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TFN 3RD EXAM  Safety and security

The following theorist that Ludwig Von Bertalanffy

Development skills in the 6-month-old child should the nurse
 General system theory
assess as normal or ideal
It is the process that involves finding a method that making it
 Sit alone
possible for people to let go of an old pattern that just
A nurse is evaluating the developmental level of a 2-year-old. countered productive in some way also it is necessary to
Which of the following does the nurse expect to observe in overcome the strains of individual resistance
this child?
 Unfreezing
 Uses a cup to drink
9-year-old Miguel has a difficult time making friends at
The concept of the theory of human becoming except school. He also has trouble completing his homework and as
a result, receives little positive feedback from parents or
 Hope teachers. According to Erickson’s theory, failure of this stage
of development results in what?
Lawrence the competent nurse is working 12 hours a day.
He always understands respect and appreciation of the  Feelings of inferiority
beliefs, values, rituality, and culture regarding the illness that
is meaning, causes the treatment on the outcome. Nurse The nurse is suspicious of parents to have children learn
Lawrence applied the theory of what impulse control and cooperative behavior.

 Transcultural theory  Initiative vs guilt

The ability of a nurse is to bridge a cultural gap in caring A nurse focuses attention on the strengths and abilities of
work with cultural differences and enable to client’s family to clients rather than their problems. It helps them to achieve.
achieve meaningful and supportive meaning to Maslow basic needs

 Culture-competent care  Self- actualization

These are set values, beliefs, and traditions that are held by Mary and her daughter Jane went grocery shopping to only
a specific group of people handed down from one generation buy essential things needed at home. As they went to all
to the next different sections of the store. Jane saw a limited edition of
Barbie doll. She is doubtful to get it but decides not to grab it
 Culture for fear of being slapped.

A client is rushed to the emergency room department due to  Pre-conventional, Stage 1 Punishment
severe dehydration. He has severe diarrhea and vomiting for
the last week. He is pale-looking, weak, and unlabored While giving nursing care to a hospitalized adolescent. The
breathing. The patient is an active businessman. nurse should be aware that the major strep felt by the
hospitalized adolescents is…
 Air, water, and remediations (im not sure sa
remediation)  Altered body image

Maslow’s hierarchy of basic human needs is useful when The theory of Ludwig explains which of the following?
planning and implementing nursing care as it provides a
 To relationship between the part of the whole are
how they work together
 Establishing priorities of care
The assumptions of Ludwig's general system theory are the
Client’s needs are the highest priority following except

 A patient needs to ambulate to prevent deep vein  Identification of methods were changing occurs.
Facilitates change because they push the patient in the
Nurse Mia is providing care to the preschooler submitted due desired direction
to multiple bruises, lacerations, burn marks, and upper
 Driving forces
What people hinder change that pushes the client in the
 Safety needs
opposite direction
Nursing care for clients in long-term care facilities. An
 Restraining forces
example of nursing interventions helping with physiologic
needs Autonomy vs shame and doubt

 Changing a patient an oxygen tank  A preschooler eating his own food for breakfast

Nurses caring for clients must offer that use careful of hand-
hygiene and sterile techniques when handling patient
Baby Christian and her mother just got home from school. What are the five core theoretical concepts of Rosemarie
When her mother embraces his father showing affection, Rizzo Parse
baby Christian got jealous and angry
 Intentionality, human subjectivity, co-constitution,
 Oedipus complex Coexistence, Situated freedom

During adolescence, individuals begin to think infrequently Sullivan have identified this dynamism as isolating, self-
and can solve complex problems. Refers to what is wrong centered need and it can be satisfied in the absence of the
and right implement interpersonal relationship. It is based on sexual
gratification and may required no other person for its
 Moral development satisfaction
The nurse and the patient mutual plan to care activity  Lust
 Design Which of the following are the Sullivan identifies two types of
tension in building personality.
According to Locsin technological competences caring in
nursing. Patient as participant in the caring process rather  Needs and anxiety
than an object
Which among the following statements by a baby holder of a
 Knowing toddler signifies relevance of a child for toilet training
Purpose of this theory is to clarify the influence and impact of  My baby wakes up dry from a nap for about a
advancing technologies on nursing and the perspective of month
healthcare work that may be influential to the practice of the
other health care potentials. Therapeutic power intimate relationship in building
personality according to Sullivan was
 Psychological competences as caring nursing
theory  Rooted from his childhood experiences

