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79 yalleria Rusticana: Mascagni. ROMANZA. Largo assai sestenuto. (d= 50.) eters So ns {0 <3, a Voi lo sa-petey oo mam-ma, —pri-ma danedar~ sol - Surely you know ah, — Moth er, Longere to war he was dy to Tusrid- du a-veva_a Lo- Ia e- -tersna f& gin rato, a - go tne, Tu vid dugucetroth to Lo tay For exer is love be storing, Pledgit ~terona R gu - a Tor = nd, ‘1a sep=pe Vidi heart “he ~ slo ~ Al dash, bnowing she —— z 14018 30 spo = sa; © con un muoxo_a = mo- re vol- le spe-gner Ia wed ded, Findsing his tove she slight - ed, AM his sonlk deep af - che li brusciasva it - te ma - mb, Foud-ty to me he plight ~ ed? Loved met ma-i. loved dim, ay tele te Lf Mrantiosoarigss. tt. te a in - vi-da do = gui de-li-zia ew ~ ried my priceless BP legatissimo mi - a, del suo spo-so di ~ men-ti- ca, treasure, Sought to win back the lore teil lst; ar. se di ge - lo- si- a, ar = se di ge-lo- Feat = ous be-vond all measure, jel ~ ous beyond all infra. € string. assat be ‘ si Me Tha ra - pi - meas F me Tha ra - cm me she lured Srom me she 14018 = P Pri-va dell’ o-nor Tho! thus my hon- or is => _—_ P it r cresc. ed animando, bi fe ree enimande, oy del’ o- nor mi-o ri - man - gu: Lo-lag Tu-rid - du ed, — Patience! the woreng shall be right - ef! — Lota, Tu-rid = du, —~ -—F yy aoe \ ‘ cresc. ed animando, = Sas = ma no, To-lag Tu-rid - du sa ma-n0, io. Tove _ once moret Jota, Tu-rid - du, love __once more! And, if ae ont go, io pian - go, 10 pian = senpystill L— weepystill F 14018,

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