The sixth period(第六课时)

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The sixth period(第六课时)

Part B Read and write & Let’ s check & Let’ s wrap it up


课时教学内容 课时教学目标
•能够在图片和教师的帮助下读懂 Robin 的台词
•能够在语境中理解词汇:play, letter, island, early, cave, Friday;能够在情境中运用短语 live on,
get up, wash my face, eat breakfast, clean my cave, go swimming, play sports
Read and write
Let’ s check
Let’ s wrap it up •能够在教师的帮助下进行 go, play, have, do 等动词搭配的小结,然后完成选词


能够读懂 Read and write 板块的信件,简单了解《鲁滨逊漂流记》中的主人公 Robinson。


能够按正确的语音、语调及意群朗读并表演 Robinson 的台词,并能在有意义的语境中仿写。


1.预习《状元大课堂》《创优作业 100 分》《状元作业本》中本课时的相关内容。

2.PPT 课件、课文录音、视频、表演小道具等。


Teaching purpose①
本节课是了解 Robinson
Crusoe 的日常生活安排,在

Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in
1. Greetings.
2. Lead-in.①
Make a competition between boys and girls.
(1) Chain talk.
T: What do you do on the weekend?
S1: I often play basketball.
S2: I usually do homework.
S3: Sometimes I go shopping with my mum.
(2) Pre-reading.
T: Last class I required you to understand the main idea of
Robinson Crusoe. Did you do it?
Ss: Yes, I did.
T: Great! Now let’s learn something about it together.

Show the brief introduction of the book on the PPT. (出示课件)

T: Who are the characters?
Ss: Robinson and Friday.
T: Why is he called Friday?
Ss: Because Robinson met him on Friday.
T: Great! Now, let’s watch the video about Robinson. (出示课件)
Step 2: Presentation Teaching purpose②
1. Fast reading.② 并根据任务情况快速筛选有
(课件出示:Read and write 中 Robin 扮演的鲁滨逊图片) 效信息,让学生初步感知文
Play the recording of the whole text. ( 出 示 课 件 ) Let students 章大意,有效培养学生科学
listen and read the text carefully. 的阅读习惯和策略。
(1) Look, listen and read.
T: Robin is in a play. He is Robinson now. Here is a letter from him.
What does Robinson do? Now, let’s listen, read and find.
(2) Read and circle.
Students read and circle what Robinson does.

The teacher and students check the answers together.

(Write down “get up early, wash my face, eat breakfast, go
swimming, play sports, clean the cave” on the blackboard.)
2. Careful reading.③
(1) Learn the first paragraph.
Teaching purpose③
Students read carefully and finish exercises 1~2 in “Tick or cross”.
Check the answers. (出示课件) 文本细节,完成对文本的深
Students read after the recording sentence by sentence (the first 层次理解。
paragraph). The teacher explains the new words: live on, island, cave.
T: I live in a city. How about Robinson? Does he live in a city?
Ss: No.
T: (课件出示:小岛图片) Look, he lives on an island.
Students read “is-land, island, live on an island” after the teacher.
T: Where does Robinson live? In a house?

Ss: No, he lives in a cave.
T: (课件出示:洞穴图片) Look! This is a cave.
Students read “cave” after the teacher.
(Write down “live on an island, cave” on the blackboard.)
(2) Learn the second paragraph.
Students read carefully and finish exercise 3 in “Tick or cross”.
Check the answer. (出示课件)
The teacher explains the language points: go swimming, in the water, play sports.
T: Robinson said, “I often go swimming in the water.” Look, which picture is right, Picture A or
Picture B?

Ss: Picture B.
T: Let’s go swimming in the water! Follow me. Go swimming in the water.
The teacher does the action and says the sentence. Students follow the teacher.
T: Who is Robinson’s friend? What’s his name?
Ss: Friday.
T: Look, what are they doing? (课件出示:Read and write 场景图)
Ss: They are playing basketball.
T: Yes. They often play sports together.
Students read the phrase after the teacher.
Students read after the recording sentence by sentence (the second paragraph).
(3) Learn the third paragraph.
Students read after the recording sentence by sentence (the third paragraph).
The teacher explains the new language points: is good at, win.
T: Look, Yao Ming is a basketball player. He is good at playing basketball.
Lang Lang is a pianist and he is good at playing the piano.
Sun Yang is a swimmer and he is good at swimming.
T: If you are good at something, you can win the game.
(Write down “is good at, win “on the blackboard.)
(4) Read the whole text after the recording.
3. Retell the story.④
(1) Students fill in the blanks.

