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DIASS Roles of social workers Policy and planning – effectiveness of

policy in terms of addressing the problem.

MODULE 6 – The discipline of social Case manager/ coordinator – arrange and
work coordinate the delivery to ensure that the Reading 3: Rights, responsibilities,
goods and services are delivered in timely accountabilities, and code of ethics
Reading 1: Definitions of social work manner.
Code of ethics – serves as a guide for
Social work – a response to a concern or Broker – knowledge of community social workers in zdthe practice of their
need. A problem solving. resources. Effective referral mechanisms. profession.
As an art – great skills Counselor – provide guidance to clients Ethical responsibilities to client – never
and assist them in solving problems. engage dual relationship. Set boundaries.
As a science – problem-solving methods
Clients’ right to self-determination.
and objectivity Educator – help them gain- knowledge and Respect for the privacy of clients and
skills. holding in confidence.
As a profession – encompasses the
attributes of one. Facilitator – workers facilitate group Ethical responsibilities to colleagues –
discussion and activities. treat colleagues with respect. Who engage
Reading 2: Goals of social work
in unethical practice should report them.
Mediator – between / resolve arguments
 Enhance social functioning
and disagreements. Ethical responsibilities in practice settings
 Promote social justice
 Problem solving – engage in organized action to improve
Mobilizer – identify and organize human
client services, should carefully examine.
Reading 3: Functions of social work Advocate – speak on behalf of their clients Client records is accomplished in a manner
to promote fair and equitable. that is accurate. Adhere to their
Restoration of impaired social function – commitments.
breakdown in person’s social functioning. Competencies in social work – perform the
Rehabilitative function involves above-mentioned roles. Evaluate the Ethical responsibilities as professionals –
rebuilding. Psychological. different points for possible interventions. have the necessary competencies to do
Understand their clients form their their job.
Developmental function – connecting them interactions with the people around them
to appropriate social etc. advocating Ethical responsibilities to the social work
and their environment
policies. profession – maintain and advance the
Reading 2: Areas of specialization and values, ethics. Engage in activities.
Prevention of social dysfunction – the career opportunities for counselors
early discovery Ethical responsibilities to the broader
Substance misuse and addictions – see society – development of people and
Reading 4: Core values of social work clients in relation to their environment. advocate to ensure fair and equal.
Service – commitment to help people and Doing case management and therapies.
MODULE 8 – Clientele and audiences
support people. Social work in aging and gerontology – in social work
Social justice – Challenges social injustice. deals with issues related to maturity.
Reading 1: Individuals
Must have the same basic rights and Focuses on elders.
opportunities. children intended to address their issues
Child and family social work – safety,
and concerns usually involve the family,
Respect for the inherent worth and dignity well-being of children and child welfare.
too. Child welfare. Substitute services
of the person – importance to the worth Justice and corrections social work – include foster family care and adoption.
and dignity of the person. correctional treatment specialists. Help Empowering vulnerable sector: women,
inmate / prisoners improve themselves and children, persons with disabilities, elderly,
Importance of human relationship – levels
prepare for a better life. and indigenous people.
of human relationship such as self, family,
small group, organization, and community. Developmental disabilities – live as Reading 2: Groups and organizations
Integrity – standards behavior. normally. Enable to be as independent as
2 categories of groups
they can be.
Competence – application of theories, Task groups – established to accomplish a
skills, and expertise. Employment and occupational social work
– employees overcome and resolve their
Reading 5: Principles of social work issues that affect work. Improve their Treatment groups – member’s
methods and processes in handing the socioemotional needs.
Acceptance – manner, responding and by businesses.
mutual respect. 7 treatment groups
Healthcare social work – work with other
Self-determination – capability to make healthcare professionals. Implement Support groups – manage life stressful and
their own decisions. Facilitate but not programs for heath service delivery. more on counseling
manipulate Advocate for better healthcare system.
Educational groups – gain an
Affirming individuality – the individual is Mental health and clinical social work – understanding of one’s self.
different. Accept client without bias. treatment of psychological disorders,
advocate to ensure proper treatment within Growth groups – encounter groups,
Confidentiality – individual to privacy emphasize self-development
the mental health system.
Worker’s self-awareness – must be Therapy groups – health trauma,
International social work – profession
conscious and understand themselves first. remediation and rehabilitation.
recognized all over the world. Problems
Collective responsibility – individual experienced by one country often affect
Socialization groups – intended to
rights can be protected. other countries. Helping developing
facilitate transitions.
MODULE 7 – Professionals and Recreation groups – provide participants
practitioners in social work Management and administration – the
with entertainment.
allocation of services. Knowledge of
Reading 1: Roles, functions, and human behavior, social problems, and
competencies of social work social work principles and values.
Self-help groups – shared concerns such as Evaluation and termination – evaluating is  Adequacy – incomplete message can
coping with addiction. Personal an obligation inherent in the role of social be confusing and counter-productive
experiences on the issue being addressed. worker. Termination is the objectives set for the receivers. Must include all
for the helping relationship have already necessary information.
Reading 3: Communities been achieved.  Consistency – well-thought and
Provide service to communities. Working logically.
MODUEL 10 – The discipline of
together to develop community awareness.  Feedback – receiver’s response helps
the sender determine if his or her
MODULE 9 – Settings, processes, Reading 1: Definitions of communication message is properly understood.
methods, and tools in social work
We are all practitioners of communication. Reading 3: Basic elements of the
Reading 1: Primary settings Communication interpreted in 2 ways: communication process
building our knowledge and skills and
Government – social worker assigned at Message – the content of the
ordinariness of communication may lead
