The sixth period (第六课时)

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The sixth period(第六课时)

Part B Read and write & Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up

▶ 教学内容与目标

课时教学内容 课时教学目标
 能够听、说、认读单词或短语:game, riddle, act, act out, RSVP, by
Read and write  能够在图片的帮助下读懂请柬,并能完成读后判断句子正误的活动
 能够参考例词,根据设定的情境,写出含有核心句型的三个句子
 能够阅读表格信息,听音圈词
Let’s check
 能够关注细节信息,听录音回答问题,在横线上写出答句
Let’s wrap it up  能够在教师帮助下总结 in, at, on 与时间搭配的基本规则,并完成选词填空练习


1.能够听、说、认读单词或短语: game, riddle, act, act out, RSVP, by。




1.预习《状元大课堂》《创优作业 100 分》《状元作业本》中本课时的相关内容。
2.PPT 课件、课文录音、视频等。


Teaching purpose①
在读前活动中 ,通过呈
句 型 “ — When is…? —It’s
in…” 同 时 引 出 短 语
“English party”,为读中环

Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in
1. Greetings.
2. Lead-in.①
Show the pictures of festivals and activities. Then ask students
some questions. (课件出示:植树节、端午节、中秋节、春节及英语聚会
T: Look at this picture. What festival is it?
Ss: It’s Tree Planting Day/…
T: When is Tree Planting Day/… ?
Ss: It’s in…
T: Look, students and the teacher are playing English game. They
are in the—English party.
(Write down “English party” on the blackboard.)

Step 2: Presentation
1. Learn the text.
(1)Show an invitation.
T: Here is an invitation. What’s it about? Let’s have a look.
Ss: An English party.
(2)Read and answer.② Teaching purpose②
Play the recording. Students read after the recording first. Then 在读中环节,让学生通
think about three questions: 过自主阅读,以回答 when,
①When is the English party? where, what 三个方面的问题,
②Where will the party be? 白邀请函该如何书写,并在
③What will they do in the party? 阅读文本的过程中掌握一些
Students discuss in groups of four students. The teacher lead them 新词,扫清阅读障碍。
to read, think and answer.
(3)Learn the new words and the new phrase: riddles, act out,
①Learn “riddles”.
T: Do you know riddles? Now, I want to test you! Here are some
English riddles. I read riddles for you. Please tell me the answers.
a. What letter is your eye? (answer: I)
b. A mouse has a large pocket. What is it? (answer: kangaroo)
c. Which man cannot live in a warm house? (answer: snowman)
Students read “riddles” after the teacher.
②Learn “act out”.
T: In an English party, we often have role play. We can act out the
Students read “act out” after the teacher.
③Learn “RSVP”.

RSVP is the short form of “Répondez s'il vous plaît”(法语).
It means “please reply(请赐复) ”.
Students read “RSVP” after the teacher.
(Write down “riddles, act out, RSVP” on the blackboard.)
(4)Read and tick or cross. (课件出示:Read and tick or cross 练习)③ Teaching purpose③
Students read and circle the information about the English party and 通过完成对错判断,检
finish the exercises. 验学生能否把握文本细节,
The teacher and students check the answers together.
2. Read the whole text after the recording.
3. Retell the text.④
(1)Present the mind map.
Students finish the mind map by themselves.
Teaching purpose④
问 题 (when, where, what) ,

(2)Check the answers. (课件出示:思维导图答案)

(3)Retell the text.
Step 3: Practice⑤ Teaching purpose⑤
“What will you do if you have a birthday party?” 生日请柬。旨在操练“I
1. Discuss. will…”句型,表达自己将会
The teacher asks the question “What will you do if you have a 做什么。
birthday party?”. Students discuss freely.
Ss: I will…
2. Look and say.
The teacher presents the words and the phrases on Page 29 and ask
several students to share their ideas.
3. Think and write.
Students write three sentences with “I will…” on the textbook.
Then read them out in the class.
Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
1. Let’s check.⑥
(1)Look and read.
Students look at the table in “Let’s check”, and read the information
in it.
(2)Listen and circle. Teaching purpose⑥
Students listen carefully, and circle the answers. 培养听力策略。阅读表
(3)Listen again and answer. 注细节信息,再听录音回答
Students listen again and answer the two questions in “Let’s 问题。

