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Submitted To
Computer Science and Technology, Department of Technology
Shivaji University, Kolhapur

In Partial Fulfillment of B. Tech-III (Computer Science &Technology)


Submitted By
Mr. Rahul Rajkumar Jain

Under the Guidance of

Mr. Chetan Awati Sir



2023 - 2024.



This is to certify that the Seminar report on “ BIG DATA ” has been submitted

Mr. Rahul Rajkumar Jain

of T.Y. (Computer Science and Technology) class in partial fulfillment for the
award of B.Tech in Computer Science and Technology Degree as per curriculum
laid by the Shivaji University, Kolhapur during the academic year 2023-2024.

Mr. Chetan Awati Dr. Mrs. R. J. DESHMUKH

(Guide) (Program Co-ordinator)


Big data is a broad term for data sets so large or complex that traditional data
processing applications are inadequate. Challenges include analysis, capture, data
curation, search, sharing, storage, transfer, visualization, and information
privacy.The term often refers simply to the use of predictive analytics or other
certain advanced methods to extract value from data, and seldom to a particular size
of data set. Accuracy in big data may lead to more confident decision making. And
better decisions can mean greater operational efficiency, cost reductions and
reduced risk. Analysis of data sets can find new correlations, to "spot business
trends, prevent diseases, combat crime and so on." Scientists, practitioners of media
and advertising and governments alike regularly meet difficulties with large data
sets in areas including Internet search, finance and business informatics. Scientists
encounter limitations in e-Science work, including meteorology, genomics,
connectomics, complex physics simulations, and biological and environmental
research. Data sets grow in size in part because they are increasingly being gathered
by cheap and numerous information-sensing mobile devices, aerial (remote
sensing), software logs, cameras, microphones, radio-frequency identification
(RFID) readers, and wireless sensor networks. The world's technological per-capita
capacity to store information has roughly doubled every 40 months since the 1980s;
as of 2012, every day 2.5 exabytes (2.5×1018) of data were created; The challenge
for large enterprises is determining who should own big data initiatives that
straddle the entire organization.Work with big data is necessarily uncommon; most
analysis is of "PC size" data, on a desktop PC or notebook that can handle the
available data set. Relational database management systems and desktop statistics
and visualization packages often have difficulty handling big data. The work
instead requires "massively parallel software running on tens, hundreds, or even
thousands of servers".

Keywords — Big Data Technologies , Machine Learning , Deep Learning ,

Artificial Intelligence , IOT , Operational Big Data Technologies , Analytical Big
Data Technologies , No SQL Database , R Programming , Data Lakes , Predictive
Analysis, Apache Spark , Perspective Analytics , Blockchain , Hadoop Ecosystem ,
Data Collection










Name of the Institute : Department of Technology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur

Name of the Course : B. Tech Computer Science and Technology (TY)

Project Title : Big Data

Student Details : Mr. Rahul Rajkumar Jain

Guide Details : Mr. Chetan Awati

1. Introduction

Big data is a collection of massive and complex data sets and data volume that
include the huge quantities of data, data management capabilities, social media
analytics and real-time data. Big data analytics is the process of examining large
amounts of data.

There exist large amounts of heterogeneous digital data. Big data is about data
volume and large data set's measured in terms of terabytes or petabytes. This
phenomenon is called Bigdata.

After examining of Bigdata, the data has been launched as Big Data analytics. In
this paper, presenting the 5Vs characteristics of big data and the technique and
technology used to handle big data.

The term Big Data refers to all the data that is being generated across the globe
at an unprecedented rate. This data could be either structured or unstructured.
Today’s business enterprises owe a huge part of their success to an economy
that is firmly knowledge-oriented.

There is a need to convert Big Data into Business Intelligence that enterprises
can readily deploy. Better data leads to better decision-making and an improved
way to strategize for organizations regardless of their size, geography, market
share, customer segmentation, and such other categorizations. Hadoop is the
platform of choice for working with extremely large volumes of data.

4 V’s of Big Data:

In recent years, Big Data was defined by the 3Vs= but now there is 4Vs= of
Big Data which are also termed as the characteristics of Big Data as follows:

1. Volume:

 The name 8Big Data9 itself is related to a size which is enormous.