the DSWD. communicative act.
us take it for granted. Communication we
Private sector – nonprofit organization that derived from the Latin word “communis” Sender and receiver - the sender decides
brings business together to address which means “common. what is to be communicated. Receiver is
poverty. also known as the decoder or interpreter.
3 methods of communication
Voluntary sector- includes civil society Channel – all messages are transmitted
organization (CSOs) and nongovernment  Verbal communication – spoken
through a channel refer to the medium by
organizations (NGOs) words.
which the message is transmitted from
 Nonverbal communication – it sender or receiver.
Reading 2: Host settings includes body language.
 Written communication – written Feedback – the information or signal send
Healthcare settings – hand-in-hand with symbols. back to the sender by the receiver though
medical professionals verbal or nonverbal means.
7 Characteristics of communication
School settings – students fully available Context – pertains to the setting or
for learning. Form of counseling.  Communication is dynamic – always environment surrounding the
evolving and it affected by the communication transaction.
Court settings – roles that social workers change.
play in court: evidence providers and Noise – anything that can distort the
 Communication is unrepeatable and
report writers. Certain issues and concerns. message. Serves to distract the sender and
irreversible – encounter is unique.
Reading 3: Processes in social work Makes communication irreversible is receiver. External noise _ to physical noise
whatever has been said or done or interference from the environment.
Exploration and engagement cannot be taken back Internal noise _ concerns the mind of
 Communication has no opposite – we communication.
 Establishing professional relational cannot not communicate. We
boundaries – the nature of Effect – communication has its
communicate with purpose even our
professional relationship. consequences both positive and negative.
silence, sends a message.
 Identifying problems, needs, and Effect may be classified as cognitive,
 Communication is affected by culture
strengths – tries to learn about the affective, or behavioral. Cognitive _ the
– we encode and decode messaged
culture, need, strengths, and resources changes in the receiver’s intelligence.
like thumbs up.
of the system. Affective _ changes in the receiver’s
 Communication is influenced by
 Recognizing feelings and reactions – emotions. Behavior _ the changes in the
ethics – make judgments of what is
aware of the feelings of the client receiver’s actions.
right and wrong. Moral principles that
system use to guide behavior. Reading 4: Levels of communication
 Increasing client system investment –  Communication is competence-based
to build collaborative relationship – a skills that needs to be developed. Interpersonal communication – internal
 Determining goals – the desired  Communication is being transformed dialogue or self-talk. Reflective thinking
outcome toward which intervention by media and technology – the
activity is directed. Interpersonal communication –
evolution of such media.
 Making initial plans – role induction communication takes place between people
_ the client system agrees to proceed. Reading 2: Goals of communication with an aim to build.
Referral _ the client system cannot be Group communication – communication
adequately served and the social to inform and be informed – we seek and
provide information like someone asks us among three or more people that is usually
worker has an obligation to help the more formal.
system gain access to needed services. for directions.
Discontinuation of services _ the To persuade and influence – we Public communication – it is sender-
client system and the social worker communicate because we want someone to focused communication that usually
agree not to continue. do something or to agree with outpoint of involves one sender transmitting
 Monitoring the engagement phase – view. information to an audience.
would involve reviewing up to what
extent the engagement principles and To build and maintain relationship – the Mass communication – message is
accomplished. people express emotions and share ideas transmitted to a potentially large audience
like love, anger, pain and pleasure. across great distances with the use of
Assessment – a process and a product of technological medium.
understanding that services as the basis for To develop a career – a good
action. Gathering relevant information. communication skills have an edge when it PHYSICAL SCIENCE
comes to opportunities.
Planning – a contract plan specifies the MODULE 1A
reason for each component and action in To achieve these goals:
Socrates - With his student Plato, he
the plan.
 Clarity – should be clear and explained to the Greeks that the Earth's
Intervention – facilitate empowerment understandable to minimize shape is a sphere by observing the
transactions between client and their misinterpretation and oncoming ship in a horizon.
environment. misunderstanding.
Eratosthenes - He is the astronomer who Johannes Kepler - The three laws of Law of Inertia - An object at rest is
estimated the Earth's circumference. planetary motion were proposed by inclined to stay at rest.
Johannes Kepler using the factual data
Empedocles - Together with Anaxagoras, collected by his mentor, Tycho Brahe. Law of acceleration – it is force and
he offered a discussion for the Earth's motion (big mass – big force)
spherical nature using the lunar eclipse.
Law of interaction – equal/ opposite
Aristarchus - He used the information 3 Kepler’s law of planetary motion reaction.
during a lunar eclipse in figuring out  The law of Ellipses - Perihelion is the
Earth’s size. closest point to the sun in a planet's
Aristotle - He concluded that Earth is orbit; aphelion is the farthest point. Newton's corpuscular theory stated that
spherical because it always projects a light consisted of particles that travelled in
curved shadow when it eclipses the moon.  The law of equal areas - planet moves straight lines.
fastest at the perihelion and slowest at
MODULE 1B the aphelion. A shower of particles, each proceeding in a
straight line until it was refracted,
Lunar eclipse - It occurs when the Earth  The law of harmonies - The squares absorbed, reflected, diffracted or disturbed
casts its shadow on the moon when the of the planets' periods are in some other manner.
Earth is between the Sun and the Moon. proportional to the cubes of their
mean distances from the Light reflection – bounces away or are
Solar eclipse - It occurs when the Moon is reflected from the smooth surface.
in between the Sun and the Earth and the sun. A period is the time it takes to
moon partially or completely blocks out make one complete revolution around Light Refraction - light was "bent" or
the sun. the sun. In symbols, refracted by a substance. It changes
T2 = k R3 direction when it pass from the first
Early Americans - They recorded motions k = T2/ R3 medium into the second.
of Sun, Moon, and planets especially

