae I AeA eT 7 (1) fafeea seqarr 2) siaaran BY arent fiat (4) sraiere fern While divergent thinking convergent thinking (1) Promotes mathematical abilities; promotes verbal abilities (2) Promotes verbal abilities; promotes mathematical abilities @) encourages multiple answers; is fixed on one correct solution (4) _ is fixed on one correct solution; encourages multiple answers aan fear wate afward fiat | i) caforira eerarail aa aren Sen &; sire stl Tt Age ee (2) fers: emranail Bh aeren en; forte asi I eT eT (3) eg sat A sree sen tea ae TT ETE Ay ee et Bema w fee &; we sae a Meets Feet & OT 7 K i © scanned with OKEN Scanner 23. Which of the following would not be characterised as formative assessment ? (1) An assessment task that is helpful in comparing students as per 4 standard set of criteria. (2) An assessment used to identify misconceptions in a student's learning, 4 (3) An assessment given at the beginning, of a new concept to determine students” prior knowledge. (4) An assessment given during the class to provide ongoing feedback to students and teachers, Frafafan 4 3 faa carers SL A aT 2 QQ) Weyer ads wa HT Gee A seqare wnat a geet HA A arerew wat Bi (2) ew racy ar wr afte A era COM wt ee A A fre eT Fv Te (3) rat a yeh wer Prete ek fore a ae reece aT esa A fe rT THEA (ay rat te Ft a rae ge era eH Fe er Beery feat aT sia oo Which of the following is a characteristic of effective feedback in the classroom ? (1) Itis only focused on the outcomes. (2) Itis timely and specific. (3) _ Itis given only at the end of the task. (4) It is broad and generic. frafatas 3 8 svarit sfaghe at wa fren w-wh &? (1) were ators oe hfs tet (2) me afaa att fatere et #1 (3) esa ari & sa Fe at oe Fi ae aT at ATA Bret 1 ‘As per Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence, which of the following set represents correct match of intelligence and associated characteristics ? (1) Musical ; performance or composition skills, (2) Spatial ; skill of appreciating the natural world (3) _ Intrapersonal : skill in understanding and relating to others (4) Logical-Mathematical : skill of dance or athletic abilities wat men & agats & facia & agen, freafertaa 4a ata a ae ofa ot sae eaters faerensll et a a wiatataes arm 7 ()Aefieea : wee a Ta a Ser (2) Renter: arepfres: rerereon Fh rere ey rer Br siaaafers : gad Bt aae sie asm Ara Hay Beales Be HFT (4) afentetia : ern wera err 26, Which of the following correctly describes intrinsic motivation ? (1) Motivation that comes from competition with others (2) Motivation that comes from a fear of punishment ‘ Motivation that comes from external rewards Motivation that comes from personal enjoyment of the task restertera 8 8 im sriafee sfisieeon amr axel aol aera? (1) ROM sh Gwe a ae were a ae 2) ation ah ds oa mht 3) fein sh anet grea a omit & GB) abtaireon haart aafeemra—srte & anett & Pt MANN 8 K © scanned with OKEN Scanner 27. Which of the following is 4 key principle of progressive education ? (2) Learning shoutd be Isig on authentic tasks (2) Curriculum should edetermined and universal Q) Standardized testi he best way to measure student learning (4) Students should be Berets whem aad are Tha ty @) BRERA feat 4 am a fitera meres gen antec) 28. Impairment is a condition, while disability is a___.__ condition. operative, physical (2) social, psychological @) biological, functional (4) functional, biological after ws feats %, wafe sem we feafy &1 A) frre, wit Q) annie, satan @) See, Siar () arise, Stee 29. Which of the following areexamples of scaffolding ? (a) Think-aloud (b) Prompts and cues {c) Questions (a) Half-solved example: =I (©) Rote Rehearsal Q) @), ®). ©), @) ~ 2 @. 