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Understanding Architecture of Ancient Temples

and Unveiling the Stories Etched on Them

Girish Nikam
Department of Computer Engineering
Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering and Technology
Vasai, India

Asst. Prof. Tanya D’souza

Project Guide
First Year Engineering
Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering and Technology
Vasai, India

Abstract - This paper examines the previous research and breakdown of

role of inscriptions and sculptures on structures depending on various aspects
ancient Indian temples and how their like geography, geometry, and period of
architecture reflects the social lives and time. This research will uncover the
ideas of the people of that time. It aims to ideas of the people at that time. It will
decipher how these visual and textual also study the structures using “vastu”
narratives reflected and influenced the and look at them in a different way. Field
social and religious practices of the research will be conducted by visiting the
communities that built and worshipped old temple of Patnadevi.
within these sacred spaces. The temples
By drawing upon the insights gleaned
of ancient India have always been
from these diverse sources, the research
monuments not only to worship but also
seeks to establish a deeper understanding
to hold the social and cultural fabric
of the relationship between ancient
together. It will decode these stories
Indian temple architecture and the lives
etched on the walls of temples and peek
of the people it served. The temple serves
into the golden era of our ancestors.
as the center of education by depicting
This research investigates the captivating the stories of gods and goddesses. This
stories etched onto the very skin of these study will reveal the important events of
temples – the sculptures and inscriptions history as the inscriptions on the walls
adorning their external walls. It will and the temples themselves might be
conduct a comprehensive analysis of built on an occasion of great importance
sculptures on the outer walls, examining also providing us valuable insights about
their themes, styles, and depictions of the social and political landscape of the
everyday life, rituals, and professions. period. Studying the art of ancient
This analysis will be enriched by architecture will also tell us about the
studying the accompanying inscriptions, visions of artisans and scholars as their
which often provide details about ideas reflect on the things they do; this
religious practices and historical events. will also explain to us how the Indian
It will also include references from temples got their unique charisma and
how the energy they emit is different in the ancient Indian science of
each temple. architecture. By examining how temple
This research has the potential to structures were designed and positioned
significantly enrich our understanding of according to these principles, we can
ancient Indian society. By deciphering gain a deeper understanding of the
the messages embedded in the outer walls symbolic importance and intended
of these temples, it can give us a more energy flow within these sacred spaces.
holistic view of the lives of the people who
built, worshipped, and found solace
within their sacred walls. 2. PROBLEM STATEMENT
Keywords - Architecture, ancient Indian We all know Indian temples are
temples, social life, inscriptions, vastu. beautiful and impressive, but how
exactly do they show us what life was
like for the people who built and used
them? This research looks to answer that
Indian architecture stands as a testament
question by focusing on three key areas:
to the rich tapestry of the subcontinent's
history, culture, and belief systems. Pictures in Stone: We'll analyze the
These magnificent structures transcend carvings on the temple walls, like scenes
their role as places of worship, serving of daily life, rituals, and different jobs
as silent chronicles of the lives, ideas, people had. What can these carvings tell
and social fabric of the communities that us about the past?
built them.
Whispers from the Walls: Temples often
This research delves into the captivating have inscriptions, like messages carved
narratives etched onto the very skin of in stone. By studying these, we can try
these temples – the sculptures and to understand the religious practices,
inscriptions adorning their external historical events, and even why the
walls. By analyzing the themes, styles, temples were built in the first place.
and depictions of everyday life, rituals,
The Secret Science: Vastu Shastra is an
and professions portrayed in the
ancient Indian way of designing
sculptures, we can gain valuable
buildings. We'll explore how it
insights into the social realities of the
influenced the structure of the temples
time. These insights will be further
and how it might have affected the way
enriched by studying the accompanying
people felt inside them.
inscriptions, which often provide details
about religious practices, historical By looking at these things together, this
events, and even the visions of the research aims to create a clearer picture
artisans and scholars who brought these of how ancient Indian society
structures to life. functioned and how temple architecture
played a role in their lives.
Furthermore, this research will explore
the fascinating world of Vastu Shastra, 3. METHODOLOGY
This research will utilize a multi-layered 3. Understanding Vastu Shastra: This
methodological approach to decipher ancient Indian science of architecture is
the stories embedded within the walls of believed to have influenced the design
ancient Indian temples. At its core lies a and layout of temples. Through a
commitment to fieldwork and close literature review of existing research on
observation. The chosen temple site Vastu Shastra, we will gain a theoretical
will be meticulously examined, with framework for analyzing the chosen
detailed documentation of the sculptures temple. Furthermore, consultations
and inscriptions adorning the external with architects or scholars familiar with
walls. This data will then be subjected Vastu Shastra principles will offer
to a series of in-depth analyses, each valuable insights into the intended
offering a unique lens through which to spatial arrangements and energy flow
understand the narratives woven into the within the temple complex. By
temple's architecture. analyzing the temple layout, orientation
of structures, and use of geometric
1. Visual Analysis of Sculptures: This
shapes, we can then compare these
analysis will involve classifying the
observations with known Vastu Shastra
sculptures based on their themes, such
principles to understand their potential
as depictions of deities, rituals, or
influence on the temple's design.
everyday life. Furthermore, a stylistic
examination will be conducted, focusing By employing these diverse
on artistic choices like drapery, facial methodologies and drawing upon
expressions, and figure proportions. By expertise from various fields, this
comparing these stylistic elements with research seeks to paint a holistic picture
those found in other temples, we can of the stories embedded within the walls
glean valuable insights into the period of ancient Indian temples.
and region where the temple was built.
2. Deciphering Inscriptions: Once
documented, the inscriptions on the
temple walls will be meticulously
analyzed, focusing on details like names
of donors, historical events
commemorated, or religious practices
mentioned. Additionally, established
dating techniques will be employed to
understand the inscriptions' placement
within the historical timeline. While
collaboration with epigraphists (experts
in ancient inscriptions) might be
necessary depending on the complexity
of the script, the focus here will be on
interpreting the content itself, not the
process of deciphering the script.

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