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TAR0010.1177/17534666231164541Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory DiseaseL Jin and Y Li

Therapeutic Advances in
Respiratory Disease Review

Bronchoscopic interventions for

Ther Adv Respir Dis

2023, Vol. 17: 1–10

bronchopleural fistulas DOI: 10.1177/

© The Author(s), 2023.

Article reuse guidelines:

Lingli Jin and Yaqing Li

Abstract: Bronchopleural fistula is a potentially fatal disease most often caused after
pneumonectomy. Concomitant problems such as pulmonary infection and respiratory failure
are typically the main contributors to patient mortality because of the improper contact
between the bronchial and pleural cavity. Therefore, bronchopleural fistulas need immediate
treatment, which requires the accurate location and timely closure of the fistula. Currently,
bronchoscopic interventions, because of their flexibility and versatility, are reliable alternative
therapies in patients for whom surgical intervention is unsuitable. Possible interventions
include bronchoscopic placement of blocking agents, atrial septal defect (ASD)/ventricular
septal defect (VSD) occluders, airway stents, endobronchial valves (EBVs) and endobronchial
Watanabe spigots (EWSs). Recent developments in mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)
transplantation technology and three-dimensional (3D) printed stents have also contributed to
the treatment of bronchopleural fistula, but more research is needed to investigate the long-
term benefits. This review focuses on the effectiveness of various bronchoscopic measures for
the treatment of bronchopleural fistula and the directions for future development.

Keywords: airway stent, bronchopleural fistula, bronchoscopy, endobronchial valve,

Correspondence to:
endobronchial Watanabe spigot, septal defect occluder Yaqing Li
Department of Internal
Medicine, Cancer Hospital
Received: 10 December 2022; revised manuscript accepted: 3 March 2023. of the University of
Chinese Academy of
Sciences (Zhejiang Cancer
Hospital), Hangzhou
310022, China.
Institute of Cancer and
Introduction bacterial invasion, resulting in the development of Basic Medicine (ICBM),
Bronchopleural fistula (BPF) is defined as a com- infections such as thoracic abscesses and medias- Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Hangzhou
munication between the bronchial trunk or seg- tinitis. In addition, as air partially enters the pleu- 310022, China.
mental bronchus and the pleura due to various ral cavity, the amount of air that can be effectively Department of Pulmonary
causes. The most common cause is post-pneu- exchanged is reduced, leading to inadequate ven- and Critical Care Medicine,
Hainan General Hospital
monectomy, with the frequency of occurrence tilation/blood perfusion and inevitable hypoxia or (Hainan Affiliated Hospital
estimated to be 4.5–20% after total pneumonec- even respiratory failure. of Hainan Medical
University), Haikou 570100,
tomy and 0.5–1% after lobectomy,1 but the mor- China.
tality rate for BPF after pneumonectomy is as Based on the time of onset, BPF after pneumo-

high as 18–50%.2 Patients who underwent right nectomy can be classified according to the modi-
Lingli Jin
pneumonectomy and a right lower lobectomy had fied Le Brigand classification6 as follows: (1) The Second Clinical
the highest incidence.3 Other causes include early: 1–7 days after surgery; (2) intermediate: Medical College,
Zhejiang Chinese Medical
necrotising infections such as pulmonary tuber- 8–30 days after surgery; and (3) late: more than University, Hangzhou,
culosis, pneumonia, empyema, chemotherapy or 30 days after surgery. In general, fistulas most China

radiation therapy, and thoracic trauma.4,5 commonly occur within 8–12 days after surgery.1 Department of Internal
Medicine, Cancer Hospital
Early-stage patients are usually caused by failure of the University of
The pleural cavity is a closed latent space con- of surgical stump suturing or acute ischemic Chinese Academy of
Sciences (Zhejiang Cancer
taining a small amount of body fluid that acts as a necrosis of the bronchial stump. These patients Hospital), Hangzhou, China
lubricant during respiratory movement. When it present with sudden onset of dyspnoea, decreased Institute of Cancer and
Basic Medicine (ICBM),
comes into contact with the outside environment, oxygen saturation and blood pressure, subcutane- Chinese Academy of
prolonged fluid and air retention allow for ous or mediastinal emphysema, cough, purulent Sciences, Hangzhou, China 1