 Volume is a huge amount of data.

 To determine the value of data, size of data plays a very crucial role. If the
volume of data is very large then it is actually considered as a 8Big Data9.
This means whether a particular data can actually be considered as a Big
Data or not, is dependent upon the volume of data.

 Hence while dealing with Big Data it is necessary to consider a characteristic


 Example: In the year 2016, the estimated global mobile traffic was 6.2
Exabytes(6.2 billion GB) per month. Also, by the year 2020 we will have
almost 40000 ExaBytes of data.

2. Velocity:

 Velocity refers to the high speed of accumulation of data.

 In Big Data velocity data flows in from sources like machines, networks,
social media, mobile phones etc.

 There is a massive and continuous flow of data. This determines the

potential of data that how fast the data is generated and processed to meet
the demands.

 Sampling data can help in dealing with the issue like 8velocity9.

 Example: There are more than 3.5 billion searches per day are made on
Google. Also, FaceBook users are increasing by 22%(Approx.) year by


3. Veracity:

 It refers to inconsistencies and uncertainty in data, that is data which is

available can sometimes get messy and quality and accuracy are difficult to
 Big Data is also variable because of the multitude of data dimensions
resulting from multiple disparate data types and sources.
 Example: Data in bulk could create confusion whereas less amount of data
could convey half or Incomplete Information.

4. Value:

 After having the 3 V’s into account there comes one more V which stands
for Value!. The bulk of Data having no Value is of no good to the
company, unless you turn it into something useful.

 Data in itself is of no use or importance but it needs to be converted into

something valuable to extract Information. Hence, you can state that
Value! is the most important V of all the 5V9s.

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2a. Problem Statement

The big data and analytics benefits prove how powerful a tool it has
emerged to be for businesses irrespective of size and industry. Big data
has become crucial both for organizations as well as professionals skilled
in analytics.

Big data is highly in demand now because data is useless unless there's
the skill to analyze it.

Job opportunities in big data and analytics careers are at an all-time high,
and companies are looking for qualified data professionals to help tap the
true potential of big data to positively influence their business decisions.
Skilled big data analytics are getting big pay packages, and the salary
trend is indicating exponential growth.

Many IT professionals are looking to invest time and money in Data

Analytics training. All this clearly indicates that Big Data Analytics is
here to stay, and a career in data analytics is one of the wisest decisions
one can make.

Data drives the modern organizations of the world and hence making
sense of this data and unraveling the various patterns and revealing
unseen connections within the vast sea of data becomes critical and a
hugely rewarding endeavor indeed.

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2b. Technology identified

Big data is a specific indication that is used to describe the vast

assemblage of data that is huge in size and exponentially increasing
with time. It simply specifies the massive amount of data that is hard
to stock, investigate, and transform with conventional tools of

Actually, Big Data Technologies is the utilized software that incorporates data
mining, data storage, data sharing, and data visualization, the comprehensive
term embraces data, data framework including tools and techniques used to
investigate and transform data.

In the large perceptions of rage in technology, it is widely associated with

other technologies like Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial
Intelligence, and IoT that are augmented on the large scales.

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Big Data Technologies can be split into two categories

1. Operational Big Data Technologies:

It indicates the generated amount of data on a daily basis such as online

transactions, social media, or any sort of data from a specific firm used for the
analysis through big data technologies based software. It acts as raw data to feed
the Analytical Big Data Technologies.

A few examples of Operational Big Data Technologies are as follows:

 Online ticket bookings, which includes your Rail tickets, Flight

tickets, movie tickets etc.

 Online shopping which is your Amazon, Flipkart, Walmart, Snap

deal and many more.

 Data from social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, what9s app and a
lot more.

 The employee details of any Multinational Company.

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2. Analytical Big Data Technologies:

It refers to advance adaptation of Big Data Technologies, a bit complicated in

comparison to Operational Big Data. The real investigation of massive data that
is crucial for business decisions comes under this part. Some examples covered
in this domain are stock marketing, weather forecasting, time series analysis,
and medical-health records.

 Stock marketing

 Carrying out the Space missions where every single bit of information is

 Weather forecast information.

 Medical fields where a particular patients health status can be monitored.

