The fifth period(第五课时)

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The fifth period(第五课时)

Part B Let’s learn & Look and write


课时教学内容 课时教学目标

• 能 够 听 、 说 、 读 、 写 “ twelfth(12th) , twentieth(20th) , twenty-first(21st) , twenty-

Let’s learn third(23rd), thirtieth(30th)”
•能够运用句型“—When is Grandpa’s birthday? —It’s on October 12th.”询问和回答生日的

Look and write •能够谈论彼此的生日,并能在月历表中正确书写自己的生日日期


能够听、说、读、写 twelfth(12th), twentieth(20th), twenty-first(21st), twenty-third(23rd),




1.预习《状元大课堂》《创优作业 100 分》《状元作业本》中本课时的相关内容。

2.PPT 课件、课文录音、卡片等。


Teaching purpose①
用 chant 热身,巩固月
的表达。利用 PPT 出示名人

Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in①
1. Greetings.
2. Let’s chant. (课件出示:与月份相关的 chant)
3. Magic eyes.
One student comes to the front and holds up the cards one by one.
The other students say out the dates on the cards quickly.
4. Lead-in.
Show the photos of some famous people.
T: (课件出示:姚明图片及生日) Look! Who is he?
Ss: He is Yao Ming.
T: When is his birthday?
Ss: It’s on September 12th.
The teacher teaches “twelfth” and its short form “12th”. Students
learn the spelling and the pronunciation of the word.
T: Look! Who is he? Do you know? (课件出示:巴尔扎克图片及
Ss: He is Balzac.
T: When is his birthday?
Ss: It’s on May 20th.
The teacher teaches “twentieth” and its short form “20th”. Students
learn the spelling and the pronunciation of the word.
Let students talk about some famous people's birthdays with their
partner by using “who is he/she? He/ She is… When is his/her birthday.
It\'s on…”
Teaching purpose②
Make a competition between boys and girls. 学生听录音完成连线
Step 2: Presentation 任务。任务型教学法可以更
1.Listen and match.② 有效地集中学生的注意力,
(课件出示:吴斌斌一家图片) 对于文本的理解。
T: Look at the photo. Who are they?
Ss: They are Wu Binbin’s grandpa, grandma, dad, mum and Wu
T: Do you know his family members’ birthdays?
Ss: …
T: Let’s listen and match.
The teacher plays the recording. Students listen to the recording and
finish the task.

2. Check the answers.③
T: OK! Let’s check the answers. When is Grandpa’s birthday?
Ss: It’s on October 12th. Teaching purpose③
T: When is Grandma’s birthday? 在核对连线任务答案
Ss: It’s on April 20th. 序数词的学习,引导学生
T: When is Dad’s birthday? 自主观察、归纳和学习基数
Ss: It’s on November 30th. 词与序数词的变化规则。
The teacher teaches “thirtieth” and its short form “30th”. Students
learn the spelling and the pronunciation of the word.
T: When is Mum’s birthday?
Ss: It’s on February 23rd.
The teacher teaches “twenty-third” and its short form “23rd”.
Students learn the spelling and the pronunciation of the words.
T: When is Wu Binbin’s birthday?
Ss: It’s on August 21st.
The teacher teaches “twenty-first” and its short form “21st”.
Students learn the spelling and the pronunciation of the word.
3. Sum up.
T: Look at the numbers. Please try to find out the rules.
Students sum up the transformation rules of cardinal numbers and
ordinal numbers. The teacher provides help if students can’t sum up.
4. Read and act.④
Teaching purpose④
( 1 ) The teacher plays the recording of “Let’s learn”. Students
read after it. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. 听录音跟读。引导学生按照
(2)Let students practise the dialogue in groups. 正确的语音、语调及意群朗
(3)Act out. 读对话,并能在小组中进
Step 3: Practice⑤
1. Play the turntable game.
Turn the turntable. And ask the student whose name is pointed to on Teaching purpose⑤
the turntable about his/her birthday. 生日卡创编对话,操练目
T: When is your birthday? 标句型,极大地激发学生
S1: My birthday is on… When is your birthday? 的学习热情。
S2: My birthday is on… When is your birthday?
S3: My birthday is on…
2. Make dialogues.
(1)Let students make birthday cards. Then ask them to write down
their birthdays on the cards.
(2)Students make dialogues according to the cards.
A: When is your birthday?
B: My birthday is on… When is your birthday?
Teaching purpose⑥
A: My birthday is on…
Step 4: Consolidation &Extension⑥ 生参与调查访问和交流汇
5 跃的状态,极大地提升课
“Your favourite day”
1. Do a survey.
Let students do a survey in groups of four.
T: Boys and girls! Please do a survey about your favourite days and
the reasons in groups of four.
2. Make a report.
Students talk about their favourite days and make a report in the
They can report like this: In our group, S1’s favourite day is…
Because he/she can… S2’s favourite day is… Because he/she can… S3’s
favourite day is… Because he/she can… S4’s favourite day is… Because
he/she can…
Then choose the best group.



1. Make a family birthday calendar card.

2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业 100 分》或《状元作业本》对应



▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims

Let’s learn
•Be able to listen, speak, read and write the words “twelfth(12th), twentieth(20th), twenty-
first(21st), twenty-third(23rd), thirtieth(30th)” through the pictures, PPT and phonics.
•Use the sentence structures properly.
Look and write
•Consolidate the usage of the key words and the sentences.
•Be able to talk about the birthday with the partner and write the date correctly.

▶Teaching Priorities

•Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new phrases.
•Use the new words and the sentences in context.

▶Teaching Difficulties

•Sum up the transformation rules of cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers.

▶Teaching Procedures

Teaching Stages Teacher’ s Activities Students’ Activities Teaching Purposes

1. Greetings.
1. Greetings. 2. Chant together. Cultivate students’
2. Let’s chant. 3. Say out the dates learning interest.
Warm-up 3. Magic eyes. quickly. Review the sentences
& 4. Lead-in. 4. Talk about some they have learned in
Lead-in Show the photos of some famous people's last lesson. Lead in the
famous people. birthdays and learn new lesson.
new words.

Lead in the new words

1. Listen and match.
The task-based
Show the photo of Wu Listen to the recording
teaching method can
Binbin’s family. Play the and finish the task.
strengthen students'
of the text.

2. Check the answers. Lead students to learn
Check the answers.
Check the answers. the new words
Learn the new words.
Teach the new words. effectively.

Lead students to focus

Discuss and sum up the
3. Sum up. on the transformation
transformation rules of
Help students sum up the rules of cardinal
cardinal numbers and
transformation rules. numbers and ordinal
ordinal numbers.

Teaching Stages Teacher’ s Activities Students’ Activities Teaching Purposes

Read after the Practice the words and

4. Read and act. recording. the sentences. Improve
Play the recording. Practice the dialogue students’ learning
and act out. interest.

1.Play the turntable game. Ask and answer the

Turn the turntable. questions.

Practice Lead students to

practice the key
2. Make dialogues. sentence structures.
(1)Let students make birthday
Write down their
birthdays on the cards.
(2)Ask students to make
Make dialogues.
dialogues according to the

Create a natural reality

1. Finish the survey in Students can use the
groups of four. sentences reasonably.
Consolidation “Your favourite day”
2. Talk about their Cultivate students’
& 1. Do a survey.
favourite days and Comprehensive
Extension 2. Make a report.
make a report in the language using
class. ability. Cultivate
students’ divergent

1. Make a family birthday calendar card.

2. Do the exercises.


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