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Therapeutic Advances in
Respiratory Disease Volume 17

sputum and possibly even life-threatening tension cumbersome, time-consuming, and requires a
pneumothorax, which often requires urgent sur- chest drainage bottle.
gical repair. Patients with intermediate or
advanced stages of the disease usually have fistu- Injecting methylene blue into a thoracic drainage
las due to infiltration of the tumour growth in the tube or directly into the trachea is another reliable
stump or chronic ischaemia.6 At this time, patients method for locating bronchial fistulas. Under
often experience pneumothorax, often accompa- direct bronchoscopic view, methylene blue is
nied by severe infection, decreased immune func- instilled through the surgical stump or suspected
tion and malnutrition. A small number of patients target bronchial opening, and the diagnosis is
have insidious manifestations, with weight loss, aided by observing the change in fluid level and
chronic cough and fever as the first symptoms. As the presence of blue fluid spillage from the chest
such, this is often difficult to diagnose and can drainage device. Alternatively, retrograde instilla-
prevent the condition from being controlled in tion of methylene blue through the chest drain
time. while under bronchoscopy observation has also
proven to be a viable approach.11 The diagnosis is
Before the advent and development of broncho- confirmed when the dye is observed to enter the
scopic intervention, surgical intervention was the tracheobronchial tree from the diseased airway.
only effective treatment for BPF.7 Accordingly, This procedure is easy and inexpensive, making it
fistulas were treated through fistula repair, thora- a feasible alternative to serial balloon occlusion.
coplasty and other means. However, patients with However, as the dye will exit through the least
malignant BPF are usually undergoing antitumor resistant channel, this method may miss the diag-
therapy such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy nosis of multiple fistulas. Nevertheless, this draw-
and are not tolerant to surgery due to poor health. back can then be overcome by sealing the initial
Even if surgery is performed, the rate of postop- diseased airway with a balloon and then repeating
erative complications and the risk of death are this technique in other airways. Yet, when the
greater.8 In such cases, using bronchoscopic patient requires surgery, the presence of dye will
interventional procedures to treat BPF has great compromise the ability to discriminate between
benefits. This review focuses on the broncho- mediastinal and thoracic tissues.11
scopic interventions for BPF and the prospects
for development.
Conservative treatment of BPF is simple, safe and
Fistula localisation non-invasive. Thoracic drainage is usually the
Early and accurate identification and localisation first step of intervention. The placement of a
are important for the management of BPF. chest tube not only drains excess gas and fluid but
Imaging findings such as increased air in the pleu- also serves as a delivery channel for sclerosing
ral cavity, the appearance of new air-fluid planes, agents to facilitate the performance of pleural fix-
changes in pre-existing air-fluid planes, the devel- ation.4 In addition, prophylactic use of adequate
opment of tension pneumothorax and air-fluid antibiotics and mechanical ventilation are also
planes exceeding ⩾2 cm are strong indicators of essential parts of the process. However, one
BPF.1 In some patients, abnormal channels study12 has been published claiming that mechan-
between the bronchi or lung parenchyma and ical ventilation is a risk factor for BPF in patients
pleural cavity can even be directly observed by after pneumonectomy. Therefore, when mechan-
computed tomography (CT).9 In addition, bron- ical ventilation is necessary for patients with BPF,
choscopy can detect most bronchial fistulas mean airway pressure should be reduced as much
located in the main bronchus or the postpneumo- as possible, and an intermittent command venti-
nectomy stump, while bronchial fistulas located lation mode with low tidal volume, reduced res-
distally or peripherally often require serial balloon piratory rate and shortened inspiratory time is
occlusion to locate.10 To observe the air leak, bal- appropriate.1 Although conservative treatment
loon occlusion is first recommended using a flex- does not directly heal BPF, it allows for partial
ible bronchoscope at each bronchial opening on closure of small fistulae (>3 mm in diameter) by
the affected side. If the leak does not stop, the removing pus and maintaining fluid balance or by
entire access from the chest tube opening to the bronchoscopic assistance.13 In recent years, a ret-
closed drain needs to be tested. This method is rospective study found that the success rate of the