0,0. @, © 8 @® @ @), 0), © Red aen a are R (a) erat art (>) Fa she faz () Wa (@) 300 ea fern est =e () eR tera FF (a), (6), ©, (A) 2 @.0).0.@,@ 3) @), &) 4 @,0), © According to Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, at what stage are children self-centered and see their own benefit in doing 2 (1) at the third stage in the second level (2) at the fifth stage in the third level G) atthe first stage in the first level (4) _ at the second stage in the first level. corre fees feo Fer. seTUR fom eat ve et suena wie & ate fed ord wh eh ro Bey ea 8? Q) ters dea OY am aie G) Yea aT & we ae fl) @) wae e gam Ty) PHENO 2 8 PART - 11 4TT- 11 MATHEMATICS / 7f0T Direction : Answer the following questions by selecting thecorrect /most appropriate options. Prter - Freatertian wet & sar 29 & fore ary want Pracy afr! 31. Which of the following statements is correct ? . (1) Lis both. a prime and a composite num - (2) 1 is neither prime nor a composite number, - (3) 1 isa prime number (4) 1 isa composite number Prafataa wet 8 8 staan ee at 2 Q) 1a t, ww ae ot ra eet Q) 1a tarts tats J) Leas wet! @) La wa dent) 32. The mumer of eres in 27 right angie: ql) 240 (2) 330 (4) 285 22 eae # feted at tent: @) 240 (2) 330 (4) 285 33. A is always a regular polygon. (1) Pentagon (2) Circle (3) _Isosceles triangle (4) Square Ww ata a a iF Naya wateay ys SPACE FOR ROUGH Wé TH ard & fore ae Pel MOMENI 10 K M 3. The parcel sending rates are given below : Parcel weighing (60 grams or less) : © 15.00 parcel weighing, (for every additional 50 grams) : * 7.00 Meena wants to send a parcel to her friend Charu in Delhi, The parcel weighs 350 g. Look at the charges and select the correct cost of sending the parcel Q &55 (Q &57 (yt a2 4) %50 vate Wor wi et ah te: cere 17 (50 TH ate BE EH): & 15.00 get aRT Te Fr se 50 mE Ferm): € 7.00 sen reat te re wh rte Noe ew ree a vate oT 91 350g 1 Sa wT Rare ete Se Stent oft pra Fifa: Q) &35 » 57 @) t42 (4) &50 Which of the following is not true about ‘multiplicity of approaches’ in teaching mathematics ? {Q) Offering such a choice allows children to explore and use the approach that is most natural and easy for them, (2) _ It is crucial for liberating, school mathematics from the tyranny of the one correct answer @) Very often, there are many ways of solving, problem, (4) _Ithampers the learning of child as it leads to confusion. safer fever fein warre ay rca” fer Freaferter Ha ata ea eT 6? a aac Pres wegn Fa wat wh 3a sae a Se ee Shear CT ee fer Hath fre aad eos oft ara a @ cae eget fa a we el se a te | a eA fore HTT CH @) am aga are ah & fare eT TTT HAS ad TT yy ae & afin Hann cree t ifs ae eH BT TST TT ‘According to National Curriculum Framework, 2005, which of the following processes are least relevant in a primary mathematics classroom ? (1) Visualization (2) Making connections and representations (Q) Memorising formulae (4) _ Use of patterns creda wreareral eiten, 2005 3 are, ae arate ne aan A Prefer HB aA-eh fared ae waa maine #2 AQ yeie 2) Aas eaten ear stk Frew Baa wt (4) 24 (after) a sete aren SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / TH are & for org, -a50 1 a ce -3 UE a K a, Which of the following statements is/are most appropriate for the idea of cognitive conflict in teaching mathomatics ? (a) Thoughtful efforts of a teacher to expose children to cognitive conflict can enhance their mathematical understanding, (b) Its not useful for promoting mathematical understanding