Mayan calendar - It was more accurate Distance - The length of the part travelled. Einstein called these packets light quanta,
than those of Spanish calendar (S.I: unit [m]) but now it’s called photons
Displacement - The starting point to final
Ancient Babylonian cuneiform tablet - It  tiny particles called electron.
describes a surprisingly modern method to point with consideration to the direction.
track the path of Jupiter. (S.I unit: [m]) Blue light - is a particle having high
energy capable of emitting electrons.
Speed - The rate at which distance is
covered (S. I. unit: [m/s]) Red light - is particle containing low
Sundials - It’s used to measure the time of
energy. Red light does not cause electron
day from the movement of the Sun. Velocity - The displacement in a given
time interval. (displacement/time interval)
Photoelectric effect - is commonly applied
Pyramids of Giza - These three pyramids Acceleration - how fast the velocity
in photography. Only red light is allowed
represent the Belt stars of the constellation changes with respect to time. Accelerating
to be use in a darkroom. black and white
Orion. means moving faster/ moving slower
photography are coated with an emulsion
and/or changing direction.
typically containing Silver halide crystals
Stonehenge in England - It was
Free fall – body in vertical motion where in a gelatin solution. This emulsion is
constructed so that in the summer solstice,
gravity is the only force acting on it. (- sensitive to blue and green light, but not
the sun would rise above one of the main
9.8m/s2) red light.
Projectile - body or a particle in two- The shorter the wavelength the more
The Pyramid in Palenque - The windows at
dimensional motion given an initial energy. UV waves are shorter than visible
the top and sides of this pyramid were so
velocity and it light waves, so UV possesses more energy
arranged that the rooms they lead to are
than regular visible light. Vitamin D
illuminated by the rising sun.
moves along a curved path under the synthesizes light.
The Big Horn Medicine Wheel - It was influence of gravity alone.
Retina - Covered by millions of light-
built by the Plains Indians. Its spokes and
Aristotelian – all moving bodies naturally sensitive cells, some shaped like rods and
rock piles are aligned with the rising and
come to rest. some like cones.
setting of the Sun and other stars.
Galilean – it will continue in motion due to Rods - transmit mostly black and white
inertia unless an external force acts on information to the brain. As rods are more
Tycho Brahe - It was more accurate than them. Galileo proved with his experiments sensitive to dim light than cones.
those of Spanish calendar. The sun orbited that when objects are dropped
simultaneously, they will reach the ground Cones - each eye transmit the higher levels
Earth, while the other planets orbited the
at the same time regardless of their masses of light intensity that create the sensation
and air resistance. He discovered that of color and visual sharpness. connecting
Brahe’s contribution - He devised the best objects fall with uniform acceleration. This nerve cells, give the brain enough
instruments available before the telescope's change in speed is acceleration. He used information to interpret and name colors.
invention leading to the most precise inclined planes to lessen the acceleration of
The surface of the apple - reflecting the
observation that had been made. He the moving bodies.
wavelengths we see as red and absorbing
observed the planetary motion, such as that
MODULE 2B all the rest. An object appears white when
of Mars, giving crucial data for later
it reflects all wavelengths and black when
astronomers like Kepler to construct our
Aristotle - concept that moving objects it absorbs them all.
present solar system model. He observed a
would stop because the natural state of
supernova in 1572. Brahe proposed a Solar MODULE 4A
objects was to be at ‘rest’.
System model intermediate between the
Ptolemaic and Copernican models. He Galileo - once the ball is in motion, no Clinton Davisson and Lester Germer -
made the best measurements that in the force is needed to keep it moving except tried to verify a prediction of classical
search for stellar parallax. for the force needed to overcome friction. physics that scattered electrons will appear
from all directions with little dependence material that does not absorb light, Role of suppliers play in a business
on their intensity. reflecting all. process
galvanometer - is a device which detects Reflection of light - It is the change of
- To ensure…
and measures small electric currents. direction. The bodies that do not produce
their own light can see them because they Primary purpose of testing a
Constructive interference - is a process reflect the light that comes to them.
where two waves meet and add up. prototype product
The curved surface of a shining spoon
diffraction grating - is an optical device could be considered as a curved mirror. - To meet the customers
made of glass or metal with a band of needs
equidistant, parallel lines. Concave mirrors – inverted / front
Represents the final product of the
electron diffraction tube - an instrument Convex mirrors – enlarged images / at the
production process
used in modern setups of the experiments back.
that show the wave nature of electrons. - Output
Richard Feynman - popularised the
ENTREPRENEURSHIP Manufacturing equipment use in
double-slit thought experiment. In his
double-slit thought-experiment. production for goods and services
Complies government rules delivery
Double-slit - When particles are fired at
the wall with both slits open, they are more - packaging - Machines
likely to hit the backstop in one particular
area, whereas waves interfere with each The way customers perceive the Process or activities by which
other and hit the backstop at a number of enterprise and its products or services company adds value to an article
different points with differing strength, in their minds including the production …
creating what is known as an interference
pattern. - positioning - Value chain
MODULE 4B Marketing needs under the price A list of credit entries and debit
Light - is a wave and a particle at the same - entries
time; as a wave, it can be dispersed,
scattered, interfered, and diffracted. the tangible good or the intangible - Trial balance