L Jin and Y Li

bronchoscopic technique was 71–92% when the Some of the values can range widely and may
fistula was distal and small (<6 mm).14 In addi- depend on the patient’s conditions and the proce-
tion, bronchoscopic treatment may serve not only dures used in the study. In summary, the treat-
as the first treatment but may also provide a ment of BPF is individualised and adaptive.
bridge to subsequent related treatments, offering
new treatment pathways for patients with BPF.
The advantages and disadvantages of the various Blocking agent
treatment methods and the scope of their applica- A variety of blocking agents have been used in
tion are shown in Table 1. The success and com- BPF through bronchoscopy, which works mainly
plication rates of their BPF treated by each device by inducing or stimulating granulation tissue for-
in relevant literature are also shown in Table 1. mation, leading to cell proliferation, scarring and

Table 1. The advantages, disadvantages, success rate, complication rate and applications of different devices.

Treatments Advantages Disadvantages Success rate Complication rate Applications

Blocking agent Rich in variety; Not suitable for large – – Small peripheral fistulas
convenient; fistulas; low overall (3–5 mm)
affordable success rate

ASD/VSD Size can be personalised; Risks such as 77–96% 8–23%13,15–18 Fistulas that cannot be
occluders good biocompatibility; displacement are treated surgically; bronchial
super elasticity; good common; not suitable for fistulas above grade 1–3
airtightness peripheral fistulas bronchial segments

Silicone stent Good biocompatibility Limited type; poor 77% 29%19 Fistulas that take longer
and tolerance; can be adaptability; difficult to recover or are caused
processed on-site; not to place under flexible by malignant diseases;
easy to form granulation bronchoscope surgery is inappropriate or

Covered metal Good support; Prone to granulation 67–100% 3–4320–24 Suitable for different fistula
stent unbreakable; tissue formation; locations; bronchial fistula
good airtightness; membrane or metal due to malignancy
variable in shape destruction

EBVs One-way valve structure More complications such 67–93% 15–22%25–28 Peripheral fistulas; the
that allows air and fluids as infection, migration surgical stump was long
out but keeps them from and granulation tissue enough, and the diameter
getting into the diseased formation; costly of the fistula was ⩾3 and
part of the lung ⩽8 mm28

EWS Available in three sizes; Poor stability; difficult to 40–86% 17–50%29–31 Intractable BPF; peripheral
rapid occlusion of target place fistulas

ASD, atrial septal detect; BPF, bronchopleural fistula; EBVs, endobronchial valves; EWS, endobronchial Watanabe spigot; VSD, ventricular septal

finally fistula closure. As early as 1977, two arti- Alcaraz et al.41 explored the surgical treatment of
cles32,33 reported the successful treatment of BPF bronchial fistulas with ethanolamine oleate and
using glue and lead shots for the first time, respec- showed complete closure in 75% (6/8) of patients.
tively. Since then, ethanol, fibrin glue, albumin- However, no randomised controlled studies have
glutaraldehyde tissue adhesive, oxidised been conducted that compare the advantages,
regenerated cellulose, ethyl-2-cyanoacrylate and disadvantages and safety of various occlusion
silver nitrate have been reported successively.34–39 agents. Furthermore, most successful cases
Although not commonly used, argon plasma involve fistulas of the peripheral type; therefore,
coagulation can be an alternative treatment for this technique may not be widely used for BPF
small and uncomplicated BPF cases.40 Recently, closure. The choice of occlusion material still 3
Therapeutic Advances in
Respiratory Disease Volume 17