in children. (€)_ Children get confused so cognitive conflict must be avoided. Choose the correct option : (1) Only (a) (2) Only ©) (3) (b) and (c) (4) (a) and (c) cfr finer atararers fe fra fore eterna at a1 es wae seg 6? fa) tara: hed fared haere ara fargo fare sere) A ra fora HTH a TT fre ee ti (&) Be set Y fore ae wh were 23 & fey et aT (oc) Aarrene shed Bern safe, witfes pa met vfs TA wit frara gi: PY FF) Q) Fa) @) mH aRE @ @mo Which of the following statement is most appropriate ? (2) Use of teaching-learning material in mathematics class consume students’ time for practice. (2) Students do not enjoy riddles in mathematics class. (3) Mathematics lab is essential as it provides opportunities for hands on activities for students. (4) Charts are used in mathematics class as an effective teaching-learning material, froferfern a 8 ata ar ae wae cafes sa F? q) foro safirny are wr sean afore at wen A Parental a ona wr AAT ara aR SMF) (2) fexenell fons ait wen 4 ytterel # srrte Tet era DY ofr a} era srett & aedtfan are favereter fafatirel or sere wer eat By (4) rea fry vt a cae gore Ferar— size A SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / 7% ard & fea a1 Panui 2 Z 39. Yamina threw a die 10 times and got the following memults 5.3,66145,332 Which of the following numbers she got the maximum number of times ? a 1 @ 5 @ 6 @ 3 cafes 3 Te We 10 wr soren Ah aA Fetes atom rs 5,3,66165,3,32 (Presfafees sieomall 2 a affiewen art whe oh atom we HH? m1 @ 5 @ 6 Ay 3 «0, Which of the following i trae for word problems in school mathematics ? (1) Word problems are important in secondary classes only. Q) Word problems focus more on procedural knowledge in eo Word problems refer to exercises where the child formalises the situation into = form where «specific matherutical technique can be applied. (Word problems are not examples of mathematical modelling, frofefers 8-3 sts-an eget nies 8 earch eat & foro we? Q) RA wae Fan aeahes worl 8 seoTTt Hat! Q pert ears afore @ erdfafers: arr we aftr Sirs FF eee se er wh fa es tre oS 8 Feet cnforira wertre a ary fear at ae) @ yard ware visas evs & see eT a What should be subtracted from the sum of 9909, 9099 and 9009 to obtain 25434 7 @) 2536 (2) 2563 @) 2356 (4) 2365 25454 ura =A He fore 9909, 9099 3h 9009 % am HA wa SAAT ET? (Q) 2536 ve 2563 (3) 2356 (4) 2365 42. One millimetre is the same as : @) oom @ 01m @) 001cm () 01am vee freircrer waa t @ oom Q 01m EF 001 cm . (4) 0A cm 43. A frog jumps3 steps and a rabbit jumps 7 steps at atime starting from a place O. At which of the following steps, they both will be jumping together 7 Q) 376 2) 354 @) 343 (4) 371 fat Br O8 arty Se Ue ERS TT on we avin 7 28 wh Ba ene B) a a fen ee aah ye we va Me? Q) 378 By 354 @) 343 @ 37 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / 7% 7rd 44 Which of the following mode! is least appropriate to develop the conceptual understanding regarding the relationships of ones, tens and hundreds in early grade learners ? (1) Abacus (2) Place value chart (3) Dienes blocks (4) Money resent aa a eter peo rar ferent, aerd atte Aa aia att A seer amy refine 23 fig aad oo ory C7 QQ) fra (2) Barta ae G) Sse AY OF How many packets of 2 kg, salt can be made from 7% kg of salt? ay 72 @ 9% @ 45 @ 60 7 kg RA = kg tee fad Se wa oa? (1) 72 Q) 90 (3) 45 AT 60 A student of class III solved 26 5 as x 0: Revisiting which of the following will best remediate this misconception ? (1) Recalling multiplication tables (2) One to one correspondence (3) Multiplication of one digit by one digit (4) Concept