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Western Cape Education Department

Directorate: Curriculum FET

(Power Systems)
The aim of this booklet is to help you preparing yourself better for the final year end
exams by revising critical content and skills covered in Grade 11. The booklet will also
focus on typical mistakes learners make when answering questions. It will try and guide
you to obtain maximum marks for questions asked in the Final exams.
This revision covers the following topics:
➢ Single Phase Transformers
➢ RLC (Serie circuits)

It is important to prepare yourself by practice answering questions from past papers

You can ask your teacher to give you some previous year question papers to use as a
guide to help you prepare for your final exam:

There are also lessons on various grade 11 topics on the WCED e-Portal
Structure of the Final Exam paper and Important points to remember:

➢ The paper consists of TEN compulsory questions.

➢ The weighting of the questions is as per the table below.
➢ It is important to remember that the paper is out of 200 MARKS, and the time
given is 3 HOURS i.e. 200 marks = 180 minutes.
➢ It is important to ensure that you manage your time properly when writing any
test or exam. You don’t want to run out of time because of bad time
➢ The following rough guide will help you manage your time a bit better.
1 Mark = 1 Minute (If a question is out of 10 marks, do not spend more than 10
minutes on that question)
➢ Try and start with the easiest question and work your way up to the more difficult
➢ All questions and sub questions must be kept together. DO NOT MIX
➢ Draw a line after each completed question.
➢ It is important that you read all instructions slowly and carefully before you start
answering any question.
➢ Also, please note that you must receive a formula sheet with every test or exam
you write, covering at least the topics of the test or exam.
➢ The questions are asked in such a way that it will differentiate in terms of subject
knowledge. It might start with an easy question and end off with more challenging
question in the different questions per topic.

Final Examination Weighting in Power systems:


The following skills are tested in the paper:

➢ Ability to follow instructions

➢ Identifying labels/labelling/making drawings/diagrams/schematic representations
➢ Plotting and interpretation of graphs/data
➢ Working out and interpreting calculations
➢ Organizing/Recording and categorizing data
➢ Extraction and/or manipulation and/or evaluation of data

It is important that you have your own Scientific Calculator, and that you know
NB!!!!! The mark allocation will indicate how you much information you are
required to provide in your responses/ answers to questions.

TOPIC 1: Single Phase Transformers

This topic covers theoretical questions, diagrams, and sketches as well as calculations.
➢ Theory Questions: Theoretical questions are normally a challenge for many
learners, and they struggle to answer it properly.
➢ You must always read all question with understanding before trying to answer the
➢ Theoretical answers should be short and to the point.
➢ The mark allocation is an indication about the number of facts that must be given.
Example: a 3-mark question requires at least 3 facts.

➢ Sketches and Diagrams: When dealing with diagrams and sketches you need
to ensure that you always add all the necessary labels to your sketches or

➢ Calculations: Generally, the criteria used for calculations are as follows:

o Correct formula
o Substitution of values
o Simplifying of values
o Answer and correct units
➢ Manipulation of formulae: You must learn how to use the standard formula,
manipulate the formula correctly, correctly substitute values and remember to
always add a value/unit with an answer.
➢ Prefixes and Units: You must have a clear understanding of the conversion and
uses of units and abbreviations, kilo-, milli-, micro-, nano-, etc. This will need a lot
of practice and drill work.
Introduction to transformers (p100 – 106)
➢ Magnetic Induction
➢ Lenz’s Law
➢ Magneto magnetic force
➢ Self and mutual inductance

Function and operation of transformers (p107 – 119)

➢ Losses in transformers (no calculations)
➢ Advantages and disadvantages
➢ Construction and symbols of the transformer and core types
➢ Application of an ideal transformer
Calculations related to transformers (p120 – 126)
➢ Power calculations
➢ Full load
➢ VA ratings
➢ Primary and secondary voltage, current
➢ Ratio calculations
➢ Efficiency

To understand the basics of transformers, your basic understanding of Magnetism,

specifically electro-magnetism, is important. You will have to know the following
Faraday’s First Law: Any change in magnetic field of a coil of wire, will cause an emf to
be induced in the coil
Faraday’s Second Law: The magnitude of the induced voltage is proportional to the
‘rate of change of flux. The faster the magnet moves in the magnetic field, the greater
the emf.

Please note there must be relative movement between the coil and the magnet for an
emf to be induced. NO movement NO emf.

Lenz’s Law: “For the emf generated in any coil its polarity (direction) is always opposite
to the change which produced it”
Mutual Induction: The operation of transformers is based on mutual induction - a
voltage applied to the primary winding of a transformer will induce a voltage in the
secondary winding of the transformer by means of electromagnetic induction.
➢ Please note that transformers can only work when connected to AC.
➢ It is also important that you know the different types of transformers.