depends on the size of the fistula and the patient’s Airway stent
underlying condition. Airway stenting is more widely used in malignant
BPF. It provides immediate symptomatic relief
and significantly improves the patient’s quality of
Atrial septal defect/ventricular septal defect life. Airway stents include metal and silicone vari-
occluders ants. There are advantages and disadvantages to
Atrial septal defect (ASD)/ventricular septal various stents, but the needs of the individual
defect (VSD) occluders were first used to treat patient, as well as the condition of the fistula,
ASD/VSD of the heart. Kramer et al.42 described must be taken into account when deciding which
the effective treatment of two patients with BPF stent to use.
after pneumonectomy using Amplatzer ASD
devices for the first time, heralding a broad
increase in prospects for the treatment of BPF Silicone stent
with ASD/VSD occluders. The device has a The Dumon silicone stent is the most commonly
double-disc mesh structure made of woven used stent invented by Dumon and was first used
nickel-titanium alloy wire with self-expanding in patients with external compressional stenosis
properties. It can contract within the catheter of the main airway.45 Silicone stents can be classi-
and be delivered via catheter into the fistula site fied as straight stents or Y-stents. Straight stents
for subsequent release to seal the fistula by the are mainly used for lesions involving the upper or
waist, with the double discs located on each side middle trachea or mainstem bronchi, while
of the fistula. The waist size varies from 4 to Y-stents are most suitable for lesions involving
40 mm, so the device can be matched to the size the lower trachea, tracheal carina, mainstem
of the fistula and is equally suitable for patients bronchi and secondary carina.46 In BPF treat-
with fistula diameters ⩾8 mm. While there is no ment, silicone stents are rarely used because of
standard for the selection of the waist diameter their limited type and poor adaptability. However,
of the occluders, Motus et al.43 recommended silicone stents can overcome this disadvantage
that the waist should be 30% wider than the through manual modifications on-site, such as
diameter of the fistula. In congenital heart dis- cutting, suturing and snapping. Moreover, sili-
eases, the size of occluders chosen should be cone stents have the advantages of durability, ease
comparable to or slightly more than the diame- of removal and low cost compared with metal
ter of the fistula (within 2 mm).44 In a study of stents. Zeng et al.19 retrospectively analysed the
31 patients with BPF, Fruchter et al.16 found clinical data of 17 patients with BPF who under-
that 96% of patients had immediate sympto- went bronchoscopic placement of a modified
matic relief after treatment with Amplatzer Y-shaped silicone stent, and 16 patients were suc-
occluders (19 cases of ASD occluders and 12 cessfully stented (initial success rate: 94.1%). All
cases of vascular plugs) and performed well at patients had improved respiratory symptoms,
subsequent follow-up times. The device induced with a clinical success rate of 76.5%. For refrac-
local granulation tissue formation, which tory BPF, placement of the modified silicone
enhanced their fistula occlusion without affect- stent could be an effective and safe option.
ing airway patency. Zhang et al.18 also invented However, the stent needs to be completed under
a ‘sheath-free method’ for the placement of the a rigid bronchoscope, which is more demanding
ASD occluder, making the placement more for the operator. In addition, silicone stents have
convenient and efficient in clinical use. However, been used in conjunction with covered metal
there are some reports that the device carries the stents in patients with serious malignant airway
risk of displacement and infection.13,17 At pre- stenosis and fistulas.47 This hybrid stent approach
sent, the treatment of BPF with cardiac occlud- involves a Y-shaped silicone stent to maintain
ers is still ‘off-label’ and is contingent on the central airway ventilation and a metal-covered
specifics of the condition and the wishes of the stent placed distal to the Y-shaped silicone stent
patient and their family. Thus, there is a need to reconstruct the airway from the main ramus to
for continuous improvement of the device in the the distal main bronchus and to seal the fistula.
future, to make it more adaptable to the envi- The results of that study showed immediate relief
ronment of the airway to provide treatment pro- of dyspnoea and improvement in various scores
tection for otherwise inoperable patients. after placement of the hybrid stent. Furthermore,