Culturally competent care A female client has flashbacks of sexual abuse from her
father. She doesn’t aware of memories recently which she
 The ability of the nurse to bridge the cultural gap in became sexually active with her boyfriend. A nurse should
caring work with cultural differences enable client this experience of what part of Sullivan concept of self-
and families to achieve meaningful and supportive system
 Not me
Marie cared with patient Carlo with severe rectum bleeding
and excruciating urination. The nurse appears genuinely A cognition that concern behavior, beliefs and attitude of
realistic directed towards patient care connection and it’s not other person about behavioral change refers to what concept
dominant with the nurse-client relationship. Carlo on the of health promotion model
other hand, interprets the relationship as partners able to
focus on patterns in their life and use nurse in the caring  Interpersonal influences
human person capable of moving through process of
The nurse is developing a plan of care for a client with a
recognition inside and transformation.
substance use disorder. Which nursing problem should be
 Margaret Newman the priority?

Which part of Margaret Newman’s theory is portrayed when  A trace for injury
nurse John caring for a client. One of his responsibility is to
The nurse is admitting a 15-year-old client with a fracture of
established primary relationship with the client for the
the arm that requires surgery. The adolescent is crying and
purpose of identifying meaningful pattern and facilitating
unwilling to talk. Which action by the nurse would be most
client’s action potential and making ability
appropriate at this time?
 Patient assessment
 Make arrangements for friends to visit.
An American Indian tribal leader visits his newborn son at the
When preparing a 4-year-old child for a procedure, which
hospital and performs a traditional ceremony that involves
method is developmentally most appropriate for the nurse to
feathers and chanting or singing. Which action by the nurse
is an example of cultural competence?
 Preparing the child through play with a doll and toy
 The nurse silently reflects about their own biases
medical equipment
regarding American Indians and how they can
influence how to approach the client's parent. Select the three stages of morality development theory
according to Kolberg
What concept refers to main disruptive force interpersonal
relationship according to Sullivan  Pre-conventional-conventional- post conventional

 Anxiety
Which stage of development is most unstable and  Establishing trust and rapport
challenging regarding to the development of personal
identity? According to Roy’s adaptation model, what is the primary
regulator of behavior?
 Adolescence
 Stimuli
The parents of a 2-year-old arrive at a hospital to visit their
child. The child is in the playroom when the parents arrive. In Johnson’s model, what are the four concepts that
When the parents enter the playroom, the child does not constitute the system?
readily approach the parents. The nurse interprets this
 Environment, behavioral system, subsystem and
behavior as indicating that:
 The child has a normal pattern
According to Peplau, what is the primary goal of the nursing
Maria recently went shopping for first day of high school. She orientation phase of the nurse-patient relationship?
bought herself many designer items, done her hair and
 Establishing a therapeutic relationship
make-up done, and bought new clothes. What might Maria
trying to achieve and why? According to Roy’s model, what is the purpose of coping
mechanism in adaptation?
 Maria wants to fulfill her self-esteem needs. She is
doing this through buying nice clothes, to boost her  To maintain adaptation level
self-esteem and get others to respect her for
expensive material as she starts school In Johnson’s behavioral system model, what is their role of
subsystems in the maintenance of balance?
John has all the basic resources and has a great family with
a good feeling of security. The other day, he had a falling out  They enhance the stability of the system
with his best friend of 5 years. How will John feel according
According to Peplau, what is the emphasis of the resolution
to Maslow?
phase in the nurse-patient relationship?
 He will feel as if his friend is the only thing he
 Termination of the relationship
needed and wanted in life
According to Roy, what is the role of regular subsystem in
Which of the following levels of basic human needs is most
the adaptation process?
 Influencing environmental factors
 Physiologic
In Johnson’s Model, what is the significance of protective
mechanism in behavior?
 They ensure adaptation to stressors
What is the settle concept in Sister Calista Roy’s adaptation
model? According to Peplau’s interpersonal relationship theory, what
is the primary focus of the nurse in the working phase of the
 Adaptation nursing relationship?

