The second period(第二课时)

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The second period(第二课时)

Part A Let’s learn & Read and match


课时教学内容 课时教学目标

•能够听、说、读、写单词 spring, summer, autumn, winter, season

Let’ s learn

Read and match •阅读句子并完成图片与句子的匹配活动


能够听、说、读、写单词 spring, summer, autumn, winter, season;能够在语境中询问并回答最喜





1.预习《状元大课堂》《创优作业 100 分》《状元作业本》中本课时的相关内容。

2.PPT 课件、课文录音等。


Teaching purpose①

Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in①
1. Greetings.
2. Quick response.
Show some pictures one by one on the PPT. Pictures are about four
seasons. Students say the season quickly according to the picture on the

3. Lead-in.
T: How many seasons are there in a year?
Ss: Four.
T: What are they?
Ss: Spring, summer, autumn and winter. T: Which season do you
like best, S1?
S1: Spring. It’s warm.
T: What can you do in spring?
S1: I can fly a kite.
T: Which season do you like best, S2?
S2: …
Step 2: Presentation
1. Let’s learn.②
T: There are four seasons in a year. Can you guess my favourite Teaching purpose②
season? 教师通过让学生猜测自
Ss: Spring? 出本课时的重点短语。
T: Sorry. It’s not spring. Any other answer?
Ss: Summer?
T: Nice guess! Do you know why?
Ss: …
T: I like swimming. I can go swimming in summer every day.
The teacher teaches the phrase “go swimming”. Students learn the Teaching purpose③
phrase. 通过一个学生在前面做
2. Let’s guess.③ 动作,其他学生猜季节的游
One student does some actions. He / She can do actions in different 戏来活跃课堂气氛,并进一
seasons in front of the class. The others guess which season it is. 握。
3. Pair work.
Ask students to make dialogues like this:
A: Which season do you like best?
B: Winter. Teaching purpose④
A: What can you do in winter?
录音跟读。 引导学生按照正
B: I can make a snowman.
4 对话,并能在小组中进行角
Choose some students to show their dialogues.
4. Read and act.④
(1) Students read after the recording of “Let’s learn”. Pay attention
to the pronunciation and the intonation.
(2) Let students practise the dialogue in groups.
(3) Act out.
Step 3: Practice⑤
1. Watch and think.
The teacher shows the pictures of “Read and match”. ( 课件出示: Teaching purpose⑤
Read and match 四幅图片 ) Let students watch the pictures. Then ask 观察图片找出四季特征
them to find out the features of the four seasons. 的活动可以培养学生的思维
2. Read and match.
(1) The teacher leads students to understand the following
Spring is green with flowers and songs.
Summer is hot and the days are long.
Autumn is golden and farmers are busy.
Winter is white and the year is gone.
(2) Students read the sentences and match.
3. Check the answers. (课件出示: Read and match 答案)
Teaching purpose⑥
Step 4: Consolidation & Extension⑥
1. Do a survey.
Divide students into several groups and choose a group leader in 作意识与语言交际能力,同
each group. Let the group leaders do a survey in their groups. Ask about 时可以提升学生的学习兴趣
their team members’ favourite seasons and the reasons. Then make a 并且锻炼学生的思维能力。
2. Make a report.
Let students make a report in class. They can do it like this:
In group…, S1 likes …best. It is…He / She can…in…
S2 likes… best. It is… He / She can… in…
S3 likes… best. It is… He / She can… in…
S4 likes… best. It is… He / She can… in…



1. Talk about family members’ favourite seasons.

2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业 100 分》或《状元作业本》对应课



▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims

Let’s learn
•Be able to listen, speak, read and write the words “spring, summer, autumn, winter, season”.
•Be able to use the five words properly in the real scene.
Read and match
•Finish the task of “Read and match”.

▶ Teaching Priorities

•Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new words “spring, summer, autumn, winter, season”.
•Be able to ask and answer about one’s favourite season in the context.

▶Teaching Difficulties

•Be able to talk about one’s own favourite season fluently.

▶Teaching Procedures

Teaching Stages Teacher’ s Activities Students’ Activities Teaching Purposes

1. Greetings. Cultivate students’ learning

1. Greetings. 2. Say the words interest. Review the words and
2. Quick response. quickly. the sentences that they have
& Revision
3. Lead-in. 3. Talk about the learned in the last lesson. Lead
seasons. in the new lesson.

1. Let’s learn.
Learn the phrase “go
Teach the phrase Lead in the new knowledge.
“go swimming”.

One student does some Stimulate students’ learning

2. Let’s guess. actions and others guess interest. Consolidate the words
which season it is. of four seasons.

3. Pair work.
Presentation Ask students to
Make dialogues and Practise the sentence structures
make dialogues and
show in class. properly.
show them to the

4. Read and act.

Read after the recording.
Play the recording
Then practise the Make sure students read the
and ask students to
dialogue in groups and dialogue correctly and fluently.
practise the dialogue
act it out.
and act it out.

1. Watch and think.

Watch the pictures and
Show the four Cultivate students’ thinking
find out the features of
pictures and give a ability.
four seasons.
Practice task.

Finish the task of “Read Practise the new words and the
2. Read and match.
and match”. sentences.

Teaching Stages Teacher’ s Activities Students’ Activities Teaching Purposes

3. Check the Check the answers with

answers. the teacher.

Check students’ understanding

Consolidation & 1. Do a survey. 1. Do a survey in groups.
of the features of the four
Extension 2. Make a report. 2. Make a report in class.

1.Talk about family members’ favourite seasons.

2. Do the exercises.

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