L Jin and Y Li

there were no serious complications associated Stent management

with the hybrid stent within 6 months of place- Tracheal stents are correlated with improved
ment. However, that study lacked control for overall survival and reduced mortality in several
single-stent placement, and the sample size was studies.52 However, both metal and silicone stents
small. Thus, extensive studies exploring the pro- are foreign bodies, and complications such as
longed benefits and safety of hybrid stents are infection, granulation tissue formation, stent
warranted. migration and mucus plugging are inevitable.
Currently, some studies comparing silicone and
metal stents in malignant airway disease showed
Metal stent no significant differences in symptom relief,
In 1989, Simonds et al.48 first placed a self- safety, complication rates or survival between the
expanding metal stent into the trachea for bron- two types of stents.53,54 In addition, stent place-
chial obstruction. Subsequently, metal stents ment into the trachea is not a one-time event and
have gained widespread use in various respiratory requires regular management and maintenance.
diseases. Yet the use of tracheal stents to treat Bronchoscopy is recommended 48–72 h after
benign tracheal diseases has been warned against successful stent placement to confirm whether
by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the stent is in place.55 Then, bronchoscopy
because of the risk of stent-related complications should be followed weekly to determine stent sta-
and difficulties associated with their removal.49 tus and clear airway secretions. The follow-up
In BPF, metal stents are not routinely used, but time can be extended to once a month after the
in a few carefully selected patients, self-expand- patient’s condition improves. The data suggest
ing covered stents may be used with caution. that bronchoscopy within 4–6 weeks after stent
Furthermore, the stent is not left in the body for placement may help in the early detection of
too long, to reduce complications if the condition complications and their subsequent manage-
permits. The metal mesh provides good support ment.56 This hints that patients should be actively
and is resistant to fracture, while the laminate followed up and reviewed to lower the probability
surface is effective in sealing the fistula. Menna of complications.
et al.20 evaluated the efficacy of conical covered
stents in the treatment of postoperative BPF and
found that permanent closure of bronchial dehis- Endobronchial valves
cence was achieved in all patients without recur- The endobronchial valve (EBV) is a novel device
rence. In almost all patients (91.7%), the stent for the management of BPF, further categorised
was successfully removed and not replaced due as Zephyr endobronchial valve (ZEBV, Pulmonx
to the patient recovering from the fistula. Covered Inc., Neuchatel, Switzerland) and intrabronchial
bullet stents, which have an occlusive bullet at valve (IBV, Spiration Inc., Redmond, WA, USA),
one end, also have been shown to be a feasible originally designed for bronchoscopic lung
and safe option for treating BPFs in several stud- decompression procedures. Following approval
ies.50,51 Han et al.21 described their experience of the IBV by the FDA in 2008 under the
with 148 patients undergoing postoperative BPF Humanitarian Device Exemption Program for
using customised, covered metallic stents. The patients with persistent air leaks after parenchy-
stent shape can be adjusted according to the mal lung resection, the bronchial valve has been
position and length of the bronchial stump. They successfully used for postoperative persistent BPF
achieved a success rate of 96.6% in patients with occlusion.25,57,58 The ZEBV was also approved by
BPF who underwent first time airway occlusion the FDA in 2018 to treat breathing difficulties
stent implantation. This still underscores the associated with severe emphysema. The device is
importance of individualised treatment for BPF. a one-way valve structure that allows air and flu-
However, stent placement in this article was ids out but keeps them from getting into the dis-
done under fluoroscopy, which, if assisted by eased part of the lung, thereby reducing air leaks
bronchoscope, may improve the success rate of and the incidence of obstructive pneumonia. It
sealing the bronchial fistula and reduce the risk can also be placed through a flexible broncho-
of incorrect placement. The customisation of scope under general or local anaesthesia. A
metal supports often takes time, and how to pro- recent study27 observed that EBVs therapy was
cess them in the field is still the subject of con- effective in more than 70% of patients with BPF
stant investigation. and prolonged air leaks, with no intraoperative or 5
Therapeutic Advances in
Respiratory Disease Volume 17

