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Unit 2: International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

 ITLOS: independent judicial body created by the UN: they thought it was a good
idea to create a group of experts to deal with the sea. ITLOS  International
Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
 This convention is open to public and private enterprises, only with conflicts
dealing with the specific area of X parts of the ocean, etc.
 States are as main subjects, obviously.
 Vessels? Wherever they are domiciled, the flag is put.
 All vessels must have a flag. If they do not, they are not registered, and they
can be considered pirates.
 There are many nationalities involved.
 The Court is assisted by a Registry.


- The process was so long because there were powerful interests involved.

ITLOS: The UN CONVENTION on the Law of the Sea.

- Organizing all the norms to regulate the use of the ocean and the sea. Also, to
resolve disputes regarding these issues and the exercise of RIGHTS in the
different areas.
- Maritime zones:
o Territorial Sea
o Contiguous zone
o Exclusive Economic zone
o Continental Shelf
o High Seas
o Islands, archipelago
- Part XI ‘’The Area’’.
o International Seabed Authority: it controls this area and activities; it
organizes and tries to control what everyone does in the area. It also
controls the prices in the market, trying to balance with other areas.

We are talking about CIVIL jurisdiction; we are not talking about crimes. That is to say,
if we want to deal with a crime committed by a ship (for example, pirates fishing), that
must be brought to a criminal court; depending on the zone where it is committed. But
here we are just dealing with CIVIL jurisdiction, that is to say, in a legal way! Who has
jurisdiction over what part, but all in a legal way.

Seabed Disputes Chamber: disputes with respect to activities in the Area between
Stare Parties, a State party and the Authority and parties to a contract (states,
authority, enterprise, natural or legal persons).
- It is a very specialized chamber.
- It has advisory jurisdiction: they give their opinion on a matter. But strictly
referred to the specific areas.
- IT has advisory opinion in the judicial matter and in the areas referred. In both.
- it is supposed to be inside ITLOS because it is composed by its judges, but it is a
bit confusing. It is linked to the ITLOS because the judges are members of the
- MECANISM to resolve disputes.

Annex VII Arbitration  lo de ‘’1 appointed by ….tal tal’’, es irrelevante.

Unit 3: European Court of HHRR

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