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Foremost Big Data Technologies Trending in 2020

Now, we shall discuss the leading-edge technologies (in no particular order) that
influence the market and IT industries in recent time;

1. Artificial Intelligence

A broad bandwidth of computer science that deals in designing smart machines

capable of accomplishing various tasks that typically demand human
intelligence is known as Artificial Intelligence. (You can learn here how AI
imitates the human mind to design its models)

From SIRI to self-driving car, AI is developing very swiftly, on being an

interdisciplinary branch of science, it takes many approaches like
augmented machine learning and deep learning into account to make a
remarkable shift in almost every tech industry.

The excellent aspect of AI is the strength to intellectualize and make decisions

that can provide a plausible likelihood in achieving a definite goal. AI is
evolving consistently to make benefits in various industries. For example, AI
can be used for drug treatment, healing patients, and conducting surgery in OT.

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2. NoSQL Database

NoSQL incorporates a broad range of separate database technologies that are

developing to design modern applications. It depicts a non SQL or nonrelational
database that delivers a method for accumulation and retrieval of data. They are
deployed in real-time web applications and big data analytics.

(Must read to understand the real-time- big data analytics: How is Big Data
Analytics shaping up the Internet of Things(IoT)9s?)

It stores unstructured data and delivers faster performance, and proffers

flexibility while dealing with varieties of datatypes at a huge scale. Examples
included MongoDB, Redis, and Cassandra.

It covers the integrity of design, easier horizontal scaling to an array of devices

and ease control over opportunities. It uses data structures that are different
from those accounted by default in relational databases, it makes computations
quicker in NoSQL. For example, companies like Facebook, Google and Twitter
store terabytes of user data every single day.

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3. R Programming

R is the programming language and an open-source project. It is a free software

highly used for statistical computing, visualization, unified developing
environments like Eclipse and Visual Studio assistance communication.

Expert says it has graced the most prominent language across the world. Along
with it, being used by data miners and statisticians, it is widely implemented for
designing statistical software and mainly in data analytics.

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4. Data Lakes

Data Lakes refers to a consolidated repository to stockpile all formats of data in

terms of structured and unstructured data at any scale.

In the process of data accumulation, data can be saved as it is, without

transforming it into structured data and executing numerous kinds of data
analytics from dashboard and data visualization to big data transformation, real-
time analytics, and machine learning for better business interferences. (Refer
Blog: 5 Common Types of Data Visualization in Business Analytics)

Organizations that use data lakes will be able to defeat their peers, new types of
analytics can be conducted such as machine learning across new sources of log
files, data from social media and click-streams and even IoT devices freeze in
data lakes.

It helps organizations to know and respond to better opportunities for faster

business growth by bringing and engaging customers, sustaining productivity,
maintaining devices actively, and taking acquainted decisions.

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5. Predictive Analytics

A subpart of big data analytics, it endeavors to predict future behavior via prior
data. It works using machine learning technologies, data mining and statistical
modeling and some mathematical models to forecast future events.

The science of predictive analytics generates upcoming inferences with a

compelling degree of precision. With the tools and models of predictive
analytics, any firm deploys prior and latest data to drag out trends and behaviors
that could occur at a particular time. You should check the description
of predictive modeling in machine learning in this blog.

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6. Apache Spark

With in-built features for streaming, SQL, machine learning and graph
processing support, Apache Spark earns the cite as the speedest and common
generator for big data transformation. It supports major languages of big data
comprising Python, R, Scala, and Java.

We have already discussed Apache architecture in a previous blog.

The Hadoop was introduced due to spark, concerning the main objective with
data processing is speed. It lessens the waiting time between interrogating and
program execution timing. The spark is used within Hadoop mainly for storage
and processing. It is a hundred times faster than MapReduce.

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7. Prescriptive Analytics

Prescriptive Analytics gives guidance to companies about what they could do

when to achieve aspired outcomes. For example, it can give notice to a company
that the borderline of a product is expecting to decrease, then prescriptive
analytics can assist in investigating various factors in response to market
changes and predict the most favorable outcomes.

Where it relates both descriptive and predictive analytics but focuses on

valuable insights over data monitoring and give the best solution for customer
satisfaction, business profits, and operational efficiency.