Dispersion - When white light passes

service that the enterprise offers to its These are income items that have
through a prism, it will refract two times customers in order to satisfy their been earned but not have recorded
making the separation of the colors needs. and paid by the customer
- Product - Accrued dispenses
Light Scattering - absorb light and scatter
it in all directions. Short wavelengths (high A statement that is also known as
frequency) while larger particles scatter
Example of packaging profit and loss statement…
longer wavelengths (low frequency).

Atmosphere - abundance in nitrogen and - This is designing an - Income statement

oxygen particles. attractive… Statement that summarizes the result
Rayleigh Scattering - They scatter violet How organization creates, deliver and of the companies operation over a
the most, followed by blue, green, and so period of time
captures value in economic social,
on. Our eyes are more sensitive to blue
frequencies of light, which is why we see cultural and other context - Income statement
the sky as blue. Clouds appear white
because the water droplets in the clouds - Business model Component that represents the face
are larger than the wavelength of light
Key benefit of creating a prototype, of the brand
which scatter all the colors of light equally.
inventing process - Logo
Interference - superposing of waves from
different sources. - Testing and defining First set in developing a branding
Constructive interference - happens when The marketing, which explains what a - Decide what is going to be
two identical parts of two waves meet product is and why it’s worth branded.
such as a crest of one wave meets the crest purchasing it
of another. Brand definition best describes
- Product description
Destructive interference - happens when
two opposite parts of two waves.
- The benefits of all the
Raw material needed in the product and services .
Diffraction - smaller the opening, the production of a product
greater is the diffraction of light. Who are suppliers to the business
- Materials context
Testing a product or services involved. - Businesses that offered
Dispersion of light - When the sun rays
pass through small drops of rain, they act - Providing a sample of a goods and services.
as small prisms and scatter the light, thus customer. Example of under the promotion
forming a rainbow.
Main goal of value chain analysis marketing needs
Absorption of light - Objects can absorb
the light that reach them. If it absorbs all - To optimize the overall - Running a social media
the light it receives, it will be black. If a
The regular contact points between
the enterprise and its market.

- People

Purpose of conducting a research in

developing brand

- Understand the market

Result when sales exceed the cost to

produce goods or render the services

- Revenue

The amount of merchandise or goods

sold by the business

- Cost of sales / cost of goods

Refers to the merchandise of goods


- purchases

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