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The Registry of the ICJ gives advisory opinion on legal questions. <T> <F>

The ICJ Statute and Rules define the amicus curiae participation only in contentious
<T> <F>

PCIJ as well as ICJ, can decide about a case ex aequo et bono, which means the
judges can only apply the International Case Law to resolve the disputes. <T> <F>

The PCIJ proved that an International Court could work effectively. <T> <F>

There are two types of intervention before the ICJ, in both cases the judgment will be
binding upon the intervening State.
<T> <F> there are 2 types of intenvention before the ICj, but only in art 63 the
judgment will be binding upon the intervening state.

The proposals of candidates for the ICJ can include up to 4 persons; no more than 2 of
the candidates can have the same nationality as the members of the group, which
submits the proposal.
<T> <F>

Judges of the ICJ are not allowed to exercise other profession of any kind. <T> <F>

The Chamber of Summary Procedure forms at the request of the parties of the dispute.
<T> <F>

The judgement of the ICJ is appealable. <T> <F>

A third State may submit an application for permission to intervene in a case before the
ICJ only if it has interest of legal nature.
<T> <F> if it would refer to article 62, of intervention, it would have been true.

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