of regrouping war 1 oH fred 3 6x5 a Tae ee 26 x5 1030 frofetaa 93 en ereara ra wifes A qura & few wad sagas Sr? SY ORB TTT (2) Gare aft) 3) WR aa eww ae aM (4) prety at seem) SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / 7% 4 & fer are was ase ' We Va Which of the following is/are related to early number concept formation ? fa) One to one © oo {b) Hierarchical inetuston ~J (<) Basic operations © Choose the correct option | 1) @and) —@)_ and (ey 1) Only () Cy ee Freer Hn 8 tie ston a tert 8 eater 8? (a) eee oh C (o) Serpefiee waraery (2 Rene inert we frac eT : @ae® 2 HAR GG FAW a (a) tee) National Education Policy (NEP) -2020 talks about “Knowledge of India”, Which of the following, ate not included in it ? Q) Field visits to different states as part of cultural exchange programmes. (2) Formal examination to assess the knowledge gained by the students. (3) Knowledge from ancient India and ity contributions to modern India, (4) Tribal knowledge, indigenous shen ways of learning as part of various subjects like Mathematics, Astronomy, ., Agriculture etc. vein fren aifa-(aag A) - 2020" HEA a Sata an eh t1 Frefefaa Aa an eee atafer wat? Q tei re-edit a Q) faanfdal & ar a gfe H areca & femystqenice yard (3) sangre wre wha wre re aa ar Sie sere ATTA sw fafus feral 2a cfr, erie faa, fafircn, oie cen ® feet amg 8 snfeart am, sfrrs rate ate orinfce wet Loa) ili 1. The value of 25,.3%5-35 +5—-3% 18.5 is; a) 95.0 (2) -26.5 (3) 283.05 ay 64.0 253x5-35+5-3x185 WHA ft: () 95.0 2) -265 (3) 283.05 ar 64.0 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / 7 wre & fore seg x 25°. . 50. Which of the following is most appropriate to introduce ‘Data Handling’ at primary stage (Q) Showing population census of a city for five years and asking students to compare population Q) Drawing « bar graph on the blackboard and asking st to read the data from it, G) Asking the students to read time tables of bus and trai ings. (4) Within classroom, collecting statistics of students’ heighk faVourite food; colour; cartoon ete. and asking questions related to data, Sareea ere ge afar! ar watery! a often 3 fro, Proafarfies waa aad sees 8? (1) Prefab a ce ere at aha are at aereten rey fear wh were ae Ht TT HA asa (2) FETE a oe te—site frais eT ot faenftial at see & sitet at we > fry eT! (3) faenfiey a) ae ote 24 & aaa of roaring wi waa & fers aT) a A Freie eh wea, sre kde. ar, tn, arr eee Ie atte ee HET ate He we smafa we eT 51. According to National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, assessment of learners include = (1) Cognitive, social and spiritual domains (2) Physical and psychological domains: = (3) Cognitive and physical domains. LO (4) Cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains LO ety ferent aifa 2020, % separ, faenieial a1 are Cat atte ant zs = (2) Sig athe ata are ~ G) Aarrere siz shire sam 2 52. Brij had a wire of length 100 metres to cover the land of his choice. He wanted to take the biggest land. Which of the following measurements should he choose to take the biggest area ? Q) mx 3m 2) Smx 45m (3) 15m x 35m (4) 30m x 20m aa a are vee a ants F & fer 00 Het wy a | Te AAA Te ae Zee SH HEMT AT! Pratetan 42 2a fom ary a cae ee aes mite seat ais a awe sf BI? (1) mx 5m 2) Smx 45m QB) bmx 35m A) 30m x 20m "SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK] w= ard SIfBq ame 707725 Pt an UH 6 z a Which of the following statement is least appropriate for encouraging mathematical learning, 7 (1) Mathematics leaming is not gender specific {@)_Discournge intuition as it hampers the