(4)Check the answers together. ( 课件出示:Let’s check 练习的答
案) Teaching purpose⑦
(5)Read after the recording. 通过练习考查学生对时
Present the listening text and play the recording. Students read after 间介词的掌握情况,培养学
it. 识。
2. Let’s wrap it up.⑦
(1)Read and fill in the blanks.
(2)Check the answers. (课件出示:Let’s wrap it up 练习的答案)
Lead students to find the usage rules of “in, at, on”. Then make a



1. Read the invitation and write your own one.

2. Do the exercises.(见“状元成才路”系列丛书《状元作业本》P30 第三题)



▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims

Read and write

• Be able to listen, speak and read the words and the phrases: game, riddle, act, act out, RSVP, by.
• Be able to understand the main ideas of the invitation letter.
• Be able to finish the exercises about the text.
• Be able to use the main sentence patterns to write three sentences according to the real context.

Let’s check
• Be able to listen and circle the right words.
• Be able to listen and write the correct answers on the lines.
Let’s wrap it up
• Be able to read and summarize the usage rules of the prepositions of time “in, at, on” and finish
the exercise with the help of the teacher.

▶ Teaching Priorities
• Be able to listen, speak and read the new words and the new phrases.
• Be able to understand the invitation by key information.
• Be able to use the main sentence patterns to write three sentences according to the real context.

▶Teaching Difficulties
• Be able to imitate the invitation and write a new one.
• Be able to use the prepositions of time correctly.

▶Teaching Procedures

Teacher’ s Activities Students’ Activities Teaching Purposes

1. Greetings.
2. Lead-in.
Warm-up Show the pictures of 1. Greetings. Review the words and the
& festivals and 2. Review the words and sentences. Prepare for the next
Lead-in activities. the sentences. step.
Write down
“English party” on
the blackboard.

Teacher’ s Activities Students’ Activities Teaching Purposes

Read and answer three
1. Learn the text.
questions. Learn the new Make students understand the
(1)Show an invitation.
words and the new main idea of the text. Make
(2)Read and answer.
phrase in the context. students understand the text
(3)Learn the new
Read the text again. better by some detailed
words and the new
Finish “Tick or cross” questions. Cultivate students’
exercises. Check the intensive reading strategy.
(4)Read and tick or

2. Read the whole text Listen to the recording Make sure students read the text
after the recording. and follow it. correctly and fluently.

Finish the mind map and

3. Retell the text. The mind map helps students
check the answers, then
Present the mind understand and retell the text
retell the text according
map. more easily.
to the mind map.

Discuss with the

partners. Write three Lead students to imitate the text
1. Discuss.
Practice sentences with “I and write sentences. Practise
2. Look and say.
will…”. Read the three students’ writing ability.
3. Think and write.
sentences out in the class.

Teacher’ s Activities Students’ Activities Teaching Purposes

(1)Read the words or the

phrases in the table of
1. Let’s check. “Let’s check”.
(1)Look and read. (2)Listen to the recording
Develop students’ listening
(2)Listen and circle. and circle the answers.
ability. Consolidate phrases and
(3)Listen again and (3)Listen again and
sentences by writing. Improve
answer. answer the two questions
students’ English thinking
(4)Check the answers. in “Let’s check”.
Consolidation ability.
(5)Read after the (4)Check the answers
recording. together.
(5)Read after the

2. Let’s wrap it up.

(1)Read the words and Cultivate students’ ability to
(1)Read and fill in the
do the exercises. summarize. Master the usage
(2)Check the answers. rules of some prepositions of
(2)Check the answers.
(3)Summary. time.

1. Read the invitation and write your own one.

2. Do the exercises.


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