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8. In-memory Database

The in-memory database(IMDB) is stored in the main memory of the computer

(RAM) and controlled by the in-memory database management system. In prior,
conventional databases are stored on disk drives.

If you consider, conventional disk-based databases are configured with the

attention of the block-adapt machines at which data is written and read.Instead,
When one part of the database refers to another part, it feels the necessity of
different blocks to be read on the disk.

This is a non-issue with an in-memory database where interlinked connections

of the databases are monitored using direct indicators.

In-memory databases are built in order to achieve minimum time by omitting

the requirements to access disks. But, as all data is collected and controlled in
the main memory completely, there are high chances of losing the data upon a
process or server failure.

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9. Blockchain

Blockchain is the assigned database technology that carries Bitcoin digital

currency with a unique feature of secured data, once it gets written it never be
deleted or changed later on the fact.

It is a highly secure ecosystem and an amazing choice for various applications

of big data in industries of banking, finance, insurance, healthcare, retailing,

Blockchain technology is still in the process of development, however, many

merchants of various organizations like AWS, IBM, Microsoft including
startups have tried multiple experiments to introduce the possible solutions in
building blockchain technology.

(Refer blog: Do Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence Incorporate an Ideal


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10. Hadoop Ecosystem

The Hadoop ecosystem comprises a platform that assists in resolving the

challenges surrounding big data. It incorporates a variety of varied components
and services namely ingesting, storing, analyzing, and maintaining inside it.

Majority services prevalent in the Hadoop ecosystem are to complement its

various components which include HDFS, YARN, MapReduce and Common.

Hadoop ecosystem comprises both Apache Open Source projects and other
wide variety of commercial tools and solutions. A few of the well known open
source examples include Spark, Hive, Pig, Sqoop and Oozie.

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2. Methodology

In terms of methodology, big data analytics differs significantly from the

traditional statistical approach of experimental design. Analytics starts with data.
Normally we model the data in a way to explain a response.

The objectives of this approach is to predict the response behavior or understand

how the input variables relate to a response. Normally in statistical experimental
designs, an experiment is developed and data is retrieved as a result.

This allows to generate data in a way that can be used by a statistical model,
where certain assumptions hold such as independence, normality, and

In big data analytics, we are presented with the data. We cannot design an
experiment that fulfills our favorite statistical model. In large-scale applications
of analytics, a large amount of work (normally 80% of the effort) is needed just
for cleaning the data, so it can be used by a machine learning model.

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We don’t have a unique methodology to follow in real large-scale applications.
Normally once the business problem is defined, a research stage is needed to
design the methodology to be used.

However general guidelines are relevant to be mentioned and apply to almost all

One of the most important tasks in big data analytics is statistical modeling,
meaning supervised and unsupervised classification or regression problems.

Once the data is cleaned and preprocessed, available for modeling, care should
be taken in evaluating different models with reasonable loss metrics and then
once the model is implemented, further evaluation and results should be

A common pitfall in predictive modeling is to just implement the model and

never measure its performance.

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3. Data Collection

Big Data is a term used to describe the massive growth and availability of
structured and unstructured data. While the term may seem to refer to the
volume of data, it also refers to the technology (tools and processes) that an
organization requires to handle these data volumes and storage facilities. Big
Data spans three dimensions: Volume, Velocity and Variety.

Everyone is talking about Big Data trends, from challenges to the tools required
for Big Data projects. Businesses understand that Big Data infrastructure will
help them make better decisions.

When Big Data platforms is effectively and efficiently captured, processed

and analyzed, organizations gain a clear and complete understanding of their
business which would lead to efficiency improvements, lower costs, increased
sales and better customer service.

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Every day we create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data - so much that 90% of the data
in the world today has been created in the last two years alone.

Similar to the complexity aspect of Big Data use, its growth rate is mostly due
to the ubiquitous nature of real time big data processing, capture devices,
systems and networks. We can expect that this growth rate will continue to
increase in the future.

With a growing arsenal of customer data available from multiple channels,

organizations can take advantage of Big Data and Big Data analytics to run their
businesses more efficiently.

