BTVN T1 Minh Quan

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Phiếu mới:

1: The bar chart demonstrates the propotion of Australian male and female in six age groups
joining in daily physical exercise in the year 2010.
2: The bar chart demonstrates the percentage of Americans having meals at junk food eateries
from 2003 to 2013.
3: The bar chart demonstrates the levels of donation contributions by Bristish inhabitants of five
differrent age groups in two sepereated years namely 1990 and 2010.
4: The bar chart meticulously demonstrates three major expoting products the pivotal years of
2000, 2024, and predictions for 2025.
5: The bar chart demonstrates the annual data of rentals and film sales from a specific store
from 2002 to 2011.
6: The pie charts illustrate the annual data of online sales for travel, film or music, books and
clothes in New Zealand in two sepereated years namely 2003 and 2013.
7: The pie charts illustrate the major occasions why inhabitant entry and exit to the United
Kingdom in the year 2007.
8: The first pie chart demonstrates the energy consumption in an average Australian families
while the second ones displays how much greenhouse gas is emitted due to the consumption of
9: The line graph demonstrates the variation in levels of three main zones of crimes in Newport
city center between 2003 and 2012.
10: The line graph demonstrates the data of citizens surfing the Internet in three different
nations from 1999 to 2009.
11: The line graph depicts the percentage of senior citizens whose ages are 65 or over in three
nations from 1940 and a projection in 2040.
12: The line graph depicts figures for daily travel by workers in the United Kingdom using
three different transportations namely car, bus and train from 1970 to 2030.
13: The table demonstrates data about the subway networks in six major metropolises.
14: The table demonstrates the percentage of poverty rates among six types of households in
Australia in the final year of the 20th century.
15: The table demonstrates the data of citizen who cycled to work in twelve Unied Kingdom’s
zones from 2001 to 2011.
Phiếu cũ:
9: The bar chart demonstrates both the original numbers and the predicted data of tourists
visiting to a new art gallery and three main occasions in the life of the gallery whereas two pie
chart depicts the amount of pleased rated by guests between 1990 and 2001.
10: The line graph depicts the containment rating in four colleges from 1991 to 2002.

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