Teaching purpose④
出 Robinson 的关键活动,
(2) Retell the text with the help of the mind map. 关键词复述完整文本的能力。
(课件出示:Read and write 的思维导图)
4. Read and act.⑤
Three students work in a group. One is the narrator. One plays
Robinson. One plays Friday. Teaching purpose⑤
Step 3: Practice 每个学生都有天生的表
Post-reading: Write a letter to Robinson. 演兴趣。通过明确分工,借
(课件出示:Read and write 第二部分练习) 助道具、动作等,帮助学生
Let students finish the task. Then ask some of them to read to the 在表演中更好地理解文本和
class. 其中。
Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
1. Let’s check.⑥
(1) Look and say.
Teaching purpose⑥
Show the four pictures. (课件出示:Let’ s check 四幅图)
Students say the activities according to the four pictures in order. 动中,培养学生专心听录音
(2) Listen and tick. 的意识,提高学生的听力水
(3) Check the answers. (课件出示:听力材料及答案) 平。在写的活动中,培养学
(4) Give answers about yourself. 生活学活用、能正确书写的
Let students write down the sentences. Then ask some of them to
read to the class.
2. Let’s wrap it up.⑦
(1) Read and match.
Show the eleven words and phrases in the text on the PPT. (出示课 Teaching purpose⑦
件) The teacher encourages students to match the verbs with the nouns. 搭配的掌握情况,培养学生
(2) Check the answers. (出示课件) 的归类意识以及书写能力。



1. Recite and act out the text.

2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业 100 分》或《状元作业本》对应课



▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims

Read and write

•Be able to understand the main idea of the text. Know the words and the phrases: play, letter,
island, early, cave, live on, get up, wash my face, eat breakfast, clean my cave, go swimming, play
• Be able to finish the exercises about the text.
• Be able to read the text and act out.
Let’s check
•Be able to use the key words and sentences correctly.
•Be able to understand, write and use the phrases in real context.
Let’s warp it up
•Be able to read and categorize the diverse phrases.

▶ Teaching Priorities
•Be able to understand the main idea of the text in “Read and write”.

▶Teaching Difficulties
•Be able to understand, read and role-play the text.
•Be able to imitate the sentences and write new ones.

▶Teaching Procedures
Teacher’ s Activities Students’ Activities Teaching Purposes
Lead in the topic “Robinson “by
1. Greetings.
introducing the main idea of the
2. Lead-in.
1. Greetings. book and watching the cartoon.
(1) Talk to the teacher.
2. Lead-in. Cultivate students’ learning
Warm-up & (2) Get to know the
(1) Chain talk. interest.
Lead-in main. idea of Robinson
(2) Pre-reading.
Crusoe Watch the video
about Robinson.

1. Fast reading. Listen to the recording,

(1) Look, listen and read the text and then Make students understand the
read. circle what Robinson main idea of the text.
(2) Read and circle. does.
2. Careful reading.
Finish “Tick or cross
(1) Learn the first Make students understand the
“questions 1 & 2. Finish
paragraph. (2) Learn text better by some detailed
“Tick or cross” question
the second paragraph. questions. Cultivate students’
3. Listen to the recording
(3)Learn the third intensive reading strategy.
Presentation and follow.
Fill in the blanks, then The mind map helps students
3. Retell the story. retell the text with the understand and retell the text
help of the mind map. more easily.
Make sure the students read the
Three students are in a
text correctly and fluently.
group. One is the
4. Read and act. Cultivate students’ creative and
narrator, one plays
imaginative abilities by role-
Robinson, one is Friday.
Help students imitate the text
Post-reading: Write a Write one’s own letter to
Practice and write a letter. Practise
letter to Robinson. students’ writing ability.
(1) Students look at the
1. Let’s check. pictures and say the
Develop students’ listening
(1) Look and say. activities.
ability. Consolidate phrases and
Consolidatio (2) Listen and tick. (2) Tick the right answer.
sentences by writing. Improve
n& (3) Check the answers. (3) Check the answers
students’ English thinking
Extension (4) Give answers about with the teacher.
yourself. (4) Write the sentences
on the line.
2. Let’s warp it up. (1) Students read the Cultivate students’ ability to

Teacher’ s Activities Students’ Activities Teaching Purposes
words and do the
(1) Read and match. categorize. Master the usages of
(2) Check the answers. some fixed collocations.
(2) Check the answers.
1. Recite and act out the text.
2. Do the exercises.


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