Form 7.Lesson Medicine.

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Form: 7 Date

Topic: Medicine. Медицина

Theme of the lesson: Good Health is Above Wealth.

 повторити й активізувати вивчену лексику по темі;
 удосконалювати навички усного мовлення та аудіювання;
 навички монологічного мовлення, письма;
 розвивати пізнавальний інтерес, пам'ять, увагу, логічне мислення;
 розвивати мовну здогадку, здатність порівнювати мовні явища рідної та іноземної
 розвивати навички готовності до участі в іншомовному спілкуванні;
 виховувати відповідальне ставлення до свого здоров’я та здоров’я оточуючих;
 виховувати в учнів прагнення до здорового способу життя;
 виховувати дисциплінованість, культуру спілкування;
 розширити знання учнів про культуру та традиції народу Англії через прислів’я;
 оволодіти знаннями про основні поняття медицини.

Обладнання: підручник, картки для роботи з лексичним матеріалом, таблиця з

поясненням граматичної структури the Past Perfect Tense,картки для роботи з
граматичним матеріалом.
Тип уроку: повторення вивченого матеріалу.
Форми роботи: індивідуальні, парні, мозковий штурм,групові
Змістові лінії: Здоров’я та безпека життєдіяльності.Охорона здоров’я.
Очікуваний результат:
 удосконалити комунікативні здібності учнів ( розповідати, характеризувати,
висловлювати свої враження, захоплення щодо теми Здоров’я та Медицина);
 закріплять вивчену лексику за темою «Медицина»

Хід року(Procedure)

I.Підготовка до прийняття іншомовного матеріалу.(Aim)

1)Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.1 min
- Good morning, dear pupils!
- I am glad to see you!
- Are you ready for the lesson?
- How are you feeling today?
So the topic of our lesson is “Medicine and our health”

The motto of our lesson is “Health is the wealth”

2)Learning outcomes(очікувані результати) 1 min

At the end of the lesson you will be able to speak about health,translate dialogue and learn
more information about medicine.
3)Уведення іншомовну атмосферу (Warming-up) 3 min
Solving the crossword
Now let’s solve the crossword to find out what our topic is.

1 M
4 I
5 C
6 I
7 N
8 E

1) A season, when children are seldom ill

2) Illness, when ears ache
3) A man, who cures people
4) Useful liquid, which cows give
5) Illness, when stomach ache
6) A useful training habit happening in the morning
7) A doctor, who cures teeth
8) You put it on a broken arm
ІІ. Основна частина(Main part of the lesson)
1.Мотивація навчальної діяльності (метод “Мозковий штурм”) 2 min
People in the medical profession. What do these people do? Match the words and their
1) A dentist looks after patients in hospital
2) A pediatrician examines and treats people’s ears
3) A nurse looks after children and treats their illnesses
4) An ear doctor looks after your teeth

2.Актуалізація лексичних знань . 3 min

Complete the sentences.
Headache, toothache, sore throat, stomachache, pain
in the knee

1. Kate ate too much ice-cream yesterday, and today she has got a ………….…
2. Nick didn’t wash his hands before supper and now he has got a …..…………
3. Tom doesn’t visit his dentist regularly, so he has got a …………..…
4. Ann often has got ………………..because she watches TV from morning till night.
5.Taras played football yesterday.
6.He fell down and now he has got a ………….

3. Розвиток лексичної здогатки.(Brainstorming) 2 min

Matching the proverbs

There can be no doubt that health is very important for any person. There are many proverbs
about health. Have a look at the cards and match two parts of every proverb, read together and
give Ukrainian equivalents. There are some proverbs.
1. Health is in a sound body
2. A sound mind keeps a doctor away
3. An apple a day makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
4. Early to bed and early to rise above wealth

4.Розвиток навичок аудіювання.(Listening skills) 8 min

After listening the dialogue,your task to write down symptoms and treatment
Name Symptoms
5.Role-play in group(гра) 8 min
Your task is to guess the word from the definition. 10 pupils,each of them will have a sentence
with description, and task is find their definition.
1. A piece of paper given by the doctor for treatment (Prescription).

2. If you come to doctor, first of all he will…you. (Examine).

3. A very high temperature.(Fever).

4. If you have pain in the ear, we say we have an….(Earache).

5. A place where the patients come for a check up . (Clinic).

6. We take a temperature with it. (Thermometer).

7. You call it if you need first aid. (Ambulance).

8. What is above wealth? (Health).

6.Speaking skills.(Розвиток навичок усного мовлення).Work in pairs 7 min

Dialogue situation 1
1. dialogue between doctor and patient about fever:
Kabir Good morning, doctor.
Doctor very good morning, pleas sit down.
Kabir Thank you. Can you check my health?
Doctor Sure. What’s your problem?
I have been suffering from fever for the last three days. My final exam is very near
and I’m so worried about my preparation.
Doctor Don’t be worried. Do you have any other symptoms?
Kabir Yes, I do not feel any taste of food and also feel headache.
Doctor Ok, let me check you. Please lie down on the bed.
Kabir Sure, doctor.
I am going to check your temperature. At this time the fever is 38.5degrees. Don’t
worry Kabir, you are suffering from regional fever.
Kabir What should I do?
I am giving you some medicine. Take these medicines for a weak. You will be all
right in a couple of days.
Kabir Doctor, should I need any other tests?
Doctor No, there is nothing serious. Just follow my prescription.
Kabir Thank you, doctor.
Conversation Between a Doctor and a Patient
The patient is going to a doctor for a check up.
Patient: Hello Doctor.
Doctor: Hello, how are you feeling today?
Patient: Not very well, Doctor
Doctor: Ok, tell me about it
Patient: Well, I have a terrible headache.
Doctor: How about your throat?
Patient: It hurts a little.
Doctor: Ok. Do you have a cough?
Patient: Yes, I have a cough, too.
Doctor: Do you feel weak?
Patient: Yes, I get tired very quickly.
Doctor: Let me take your temperature. Hmmm, you have a little fever. It seemsthat you have
the flu.
Patient: Oh, that’s terrible.
Doctor: Don’t worry. Take this medicine and rest.
Patient: Ok. I understand.
Doctor: Please, come back next week for a check up.
Patient: I will. Thank you Doctor.

7.Writing skills.(Розвиток навичок письма). 5 min

Grammar lab Past Perfect

III. Заключна частина

1.Підведення підсумків уроку (бесіда з учнями) 2 min
Agree or disagree with the following statements:
1. You can eat whatever you like and as much as you like.
2. Meat, fish, eggs, nuts contain a lot of Calcium.
3. Milk, yogurt and cheese are rich in Calcium.
4. Fruit and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals.
5. Bread, cheese, rice are good energy products.
6.Sugar rots your teeth but does not make you overweight.

3.Робота з лексичним матеріалом.

I have some sentences with a missed word. So, your task is to name it and complete the

You should stay in ______ if you are ill. (bed)

The doctor ________ me some medicine. (prescribed)
Fruits are useful for our _______. (health)
The _______ pulled my tooth out. (dentist)
I will ______ in 5 days. (recover)
The doctor ______ the patient. (examined).
My mum gave me some _______ . (pills)
I’ve got a terrible ______. (headache)
He saw much _____ on the floor. (blood)
Every winter we have ______ epidemic. (flu)

3.Рефлексія.1 min
Did you know anything new?
What have you learnt today?
Which of you is pleased your work?
4. Повідомлення домашнього завдання 1 min
Past Perfect Task(finish classwork)
5. Оцінювання. 2min
Thank you very much for your work. Have a nice day!

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