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#Emotional Intelligence

The Empathy Project

Part A
Assessment Task 3:
Group Project (40%)

UCM60103 Emotional Intelligence in Action

The Empathy Project
Under your module, Emotional Intelligence in Action, you will
undergo a team project to develop empathy, alongside putting
leadership, teamwork, and other social competencies into

It is a great opportunity for you to work together to reach out to

the community around you by bringing awareness, based on an
assigned format.

Students will be encouraged to “Consult the Community”. This

means that when designing the project, you should not only
reflect on how you would understand your chosen community,
but also speak to a person who is either from that community or
working to support them.

In learning about their experiences, your project will become

more successful in exploring solutions/kindness/support.
To score 40% of the module grade, you must complete a group proje
with your team following the below criteria:

Part A: 20% Part B: 20%

Project Planning & Reflection Project Execution & Team Reflection

1. Create a proposal using the 1. Execute the project

D.E.C.I.D.E Model 2. Present the findings during the
2. Design a proactive team Week 13 lesson
strategy to manage conflict using 3. Share learnt reflections about,
the Thomas-Kilmann Instrument Teamwork, Leadership and your
3. Provide a researched idea of newfound understanding of your
your chosen community with the community via the Empathy
Empathy Reflection Reflection

Submission due date: Week 8 Submission due date: Week 13

Interview Expert Engagement Awareness Event

Samples of The Empathy Project

Here are some samples to spark your imagination

Community Service Weekly Challenge Art & Expression

Group W

Project e


UCM60103 Emotional Intelligence in Action
The Empathy Project
Part A
Assessment Task 1:
Group Project (20%)
Due: Week 8, 13 June 2024, 1pm
D.E.C.I.D.E Model
Fill in the details and reflection of a discussion from
one team meeting, where a decision was made
using the D.E.C.I.D.E model

Project Proposal
Proposal Summarise your project proposal and share details

Template of one credible individual/expert/group/company

that your team will plan to consult with to gain an
understanding of the chosen community
Use this template to guide your team
through Project Planning &
Execution Empathy Reflection
Reflect on your chosen community by filling up the
Empathy Reflection page

Conflict Management
Proactively manage potential conflicts by reflecting
on individual conflict management styles, and
writing a group reflection
Team Details
Name of Group Members Student ID

1. Group Leader:





Team Contract Agreement

Project Name:


Our Agreement

We, the members of [Project Name] team, commit to the following agreements for our collaborative project:

• Agreement 1: Be/Do _______

• Agreement 2
• Agreement 3

We understand that failure to follow this agreement will be reported in cases about lack of contribution by team mem
potentially resulting in a deduction from the overall project grade.



• Add Name & Signature Here • Add Name & Signature Here
• Add Name & Signature Here • Add Name & Signature Here
• Add Name & Signature Here • Add Name & Signature Here

Assessment: Decision Making (10%)

• Reflect on a discussion from one team meeting where a

decision was made using the D.E.C.I.D.E model

• Use the template to fill up on each stage of the decision

making made.

Guides: D define the problem

E establish the criteria

Use this model to guide you
in making decision for your
proposal. C consider all the alternatives
Please refer to your group
members' names if they I identify the best alternative
contributed the opinion/idea.

develop and implement a plan


evaluate and monitor the proje

Instructions: Describe how your team apply the DECIDE model in one of your meeting.

Students’ response
D = Define the problem
• What is the problem you are trying to tackle?
• Why should you address this problem? (Include some
• Who is affected by this problem?
Students’ response
E = Establish the criteria
• What factors or criteria are important in making this
• What is your ‘end in mind’?
• What do you want to preserve?
• What do you want to avoid as problems?

Students’ response
C = Consider all the alternatives
• What are the possible solutions or courses of action?
• What are the pros and cons of each alternative?
• How feasible is each alternative given our resources and
Instructions: Describe how your team apply the DECIDE model in one of your meeting.
Students’ response
I = Identify the best alternatives
• Which alternative best meets the established criteria?
• What are the potential risks and benefits of choosing
each alternative?
• Selection of the best alternative is based on experience,
intuition, and experimentation.