According to Dorothy Johnson Behavioral System Model.  Problem solving and goal setting
What is the primary purpose of behavior?
Nurse Charissa is caring for a client to the step follow
 Adaptation prescribed regiments for hypertension management. As in
prescriber to Orem’s theory, she interviews the client in an
Hildegard Peplau Interpersonal Relations Theory, what is the attempt to identify the cause of the patient non-compliance,
focus of the nurse-patient relationship? which of the following is the rationale for the nurses
 Facilitating communication and understand
 Orem’s theory is useful in designing interventions to
According to Sister Calista Roy’s model, what are the four
promote healthcare
modes of adaptation?
Which of the following statements is related to Florence
 Physiological, self-concept, role function and
Nightingale theory?
 The role of nursing is to facilitate the body’s
According to Johnson’s behavioral system model, what are
reparative processes by manipulating client
the subsystems that constitute the individual as a behavioral
Watson’s Caritive factors include all of the following except:
 Achievement, affectional and aggression
 Strengthening flexible line of defense
Peplau’s interpersonal theory, what is the orientation phase
of the nurse-patient relationship? This is characterized by intensity and vitality by warm,
closeness, rest, respect, honesty, and tolerance
 Caring Community One of the basic concept of human team relationships is
communication rather be expresses importance of striving to
Benner’s theory proposes that expert nurses develop skills communicate in order to know ill persons to a certain in
and understanding of client care over time through a proper nursing needs and to achieve the purpose of nursing. How
educational background as well as a multitude of will a nurse show a good nursing care in communication?
experiences. Based on her stages of clinical competence, a
newly graduate nurse was just accepted for a job in the  The nurse listen to the sentiments, taps the
hospitals can be categorize of which of the following? shoulder, and ask the feeling towards the patient’s
 Advance beginner
Travelbee’s theory of human to human relationship is under
Which of the following statements is not part of Erickson’s to what level of nursing theory?
major concept?
 Grand theory
 None of the above
Nurse Al is an ICU nurse handling critically ill patients and
Nurse Irish was assigned to a client who is admitted in the gives hands-on bodily care to the patient about daily living
intensive care unit. Part of her nursing care was to provide activities, such as bed bathing, and changing the patient’s
cleansing, bed bath,… 6 am nurse Irish help the client with gown. Oral sanctioning and wound dressing. This action of
oral care to be preparing the materials to bed time. The the nurse conveys the role in which phase of Lydia Halls
nurse demonstrates what kind of nursing system to be a self- care, core, cure theory?
care meet the client?
 Care only
 Partial compensatory
Nurse Y is caring for a patient in the ward. Provision of
The following are major concepts of Nightingale’s health education and proper nutrition and life style
environmental theory except; modifications are some of activities conducted during the
shift. Knowing the concept of all care, core, cure theory, this
 Safety
action of the nurse pertains to which phase?
Which of the following theorists altered the philosophy and
 Cure only
value system that provides a solid foundation for the science
of caring? Caring consists of caritive factors that result in A nurses caring for a 52 year old male diabetic patient and
parasitic factors in certain human needs. has been providing rehabilitative care. The nurse help the
patient established goals for its recovery in use of reflective
 Jean Watson
techniques to help the patient express his own feelings
Who among these personalities state that “suffering without regarding the current health status in related potential
caritative caring is a violations of human dignity”? changes in lifestyle. The action of the nurse towards the
patient conveys which concept of Hall’s theory?
 Katie Erickson
 Core only
Nurse Axis handling a pediatric patient with end-stage
cancer. The nurse is providing palliative care to the patient. A Student Nurse is assigned to care for a 16-year-old patient
According to Orlando’s deliberative nursing process, which of who complains of severe abdominal pain at the right lower
the following nursing action is in the client stage palliative quadrant. He was suspected of a ruptured appendix. When
care for pediatric? the assessment was conducted by the student nurse, the
nursing diagnosis indicated in the nursing care plan was a
 Goal was set for the nurses 8hours shift risk for infection related to a ruptured appendix. Based on
Abdellah: 21 Nursing Problems, does the student nurse
A 20-year-old patient was admitted due to ammonia, the
provide a priority diagnosis?
emergency nurse is taking a vital sign in base line.
Developing nursing diagnosis for difficulty breathing in  No, the student nurse should focus on the primary
setting goals for the patient's emergency room admission. Is complaint
the nursing care process reach nursing intervention phase?
This involves professional nursing need to recognized the
 Yes, because the goal was set and met for the 8 overt and covert problems, also recognizing the problem,
hours shift of the nurse on duty. selecting relevant data, generating hypothesis, testing the
data, changing the hypothesis as needed depending the data
The following statements are the nursing care for the patient
who just underwent Sora's symphysis. Monitor patient for
difficulty of breathing provide pain medications, place  Nursing problems
stations in Semi Fowlers position and regulate IBF. Which of
the following statements below compliments for the care for The 21 nursing problems can be put into three categories,
patient in the intervention phase? the physical, sociological, and emotional needs of the
patient. Which among the following nursing problems belong
 The nurse is taking the demographic data of the to the sociological needs?
 To promote a development of productive
interpersonal relationships
The theory of Henderson’s 14 basic needs emphasizes the  It is a dynamic interpersonal process within the
role of nurses in helping patients regain their health and nurse and the patient
independence by addressing 14 fundamental needs. Which
action of the nurse helps the patients from avoiding dangers In case goal attainment theory, what is the role of nursing in
and avoiding injury and others? helping the patient achieve their goals?

