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Describe process step which you consider as Type of Waste (e.g.

, defect, Extra processing,

waste/non value added activity Mura, Muri etc)

Assignment 1 - Waste Identification

In order to fully grasp demands for policy
adjustments, Becky spends a considerable amount of
Extra Processing

time reading lengthy email exchanges. Because it

requires extra time and effort to comprehend the
information, this is an extra processing waste.
In email exchanges with clients and advisers, Becky Overproduction
frequently gets too much or unrelated information.
Inefficiency and potential errors come from the
overproduction of information that is not required
for the service.
While Becky goes on lengthy site visits, she is Waiting
concerned about pressing customer service issues.
This wait time may cause delays in responding to
urgent service requests and harm the customer
There are overlaps between Becky's function and Non-utilized Talent
that of the Provincial Group Offices, and her
responsibilities are not well defined. Her skills are
underutilized as a result of the lack of clarity
surrounding her responsibilities, which leads to
wasted talent.
Depending on the type of client, the uneven methods Transportation
of communication (State hall vs. email) with
Underwriters introduce waste in the form of needless
information transmission.
Becky frequently switches between several forms of Motion
contact, including phone conversations, emails,
AdjustMe, and others. This motion waste involves the
unnecessary and inefficient flow of information.
There are various templates in the AdjustMe system Inventory
with numerous empty or superfluous data fields. This
causes the process to become more complex and
ineffective by creating an inventory of data that is not
necessary for particular requests.

Constraint of the process

The constraint of the process is the need for a well-defined role and process for Service
Representatives. Becky feels her role could be better defined, and there is much overlap with other
roles. This can lead to confusion, errors, and wasted time.
Section : 05
Course ID : QUAL8345
Subject : Business Process Flow Analysis - I
Group Number : 07
Examples of waste in the process

 Extra processing: Becky often has to return to the Salesperson with questions about policy
adjustment requests. This is a waste of time for both Becky and the Salesperson.
 Waiting: Becky worries that when she is on a site visit for several days, an urgent service
issue may arise from another client. She cannot immediately respond about the impact on
that client's customer experience. This is a waste of time for the client.
 Non-utilized talent: Becky is aware that not all of her peers do quality control on policy
adjustments, even though she does. This is a waste of her talent and skills.

Type of waste

 Mura: The process for making policy adjustments needs to be more consistent. Some Sales
representatives expect SRs to clarify rates with the Underwriter, whereas other Salespeople
do it themselves. State hall, another proprietary software, is used to communicate with
underwriters for middle-tier mid-size clients but not used for large Corporate Clients (a
standardized email is used instead). Consistency can lead to clarity, errors, and wasted time.
 Muri: Becky feels her role overloads with too many tasks and responsibilities. This can lead
to burnout and stress.

Recommendations for improvement

 The company should clearly define the Service Representatives' role and develop a
consistent process for making policy adjustments.
 The company should invest in training for Service Representatives on quality control
 The company should reduce the workload on Service Representatives by delegating some
tasks to other roles.

By addressing these issues, the company can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its policy
adjustment process.

Standard Work

A short composed clarification of the most solid, compelling, and safe way to deal with complete a
particular activity or errand. The single strategy can be utilized to do the cycle it frames.

Standard work is expected to:

1. Reduces variation

2. Increase consistency

The three parts of standard work are:

 Takt time is how much time expected to finish one unit of work at the rate requested by the
 The Sequence of the process
 How much stock every specialist should have close by to finish the predetermined work

Relevant Definitions

Takt time – Talk time is the anticipated rate of creation to meet customer demand. It is frequently
referred to as creation's beating heart.

Takt time = net available time per day / customer demand per day

For example, an industrial plant, for instance, works for 1,000 minutes every day. Every day, 500
devices are requested by the client. At that moment, the takt time is 1,000/500, which equals 2

Cycle time-The amount of time necessary to complete one pattern of an activity or unit of work.

Items can be produced in a single-piece stream if the process length for each activity in a cycle can
be shortened to reach the takt time.

Recommend standard work

Give ideas to how to carry out standard work to diminish squander in the workplace cycle in view
of your examination of squanders and cut-off points. Standard Work involves:

1.Define the interaction's length (e.g., "Starts at... closes at...") for which you are laying out standard

2. Select the right least norms for the work.

3. Gather the essential information; 4. Produce the standard work archives

5. Guide the pioneer through the necessary errands

6. Set up the staff to play out the fundamental undertakings.

7. Do the methodology and assess the results

8. Adjust the customary occupation by making changes and changes.

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