Types of transformers
Each unique type of transformer can be represented by its unique symbol. It is
important to also know the symbols of the different transformers
Ideal Transformer: Only Imaginary characteristics. A conventional transformer is a
static device which transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another at the same
frequency but different voltage.
Auto Transformer: Only uses one winding with secondary taped from this winding
(Advantage) - Cost saving because there is only one winding (Disadvantage) – No
electrical isolation between input and output- Uses: Testing and repair of equipment,
dimming of incandescent lights, changing the speed of a fan
Centre Tap transformer: The secondary winding is divided into two identical halves
both with the same voltage – three connecting leads from the secondary winding.
Voltage Instrument Transformer (VT): Connected in parallel to the supply to step
down high voltages to safe levels
Current Instrument Transformers (CT): Connected in series with the supply to step
down high currents to safe levels. A clamp meter is an example of a current transformer
Isolation Transformer: They have 1:1 ratio and is a safety device protecting the load
connected to the secondary from the supply
Transformer Symbols:

The following information is important when doing

calculations relating to transformers. Even if these formulae are given, you need to
know where to apply it.

Transformer Equations
Typical questions that can be asked.

1. On what principle does transformers work? (1)

Electromagnetic Induction – Mutual Induction
2. Name TWO types of transformers (2)
Step-up and Step- down transformers
3. Describe the principle of operation of a transformer. (5)
The primary and secondary coils of a transformer is connected magnetically. When
connected to an AC supply, the expanding and collapsing magnetic field in the primary
winding induce an emf in the secondary coil. The number of windings in the secondary
coil determines the induced secondary emf. Electromagnetic induction is improved by
using a laminated Iron core.
4. Name TWO types of transformer cores used in the construction of
transformers. (2)
Shell and Closed Core type
5. List TWO main losses that will occur in transformers and briefly explain one
of them (4)

Transformer Losses
Ideal transformers are supposed to be 100% efficient i.e. Power in = Power out.
This is not true because all transformers have what is called losses that will have an
impact on the output power of a transformer. You must be able to name these losses as
well as explain what each loss is all about.

Copper or (I2R) losses: losses due to the resistance of the copper wire
Iron losses: losses that occur in the iron core of the transformer due to hysteresis in the
core and includes eddy currents in the laminated plates.
Hysteresis losses: The losses due to repeated reversal of magnetic field in the core of
the transformer
Eddy current losses: losses due to the circulating current in the laminations of the
6. Make a neat labelled diagram of a step-down transformer. (3)

7. With reference to the figure below, answer the following questions

Calculate the following:

i) The secondary voltage (3)
ii) The primary current (3)
iii) The secondary current (3)


Important to note that the
apparent power formula is
used to calculate primary

NB. (Please note that this is a step-down transformer, so as the output voltage
decreases, the output current increases.)

8. A shop owner living in a rural area needs to install electricity into the shop.
The high voltage lines passing next to the shop carry 11000 volts. The
appliances in the shop use 230 volts, which is the standard supply voltage. A
single transformer is needed to supply the shop with 230 volts from 11000
volt supply line.
i) What is the purpose of the transformer? (2)
ii) Which form of induction is used in transformers? (2)
Calculate the following:
a) The number of secondary turns if there are 3600 primary turns. (3)
b) The primary current if 60 A is drawn from the secondary current. (3)
c) The KVA rating of the transformer. (3)
i) To step up or down an alternating voltage to a required value.
ii) Mutual induction

𝑁𝑝 𝑥 𝑉𝑠
a) 𝑁𝑠 = 𝑉𝑝

3600 𝑥 230
= 11000
NB!! Always
remember to add
= 752.7 turns
the correct unit to
your answer when
doing calculations
𝑉𝑠 𝑥 𝐼𝑠
b) Ip=

230 𝑥 60
= 11000

= 12.5 A

c) S = Vp x Ip

= 11000 x 12.5

= 137.5 KVA
TOPIC 2: RLC – (Series circuits)
This topic contains theoretical questions with a few diagrams and sketches and a lot of
➢ Theoretical questions are normally a challenge for many learners, and they
struggle to answer it properly.
➢ You must read all question with understanding before trying to answer the
➢ Theoretical answers should be short and to the point.
➢ The mark allocation is an indication about the number of facts that must be given.
RLC Calculations:

➢ Always draw the circuit with all the given information on it if it is not given.
➢ Write down all the given information.
➢ All calculations count 3 marks (in a few instances calculations will be 4 marks)
➢ 1 mark is for the correct formula, 1 mark for the correct substitution and 1 mark
for the correct answer and unit. Please note if an answer does not have a unit, no
marks will be given for the answer.
➢ Please also note that when substitutions of values are made that the correct
prefixes are used with the numbers, e.g. 10 mA = 10 x 10-3 A or 0,010 A
➢ Mastering calculations is all about PRACTICE, PRACTICE


Effects of alternating current on (p129 – 147)