Students’ response
D = Develop and implement a
plan of action
• What specific steps are needed to implement the chosen
• What resources are required to execute the plan effectively?
• How will progress be monitored and evaluated?
Students’ response
E = Evaluate and monitor the
project decisions
• Did the chosen alternative achieve the desired outcomes?
• Were there any unexpected consequences?
• What worked well in the decision-making process, and what
could be improved for future decisions?
• Feedback when necessary
Summary of D

your E
Write down one sentence for each
component of D.E.C.I.D.E model

Project Proposal
Based on your discussion using the DECIDE model,

1. What is your group project’s area of focus? (e.g. Leadership, financial literacy, environmental
awareness etc) ___________________________

2. Provide details of your group project: what is it going to be? How will your team carry it out? Will
you include any online platform(s)/website(s) for the public? ___________________

3. What impact/benefits will participants gain from joining your project?


4. How will you measure the success/impact of your group project? (How to gather data/evidence?)

Empathy Reflection

• Read this slide which has

guiding questions about
building empathy towards
your chosen community.
• You will fill in your answers
in the next page Think & Feel
(dreams, ambitions, motivations,
- What are some important ideas
that s/he thinks and does not
- How does s/he feel about life?
- What bothers him/her lately?

Pains (wants and needs, goals, success)
(fears, frustrations, challenges) - What does s/he need to feel
- What is s/he afraid of? better?
- What is his/her frustrations? - What is success? What s/he
- What has disturbed him/her? want to achieve?
- What would s/he like to change - What has s/he done to be
in his/her life? happy?
- What would end his/her pain?
- What are some of his/her
Empathy Reflection Chosen community: ……….
Community Consultant: _________
• Share your current
understanding of
empathy towards
your chosen
community. You can
choose at least 2 Think & Feel
guiding questions (dreams, ambitions, motivations,
from the previous frustrations)
page to answer.
Fill in answers here
• You may either
answer the questions
using research, or by
speaking to an
individual who is a
member/exert in the
community (fill in Pains
(fears, frustrations, challenges)
details about this Gains
person under Fill in answers here
(wants and needs, goals, success)
Fill in answers here
Thomas-Kilmann Instrument: Reflection
Pl e a s e t ak e t h e quiz and share all team members’ main results below

Student 1 Student 2 Student 3

(insert result here) (insert result here) (insert result here)

Student 4 Student 5 Student 6

(insert result here) (insert result here) (insert result here)

Quiz link:

TKI Reflection

Based on your group’s TKI Results:

1. How will your group manage conflicts while completing the project? List at least TWO
(2) suggestions.
2. What did your group learn about each other after completing the TKI assessment? Write
ONE answer to represent the whole team.

Project Planning Dos and Don’ts
Do Don’t

Create an original project that aims to make a real difference. Take part in an existing project/organization. Make your own IMPAC

Match it to your community and assigned format as clearly as possible. Create a project completely unrelated to your given format.

Consider your project accordingly – your effort should show weeks of Present a project with clear lack of thought, effort or impact.
planning and execution.

Ensure it solves a problem or empowers your audience. Create more problems (e.g. polluting the campus, disturbing o

Respect all communities/stakeholders involved. Exploit or manipulate disadvantaged groups (e.g. dropping food of
5 minutes to an orphanage and taking photos before leaving).


Criteria Outstanding (10-9) Mastering (8-7) Developing (6-3) Beginning (

TGC 6.2
Social Awareness/

Group applies the Explain a proposal to

Design a proposal to Outline a proposal to state
D.E.C.I.D.E describe one decision with No attempt or ina
evaluate one decision one decision with vague
decision-making some relation to your attempt relating
that relates to your relation to your assigned
model by sharing assigned theme, by decision-making
assigned theme, by theme, with minimum
diverse applying the decision-
accurately applying the application of the decision-
perspectives to making model with some
decision-making model. making model.
make a decision. accuracy.

(TOTAL: 10%)
Criteria Outstanding (5) Mastering (4) Developing (3-2) Beginning (1

TGC 6.4
Justify a collective team
Group reflects on strategy to manage Elaborate a detailed or
Outline a team strategy to
their different conflict, through collective team strategy to
manage conflict through No attempt or inc
conflict management completing a detailed manage conflict, through
completing a reflection attempt.
styles and explains a reflection using the completing a reflection
using the Thomas-Kilmann
collective team Thomas-Kilmann using the Thomas-Kilmann
strategy to manage Instrument. Instrument.
conflicts when
working in a team.

(TOTAL 5%)

TGC 6.1

Group reflects on
State chosen community.
project proposal and Elaborate on chosen
Justify chosen community Vaguely outlines
creates a proactive community for group No attempt or inc
for group project using components of the
plan to practice project using the empathy attempt.
the empathy reflection empathy reflection
empathy towards a reflection template with
template accurately. template.
chosen community some accuracy.
using the empathy
reflection template.

(TOTAL 5%)

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