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Hospitality Marketing

True or False: 10 points

1. True
2. False
3. False
4. False
5. True
6. False
7. True
8. True
9. False
10. True

Multiple Choice Questions: 5 points

1. C The delivery of customer satisfaction at a profit
2. B Planning, execution and evaluation
3. B Place
4. D Partner
5. D All of the above are popular recovery strategies

Answer TWO of the following questions: 5 points - 2.5 points each

Draw the marketing process and discuss briefly its components.

Hospitality marketing mix consists of five components: List and explain briefly

1. PRODUCT-SERVICE MIX: This is a combination of all the products and services offered by the
hospitality operation, including both tangible and intangible elements.

2. PRESENTATION MIX: This includes those elements that the marketing manager uses to increase the
tangibility of the product-service mix as perceived by the consumer. This mix includes physical location,
atmosphere (lighting, sound, and color), and personnel.
3. COMMUNICATION MIX: This involves all communication that takes place between the hospitality
operation and the consumer. It includes advertising, marketing research, and feedback about consumer

4. PRICING MIX: The pricing mix includes such variables as volume discounts and bundling multiple
products together for an overall discounted price.

5. DISTRIBUTION MIX: This includes all distribution channels available between the firm and the target

There are nine key differences between goods and service: List them
1. No ownership by customers.
2. Service products as intangible performers.
3. Greater involvement of customers in the production process.
4. People as part of the product.
5. Greater variability in operational inputs and outputs.
6. Harder for consumers to evaluate.
7. No inventories for services.
8. Importance of time.
9. Different distribution channels.

To develop a service quality orientation, customers should be perceived in several way: list and discuss
• Each customer is the most important person in any business.
• Customers are not dependent on us, but we are dependent on them.
• Customers do not interrupt our work. They are the purpose for it.
• Customers do us a favor when they call. We are not doing them favors by providing those services.
• Customers are part of our business, not outsiders.
• Customers are human beings like us, with the same feelings and emotions.
• Customers bring us their wants, and it is our job to fulfill them.
• Customers deserve the most courteous and attentive service we can provide.
• Customers are the lifeblood of every business.

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