development of mathematical ideas (a) Failure does not imply that students cannot do mathematics (a) Everyone can Team mathematics reste 02 ote one fer sateen) wren wel fe, weet ow TTT? (ay fee satwore tre free ore ven A secxaty eae ey es ae dt fret fever we A TT eT GQ) Seer a seed ae eT aha fe free fora one at A | @) tafe ata aa A number becomes double if it is increased by 8. What is the number ? ay 12 (2) 16 @) 6 (a) 8 we Hen 8 are te fer are, A ae gat Mant t) ae eT EH? @) 12 Wy 16 @) 6 way 8 Which one of the following costs least ? (1) 7.5 dozen items of € 750 each item (2) 75 dozen items of & 7.50 each item (3) 75 packets of ® 750 each (4) 750 packets of & 7.50 each fFrafafers #8 feral arma waa art? (Q) ©7350 were Te ae 75 we gE Q) 8750 cee ay att 75 A we Q) © 750 were te are 75 te AG © 750 sere Ye aA 750 tz SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / 7% @ra & fery arr 56. Which of the following should be the characteristics of mathematical language at primary level 7 {a) It should be precise. (b) Tt must be ambiguous as it can add openness in the subject (€) It-should be reinforced through child's language used in everyday life. (d) Tt must be highly technical as it will help students to communicate accurately in mathematics, hoose the correct option : (1) (a) and.) 2) (a). and @) (3) (@) and (d) (4) (a), (b) and (c) ‘Presfesfen a7 wheat areftras ere Ve forte ren at Frere, er ae 7 (a) wed ert wife! (>) ae sere et arte anf ae fared a eT eH)» &) wal St She Sta F sea Bt Teh re rere @ Fa wafer Fever ae aea @ ae reais iff et nfeg ae 8 Freee a aforg 3 et are aes eer er wet fray i; ur ware BY W.OIr@ & wad | 57. Which aspect of evaluation is used when a teacher ensures that test made by her fulfils the objectives and criteria of that test ? (1) Reliability (2) Consistency (3) Validity 4@) Practicality cara Fairer ae atte arth & far sam amr aren em Sez, au See see wa seh wT aes Ee apaies & fra ver a sven faa a1 8? (1) freneten = 2) wate es var (4) ante 58. See the number pattem given below : 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, ’ What will be the next two terms (1) 256 and 343 (3) 256 and 289 ra fey den ted a) 2fare : Bs (0), (b) AR (6) (2) 216 and 343 (4) 216 and 289 (1) 256 sir 343 2) 216 aes (3) 256 atte 289 216 sir 280 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / 7% a4 & fora ae Pl mmm ‘The sum of all angles of a triangle ix qa 180" (2) 360° ) 40" @) 9 fea Fat et ett uh 180" (2) 360° Q) 6 (4) 90" @, Whilesolving = 182 =6o {nclass Il, a teacher explained that we have to subtract 7 from 2.and 2 is smaller than 7- ‘So we will torrow one from 8 and then we can subtract 7 from 12. One student told teacher : Mam | why we are borrowing from eight, as borrowing is not good. What a teacher should do in such a situation ? (1) Teacher should tell the student to focus on learning the algorithm of subtraction. (2) Teacher should ignore the student's question and continue with her work. (3) Teacher should scold the student and make him sit. (4) Teacher should change the word ‘borrowing’ to ‘regrouping’ and then show the process of ° regrouping. wane 182 =67 Bre eat ge Tw sre 3 ere fine fi wl 799 2A wer Bate 2, TET wafem ai 8a see sere en en te a 1A we a A sa sa yor : Hea! eH BR TE waa) sae a are Te We ee cheats A rena HN HTT aE? Q) spear Si -7a-wT aee o fp era wT era Fafa ty aT Q) specie ye ewe BY sre eC TT aT aT THT TT @ aeaatirasn BI ae I Siz He Har SH fee woe orn Bh ar! eee BT cer ree See ea ag atc greet wt rat frat

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