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Unit 1 My day

型 “ — When do you…?—I usually/often…at…”“—What do you do on the
教材分析 weekend/Saturdays/Sundays?—I usually/often…”;能够听、说、读、写五个有关日常作息活动的短
语:do morning exercises, eat breakfast, have…class, play sports, eat dinner;能够听、说、读、写四
个日常活动的短语:clean my room, go for a walk, go shopping, take a dancing class。

• 能够听 、 说 、读 、写句型 :“—When do you finish class in the morning? —We finish class at 1 o’
clock.” “—What do you do on the weekend? —I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my
father./ I usually wash my clothes. /Sometimes I cook dinner.”
•能够在情境中运用以下句型询问并回答某人的日常作息与周末安排 :—When do you finish class
in the morning? —We finish class at 1 o’ clock. —What do you do on the weekend?— I often watch
TV and play ping-pong with my father.
•能够在语境中理解词汇“finish class, go back to school, classes start”,并能就学校的课程安排时
间进行问答;能够理解句型“ Why are you shopping today?”“I’ m also hard-working.” 的意思,并
•能够听、说、读、写五个有关日常作息活动的短语: do morning exercises, eat breakfast, have class,
play sports, eat dinner;能够听、说、读、写四个日常活动的短语:clean my room, go for a walk, go
shopping, take a dancing class;能够在语境中正确运用这些短语询问并回答关于日常作息和周末
教学目标 安排的问题、描述日常活动与周末安排
•能够在图片的帮助下理解 Robin 的台词;能够按照正确的语音、语调、意群朗读 Robin 的台词;能
•能够掌握字母组合 cl 和 pl 的发音规则,即 cl 和 pl 在单词中的发音分别为/ kl / 和/ pl /
•能够读出符合 cl 和 pl 的发音规则的单词,并能够根据发音拼写出符合 cl 和 pl 的发音规则的单词
•能够根据 cl / pl 的发音规则拼读、拼写单词

第一课时: Part A Let’ s try & Let’ s talk

第二课时: Part A Let’ s learn & Ask and write
第三课时: Part A Let’ s spell
第四课时: Part B Let’ s try & Let’ s talk
第五课时: Part B Let’ s learn & Do a survey
第六课时: Part B Read and write & Let’ s check & Let’ s wrap it up

The first period(第一课时)

Part A Let’ s try & Let’ s talk


课时教学内容 课时教学目标
Let’ s try •能够从听觉上感知新句型,并根据录音选出适当的图片
•能够通过观察、谈论 Let’ s talk 板块的图片,在图片、PPT 和教师的帮助下理解对话大意
Let’ s talk •能够在情境中运用句型“—When do you…?—I usually/often…at…”询问和回答作息安排
•能够在语境中借助图片等帮助理解频率副词“usually, often, always, sometimes”的意思,并


能够在实际语境中运用句型“—When do you ? —I usually/often at ” 来问答作息时间。




1.预习《状元大课堂》《创优作业 100 分》《状元作业本》中本课时的相关内容。

2.PPT 课件、课文录音、视频、头饰等。


Teaching purpose①

Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in①
1. Greetings.
2. Play a game.
Wolf, Wolf, what time is it now?
T: Now, you are the wolf. I ask, and you answer.
(课件出示:显示不同时间的图片,如:8 点、10 点、12 点、1 点等)
T: Wolf, Wolf, what time is it now?
Ss: It’s eight o’clock / ten o’clock / twelve o’clock / one o’clock /
3. Show a video to students.
The video is about a teacher’ s day.
( 课件出示:一段“教师的一天” 的视频) Teaching purpose②
Step 2: Presentation 此处只出现时间,不
1. Guess the teacher’s timetable.② 行猜测,极大地激励学生
Show the teacher’ s timetable. (课件出示:一张教师的时间安排表) 积极动脑、参与课堂,迅速
Only show the time. Ask students to guess what the teacher does. 掀起课堂小高潮。
T: Guess, what do I do at 6:00?
Ss: Get up at 6:00?
T: You are right.
T: What do I do at 6:30?
Ss: Wash your face?
T: No, I eat breakfast. What do I do at 8:00? Teaching purpose③
Ss: Go to school? 学生两人一组,结合
T: Oh, I start class at 8:00. 教师的时间安排表进行句
(Write down “start class” on the blackboard.) Teach “finish class” 型练习。
in the same way.
2. Pair work.③
One student plays the teacher. The other plays a reporter and asks
questions according to the teacher’s timetable.
S1: When do you…?
S2: I… at…
3. Learn “usually, often, always, sometimes”.④
Show the picture of main scene. ( 课 件 出 示 :Unit 1 主 情 景 图 )
Students answer some questions:
① Who are they? Teaching purpose④
② What are they talking about?
After that, the teacher shows a timetable of Pedro. 词,并以表格形式呈现给
( 课件出示:教材人物 Pedro 的时间安排表) 学生,帮助学生理解与掌
T: When does Pedro get up? 握。
Ss: Often at 7 o’ clock.
T: When does Pedro start class?
Ss: Usually at 9 o’ clock.