postoperative complications. An interesting find- BPF closure after pneumonectomy has also
ing is that a higher comorbidity burden appears to been reported.64 Bottoni et al.65 performed a
be a risk factor for delayed recovery, regardless of study on the treatment of post-pneumonectomy
the EBVs implantation status.59 To reduce the BPF with bronchoscopic autologous fat fillers
risk of infection, migration and granulation tissue and observed a 100% success rate without
formation, it is now recommended that the valve rejection, with positive efficacy observed even
be removed 4–6 weeks after placement or upon in fistulas >8 mm in diameter. MSCs trans-
resolution of the air leak.60 Furthermore, the cost plantation technology may be a new option for
of these valves is a drawback that prevents their treating severe lung diseases with a broad devel-
widespread use in clinical practice. opmental perspective. It is currently used only
in cases where other interventions have failed,
and large-scale clinical trials are still needed to
Endobronchial Watanabe spigot investigate the effectiveness of MSCs in such
The endobronchial Watanabe spigot (EWS), settings.
first invented by Watanabe and his team in
1991,61 is a silicone bronchial plug in the form The advent of three-dimensional (3D) printed
of a socket with a studded surface and gripping stents has opened a new era of stent placement.
ends. It is available in three sizes: small, Almost all stents are held in place by the fric-
medium and large, which are 5, 6 and 7 mm in tion created by the pressure applied to the air-
diameter, respectively, allowing adaptation to way wall. Hence, the stent must fit perfectly
different bronchial diameters. EWS can be into airway wall to seal the fistula. As a result, it
simply placed into the target bronchus, usually is important to perform stent placement with-
the peripheral bronchus, by the ‘forceps out stretching the fistula to maximise the ben-
grasp’30 method, the ‘curette’ method31 or the efit. In large part, this can be done by cutting,
‘traction’ method62 under bronchoscopy, suturing or ordering special forms of stents to
thereby preventing air from entering the dis- simulate the human airway structure as closely
eased bronchus. Bronchial obstruction with as possible, which is usually time-consuming
the EWS is an appropriate treatment for BPF and subject to error.52 3D-printed stents can be
when the target bronchus is well-defined. designed to fit an individual in a matter of
Himeji et al.29 found in a retrospective study weeks or even hours by deriving the appropriate
that the application of the EWS had an 85.7% model from CT or bronchoscopic images.66
success rate for cases of pneumothorax, pyo- The 3D printing technology is widely used,
thorax with bronchial fistula and postoperative except for metal stents67 and silicone stents,68
air leakage. The biggest drawback of the EWS biodegradable stents69 and drug-eluting stents70
is migration. To prevent migration, it is recom- that have been reported for airway stenosis. In
mended that EWS should be inserted as far as the future, these are expected to be used in the
possible, and appropriate medications should treatment of BPF. With the rapid advances in
be used to reduce cough.30 The specific timing bronchoscopic treatment technology, treatment
and indications for their placement still require options for large fistulas can now be explored
considerable research. more thoroughly.

Outlook Conclusion
Currently, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are The treatment of BPFs often requires a multi-
starting to be used for the treatment of BPF due disciplinary approach, including thoracic sur-
to their strong differentiation capacity and weak gery and respiratory intervention. There are no
immunogenicity. MSCs can be delivered surgi- uniform guidelines recommending standard-
cally or bronchoscopically to the lesion site and ised treatment of BPF, and bronchoscopic
left to divide and differentiate into specific cells treatment is usually recommended for fistulas
to achieve fistula closure. In 2015, Petrella ⩽8 mm in diameter, but the closure of large fis-
et al.63 successfully treated a patient with BPF tulas remains a challenge. It is worth acknowl-
for the first time with bone marrow MSCs. In edging that bronchoscopic treatment plays an
addition, the use of umbilical cord MSCs for integral role in BPF, and treatments should be

L Jin and Y Li

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