Big Data solutions help detect customer sentiment about products or services of
an organization and gain a deeper, visual understanding of the multichannel
customer journey and then act on these insights to improve the customer

Application of Big Data solutions helps analyze customer behaviors across

multiple channels to determine how, when, where and why customers are most
likely to purchase.

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4. Advantages & Disadvantages
Businesses, big or small, across industries can benefit from using big data
effectively. The benefits of big data and analytics include better decision-
making, bigger innovations, and product price optimization, among others. Let's
look at the top benefits closely:

1. Customer Acquisition and Retention

The digital footprints of customers reveal a lot about their preferences,

needs, purchase behavior, etc. Businesses use big data to observe
consumer patterns and then tailor their products and services according
to specific customer needs.

This goes a long way to ensure customer satisfaction, loyalty, and

ultimately a considerable boost in sales.

Amazon has utilized this big data benefit by offering the ultimate
personalized shopping experience, wherein suggestions pop up based on
previous purchases as well as products that other customers have bought,
browsing patterns, and other factors.

2. Focused and Targeted Promotions

Big data allows businesses to deliver customized products to their

targeted market4no more spending fortunes on promotional campaigns
that do not deliver. With big data, enterprises can analyze customer
trends by monitoring online shopping and point-of-sale transactions.
These insights are then used to design-focused and targeted campaigns
that help brands live up to customer expectations and build brand

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3. Potential Risks Identification

Businesses function in high-risk environments, so they require effective

risk management solutions to address issues. Big data plays a critical
role in developing effective risk management processes and strategies.

Big data analytics and tools promptly reduce risks by optimizing

complex decisions for unexpected events and potential threats.

4. Innovate

The insights you gain using big data analytics are the key to innovation.
Big data allows you to update existing products/services while
innovating new ones.

The large volume of data collected helps businesses identify what fits
their customer base. Information on what others think of your
products/services can help in product development.

The insights can also be used to twist business strategies, improve

marketing techniques, and optimize customer service, employee

In today's competitive market space, it is necessary for businesses to

implement processes that help track customer reviews, the success of
products, and monitor competitors. Big data analytics facilitates real-
time tracking of the market and keeps you ahead of competitors.

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5. Complex Supplier Networks

Companies that use big data offer supplier networks or B2B

communities with higher precision and insights. Suppliers can apply big
data analytics to evade constraints they usually face.

Big data allows suppliers to use higher levels of contextual intelligence

that is crucial for success.

6. Cost optimization

One of the most compelling benefits that big data tools like Hadoop

and Spark offer include significant cost advantages for storing,

processing, and analyzing large volumes of data.

The cost reduction benefit of big data is aptly demonstrated through an

instance from the logistics industry.

Typically, the cost of returns is 1.5 times higher than normal shipping
costs. Companies use big data and analytics to minimize product return
costs by calculating the chances of product returns. Thus they can take
suitable measures to minimize product-return losses.

7. Improve Efficiency

Big data tools can improve operational efficiency4your interaction with

customers and their valued feedback help to collect large amounts of
valuable customer data. Analytics can then extract meaningful patterns
hidden within the data to create customized products. The tools can
automate routine processes and tasks, thereby freeing up valuable time
for employees, which they can utilize to perform tasks requiring
cognitive skills.

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If anything has advantages, disadvantages may also be there. Following are the
disadvantages of the big data

1. Lack of talent

According to a survey by AtScale, the lack of big data experts and data
scientists has been the biggest challenge in this field for the past three
years. Currently, many IT professionals don9t know how to carry out
big data analytics as it requires a different skill set.

Thus, finding data scientists who are also experts in big data can be

Big data experts and data scientists are two highly paid careers in the
data science field. Therefore, hiring big data analysts can be very
expensive for companies, especially for startups.

Some companies have to wait for a long time to hire the required staff to
continue their big data analytics tasks.

2. Security risks

Most of the time, companies collect sensitive information for big data
analytics. Those data need protection, and security risks can
be demerits due to the lack of proper maintenance.

Besides, having access to huge data sets can gain unwanted attention
from hackers, and your business may be a target of a potential cyber-
attack. As you know, data breaches have become the biggest threat to
many companies today.

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3. Compliance

The need to have compliance with government legislation is also a

drawback of big data.