The teacher explains the meanings of “usually, often, always,
4. Learn “ Let’ s try”.⑤
Teaching purpose⑤
(1) Students watch the three pictures carefully and predict: Where
are Zhang Peng and Pedro?(课件出示:Let’s try 的图片) 培养学生的听力策略。与
Answer: They are in the classroom. Let’s talk 板块紧密相关,
(2) Listen and tick. 为对话教学做好铺垫。
(3) Check the answer together. (出示课件)
5. Learn “Let’ s talk”.⑥
(1) Fast reading. Teaching purpose⑥
Show the picture of “Let’s talk”. (课件出示: Let’s talk 情景图) 由 于 前面 的铺垫,学
T: Look! Are Zhang Peng and Pedro in the classroom now?
是讲 Pedro 的作息安排,
Ss: No. 并能从课文中快速找到相
T: You are right. They are walking and talking now. What are they 应的活动与时间。
talking about? Read the text and find out the answer.
Students read and find out the answer.
Ss: They are talking about the timetable.
T: Pedro comes from Spain, a beautiful country in Europe. Does he
have the same timetable with Zhang Peng?
Ss: No, he doesn’t.
(2) Read again and match.

(3) Fill in the blanks.

(4) Check the answers.⑦ Teaching purpose⑦

Write down the sentence structures “—When do you? —I… at… ” 通过对话,学生 可 以
on the blackboard. 了解不同国家的学校作息

T: When does Pedro eat dinner? S1: Usually at 9:30 or 10 o’ clock.
T: When do you eat dinner?
S2: Usually at 6 o’ clock.
T: What do you do at 9:30 or 10 o’ clock in the evening?
S3: Go to bed.
T: But Pedro usually eats dinner at 9:30 or 10 o’ clock in the
evening. So we can say, “Wow, that’ s too late!”
Students read the sentence after the teacher.
Step 3: Practice
1. Read and act.⑧
(1) The teacher plays the cartoon of the dialogue. ( 课件出示: Let’ s
Teaching purpose⑧
talk 视频) Students read after it. Pay attention to the pronunciation and
引导 学生按照正确的
the intonation.
(2) Students practice the dialogue in groups. 并能在小组中进行角色扮
(3) Act out. 演。
2. Make a new dialogue.
Ask students to talk about the timetables of their owns. Then make
a dialogue in pairs.
Step 4: Consolidation & Extension⑨
1. Look and talk. Teaching purpose⑨
(课件出示:不同职业的人的时间安排表) 通过 创设 自然真实 的
Let students watch different people’s timetables and talk about 情境,让学生进行角色扮
2. Role-play. 型,培养学生的综合运用
(1) Ask and answer. 语言能力。对学生进行情感
Prepare the headwear of a driver, a cook, a basketball player and a 教育:要尊重每种职业。
T: (Show the headwear of a driver) What do you do?
S1: I’ m a driver.
T: (Show the headwear of a basketball player) What do you do?
S2: I’ m a basketball player.
(2) Make a model.
T: Hello, Cook, when do you get up?
S1: I usually get up at 5:00 o’clock. Hello! Nurse, when do you
have lunch?
T: I often have lunch at 2:00 o’clock.
(3) Students work in groups.
(4) Show time.
Summary: Labor creates beauty. Everyone has his / her value. We
should respect the jobs of other people.



1. Practice the dialogue.

2. Do the exercises.(见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业 100 分》P1 第三题)



▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims

Let’s try
• Be able to perceive the new sentence structures from the auditory, and be able to listen to the
dialogue and choose the right picture.
Let’s talk
• Be able to understand the main idea of the dialogue by observing and talking about the pictures.
• Be able to read the dialogue and act out.

• Use the sentence structures “—When do you…? —I usually…at…” properly.
• Be able to understand the meaning of the frequency adverbs “usually, often, always, sometimes”
in the context and pronounce them correctly.

▶ Teaching Priorities
•Be able to understand the sample sentences. Try to imitate the sentence structures.

▶Teaching Difficulties
•Be able to read the dialogue correctly and fluently.

▶Teaching Procedures
Teaching Stages Teacher’ s Activities Students’ Activities Teaching Purposes
1. Greetings. 1. Greetings. Cultivate students’
Warm-up &
2. Play a game. 2. Play a game. learning interest. Lead
3. Show a video to students. 3. Watch the video. in the topic.
Create “information
1. Guess the teacher’s
Learn the new phrases. gap” to help students
learn the new phrases.
Practise the main
Practise the sentence
2. Pair work. sentences to prepare for
the next part.
Observe the picture of
main scene and answer
Practise sentences and
the questions.
get to know the
3. Learn “usually, often, Understand the
meanings of frequency
always, sometimes”. meanings of the words
“usually, often, always,
Develop the listening
Predict the picture.
strategies of students
4. Learn “Let’s try”. Listen to the recording
and prepare for “Let’ s
and tick the right one.
Understand the main
5. Learn “Let’s talk”. idea of the text.
Read the text. Finish
(1) Fast reading. Practice the key
the exercises. Check
(2) Read again and match. sentence structures.
the answers with the
(3) Fill in the blanks. Cultivate students’
(4)Check the answers. analytical and logical
thinking ability.
Practice 1. Read and act. Read after the Make sure the students
recording. Practice and read the dialogue

Teaching Stages Teacher’ s Activities Students’ Activities Teaching Purposes
act out. correctly and fluently.
Work in pairs to share
2. Make a new dialogue. the timetables of their Practise the dialogue.
1. Look at different Create a natural reality
1. Look and talk. people’s timetables and situation. Students can
talk about them. use the sentences
Consolidation &
reasonably. Cultivate
2. Role-play. 2. Do the role-play.
language using ability.
1. Practice the dialogue.
2. Do the exercises.


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