➢ resistor,
➢ inductors and
➢ capacitors
➢ (RLC)

Components in series only

➢ All applicable calculations relevant to the theory to be completed
➢ Emphasis will be on circuits containing ONE resistor, ONE capacitor and ONE
inductor Wave representation

Phasor diagram (p148)

Reactance (p149 – 160)
➢ Inductance reactance
➢ Capacitance reactance
➢ Effects of frequency on XL and XC.
➢ Impedance
➢ Scalar: representation of the impedance triangle

Power (p161 – 172)

➢ Power factor
➢ Phase angle

Resonance (p173 – 177)

There are many concepts that you will have to grasp and understand to be able to get a
good grip on the theory and calculations of RLC circuits such as:

Reactance: Reactance is the opposition of the specific reactive component to the flow
of current in AC circuits
Inductive Reactance: The reactance of an Inductor is called Inductive reactance - XL
measured in ohms (Ω)
Capacitive Reactance: The reactance of Capacitor is called Capacitive reactance -
XC measured in ohms (Ω)
Impedance: The total opposition to the flow of alternating current in a circuit comprising
of resistance and reactance. (RL&C) The symbol for impedance is Z and the unit is
ohms (Ω)
Impedance Triangle – Is used to calculate Impedance when resistance (R), Inductance
(L) and Capacitance (C) are all present in the circuit, and the total reactance (X) is the
difference between the Inductive Reactance (XL) and Capacitive Reactance (XC)

Power Factor (cos θ): The power factor can be deduced from the impedance triangle
𝑎𝑑𝑗𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑅
𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃 = =
ℎ𝑦𝑝𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑍

Effect of frequency on XC and XL

In a series connected LC circuit, the frequency will affect the circuit. The two formulae to
calculate the inductive and capacitive reactance is:
XL = 2πfL and XC = 2πfC

From the formula it is evident that as the frequency increases, XL will also increase and
XC will decrease. The reverse is also true, when the frequency decreases, XL will also
decrease and XC will increase.
Typical questions:

1. Refer to the circuit in the figure below and answer the questions that follow.

1.1 Describe the effect on the current when the frequency increases. (2)
1.2 Draw a labelled phasor diagram. (4)

1.1 When the frequency increases the inductive reactance will increase ✓and the
current decreases ✓

2. State the size of the phase angle between the voltage and current vectors of the
following pure components:
2.1 Resistor - Zero degrees, Current and voltage are in phase
2.2 Capacitor – Ninety degrees, Current leads the voltage by ninety degrees.
3. Refer to the figure below answer the questions that follow.

It is good practice to write down the

given information below your circuit

3.1 Inductive reactance (3)

3.2 Impedance of the circuit (3)
3.3 Total current drawn from supply (3)
3.4 The phase angle of the circuit (3)
3.5 The active power of the circuit (3)
3.6 State if a frequency change will affect the value of the resistor (1)


NB!! Always
remember to add
3.2 the correct unit to
your answer when
doing calculations


Remember Active/Real
power is measured in
Watts or kilowatts

3.6 The frequency change will not affect the value of the resistor.✓

4. Define the power factor with reference to RLC circuits

Power factor is the ratio ✓of the true power to the apparent power. ✓

5. The figure below shows an RLC series circuit. Answer the questions that follow.

It is good practice to write down the

given information below your circuit,

5.1 Calculate the total voltage of the supply. (3)

5.2 Calculate the value of the inductive reactance. (3)
5.3 State if the circuit is capacitive or inductive. Motivate your answer. (2)
5.4 Draw the phasor diagram and show the direction of rotation. (4)
5.5 Describe how an increase in impedance, while keeping the resistance constant,
will affect the phase angle and the power factor. (2)

NB!! Always
remember to add
the correct unit to
5.2 your answer when
doing calculations

5.3 The circuit is capacitive ✓because the voltage drop across the capacitor is greater
than the voltage across the inductor. ✓

Always make sure

phasor diagrams are
fully labelled

5.5 When the impedance of the circuit is increased, the power factor will decrease
✓ therefore increasing the value of the phase angle.

6. The figure below shows an RLC series circuit that consists of a 12 Ω resistor,
an inductor with a reactance of 22 Ω and a capacitor with a reactance of 36
Ω, all connected across a 60 V/60 Hz supply. Answer the questions that

Always draw the

circuit with all given
information if it is
not given

R = 12 Ω It is good practice to write down the
XL = 22 Ω given information below your circuit,
XC = 36 Ω
VS = 60 V
f = 60 Hz

Calculate the:
1. Capacitance of the capacitor (3)
2. Inductance of the inductor (3)
3. Impedance of the circuit (3)
4. Total current through the circuit (3)
5. Reactive power at a phase angle of 50° (3)
You are calculating
reactive power, so
make sure you
select the correct
formula and add the
correct unit to your

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