If big data contains personal or confidential information, the company

should make sure that they follow government requirements and industry
standards to store, handle, maintain, and process that data.

So, data governance tasks, transmission, and storage will become more
difficult to manage as the big data volumes increase.

4. The quality of data

Big data is usually semi-structured and unstructured. Quality is not
always up to the mark. For this Data scientist and Data analysts need to
ensure that the data which is collected is accurate and précised.

Its format should be appropriate. If these kinds of issues prevail then it

will create a problematic situation.

The insights are worthless in this case.

5. Rapid change

Every month technology is improving and getting better than previous

versions. So many big companies cannot meet the requirements of
deploying these tools. Sometimes this rapid change can lead to a mess in
the business.

6. Lack of professionals

those people who analyze the big data to find valuable insights for
increasing productivity of a business is called big data analyst but the
people who possess these skills are not available sometimes.

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5. Application Areas

The applications of the big data are in the following fields:

 Government
 International development
 Manufacturing
 Cyber−physical models
 Media
 Technology
 Private sector
 Science
 Healthcare
 IoT

1. Government:

For example in the United States of America, in the year of 2012, the
administration of Obama declared the big data research and development
initiative, because it is used to address many issues faced by the government.
The big data is also utilized by the Indian government.

2. International development:

The development in the big data analysis furnishes cost-effective

opportunities to enhance the decision in critical advancement areas like
health care, employment opportunities and crime, security and natural
disaster. Hence, in this way, the big data is helpful for the international

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3. Manufacturing:

In manufacturing, the big data furnishes an infrastructure for transparency in

manufacturing or producing industry.

4. Cyber-physical models:

The present PHM implementations make avail of data during the actual
usage while the analytical step by step procedures can do more precisely
when more data is included.

This is the role of big data in the cyber-physical models.

5. Media:

In the media, it is used in the internet of things which do the activities like
targeting of computers and data capturing.

6. Technology:

In the technology, it is used in the websites like eBay, Amazon and

Facebook and Google utilize it.

7. Private sector:

The application of big data in the private sector includes the retail, retail
banking, and real estate.

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8. Science:

The best example for its application in science is about the Large Hardom
collider that represented 150 million sensors transmitting information 40
million times per second.

9. Healthcare:

The level of data generated within healthcare systems is not trivial.

Traditionally, the health care industry lagged in using Big Data, because of
limited ability to standardize and consolidate data.

But now Big data analytics have improved healthcare by providing

personalized medicine and prescriptive analytics. Researchers are mining
the data to see what treatments are more effective for particular conditions,
identify patterns related to drug side effects, and gains other important
information that can help patients and reduce costs.

With the added adoption of mHealth, eHealth and wearable technologies the
volume of data is increasing at an exponential rate. This includes electronic
health record data, imaging data, patient generated data, sensor data, and
other forms of data.

Learn more about the importance of Big Data and its various applications
in the Big Data.

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10. IoT:

Data extracted from IoT devices provides a mapping of device inter-

connectivity. Such mappings have been used by various companies and
governments to increase efficiency. IoT is also increasingly adopted as
a means of gathering sensory data, and this sensory data is used in
medical and manufacturing contexts.

The big data also has the application in the science and research.

The big data will be very advanced in the future as $15 billion is invested in
software firms that are specialized in the data management and the data

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6. Conclusion

The availability of Big Data, low-cost commodity hardware, and new

information management and analytic software have produced a unique
moment in the history of data analysis.

The convergence of these trends means that we have the capabilities

required to analyze astonishing data sets quickly and cost-effectively for the
first time in history. These capabilities are neither theoretical nor trivial.

They represent a genuine leap forward and a clear opportunity to realize

enormous gains in terms of efficiency, productivity, revenue, and

The Age of Big Data is here, and these are truly revolutionary times if both
business and technology professionals continue to work together and deliver
on the promise.

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7. References (in IEEE format)


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8. Biblography
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Big Data Use Cases. (n.d.). Retrieved from Big data Analytics

Carsten Bange, T. G. (2015). big data use cases. Retrieved from BARC :

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Kiran, R. (2019). Top big data technologies. Retrieved from


Osman, M. (n.d.). Benefits of using big data. Retrieved from


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