 Raising side rails of the bed  Nursing works with patients to mutual set goals and
help them achieve these goals.
Mercy is replacing the patient’s IBF, while doing the
procedure, the patient shares that she feels sad and What does Imogene King’s interacting system framework
emotional. Mercy responds and encourages the patients to represent in her theory?
express their feelings on the matter. Which among the
 A framework that used patient and nurses as open
fourteen basic needs emphasizes the role of nurse in this
system constantly interacting and adapting
According to King’s goal attainment theory, why is the
 Communicating with others
evaluation and feedback process essential in nursing care?
Which of the following statements best describe the core
 In helps to determine patient of the goals that have
concepts of Martha Rogers' theory Science of Unitary
been achieved in whether adjustments are needed
Human Beings?
What are the core concepts in Betty Neuman Systems
 Human beings are seen complex system with
multiple interacting sub-systems.
 Open and close systems of energy exchange
According to Martha Rogers, what is the significance of
energy fields in the science of unitary human beings? In Neuman’s model, how does stress affect an individual’s
stability and wellness?
 Energy fields are dynamic in integral to the
functioning of the human being  Stress can disrupt the individual’s stability and
wellness by creating its disturbance in the system
In the context of Martha Rogers science of unitary human
beings, how does nursing practice differ from traditional In Betty Neuman system models, what is the primary focus
medical approaches? on primary prevention?

 Nursing practice is primarily concerned with the  Primary preventions centers on reducing stressors
diagnosing diseases and prescribing medications and strengthening the patient’s line of defense.

What are the fundamental assumptions underlying Dorathea

Orem’s Self-Care Deficit?

 Individuals of the ability and responsibility to engage

in self-care

According to Orem’s theory, what are the three requisites

component of self-care?

 Universal development and health deviations self-

care requisites

How does Dorathea Orem’s define the role of nursing and

her self-care deficit theory?

 Nursing assist patients in making their self-care

needs when they’re unable to do so independently

In Orem’s self-care deficit theory, what are health deviations

self-care requisites when they do come in to play?

 Health deviations are requisites are specific needs

that arise when the individual’s self-care abilities are
insufficient to maintain health.

What are the central concepts in Imogene King's of Goal

Attainment theory?

 Imogene King's of Goal Attainment theory is

transactions, adaptation and stress

According to King’s theory, what is the transaction process in

nursing care?

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